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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13087087 No.13087087 [Reply] [Original]

Food to heal a stomach ulcer?

>> No.13087090

spicy food

>> No.13087091

Broccoli salad, lots of greens, use as little dressing as possible

>> No.13087107


>> No.13087115
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rice water... meaning you boil rice and strain off the water but save it. Drink it later with saltines slowly, like in nibbles. And maybe nibble at the rice.

As for an ucler.... can't help you. I just saw where Zantac just got repealed. Baking soda and water?

Plain cereal always worked for me for an upset stomach ( and I mean PLAIN - no sugary kid's stuff ). With water sips. But if you're actually talking an ulcer, bismuth can help with the symptoms but you would really need to see a doctor.

If it's just hangover, then take it easy, tiger. And gradually ramp it up. Lots of water but not gulps, sips. When you can piss clear or close to clear then you're probably OK.

But like I said, ulcer = doctor.

>> No.13087122

Literally useless half the time since h.pylori isn't in all gastric ulcers

>> No.13087145

"Cabbage soup" - Literally just boiled cabbage, no seasonings (even salt), only cabbage and water. Eat only cabbage soup for atleast 10 days, then see where you're at.

>> No.13087157


Won't cure but will help the feeling...
Capsaicin (cayenne?) counter-intuitive, I know
Licorice (the real stuff, not the candy - unless you can get your hand on the old-timey stuff)

I used to listen to Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM and he did an interview with Merle Haggard and Merle said this was pretty much his go to for a cold, as well. Though without the cabbage and it was a cold, not stomach ulcers.

If it were me, I'd omit the peppers and include the cabbage.

shit, you beat me to it... but I think we're on the same plane

>> No.13087158
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>> No.13088333

Bone broth per rectum.