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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13086777 No.13086777 [Reply] [Original]

Im going to hong kong next week. what good foods can I get there? except tear gas and rubber bullets.

>> No.13086796
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Diimsum is great, but specifically try nor mai gai. It was probably my favorite dish I had in HK.

>> No.13086833

Try asking for a Winnie Xi.

>> No.13086988

Just go to Mong Kok and look around

>> No.13086991

I would go to a different ramen joint every meal but that's just me lol

>> No.13087002
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Try fishing teenage girls fresh out of the harbour

>> No.13087337
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>> No.13088576

None. Their food is fucking disgusting. If you’re used to ‘Chinese’ in a western takeout context, you’re in for a big shock. Primary reason I won’t do layovers in Hong Kong on the way to Australia any more. Hotel food is fine but once you get outside and looking for something local, forget it.

>> No.13088630

Fuck Hong Kong. Like I care about a city state on the other side of the world. These separatist movements and which ones we're directed to support are very cynical and we're told to support or oppose them depending on whose geopolitical interests are at stake. Support HK independence, but not Catalan independence and crack down on that one. In the case of the Ukraine conflict, absolutely do not support eastern Ukraine independence, in fact support
military invasion of east Ukraine.

Take your shitty propaganda somewhere else.

>> No.13089025

t. Zhang Hongping

>> No.13089055

Check out See Fah restaurant on Peking Road in Tsim Sha Tsui. Lovely food and a very good price. Chung King mansions in TST too, if you want an authentic curry.

>> No.13089082

Fuck off Chang

>> No.13089227

a couple thousand more pro-China posts and your family will be released from the labor camps

>> No.13089229

have you tried rice? lmao fucking retard

>> No.13089285

>Im going to hong kong next week.
t. glow in the dark CIA going there to arm and train mercenaries (rebels / protestors)

>> No.13090408
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>> No.13090412

Reminder: if you stand with Hong Kong, you stand with Reddit and Leftism.

>> No.13090418
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>> No.13090423
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>> No.13090429

ask for gutter noodles and virgin boy egg, those are some of the more exotic things they have to offer

>> No.13090432


Hong Kong doesn't want to be part of China

>> No.13090436

So? It is.

>> No.13090451


So it will fight for its independence, as it should.

>> No.13090470

china is the ultimate leftists though, they are what leftist want to turn every country into

>> No.13090497

>he thinks china is leftist

>> No.13090548

I heard if you say "Diu Lei Lou Mo" to people there, you will get discount for your food

>> No.13091129

Diu Lei Lou Mo

>> No.13091687

Dine at Raffles

>> No.13091706

lolno, though I'm sure that fits the narrative that you want to believe.

>> No.13091743

china is literally the definition of leftist, they are the flagbearer, they are the only leftist power so they get to define leftism. They are literally the only example of leftism forming a large stable persistent government

>> No.13091751

lol at the idea that standing with the libertarian protests in Hong Kong against leftist statism is somehow pro reddit or leftism? Like what does reddit even have to do with either side?

>> No.13091756

It’s ironically a /pol/aznidentity crossover meme

>> No.13093400
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Hong Kong belongs to the nords

>> No.13094383

So is Raffles a meme? Or hopelessly outdated? Or hopelessly exclusive and not an option for the hoi polloi? Or out of business?

>> No.13095762

try some live boiled dog with gutter oil dressing, it's good.

>> No.13095769

Shut up, chang.

>> No.13095771

People have the right to self determination.

>> No.13095774

it's hong kong not beijing you geographylet

>> No.13095781

It's not a separatist movement. They want to choose their own representative and maintain the integrity of the one nation two systems principle. That's as far as their demands go.

>> No.13095798
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>going to hong kong
>Not Macau
What are you, poor or something? You could have pork chop buns, corrupt gambling, and morally ambiguous prostitutes, but instead you go to "liberation-land"?
0/10. Get beaned by a gas grenade.

>> No.13095914

Maybe some Singapore Noodles? You can get them at Chinese restaurants, but I would like to eat them in China. I'm guessing also some Cantonese food? Hong Kong is in the Canton region I believe.

>> No.13095928

Have you heard of the Soviet Union? But China are hardly Socialist by any means except for the party name. Most business has been denationalized, and is now owned by entrepreneurs, or private investors contrary to the original direction, and party line held by Mao, and his associates.

>> No.13095966

You look like you could use a pork bun

>> No.13096013

What makes HK or Kosovo more legitimate than Donetsk or Palestine?

>> No.13096015


>> No.13096118

If you support free Hong Kong you’re the definition of a sheep, it’s literally a western plot

>> No.13096122

The british barely enforced any laws at all in hong kong, they have a culture and tradition of being a lightly governed colony and that’s the ideal way for hong kong to stay.

>> No.13096182

kys retard

>> No.13096187

Tiananmen square massacre

>> No.13096194

americans spit on the media during trump's election but now because its china they just take everything western media says as if they have no bias at all.

in actual reality its a meme, thats why UN doesnt care about HK