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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13083719 No.13083719 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever used pasta sauce?

be honest....

>> No.13083728

Any time I eat pasta

>> No.13083730

I usually make my own, but there's about half a bottle of Rao's in the fridge I'm thinking of using. Never tasted it.

>> No.13083777

Yes, but only when i really want pasta, but i don't have the time and energy to make my own.

>> No.13083781

No, I always eat my pasta dry. Sauce just covers up the taste.

>> No.13083792

rao's is pretty dope. they make a good vodka sauce

>> No.13083818

>saute some onions and garlic
>add blended tomatoes and herbs
It's literally a 10 minute job. Unironically why the fuck would anybody buy this jarred crap?

>> No.13083889

What else would I use? Real tomatos? Yuck.

>> No.13083893
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>> No.13083918

I have a ragu you can turn into bolognese. You absolutely need cast iron ceramic though.

1 Cast Iron Ceramic pot, small
2 Cups ground beef
3/4 Cup Onion fine dice
1/2 Cup Celery fine dice
1/2 Cup Carrot fine dice
1/2 tbsp oregano
1/2 tbsp basil
1/2 tsp garlic powder.
1 tsp rosemary
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp fresh ground 4 pepper blend
2 Cans Whole Tomato
1 Can Campbell's tomato soup.
1 Can Mushroom slices

Over medium high heat brown ground beef in cast iron pot and reserve. Add butter and onion, working the fond off the pan into the onion.
Brown onion then add carrot and celery and mix. Sweat mixture unti soft. Blitz one can of tomato to sauce consistency and add to pot, bring to a
boil and reduce heat accordingly, cleaning bottom of the pot with spatula. Cut second can of tomato into bit sized pieces and add. add spices and vinegar.
stir and bring to a strong simmer and cook for about 45 minutes. Simmer until a thick sauce consistency with a sweet flavour developing in the tomato.
Add soup, mushroom and ground beef and stir until thoroughly mixed. Spatula darkening sauce from the sides of pot and mix in.
Cook for another 30 minutes.

>> No.13083924

Yeah I used to all the time when I didn't know any better. My boomer parents bought Ragu brand poor people sauce. Then one day I tried making my own. Will never go back. Eating jar sauce afterwards is extremely disappointing, but I can see how you wouldn't mind if you were a cooklet and didn't know the difference

>> No.13083936

I've never once made my own pasta sauce.

>> No.13083937

>dry/powdered spices
>red wine vinegar
>red pepper
>only simmering for an hour and a half

That is not bolognese or anything even close. That is fucking foul. Please consider never posting here ever again

>> No.13083942


get one of those san marzano cans of tomatoes, half onion, 1 clove of garlic, half teaspoon of salt(to taste), pinch of red chili flakes, couple dashes of black pepper, pinch of dried basil, pinch of dried oregano and olive oil

onions in pot, enough olive oil to drench, heat on medium low to medium(depending on setup), simmer, add chili flakes and pepper, add garlic and wait till slightly brown, add tomatoes increase heat to medium, add salt(only half teaspoon now), put on lid and stir occasionally for an hour, after some time use a potato masher to mash up the tomatoes when they get softer

if you want to blend it then now is the time after 1 hour, if you want it to be chunky and not perfectly smooth then you need to let it reduce even longer

after a couple of hours, the longer the better add the dried basil and oregano and finish salting to taste

fuck prego

>> No.13083943

i used a jarred carbonara sauce before because i got frustrated with trying to find a recipe and everyone arguing about what was authentic and what wasnt and proper technique and whatnot. it was shit.

>> No.13083953

I didn't even know they put that in jars. Sounds horrifying

>> No.13083956

everytime. i dont want to waste my fucking time making sauce, sorry.

>> No.13083961
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>he doesn't use ground mustard or ground cumin
>doesn't add a little spice to the sauce
>triggered by mushrooms
You can leave now.

>> No.13083962


I know you're a stupid asshole, but let me fill you in, the condensed soup is sugar, tomato paste and milk solids ALL are in recipes for bolognese. Look on serious eats you stupid fuck. The mushrooms absorb the sauce flavour. I know you're just some dumb cunt, but if you learn how shit goes together you might not sound so fucking juvenile and ignorant when you talk about food. Do you put sugar, paste and milk in your sauce? Or would you rather use a can of tomato sauce?

>> No.13083967

>ruining mushrooms by covering them in sauce

>> No.13083975

Mushrooms aren't the centerpiece of a red sauce ya dingus

>> No.13083976


Shitty canned mushrooms, what the fuck are you talking about? I made mushroom caps with filling last week but even I'm not stupid enough to say what you just said.

>> No.13083983


authentic carbonara is cured hog jowls, egg yoke, pecorino romano cheese, fresh black pepper, pasta and pasta water

you likely don't have access to the ingredients despite what the labels say but that's ok because it's a highly overrated dish

most people who might claim they've eaten have likely never truly tasted what it supposed to taste like anyway

>> No.13083986

Yes I put sugar, paste, and milk in my bolognese because it doesn't contain the million other things in fucking condensed soup. Next time I bake a cake should I just grind up breast cereal since it has wheat, sugar, and flavoring? Fuck off and stop being retarded on purpose. Bolognese doesn't need mushrooms to "sOaK uP tHe fLaVoR". You don't even what bolognese is

>> No.13083987

Breakfast cereal*

>> No.13083992


It's like people who talk about Caesar salad. It's never proper. Who fucking cares. We make a lot of shit better these days and cheaper.

>> No.13084006

Zoom zoom

>> No.13084009


I love how autistic you are without even tasting anything. It's like watching a cat chase its own tail.

You don't live in the days of Auguste Escoffier anymore. We have more food, more complex food and shit that tastes better than your childhood. Probably not even childhood recipes because you sound so young. Make your fucking food, make it well and enjoy it, and maybe stop being a human cunt in that time frame.

>> No.13084012


Stop playing, I'm old. God you people on the net just love to watch yourselves be cunts. Human cunts. Why?

>> No.13084013

Because there aren't really any non-human cunts on the internet.

>> No.13084017


Right to the front of the class with you. RIght?

>> No.13084060

>condensed soup is complex and therefore better

You shot yourself in the foot there. Take your "bolognese" copy pasta elsewhere.

>> No.13084067

Because you're a tastelet. You eat Kraft caeser dressing lol

>> No.13084068


I'm glad you from wherever you are people can't figure out food. Go eat whatever you want.

>> No.13084075

Did you have a stroke?

>> No.13084084

never, I use mustard

>> No.13084147


Yes Hunny I did. Or I'm having freshly cooked pot stickers with thai sweet garlic chili sauce. You pick.

>> No.13084150

before I knew anything about making it, yes
even these days I'll use canned "tomato sauce" as a base for tomato based sauces 90% of the time

>> No.13084155

Did you use some condensed soup in your pot stickers? It's the way of the future, ya know

>> No.13084159


Totes, some condensed soup you can't get your fucking idiot brain around because of the words condensed soup. Honestly, never become a chemist.

>> No.13084160

You mean store bought? Not once. Considering my experiences with most other mass manufactured foodstuffs, I would guess it's not very good. Have I jumped to the wrong conclusion here or have I got it right?

>> No.13084184

No, you have it 100% right. There are a few that are okay, but not good.
Please, tell more about how great you are at "cooking" with condensed soup. I bet you make a lot of casseroles, flyover

>> No.13084197

Look asshole, put fucking sugar, tomato paste and milk into my fucking recipe if you need to be autistic about it. It will still be amazing sauce. But it'll solve your mental disability. Throw some parm reg in it too because.. you know, you're a fuck up that couldn't cook a batch of green beans.

>> No.13084211

no, it is for amateurs

>> No.13084215

You act like the red wine vinegar, powdered veg/spices, lack of simmering time, mushrooms, and red pepper aren't also problems. Crazy. It's not bolognese and it certainly doesn't taste good

>> No.13084217


I know you don't know fuck all, but the most important part of my recipe is the cast iron ceramic that bakes the tomatoes. You always need to bake tomatoes to make Sunday sauce. The cast iron makes that time half the time. 6 hours becomes 3 hours.

>> No.13084227


Then use real red wine and spend 7 hours roasting it. A bit of wine vinegar powdered spices and that shit is for TIME you stupid stupid stupid asshole. We all don't live in suspended time. Jesus Christ you people live like you are just not in this world.

>> No.13084246

Still not bolognese no matter how much you scream and cry

>> No.13084307

I do

But I would really like to make my own. I have my grandma’s recipe but it says it takes 3 fucking hours to make. Who has 3 hours to make sauce?

>> No.13084312

I was going to buy a jar of that the other day because everyone talks so highly of it. But I’m not paying $10 for a jar of sauce

>> No.13084313
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people who enjoy food and enjoy cooking

>> No.13084327

I enjoy good food, but who really has the time to make sauce for 3 hours? I’m not NEET

>> No.13084340


are you one of those people that can only do one thing at a time? I mean I know you're just being full of shit but come on

>> No.13084359
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Store-bought sauce is just as good if you don't buy a shitty brand. I usually get Classico since they sell it at Costco.

>> No.13084370


>> No.13084399

No, my mom makes gravy. Store bought stuff all tastes like shit.

>> No.13084404

>only 3 hours
That is a short amount of time to cook sauce.

>> No.13084417

Who has 3 hours to sit and cook sauce after getting home from work?

>> No.13084420

1, it's the woman's job to cook gravy.
2, you shouldn't be a wageslave.

>> No.13084461

I’m single and i’m a pilot so I have irregular hours. Most of the time I’m starving when I get home, so I don’t want to spend 3 hours to make 1 meal

>> No.13084465

>i’m a pilot

do you get to bang air stewardesses?

>> No.13084466

I wouldn't wish such a sad and unnatural existence on my worst enemy.

>> No.13084489

I don’t fly for an airline

>> No.13084507

you're a private pilot? like the ones rich people have

>> No.13084536

I fly for a company that flies rich people and corporate executives around. The rich people are the best clients, because they never want to go to shitty places. I flew a rich couple to the the Caribbean a few months ago. They paid for our resort and the crew and I just relaxed at the resort for 3 days until the couple wanted to go home

>> No.13084569
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>red wine vinegar is a substitute for red wine
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13084587

>So mad he forgot language

>> No.13084765

ragu is good yall

>> No.13085194

I make sauce from raw tomatoes and still keep jarred sauce around. It's stewed sauce with some herbs and sugar. I'll use it as a base for something else when I need to save time.

By itself it's pretty meh.

>> No.13085209


I know you're a fucking moron but here it is. Wine when cooked down for 4 hours turns to a complex protein that has an acidic content of around.. 4 pH. Red wine vinegar is already at 3 pH and has translated the carbs into a complex flavour. They're not the same, but they're entirely different either. Ok son?

>> No.13085215


Have you ever grown your own tomatoes in the 30 plant range? Thats when you learn a lot about tomatoes. It's far better than the shit you can buy and any asshole here can understand.

>> No.13085773

So you use red wine vinegar because it's kinda like red wine. And condensed flyover soup because it's sorta like milk, tomato, and sugar. Do you use ground turkey for the meat cause it's kind of like beef? Or popsicle sticks for pasta cause they're the same shape as spaghetti?

>> No.13086277


Exactly, you dumb cunt. It's because words and things that you read in recipes don't equal good food. It's whats in them that matters, but you're a dumb fuck that can't decompose ingredients to make them work for you because you're probably in your 20s and haven't cooked for 30 years. So keep going, you're starting at the right spot, the simpleton. After Alton Brown, you'll get more clever.

>> No.13086414

>recipe doesn't matter
>what's in the food matters

That's what a recipe is. I can't believe that had to be explained.

>> No.13086420

Who the fuck hasn't? everyone gets lazy and if you live alone the amount of work to make some homemade sauce and wash everything when you're tired and have other stuff to do, yeah no you just pop one of these, eat your pasta and go on with your life.
Sure, you can caramelize some onions and add in minced meat in a pan before you pour some the premade sauce then finish the pasta in your ghetto bolognese, sprinkle some cheese over it (usually emmental because I like it and it's cheaper) and wala.

>> No.13086429
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>the amount of work to make some homemade sauce and wash everything

one pot

>> No.13086434

>2 Cans Whole Tomato
>1 Can Campbell's tomato soup.
>Add soup, mushroom and ground beef
It's like you're actually trying to get extra water from beef and shrooms in your sauce. wtf man.

Also no salt lmao.

>> No.13086435
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>there's no baby in the jar

>> No.13086442

By itself? No
As a substitute for tomato sauce in a recipe? Yes.
>Why not just use tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes Anon?
Because it often goes on sale for less than tomato sauce and its always less than fresh tomatoes.

>> No.13086443

One pot? your shit comes pre-cut and pre-mixed, no need to stir? your working space is self-cleaning? your trash is self-throwing? every single vegs is already peeled?
Come the fuck on, live on your own for at least a month before posting you little cunt.

>> No.13086449

the bertolli olive oil garlic and basil is legit pretty decent for $2.69, especially if you add your own spices and a dab of butter to enhance it.

>> No.13086455
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so why are you here on ck if you don't have time to to cook?

this is a board for cooking, not a board for opening jars and complaining that you don't have time to take out the trash

>> No.13086457

Those are not significant enough to be mentioned. You're just chopping some garlic, onions, and some tomatoes. Wiping the counter takes like thirty seconds. Why are you so obsessed with making excuses? Grow up, lad

>> No.13086483

>so why are you here on ck if you don't have time to to cook?
Not having time to cook sometimes != never having time to cook.

>this is a board for cooking
Says the frogposter. Stay based.

>Those are not significant enough to be mentioned
Says who?
Washing a pot doesn't take much more time either. The thing it, they are significant because they take up space and my kitchen is small as fuck.
Besides you completely glossed over how time consuming it is to make a sauce yourself as opposed to just pop open a jar of premade stuff.
Sure I can refrigerate homemade just fine, but do I want to eat pasta for 4 days straight?
That's the same reason why I don't make curry every single week.
Sure, you could re-purpose homemade pasta sauce as pizza sauce, but that's just a way to cope with the fact you've been eating the same stuff for three days straight.

Besides, when I make pasta sauce, I also make fresh pasta; what the fuck is the point to go and make some good sauce to ruin it on shit pasta?
So yeah I make pasta sauce myself when I want to treat myself and have the time to, but shit doesn't magically comes out of the sky, and unlike you I don't have my mum to wipe after me so I don't have the luxury to cook every single fucking meal ever from scratch. You'll realize that's how life is once you grow up, look forward to it.

>> No.13086501


you assume people that have space and time to cook have "mums" doing all the work?

haha stay upset forever chav

>> No.13086502

No, just you.

>> No.13086503

What are you even talking about? You really think it's impossible to make sauce for one night? You just use tomato and it still only takes about 20-30 minutes to make it. You'll spend that long boiling water and cooking pasta anyhow. You've just given up on cooking and that's really sad. I honestly pity you. You don't need to make home made pasta for home made sauce. Why make up all these ridiculous excuses instead of just admitting that you've given up?

>> No.13086506
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>> No.13086515

But somehow when he makes "fresh pasta" he has the space. Weird

>> No.13086520
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he must never have weekeneds off either, it's like he only has time to work and sleep, not even enough time to take out the trash

i mean it's the very definition of doing things wrong, but oh well at least he has Prego to come home to

>> No.13086524

Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever have.

>> No.13086529

>somtimes using a jar of premade sauce means you've entirely given up on cooking
The FUCK are on on, mate?

It's almost like every day is a different one, and sometimes you have more time than others. Wow! Epic!

>> No.13086539

No. Crying this hard and making this many laughable excuses over making something as simple as a home made tomato sauce means you've given up on cooking.

>> No.13086548

So, cooking most of my meals means I've given up on cooking?
Wew, you're a whole category of retardedness by yourself

>> No.13086551

Did that make sense in your head?

>> No.13086576

Sorry, I should've realized I'm dealing with a brainlet here. Next time I'll keep it within your intellectual reach, promise.

>> No.13086583
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in all the time you spent here bitching like a woman you could have made some sauce

>> No.13086591

For breakfast?

>> No.13087119

what is reducing

>> No.13087132

I bet you make kraft mac and cheese with sliced up hot dogs. Jesus christ

>> No.13087149

Of course I've used jar pasta sauce. It's a stepping stone in learning how to cook.

>> No.13087167

"prego" means pray, and is used as an equivalent of "bone apple teeth" by the i-ties

>> No.13087173

Prego means you're welcome you fucking idiot

>> No.13087177

uhhhhh, why would you name a sauce "you're welcome"?

>> No.13087213

Because I did all the work for you. You're welcome.

>> No.13087348

Just fry some minced meat and add a bottle of pasta sauce you got some bolognese.

>> No.13087607

I use to but as I got older I like using fresh tomatoes, onions, green peppers, mince meat, red wine. Throw in some herbs and its tastes much better. Not that difficult really.

>> No.13087634

Jarred sauces are cheaper than fresh ingredients.

>> No.13088722

Ignore the "purists" seeing as what they consider to be the true form of carbonara is definitely not the exact same as whoever made the first batch of it.
They'd probably laugh at you for not using a clay pot, or using an olive twig to stir it anyway.

>> No.13088779

I use canned pasta sauce all the time. I can it myself though. Half my tomato harvest gets turned into plain tomato sauce and the other half gets turned into pasta sauce.

>> No.13089251

That sounds really good actually. People who would criticize you for using dry or canned ingredients and for it not being authentic are retarded.

>> No.13089543


Well, you know what pieces of shit exist in this board. Thanks for seeing it though.

>> No.13089863


>> No.13090617

Yeah, he's pretty mad.

>> No.13090626

>tfw have family members who prefer the jar shit
I think it's just sugar addiction honestly.