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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 350x350, asas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13085118 No.13085118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does this guy eat mcdonalds so often?

I went to mcdonalds for the first time in probably like 8 years and bought a big mac and it was 5.40

it was the worst burger i have eaten in my life, i could have gone to in n out and got a 2x2 andimal style for cheaper.

I mean the food was so bad i wouldnt feed it to a dog.

>> No.13085140

he's the ultimate boomer. his body is more cholesterol than water

>> No.13085143


>> No.13085158
File: 68 KB, 1000x600, A LIBERAL SHIT IN MY CHEERIOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're the most powerful man on the planet, you can do whatever you want.

>> No.13085162

>t. whiny soy bitch
of course you dont like good food. youd probably love it if they made it out of impossible burgers

>> No.13085166
File: 124 KB, 700x1236, Two_scoops_of_white_ice_cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he is a god.

>> No.13085167

Supposedly he likes the industrial nature of fast food restaurants, more cleanly.

>> No.13085169
File: 26 KB, 220x296, trump_steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McSteaks are delicious, you cunt.

>> No.13085172

>How does this guy eat mcdonalds so often?
He orders it.
Just like anyone else.

>> No.13085173

trump steaks > omaha steaks

>> No.13085175

That was a two minute joke segment released on a sunday afternoon.

>> No.13085178
File: 274 KB, 1500x1000, degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's trying to avoid impeachment and removal by way of cardiac arrest.

>> No.13085193

Can't wait for 2020 when Mayor Buttigieg wipes the floor with this fat gobshite.

>> No.13085200

That's the guy that hacked the DNC emails!

>> No.13085201

>a poofter
>winning US presidency

>> No.13085205

Hey Anon, I'm from the future. You're correct in your wish, Trump will be impeached. But it will be late in his second term so it won't really matter. Also his VP in the second term is David Duke...so there's that.

>> No.13085206

Why not?
We've had a black one followed by a clinically retarded one.

>> No.13085211

>clinically retarded one
but hillary lost.

>> No.13085212

People who work with the super wealthy tend to relate similar trends - they like the same dogshit everyone does. Perhaps even moreso, as one of the biggest commonalities among the rich is they're cheap as fuck

>> No.13085216

Hillary is a soulless unempathetic vampire lizard person wearing a human skin suit, but stupid she is not. Otherwise it'd be her ass being buried under investigations.

>b-but that's just the deep state!

Federal Law enforcement is overwhelmingly conservative.

>> No.13085223

>the USA and Italy have a relationship dating back a thousand years
Trump is actually a genuine, fucking idiot.
(((and a Zionist)))

>> No.13085227

the heads of federal law enforcement are liberal shit heads tho

>> No.13085231

The latino, black, and white boomer vote will crater if it's Buthegay, it's what got him some attention but it's a poison pill for actually getting elected.

>> No.13085234

4D chess. He was referring to Italian-Americans and the sham that is liberals trying to destroy Columbus Day.

>> No.13085240

i hope its warren. its about time we have a woman president. and an indian one at that

>> No.13085244

Yes just because they can't pull the rabbit out of their ass that trump demands.

>> No.13085247

They've ALWAYS been very conservative. The fact they're against Trump is proof the Deep State is real and is fighting for survival.

>> No.13085252

>>the USA and Italy have a relationship dating back a thousand years
technically we do, the founding fathers were HUGE romeaboos. But then, every enlightenment thinker was in those days, since the humanists and renaissance thinkers had held Rome up as this huge lost standard of civilization. But there's a lot of Romeabooism in America's iconography and central idea's.

>> No.13085258

It's just an image thing. He only eats fast food when the media is watching so he feels more relateable to average blue-collar white voters.

When the cameras are off, he's eating expensive steaks prepared by his personal chef.

>> No.13085260

>proof the Deep State is real and is fighting for survival.
fighting against what? He's perhaps one of the most ineffective presidents in history. The best thing he's done is loosen China's grip on our balls, and even that is getting left by the wayside as he fucks up absolutely everything else.

>> No.13085266

friendly reminder the fast food thing was because local restaurants refused to cater him, iirc

>> No.13085267

He's the Anti-Cuck. He's going to make America Great Again. The Deep State doesn't want this, so they're trying to destroy him.

>> No.13085270

Threads like this make me wonder how the ck mods think about this board...

>> No.13085274

Stop gaslighting. You're referring to the football dinner thing. He's been a huge fastfood lover for decades.

>> No.13085275

>He's going to make America Great Again.
People are going to be still repeating this mantra 20 years from now long after he's out of office, just like Republicans keep bitching about Obama even though he's been out of office for almost half a decade

>> No.13085281

that's not what gaslighting is. Gas lighting is manipulating someone by making them question their own sanity or perception of reality. What you mean is disingenuous or even just lying

>> No.13085286

America is currently at 72% Original Greatness, though.

>> No.13085288

go whine somewhere else. perhaps reddit. hide it and move on

>> No.13085290


>> No.13085291
File: 21 KB, 618x894, 1568606522028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's perhaps one of the most ineffective presidents in history. The best thing he's done is loosen China's grip on our balls, and even that is getting left by the wayside as he fucks up absolutely everything else.

>> No.13085302

technically we don't you fucking imbecile.

>> No.13085309

>doesn't remember washington crossing the rubicon
You are proof that the education system is a failure, and privatized schools are the answer.

>> No.13085311


these morons should just never have an opinion. It's like watching toast try to talk.

>> No.13085315


It was Hannibal that crossed the Rubycon. dumb ass.

>> No.13085321

I used to hate McDonald's, but if it's good enough for our President to eat there, it can't be that bad.

>> No.13085330

>a thousand years
Have mercy on my soul dude. You're right about romeaboos and also they are right that Rome is a lost standard of civilization but the USA hasn't been doing shit for that long.

>> No.13085346
File: 158 KB, 768x432, trump-yelling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get back to food.`
What is everyone doing for Donald Trump's inevitable 2020 victory? I'm throwing a big party and having Chic-Fil-A cater. 1,000 nuggets. You heard me. 1,000 delicious Christian, anti-gay nuggets.

>> No.13085361

>these morons should just never have an opinion. It's like watching toast try to talk.

>> No.13085373

>Throwing an election party

Sounds pretty gay to me

>> No.13085395

That’s what the 1,000 anti-gay nuggets are for.

>> No.13085412

i went hiking every day for a couple months this past summer and more or less lived off of mcchickens and mcdoubles because i had no kitchen and was losing weight like crazy (and i was already underweight to begin with). it's super cheap calories and mcdoubles have as good a crap to protein ratio as you're going to get at a fast food restaurant, outside of chick fil a nuggets.

>> No.13085414

After decades of hearing the hype, I tried in n out ad well as carls jr on a recent trip out west. Both were dogshit.

>> No.13085425

Election, not erection party. But I could go for both.

>> No.13085477
