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13086621 No.13086621 [Reply] [Original]

It's impossible. It tastes like bitter swill all the time. Am I destined to enjoy only milk coffee?

>> No.13086628

French vanilla creamer


>> No.13086629

pour over makes the least bitter tasting coffee, it's the only type i can enjoy without milk

>> No.13086632

I'm sipping on my 2nd cup of instant right now, couldn't give less of a shit.

Then again, I would really like a fresh cup of turkish though...

>> No.13086633
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Pour over the drain and make a tea.

>> No.13086642

Should I man up and get back to instant in milk too? I wanted to try all the local breweries in my country, brewing shit in my French press. It tastes so bitter no matter what. I've only tried it with water so far.

>> No.13086648

If you dont like black coffee don't drink any coffee imho maybe get better beans

>> No.13086668

This nigga eatin beans!!!

>> No.13086669

Also, should I get whole beans and grind them myself or should I get less than a week old pre ground beans? The ones in my country don't sell ground beans older than 2-3 days.

>> No.13086672

Grind them yourself the fresher the grounds are the better the coffee will be

>> No.13086682

Drink a light roast.

>> No.13086776


If you extract too many of the bitter compounds in the grounds yes it will taste like crap.

Dont steep it, and buy a aeropress instead of a french press.

>> No.13086903

wtf does that mean, I'm not buying anything else. Everyone uses a French press

>> No.13086904


>> No.13086916


It means your extracting bitter compounds from your grounds.

You only want to extract the nice flavors from the ground up coffee but if you let it sit too long in hot water or stir it around too much then you start extracting the more bitter compounds.

French press also use a metal screen. But Aeropress uses paper filters and paper filters remove bitter compounds.

>> No.13086935

This. Better than french press even.

>> No.13086950

I'm getting super cheap capsules at work and I enjoy them a lot. The taste is very good imo. Am I a pleb?

>> No.13086960

I always drink cold coffee, whether it's with pure milk or just water. In this case I just let the water and coffee sit in my French press inside my fridge for 12 hours, I read you should make cold brew as it tastes less acidic. That wasn't the case with me. Maybe my palate is shit.

>> No.13087223


Ok that is a strange method. Id say 12 hours is too long.

30 seconds is too long with hot water.

>> No.13087429

Make sure your water isn't too hot. 195 degrees is perfect, a full rolling 212 will pull out flavors you don't want. And don't over brew; 4 minutes is perfect for french press.

>> No.13087437

why wasn't this the 1st or 2nd reply?

>> No.13087759

try the James Hoffmann french press method

>> No.13087784

Just buy a moka pot.

>> No.13087962

Don't use a french press, pour-over or drip will be much less bitter.
Also buy light roast beans, look for the citrus or floral descriptions instead of the bold, woodsy, earthy stuff.

>> No.13088021

Coffee loose its taste a week after being roasted
All the shit you can buy in grocery stores has no aroma
You want good coffee: buy green beans, roast them on open fire or a pan, let rest a day, and grind right before drinking

>> No.13088032

Beans lose a majority of their flavor within hours of being ground. Buy whole beans that are less than a month old and grind them right before making the coffee.

>> No.13088096

Fresh beans is step one. Get something roasted within the last week and never buy pre ground coffee.
Buying preground coffee and expecting it to be fresh is like buying a sliced apple and expecting it to be fresh in a week. It's insane. Stop doing it.

>> No.13088114

For French Press:
>buy whole beans (this is important)
>start up your electric kettle with enough water in it
>for a full french press (about 2.5ish cups of coffee), pour 6tbsp of beans into your grinder
>grind your beans, preferably on a coarse setting
>pour your grounds into the empty french press
>after the kettle is done, wait 30 seconds
>then pour enough water to fill half the french press
>start a timer and enjoy the aroma
>after 30 seconds (don't stop the timer when you get to this point, let it keep going), do a strong yet quick stir
>quickly fill the french press the rest of the way
>when your timer hits 4min, pour out all the coffee--anything you can't drink should go into a thermos

Proper timing, fresh ground beans, and pouring immediately (not letting it overbrew) are essential to making a tasty cup. Obviously higher quality coffee will yield better results too

>> No.13088118

forgot to mention to plunge before you pour but if you can't figure that out you're hopeless

>> No.13088140

Get lighter beans. I never understood people buying beans darker than California summer nights

>> No.13088542

Put some salt or crushed up eggshell in the grounds. They neutralize some of the bitterness.

>> No.13088545

Just like anything else, it takes some practice.

>> No.13088555

Very high heat to cook off the bitter taste

>> No.13088732


>> No.13088789

Don't listen to this retarded faggot

>> No.13089383


>> No.13090403


>> No.13090406

Can somebody please explain to me why my folgers coffee looks like little specks of dirt and don't dissolve in my boiling water?

>> No.13090414

Coffee isn't meant to dissolve. It's supposed to be there, you need to filter it out.

>> No.13090415

>Beans lose a majority of their flavor within hours of being ground.
That's just totally wrong.

>> No.13090426

what does that mean? Am i not getting caffeine or is it just aesthetic? Did I buy drip machine coffee instead of instant coffee?

>> No.13090607

No it isn't, you're a faggot and a retard

>> No.13090677

lmao just go to starbucks nerds

>> No.13090697

I can't afford it.

>> No.13090917

>going to Starbucks
Yeah nah pass, what is it with Americans and their obsession with worshipping corporate giants that serve them crap coffee? Independently owned cafes always make better coffee for the same if not lower price in Australia.

>> No.13090928


I tricked my daughter to try a coffee bean. Shit was hilarious!

>> No.13090940

We don't call it Starcucks for nothing.

>> No.13091172

Stop using a glorified teapot, aka french press.
Good coffee is made via pressure, not brewing.

>> No.13091177

It's just a brand thing. Getting a coffee means going to a Starbucks. It's like getting a Xerox or getting a whatever.

>> No.13091183

Well fuck this coffee business then. It's for cucks. "Don't use this brah! Get a gayropress! Oh wait get a drip machine! Oh no get a moka pot!" "Oh wait you gotta grind that shit yourself" all this fucking trouble for a goddamn glass of coffee. Just fuck this, I'm sticking to instant. I'll order a tin of Nescafe Gold online and drink it with milk hahaha

>> No.13091188


It's about the grind and where the bean comes from and how it's treated. Pressure is only for espresso.

As state above, it's about the grind. For example if you want to make turkish / greek coffee, you need basically coffee flour, super fine grind. If you want to use a french press you need a grind a bit more coarser compared to what you'd use in a pour over or drip coffee machine.

A good test to get some barrings is to get some good quality turkish grind, and learn to make some good coffee over the stove. It's the most basic and the original way of making coffee from where it all started from northern Africa.

>> No.13091207

Why do you annoying faggots always have to bring up the fact you're Australian in every post? Literally no other nationality does this

>> No.13091209

Because internet kiddies prefer to argue or prove people wrong than give advice.

>> No.13091214

ignore the purists. they're either just compensating or they drink coffee purely for the pick up
there's nothing wrong with liking the flavor of coffee but not wanting to drink it straight
just as long as you're not diluting it into a liquid dessert, take it however you like.

>> No.13091236

I like eggs but only when they're drown in ketchup. Please don't tell me I don't like eggs.

>> No.13091273

You have shit taste.

>people who drink coffee without anything else in it are the ones who drink it for the "pick me up", not the ones who need to drench it in sweet stuff to drink it
I don't know what it is about black coffee drinkers but we seem to have the ability to make countless people butthurt just because we don't add anything to our beverage.

>> No.13091652

Eat my ass euroqueer

>> No.13091722

Why are fatsharts so awful at banter?

>> No.13091908


>> No.13091967

For someone who wrote a guide for making coffee you shouldn't be using cups of coffee and tablespoons for measurement.
Not even talking about NA vs rest of the world units.
The volume of coffee should be brewed by milliliters for more accuracy. And the beans should not be what fills a tablespoon but instead using a weighing scale and grams for more precision.

>> No.13092018


>> No.13092024

>weighing scale

As opposed to a fish scale...

>> No.13092086

fuck u kno bot fish?

>> No.13092108

in order of importance/impact:

better grinder
learn how to brew coffee (temperature, time, coffee ratios)
better coffee beans
better water (run tap through a brita, at a minimum or use bottled water)

>> No.13092116

I'm not constantly numbed by processed foods, suffering them less than monthly, so plain coffee actually is pleasant. I drink it non-habitually just for the taste.

>> No.13092269

this... get a Kalita wave 155 for personal use. best coffee.

>> No.13092387
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>> No.13093038


>> No.13093414

Tablespoons became popular because up until recently most people used percolators or drip coffee machines to brew their cup of mud. "Accuracy" to the gram is really not that important.

>> No.13093597

you are correct, in a matter or hours is wrong.

your grind will lose its flavor bad go stale within 15 minutes, not a few hours.

>> No.13093602

>"Accuracy" to the gram is really not that important.
you couldn't be more wrong

>> No.13093611

anybody recommend a good manual grinder?

I need a manual grinder that can do extra course grind, and consistent.
so i need a manual conical burr grinder

>> No.13093782

Legitimate autism.

>> No.13093810

among other things, a proper brew requires the proper ratio of coffee : water. adjusted to meet your desired flavour and potency
this should be obvious

>> No.13093846

If you don't want Bitter/Acidic avoid Dark Roasts. You want Medium and even Light Roasted Coffee.

>> No.13093876

see? compensating
Purists aren't able to just say they like black coffee. They always have to add in how they're better than you for it
Sad stuff

>> No.13093894

I'm not familiar with all the current offerings but I've had a lido for 8 or so years now and can't complain.

>> No.13093910 [DELETED] 
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Here's your (You)
And I am physically better than you for not going out of my way to guzzle nutrient-free calories. Keeps me cute.

>> No.13094281

Post tits

>> No.13094325

too bitter is too hot too sour is too cold invest in some fresh decent beans and a proper conical burr grinder and make it in whatever method you want

>> No.13094415

just resort to cold brews if using a french press is too hard desu

>> No.13094424


>> No.13095157
File: 143 KB, 600x900, turkish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the time to make it good. turkish not to darkly roasted with a cardamon pod for a little extra flavor.Minimum 10 minutes of brewing. Add sugar according to preference. A good turkish needs to be powerful in flavor and body, strong enough to melt your spoon.

>> No.13095554

Damn right. Now excuse me while I go get a Frappucino

>> No.13095558
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>I'm better than you

>> No.13095577

why that over hazelnut creamer?

>> No.13095583

I don't eat processed foods like Soylent. I was seeing an otter who drank it, and actually did the face every time he told a bad joke. He quit his engineer job to do something more hands-on elsewhere.

Never read past the first four books because my attention span isn't years long. Also, "Just Kidding" Rowling is cancelled. Knew an Indian who was really into it, had all the merchandise and pennants on his wall. Harry Potter is to Indians what Star Wars was to Americans.

>> No.13095585

forgot my trip. This post is mine, donut steel

>> No.13095589

You need to learn to reject them when they're irrelevant nonsense, fuckwit. You're ruining it.

>> No.13095657

>french press
>not a moka pot

>> No.13095688

>making cold coffee in a moka pot
I never drink it hot.

>> No.13095692

Has anyone else tried the morning master?
1 spoon coffee
1 teabag
1 spoon Milo
1 weetbix

Mix it all together and you get the most amazing morning sludge to start the day.

>> No.13095735

Sometimes I can't be bothered to pick up and rinse the plunger bit of my freedom press so I wait for the grounds to settle and decant like with tea.

>> No.13095741

Are you using overly hot water? The optimum temperature for coffee is 85°c

>> No.13095759

DEAD ASS, use a instant pot

>> No.13095817

Always cold water.

>> No.13095913

Coffee is for normies. Drink black tea instead.

>> No.13095929

I bought some cheap espresso machine, just to have one. And that cheap thing makes best coffee ever.

>> No.13095940

Air is for normies. Breathe helium instead

>> No.13095941

Can confirm

>> No.13095947

It's simple, drink a decent espresso instead of that watery shit

>> No.13095968

teafags deserve getting teabagged by coffeechads for their sinful ways

>> No.13096269

What's an espresso?

>> No.13096278


1:12 coffee - water ratio

98c water

>> No.13096285

Yeah OP I feels ya, I tried norwegian coffee (egg in the grounds) but it was pretty gross.

So I just cold brewed. I bought some quart sized mason jars and let my grounds steep in filtered water on the counter top. Didn't even need milk or creamer in it after that, drank it black.

>> No.13096287
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>He fell for the French press meme.

>> No.13096464

Dude I fucked around with meme coffee and local beans and grinders for years. I had a fucking French press, an aeropress, a chemex, and a moka pot and all of that shit was a fucking hassle and I didn't enjoy any of it.

I bought a $7 drip machine from Walmart and about every two weeks I buy a new can of McCafe beans and it's delicious with or without milk. Fiddling with coffee is such a fucking soy zoomer scam. Do that the boomers did, and stick those grounds in a big percolator or a drip machine. You'll feel so much better.

By the way people have added stuff to coffee for millenia around the world, don't let someone make you feel bad for putting fucking milk in your coffee. Be yourself. It's the best thing you can ever be.

>> No.13096468

disclaimer: I liked the moka pot but wouldn't go back to it.

>> No.13096478

>I bought a $7 drip machine from Walmart and about every two weeks I buy a new can of McCafe beans
So you gave up.

>> No.13096485

Most of the world drinks instant coffee, so do not fucking worry about it. All young americans, myself included, are aware of how this new country doesn't have any culture, so a lot of cucks fall into the trap of getting REALLY into coffee or beer or whatever to pretend like they aren't just a mass of tumors and hamburger patties. Get a percolator. It rules. Embrace the possibility of happiness and the inevitability of death.

>> No.13096489

Why do you want to drink something that is objectively bad for you if you don't enjoy the taste? Just find another source of caffeine. Apparently eating an apple in the morning has the same wake-up effect.

>> No.13096492

I enjoy it 100x more than any of the stupid shit I fucked with before. Being some kind of at-home coffee snob is the biggest NPC shit of all time. Your life is worth less than mine.

>> No.13096496

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.

>> No.13096497

Its depressing to see all these hipsters lisping about their le gaypress 6,000,000

>> No.13096499

Coffee is such a universal experience. I love it when zoomer cucks make it into an expensive Lego set.

>> No.13096507

more like le gaypress 150,000

>> No.13096534

>bad for you
the village retard has arrived

>> No.13096647


>> No.13096650

So what grinders did you own?

>> No.13096657

Try using bottled/filtered water. It’s amazing what a difference it can make.

>> No.13098553

>I like something so I don't bother to research the actual effects of being dependent on caffeine and coffee
It's fine, your genes don't deserve to live as long anyways.

>> No.13098599
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Muscodavo or similar sugar with molasses.

>> No.13098609

just get some fancy instant coffee

>> No.13098611

Moka pot is a hassle on induction-tops. Heats unevenly and is a bitch on top of being slow. Really digging it on a gas range though. Quick and easy to heat up. Took so long before that sometimes I forgot it and burned the gasket. Replacing it currently right now along with filters for my french press.
I do it in old liquor bottles, the liquor leftover adds a bitch of an interesting flavour to it. But its a bitch to do through a cloth filter with the grounds. Eventually it just stops filtering and have to fidget and then spills because the v60 doesn't sit well on top of it.

>> No.13099333

How's Nescafe Gold?

>> No.13099371

>it tastes like bitter swill all the time
That's what coffee tastes like, anon. It's okay to not like it

>> No.13099384

is it okay to drink decaf?

>> No.13099404
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I'm coming off, idk, a 10 year caffeine habit (coffee), and I had at least 6 espresso shots a day for the last year, I tapered over a month down to 1 shot a day and DAMN I'm still definitely withdrawing, I think this is going to take at least six months to get back to baseline. The biggest problem is the cognitive fatigue - makes reading and essay writing hard. But I'm mainly doing this to see what my "baseline" is, though I don't think I'll get to see what it is for quite a while. Because I think it might be the case that I function better overall without coffee.

Dreams are way more vivid now though.

>> No.13099428

I have tried many different kinds of coffee making devices, and all are memes, except for pour-over coffee.

>> No.13099458

No, either you're too retarded to brew coffee properly or your threshold for what is bitter is too low aka having the palate of a child.

>> No.13099465
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>objectively bad for you
Seriously, why do housewife-tier uninformed retards like you feel the need to talk about things you know nothing about?

>> No.13099582
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just make the coffee drinker face every time you take a sip, you'll get it

>> No.13099608

>cherry picking results
Hey, I can do that too!
The benefits are few and the harmful effects are many. A cup or 2 per day isnt going to kill or help you, but most people end up being addicted to the caffeine in the morning. That's the worst part of it. Then suddenly a cup or two isn't enough.

It's literally a drug with no meaningful benefits. Why bother if you don't like the taste?

>> No.13099652
File: 275 KB, 1654x837, KAI0362-Caffeine-intake-S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few? Lower all-cause mortality is "no meaningful benefits"? You're a retard.

>> No.13099726

this x 1,00,000

if your using regular tap water, you might as well just build some tree bark in piss for all the good it does you

>> No.13099843

>if it tastes bad just man up you fucking child!
fuck off.

>> No.13099848

I used filtered water, I always have. Only psycho Americans drink water straight from the tap. I don't give a shit how clean your water supply is, filtered is always better.

>> No.13100287

French people don't use creamers. That's an American thing.

>> No.13100304

No, fuck off, espressos and moka coffees are undeniably bitter. That's why I like them, because I like bitter flavours.

>> No.13100915

Gonna buy some grounds now I fucking hope it tastes better this time

>> No.13100921

Bitterness is just one of the notes. If bitterness dominates the beans have been burnt or overextracted.

>> No.13100963

Sure, but the bitterness is also definitely there.

>> No.13101391


>> No.13101413

>Buying grounds
Grind it yourself

>> No.13101603

most espresso is bitter because most espresso is made wrong.
well-made espresso is intensely sweet and syrupy. It's also an emulsification and when it breaks, the bitterness dominates the rest of the beverage.

>> No.13101642

>calling someone a retard because he trusts a meme image
Posted study concluded the exact opposite, 21% INCREASE in all-cause mortality. Stop cherry picking, find reputable sources not funded by Folgers. The conclusions for coffee are generally non-existent in truth or heavily contradicted to the extent that it's unusable, however the risks and rewards of caffeine in general are much better documented.

My point stands: if you don't like it, why bother forcing yourself to drink it? You idiots might as well recommend OP take up vaping. "Well the evidence isn't strong that it hurts you, so just like... Do it. Heh."

>> No.13101722

Cope. Cherrypicking is literally what youre doing considering meta-analysis doesn't seem to point to increased mortality.

>> No.13101784

Also I couldn't give less of a shit if OP drinks coffee or not. I love coffee and regularly drink it, just calling you out on your claims.

>> No.13101939

Guess I've only had bad espresso then.
I mean, I've definitely had sweet/what I'd call fruity espressos, but they were also bitter.

>> No.13101954

find your most bougie third wave coffee shop and have him pull you a shot.

>> No.13101964

That's where I've had the fruity ones. I think you're just calling bitter-but-also-other-flavour espressos non-bitter, even though they definitely have bitterness to them.

>> No.13101974

Just finished a cup with sugar, does that make you seethe?

>> No.13101985
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Gonna try out the home roasting meme

>> No.13101987

i would tell u but i havent had my coffee yet, shh no talky.

>> No.13101992

Cold brew with milk is the only way I can truly enjoy coffee. All other ways are alright at best.

>> No.13103045

>Better grinder first.
Completely wrong. If I had to break down the contributions of each of those I'd say
-learning how 40%
Better coffee - 40%
better water - 15%
Better grinder - 5%

Saying grind consistency is more important that coffee/water ratio is moronic.

>> No.13103799

Thanks FrenchVanillaBro

French vanilla is hazelnut and vanilla together. Best of both worlds

Nice bait. Frenchys are known for their creamers and fries

>> No.13104239

>grind consistency
grind is as important as anything
under grind and you dont get proper extraction, sub par flavour, etc.,,

overground and youve got esprsso grind which is shit for anything but esprssso

>> No.13104942

I don't understand this meme

>> No.13104944

boil it 5 or 6 times.

>> No.13105440

Drink water instead

>> No.13105467

plus caffeine pills

>> No.13105612

Cause Starbucks is fucking everywhere and at least you know what you're gonna get when you go to one. Good independent cafes are way better, no doubt about that, but there's also a lot of shit ones and if you're in some random unfamiliar place it's easier to fall back on the predictable mediocrity of Starbucks.

>> No.13105657

How are you going to get consistent even extraction without consistent even grind?

>> No.13105862

this dude gets it.
i prefer to fill the french press fully and the stir it for a couple of seconds. don't let it overbrew

>> No.13105977

based teanon

>> No.13106070

I like coffee milkshakes.

>> No.13106521

Aren't French Fries from Belgium?

>> No.13106530

French drink black coffee, they pair it with au pain chocolat for breakfast

>> No.13106533

An incredibly small dash of salt. Like half a tiny packet's worth.

>> No.13106537


>> No.13106575

People who drink coffee drink water as well, fattie.