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13087452 No.13087452 [Reply] [Original]

>sushi place
>has any mention of cream cheese anywhere on the menu

>> No.13087455
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Philly roles are pretty good.

>> No.13087461

Smoked salmon rolls are based. Don’t be bogged down by tradition, it rarely has a purpose beyond what was available when the tradition started and prevents experimentation.

>> No.13087467

Quit whining faggot

>> No.13087474

Found the flyovers

>> No.13087485

There's nothing flyover about a Philly roll.

>> No.13087490

Oh look, another flyover thread trying to mimic culture


>> No.13087650

I legitimately have not seen one on a menu in over a decade
t. Califiornia

>> No.13087662

You're not from California. Literally every sushi restaurant here has philly rolls on the menu.
>inb4 anon yelps some niche "authentic" or super high end celebrity chef place as proof

>> No.13087681

I used to have a view of the Golden Gate Bridge I could show you but my neighbor's tree has grown, but now I don't know how else to prove it to you. Maybe I should clarify I don't live in a suburb, either, which are essentially flyover colonies. Nobody eats philly rolls. I pray to God that you don't go to Chinese "Sushi restaurants"

>> No.13087694

>used to have a view of the Golden Gate Bridge I could show you but my neighbor's tree has grown, but now I don't know how else to prove it to you
Holy shit, what a pathetic larp. Is the Golden Gate Bridge literally the only California landmark you could think of?

>> No.13087733

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.13087745

>puts frites in burritos
>fusion food everywhere
No room to talk. Almost as bad as the chiraq hipsters that complain about ketchup being too sweet and ruining the taste of swine anus, and then offer you mango pineapple chutney as a relish.

>> No.13087782

Objectively correct criterion.

>> No.13087803


>Korean Sushi restaurants.

Get with the times boomer.


When they think of ketchup they think of Heinz. Not restaurant made stuff a bbq place would make as dip where you can taste a distinct tangy and sweet flavor and texture of roughly crushed tomato.

Seriously. Homemade ketchup is pure kino

>> No.13087823

I made sushi with quinoa, salmon and whiskey cheddar. What are you going to do about that?

>> No.13087914

imagine larping as a self important californian on a cooking forum. this is who you are

>> No.13087935 [DELETED] 
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Not me

It's the only one I can (could) see from my window. Here's an old picture

>> No.13087947

I see cream cheese in sushi restaurants all the time.
t. Californian

>> No.13087967

not me

It's the only one I can (could) see from my window.

>> No.13087997

>cream cheese
In every fucking roll. WHY?

>> No.13088006

If I was a guest at your home I would try it and give you feedback. If it was on a menu then don’t know that’s pretty bizarre and experimental sounding

>> No.13088056

why don't you just make sushi with rice, fish, and seaweed yourself and ask why people add stuff to it

>> No.13088796

I'm from Philly, love cream cheese, but goddamn do I dislike the Philadelphia roll. Doesn't belong in sushi.

>> No.13088817

Cream cheese is fine. It's seeds that ruin sushi. I'd probably get the bastardized American style rolls instead of nigiri if it weren't for how they coat those rolls in a million fucking seeds. I don't have a large intestine anymore which doesn't impact digestion for the most (large intestine is for absorbing liquid and salts) but with high fiber foods / little indigestible material like seeds that stuff gets lodged in the most painful way and gives me alternating constipation and diarrhea until each little seed or chunk of undigested fiber finally works its way out.

>> No.13088952

>being a snob about eating raw fish

lol fuck off retard

>> No.13089038

unironically a guilty pleasure of mine when money is tight

>> No.13089144

I don't eat sushi unless it has some sort of cheese on it (usually cream cheese, but some places do baked cheeses, like bacon and cheddar).

It helps add savoryness and carries the flavor. Much better than the california garbage of california roll.

Why the fuck does anyone put cucumber in sushi? Its flavorless filler.

>> No.13089728

Do Americans really do this??

>> No.13089738
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>hating on superior american sushi

>> No.13089745

>Why the fuck does anyone put cucumber in sushi

its what vegans deserve

>> No.13089753

This. In SoCal it's fucking impossible to go to a sushi place that doesn't taint everything with cream cheese, "vegan sushi," or jalapenos

>> No.13089842

>I used to have a view of the Golden Gate Bridge I could show you but my neighbor's tree has grown, but now I don't know how else to prove it to you
Just show us a photo of the homeless encampment and piles of used syringes outside your front door.

>> No.13089858

Jesus Christ

>> No.13089875

Cream cheese is nontraditional and that is very much absolutely true
Want traditional shit go to a traditional place it's that easy
Some places have other nontraditional offerings and many are enjoyable to eat while some just try hard and fail and that is ok, everyone isn't going to enjoy the very same thing anyone else does, it's just the way it is
This post sounds like quite whiny shit honestly, or maybe you are a strict traditionalist which would be funny because the popular way of eating sushi isn't traditional because fat fish was not a thing before and that is what makes sushi today mainly what it is about eating super fat fish 100 years ago such fish would have been fed to some four legged animal

>> No.13089880

nigga , if you live in SF, and pay stupid amounts for your home, and your property value is impacted by some cunt’s tree, you murder that tree tomorrow

>> No.13089885

>working class chump.
The term is jobber

>> No.13089890

I it's not my favorite but it's good to have variety. My favorite is uni though.

>> No.13089895

Non traditional is fine, but creme cheese is a red flag that they are appealing to amerilard palates with no focus on tasting the fresh fish or creating any kind of harmony in the flavor

>> No.13089906

sushi pleb here, never thought there was anything wrong with cream cheese in sushi, until i read this.
would you give examples of some good sushi bites/combinations? is there a way to git gud at eating sushi?

>> No.13089944

I’m not an expert either, I like to eat nigiri sometimes, you know just raw fish on rice. Assuming it’s fresh that's a baseline flavor to help find what fish you like, and when you get some retarded combination or something trying to mask that flavor totally you know it’s a red flag

>> No.13089986

>thinks a lack of culinary diversity makes him NOT a flyover

that's literally the entire joke. Leave it to california to be a laughing stock AND smug about it. Invest in some candles and a generator.

>> No.13090028

>popular food items are bad, restaurants NEED to cater to my tastes and NEVERhave popular items, this will clearly make them money!

>> No.13090184

Why, because you said so red flag boy?

>> No.13090213

It's not like any good place is shoving cream cheese into every roll. What's wrong with trying to appeal to a casual diner if you're also providing higher class food at the same time? I have to deal with the kitchen's elitism at the restaurant I work at and it ultimately makes the average customer spend less money and feel less satisfied with their meal

>> No.13090307

I rather enjoy traditional sushi particularly eel and octopus, fatty fish is nice when available too, although most places tend to disappoint to be honest
It is of so very easy to pay 40usd on a handful of bites of fish and most folks here won't spend 10 bucks on anything aside from a Sunday night steak
This isn't a place in general for anything other than economic eating

>> No.13090321

I've never had cream cheese in sushi before in the 30 years I've been alive and was caught off guard when I bought some supermarket sushi to eat and tasted it. I honestly do not think it goes well in sushi but apparently it's a popular new trend these days.

>> No.13090435

Don't they let you see it before you buy it?

>> No.13090469

cream cheese + smoked salmon is a based combo

cringe thread

>> No.13090483

>sushi place

>> No.13090612

>Cream cheese
You are a trashy person if you intentionally order any sushi with these in it

>> No.13091195

Holy cringe batman

>> No.13092453

>sushi place
>only serves disgusting flavorless raw fish
>no delicious crunchy deep fried dragon roll with teriyaki sauce

>> No.13092480

i laugh like a child every time I read this one.

>> No.13093456

>live in russia
>literally EVERY fucking sushi place here has nothing but rolls with cream cheese and other cream cheese shit

>> No.13093467


pretty sure these already exist in japan now

>> No.13093481 [DELETED] 

Because even Japanese people are less formulaic and repetitive than hipsters.

>> No.13093542

do americans really make philly cheese steak sushis and call them roles?

>> No.13093784

>Not eating cream cheese with crab meat

>> No.13094056
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>deep fried sushi

>> No.13094292

Why do people pretend not to like deep fried sushi or cream cheese in sushi? They're both objectively good. Is this some kind of weeb cope? Pls explain

>> No.13094414

holy fuck I hate americans so much

>> No.13094477

>t. Seethy Seetherton

But really, an actual answer to my question would be nice. Not your autism

>> No.13094609

Absolutely based patrician.

>> No.13094622
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>> No.13094659

>went to japan
>i’ll try a lot of things here i’m not afraid of new things
>usually start off with a regular tuna roll because fish quality is really good here on this archipelago
>smoked salmon roll up next
>almost vomit
That shit was terrible

>> No.13094666

lived 20 years in SoCal and not once have i seen 1

>> No.13094691

>doesn't go out ever
>thinks this is a point worth boasting about

>> No.13094696

>it's that butthurt faggot who literally cannot stop seething about flyovers
remember when you tried to insist where you live has more varied cuisine than southern Ontario
good times

>> No.13094695

I doubt that the tuna is from japanese seas

>> No.13094708

again, that's your problem. Do you want me to hop onto Google maps and find a sushi place that does offer cream cheese? It won't be hard

>> No.13094715

you sound insufferable
also dirt poor

>> No.13094719
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>hating on cheese and mayo in sushi
pleb tastes

>> No.13094721

>hating on cucumber
I can SMELL how fat you are and I'm on vacation in southern Mexico. Good lord.

>> No.13094730

dumbass doesn't realize the Japanese love their mayo
not arguing it's not disgusting but at least be accurate

>> No.13094733

and you're a lot more easy to hate on an invidudual basis, you insufferable cunt

>> No.13094779

Are you eating on the floor?

>> No.13094865

blue moon is horrid

not him but it just looks like an ugly table

>> No.13095006

>sushi place
fucking hipsters

>> No.13095167

Let me assure you nobody read your long ass crybaby post

>> No.13095182

Finally, some good fucking sushi

>> No.13095185

Holy fuck I craved Cali/Philly rolls so hard when I was pregnant. They are freaking delicious!

>> No.13095445

Basically weebs that try to pretend they are somehow sophisticated because they only eat traditional sushi off the boots of a 80yo japanese sushi master for 300 dollar. Than they will go eat a gas station hotdog.
Food is food, if it tastes good that is all that matters.

>> No.13095460

Nearly every sushi place in America is tainted by Californians and their irrational obsession with the baby food fruit. Bitching about cream cheese seems ridiculous, it isn't like they substitute it for cucumber in every roll.

>> No.13095462

avocado in sushi is FAR more offputting than cream cheese ever is

>> No.13095659

We have everything in America, so eating really tasty "fusion" food isn't even a LARP; it's just the reality of living in a country where you can get pretty much everything and just eating whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it.

>> No.13095753

>he doesn't eat his cream cheese with rice

>> No.13095758

If you posted a syringe on a sidewalk I'd actually beleive you.

>> No.13095761

Nice copypasta

>> No.13095800
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>> No.13095830

well it appears as if you have a medical issue preventing you from enjoying seeds

>> No.13095845
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Cream cheese in onigiri is the jam, especially a dollop of homemade blueberry jam.

>> No.13095868


you fucking people need to make sushi rice place a piece or tuna on it and dip it in soy with wasabi. all this other horseshit is kids stuff.

>> No.13095920

Dairy does not belong in Japanese cuisine.

>> No.13096242


>> No.13096249

Nobody cares, retard.

>> No.13096430
