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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13081066 No.13081066 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever been to a 'breastaraunt'? How was it?

>> No.13081070

It was alright

>> No.13081078

Went to Hooters as a kid once and went into the bathroom and there were pictures of naked boobs on the walls and it upset me. Don't remember the food though just got a kids meal.

>> No.13081085

No, and why?

If you pay money and can't touch, you might as well pay for porn--which is stupid in this age of sluts and tinder.

>> No.13081089

>naked boobs
Not complaining about the food

>> No.13081099
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>naked boobs on the walls and it upset me

>> No.13081104

>Hooters has a kids menu

>> No.13081106

just go to a stripclub or hooker

>> No.13081116

Hah, the Tilted Kilt. We just got one of those in my town.

To answer your question, once in high school. Breastaraunts are for "men" that are too pussy to go to a strip club with a buffet.

>> No.13081117

Yes but it sucks, they give you just pink and brown crayons to color in the pictures

>> No.13081139
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>there were pictures of naked boobs on the walls and it upset me
This is why not breastfeeding your child should be considered abuse. When tits disturb the general population we have an issue.

>> No.13081143

Why would I do that when there's better eye candy eating at my usual places?

>> No.13081157

I've been to Hooters a couple of times in different locations. Hooters is a place for pathetic loners, where the waitresses flirt with the incel customers to get tips. If you fall for it, you should just kys.

>> No.13081198

used to go to a twin peaks everyday back when i was a trade cuck

>> No.13081216

I go to Redneck heaven often because it's 2 dollars for a beer or well drink from 2-7, 10-close daily and those prices also apply during NFL games and all day Tuesday. I eat there rarely.
Why not both?

>> No.13081232
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>> No.13081270

Not true I was pretty pervy as a kid. The problem I had was seeing sexual deviancy in public, it upsets me now the same as it did then. Also I was breastfed a lot my mom had huge milkers.

>> No.13081280

I was confused when I was typing whether my memory was real or not because I completely forgot that they did and still probably do.

>> No.13081330
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I have gone to hooters just to pick up wings, their that good

>> No.13081383

>sexual deviancy
>a breast
Fucking hell someone start WW3 already.

>> No.13081402

Sometimes me and the guys from work hit hooters after we clock out, have some beers and some wings. It's a good time, until Jimbo has too much to drink and starts getting handsy with the waitress.

>> No.13081547

Post pics

>> No.13081659

>sexualising schoolgirl uniforms
do americans really do this?

>> No.13081660

>paying 10 times the real cost for the least popular part of a chicken

>> No.13081666

Universally trash

>> No.13081672

They should open a restaurant with fat ass'd chicks and call it booters

>> No.13081914

Went to Hooters once. The girls weren’t that hot

>> No.13081926

tilted kilt is pretty good, at least the one i went to

>> No.13081975

marry, kill, fuck

>> No.13081981
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I wouldn't be able to enjoy my meal, It would be too distracting. I can't even focus on what my gf is saying when she wears a low cut top let alone trying to enjoy a meal.

>> No.13081995
File: 37 KB, 600x337, 1457296192-64dc28c4423f04cdf407cf40426d8f7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Lion in Panama City, I'm not sure if it's considered a breasturant but the girls there were fucking stacked

>> No.13082397
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>tfw no BooBies on earth

>> No.13082405

I'm so fucking lonely, bros. I've resigned to using dating apps. Yet they are so unfulfilling and every woman on there doesn't want "anything serious." What the fuck, /ck/. I can't take it anymore. Cuff season is already upon us and I'm single as fuck. It hurts so bad. Why did I have to break up with my oneitis. This will haunt me for the rest of my life, for I will never find true love again... Maybe I should just go to a titty bar tonight and fall in love with one of the women there.

>> No.13082409

>Drank light beer
>Ate hot wings
>Drank more light beer
>Decided celery is an option

>> No.13082425

chill dude.

jerk off and go for a jog. try and do something with your life

>> No.13082430

The food is mediocre at best. You are paying for the spectacle, which isn't worth it.

>> No.13082443

stripclubs are ok but ultimately unfulfilling, romantically and sexually

>> No.13082450

Hooters is considered a family restaurant. It's slightly classier than Twin Peaks or Tilted Kilt.

>> No.13082473

>try and do something with your life

I'm a /lit/fag, but sometimes all the solitude can be too much and leaves me yearning for female companionship, woeful human that I am. Incidentally, reading has turned me into a traditionalist romantic, which makes it pretty much impossible to find a compatible woman to date. Everyone in this fucking city is a fervent transient libtard who only gives a hoot about their shitty job, hence why there are so many femcel dogmoms here. In fact, a few weeks ago I was on a date with this one girl who suddenly ended it and walked away the second I mentioned I was conservative. The MSM and social media have turned almost everyone into a consumerist, vain hedonist. I'm fucking sick of it. Moving to the city hasn't been as fulfilling as I thought it would be. But at least there are yoga studios and trendy coffee shops here, right? Haha...

Then, what other alternative is there if almost every woman is undateable?

>> No.13082492
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>the second I mentioned I was conservative
didn't you get the memo faget? hide your power level, redpill with time and in a subtle way, she just saw you as a subhuman Trumplet faggot, the fuck were you expecting?

>> No.13082493

>almost every woman is undateable
A. by what metric; B. you say that as if you are """dateable""" yourself; C. acting like you wouldn't pounce on the first girl to give you the time of day

>> No.13082523

hell yeah id pay good money to have fat ass girls fart on my food
one brappucino please

>> No.13082588

>A. by what metric
By what dating entails--commitment, time invested in one another, loving and growing together, and the like. Most women don't want relationships because Netflix empowers them. Besides, they can always buy designer dogs to fill the instinctive void gnawing at the back of their minds. Yet I find solace in the fact that many of these women will squander their romantic opportunities on creature comforts until they eventually hit the wall. But at least they have their $60k a year careers and social media validation, right? Though, I suppose there can never be enough wine aunts.

>B. you say that as if you are """dateable""" yourself;
I'm dateable in the sense that I'm willing to commit myself to a woman. Moreover, I have no trouble "hooking up" with chicks, but that's something I have done enough of and am no longer interested in. I'm 25, handsome, /fit/lit/, have a 9-to-5, rent a two bedroom apartment with a roommate--all the superficial criteria that these retarded women want, still they rather focus on their careers and sleep around until they hit the wall. I can't help but laugh at all the 35 year old women who are finally ready to settle down and have kids. Gosh, women are such fucking retards. It's too bad there are soyfags who will enable their behavior and marry them anyway... Women don't even know what they want. They have the mental and emotional capacity of children.

>C. acting like you wouldn't pounce on the first girl to give you the time of day
I'm not as desperate as you might think. I've slept with 18 different women and get mired all the time. I'm usually pretty aloof with women and selecting them. But even so, I'm often jarred by how corrupted women are nowadays. All of them are addicted to social media, dating apps, and other garbage like Netflix. The aforementioned has warped their impressionable minds into pursuing the most vain things imaginable. Women are more loose than ever, and it's not hard to get laid.

>> No.13082606

holy mother of neckbeards

>> No.13082806

I have not.

I don't put pussy on a pedestal, and you shouldn't either.

>> No.13082825

But it's mostly about breasts and ass.

>> No.13082841

imagine not being a footfag lmao

>> No.13082850

No, and I don’t plan on it. Sex and food don’t mix for me. Money and sex mix even less. Sex or sexual favors should be given freely out of a desire to share that experience with one or more individuals, not out of a desire for the money in their pockets. Try having sex with someone you love who loves you back, you’ll never want a prostitute or stripper again. And always remember, look for enthusiastic and clear consent. When everyone is having a good time, it becomes an excellent time.

>> No.13082855

Japan does that too fuckface

>> No.13082857

>Try having sex with someone you love who loves you back, you’ll never want a prostitute or stripper again.

When will this Reddit-tier meme finally end?

>> No.13082870

It’s true, you won’t feel the same way about anyone else. But you will find love again. It’s different every time, a different love with a different feeling. But it will always be amazing and deeply felt. I don’t like the word “oneitis”, because no one only has one person out there who is right for them. Out of the billions on this planet, you will find several you will or could love just as deeply and passionately. Hold on anon, love will find you one day, when you least expect it. It will be hard waiting, but it will be worth it.

>> No.13082884


>> No.13082892

gay lol

>> No.13082979

Very nicely put, anon. Thank you so much, I needed to read this. I write this in earnest. Have a great weekend :^)

>> No.13083078

do you post this because you actually believe these fake stories?

>> No.13083092

what I said or the pic?

>> No.13083094

Suck my dick roastie

>> No.13083105

the pic

>> No.13083121

I sort of believed it not gonna lie.

>> No.13083163

I don't understand how these establishments continue to function in an era of internet porn, social blacklisting, camera phones, ethots, and tinder. You're not going to coom, you're going to be humiliated in the likely event you're recorded, and there are many other sources of female attention now without having to go to a shitty theme restaurant.

>> No.13083167

You talk about women being whores when you yourself are a whore. What kind of slut sleeps with 18 people? God damn give the little guy a break.

I haven't been to hooters in forever. Is the novelty of it worth checking out even for the subpar overpriced food?

>> No.13083266

>You talk about women being whores when you yourself are a whore. What kind of slut sleeps with 18 people? God damn give the little guy a break.

Men can't be whores. Women are the gatekeepers.

>> No.13083273

They are very boring. Sportsball tvs every five feet for every angle, loud atmosphere, A/C turned all the way up, bland and expensive food. You know that little wing joint that only has one or two tables and does 90% of their business through delivery/carry-out? Yeah you know the one, go there instead.

>> No.13083341

I went to one by accident on a work meal. The servers all looked like strippers and my food was alright.


>> No.13083366

Cousin took me for my 12th birthday and we got the only black waitress in the whole place, now I'm gay

>> No.13083369

>Why did I have to break up with my oneitis.
>I will never find true love again...
what the fuck
>i love my gf so much that i have to break up with her :(
people are fucking retarded

>> No.13083378

>I'm dateable in the sense that I'm willing to commit myself to a woman.
says the shit who broke up with his oneitis
fuck u, no sympathy

>> No.13083383

By your logic men will sleep with any woman who lets them, which is pretty much by definition a whore. This whole concept is silly. Sleep with whoever you want that consents, practice safe sex, and don’t worry about sex being wrong or whatever. You know, like a normal, well-adjusted, moral person.

>> No.13083390

No problem, I’ve been there before when my ex left me. I found love again, you can too :)

>> No.13083391

im sorry >>13082588 but u are just as bad as the women u hate
tough pill to swallow but im sure one day you will see your own bias in this situation

>> No.13083438

yeah in a restaurant
i dont think his problems are tits you brainded faggot
his problem is with a bunch of whores walking around in a restaurant and shaking their tits
its retarded and only retards would think its alright and a good thing

>> No.13083441

High school girls are universally sexualized, dumb yuroslime

>> No.13083450

>normal, well-adjusted
You came to the wrong place lookin for that, bud

>> No.13083461

just watch cowboy bebop its far better

>> No.13083466

its clickbait shit if you believe you're a moron

>> No.13083481

I went to hooters and tilted kilts for fraternity events. The atmosphere was a lot more casual and family friendly than I'd expected. They were just your typical bar/restaurants, but with waitresses in provocative dress. Customer demographics were normal, not just seedy men.

>> No.13083489

>go to Hooters with friend
>90% fat SEC boomers like OP's pic
>don't tip because I hate women
The wings are actually pretty good. Wouldn't go back though, place just feels pathetic.

>> No.13083491

if you like tits and 7/10 bar food they are pretty good.

>> No.13083505

>7/10 bar food
What shithole establishments have you been going to?

>> No.13083515

Went to Hooters in high school. It was fine. Don't remember the food one way or the other. Then I did uber a bit a few years back. Had to do a pickup because someone wanted delivery from Hooters for some reason. Every girl I talked to aside from the floor lead had that high pitched whiny princess voice. I guess if you're only interacting with your waitress, it's fine, but jeeze that would get old fast.

>> No.13083563

I fucking hate you

>> No.13083630

>I don't watch that garbage, I only watch GOOD anime like Cowboy Bebop or Neon Genesis Evangelion. You've probably never even heard of them.

>> No.13083638

Man Hooters is just blue balling yourself to eat some shitty wings. Just go to a strip club. There are always girls working at them who are offering the whole menu, you just have to speak their language.

>> No.13083640


>> No.13083650

Tilted Kilt is fucking gay.

>> No.13083663

I'm married and 3D women disgust me but Hooters is actually pretty good as far as generic bar food goes. They do fried pickles well and make a nice buffalo chicken sandwich. I grab lunch or takeout there on occasion and it's nice that the waitresses know to leave you alone if you don't want to talk to them.

>> No.13083738

Jesus dude you're a genuine psycho. Your best bet is probably to just go to a church and look for some brainwashed masochist with an Electra complex to be your dependent sex maid. A woman who requires empathy will probably not be easy for you to deal with.

>> No.13083751

There should be a restaurant/bar where the waitresses wear no panties. They could call it COOTERS.

>> No.13083847


>> No.13083862

>hurrr muh jooz are causing degeneracy! sex is bad!
go fuck yourself

>> No.13083914

been to hooters a few times. food sucks. they have cheap 25oz beers. only go for cheap beer and pantyhose fetish
twin peaks has less shitty food and 20oz ziegenbock for two fiddy

>> No.13083922

>Maybe I should just go to a titty bar tonight and fall in love with one of the women there.
you could give a bj to a .357 magnum

>> No.13083928

Rent free.

>> No.13083940

It's an establishment that advertises itself as such. If you don't want to see it or your kids then don't go or bring them. You're like a vegan going into a steakhouse and then complaining about cross contamination. You fucks need to realize the world doesn't cater to your needs nor will it bend over backwards to do so faggot.

>> No.13083997

that's a fake article anon from a satire site
you retarded faggot

>> No.13084076

The Jews seem to be in your mind all the time “rent free”.

>> No.13084185

Are you saying I should kill myself?

>> No.13084195

yes. yes i am.

>> No.13084454

You sound like a pessimistic bitch. Not everyone on dating apps is a slag looking for dick. It's a mixture between single mums, girls who recently broke up with their boyfriends, the aforementioned slags, and a handful of genuine girls looking for a relationship. Just stick it out and you'll find someone.
(Buy tinder gold for a month just to speed it up at first)

>> No.13084893
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>Money and sex mix even less.
uhm sweaty

>> No.13084948


I'm very happily married with 3 children and I'm here to say everyone pays for it. In my case I pay for it with a mortgage and food.

Food and money have like, 50% to do with sex, at least.

>> No.13084959

Always be aware of the enemy.

>> No.13084964


I'm a Rock Against Communism punk piece of shit and even I managed to find someone to love me. Don't be a neckbeard weirdo that sees women as objects with no cognition. They're people and you have to treat them as people, you fucking weirdo.

>> No.13084967

whats the point of taking pictures like this? those whores are being forced to do this so its mot like you look good.

>> No.13084969

What kind of fucking school did you go to?

>> No.13085235

They're not being forced. People who work at titty chains generally know what the job entails before signing up and tend to be pretty serious about their work as both entertainers and servers. These are some of the only places you can get consistently excellent service at every location.

>> No.13085278

I find it pretty interesting how punk has been adopted by both right-wing and left-wing subcultures. From the outside both subcultures look more similar than different but espouse completely opposing ideologies.

>> No.13085334

>What is context

>> No.13085340

Do you live under a rock

>> No.13085345
File: 314 KB, 717x436, 1AE26B75-6B84-4AFD-A5EE-7A21D203D3BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13085367

Punk is an umbrella term that generally just means counterculture that dresses in a particular style. The punk scene where I live is generally libertarian or ancap, whereas the better known NYC or West Coast scenes are primarily left wing.

I do find it really interesting. It rather upsets me that more and more the left is trying to make Antifa synonymous with punk and saying "real punks don't do X" with X being as retarded as "use incorrect pronouns." Back in the 90s during the punk revival if you said something that retarded you would've gotten your ass kicked. The hardcore punk scene, which is what most people think of when they think punk, was unapologetically offensive and mainly anarchist in nature, whether that be right or left. The modern left saw "down with the government" as some kind of pro communist statement and likes the aesthetic so they pretend it's always meant that.

Go back to a 1991 Rancid show and tell everyone that the government should be able to imprison you for calling a person with a dick a man and see how quickly you get your teeth knocked out. That's why some punks have slid right, because these fucking FAGGOTS keep trying to steal it.

>> No.13085648

Went to a Hooters just outside of Boston. They’d totally dialed-down the dress code, you wouldn’t even know if you were there if it wasn’t for the sign. Not worth it at all in this state, just go to the Irish pub.

>> No.13085680

My suburban hooters is mostly 45 year old white single moms with completely average breasts. The one downtown appartently is mostly busty black chicks though

>> No.13085683

I've been to strip clubs that have better food than most restaurants. Delilahs in philly had one of the best steaks I've had from a restaurant.

>> No.13085760

>hardcore punk scene
Besides that, you're absolutely silly if you think leftist punks are a new thing. You're also silly by thinking the only thing that makes someone left is trannies and gays. You need to take a break from /pol/, friend.

>> No.13085868

Okay, now this is epic.

>> No.13085914


Yeah kid we get it we all played tony hawk pro skater.

>> No.13085925

>plaid skirt = schoolgirl uniform
you are the deviant here, bub. That's just how irish women dress.

>> No.13085934

My friends all ask me why I'm not using tinder to get sex and the truth is sex isn't the thing I miss about being in a relationship. I can get sex any time I want, and while it is great to really give it rough to a girl, it's not as great to give it to a girl you love. It's not as great as falling in love. It's not as great as holding a girl you love in your arms. And I don't want to kiss a tinder whore.

>> No.13085935

Hooters has good wings.

>> No.13085939


Nigga you might wanna get a check up at the doctor. I think you gay.

>> No.13085946

>he's never experienced the true desire to impregnate a woman he loves while they both climax together after a night of rough bareback

>> No.13085949

>i write this in earnest
>uses the most smug emoticon

>> No.13085971 [DELETED] 

>be me
>play magic the gathering
>wear nerdy gory shirts in public
>barely understand human emotions
>spend all day reading pretentious books, playing videogames, jerking off, smoking weed and drinking coffee
>poor hygiene, poor cleanliness, minimal ambition
>constantly post on this godforsaken website
>didn't get laid for 2 consecutive years
>got myself a beautiful chonk German girlfriend who used to be a goth with a booty so fine it could pay her bills
>she cooks like a fucking god, we're talking homemade key lime cheesecake and sweet potato gnocchi in a brown butter sauce
>cleans up my place from time to time out of the goodness of her heart
>CONSTANTLY DTF, probably more than I am
>has excellent taste in pretentious art, sends me fantastic memes
>has the same weird detached sperg attitude I do, is totally understanding of it
>buys me weird salad fingers shirts and jackalope skulls
>almost fought a guy last year on our first date while we were in a theatre watching halloween, got a blow job
Guess what, met her on tinder. Fix yourself and you'll find someone. If you can't, you ugly as fuck and need to lower your standards.

>> No.13085995
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The hookers I bought didn't like them

>> No.13086056

Don’t mess with this guy, he’s a hardcore punk rocker who listens to Rancid.

>> No.13086136

holy shit you suck
Please stay by yourself

>> No.13086199

What the fuck are you bitching about? Hes 100% correct. Punk music also fucking sucks but thats not the point

>> No.13086292

He's incorrect. That's the point. Then again, he is you. I know you want to be a true punk rocker, but that's a path you need to find yourself. Just find out on your own who Rancid (the ultimate hard punk rock according to you) drew their inspiration from, and go from there. No one cares. You do you, friend.

>> No.13086300
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You don't want to FUCK with me. I listen to RANCID

>> No.13086356

Twin peaks sometimes. I try not to get food but get so shitblasted that everything on the menu makes me drool

>> No.13086358
File: 38 KB, 528x375, 1559542009912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound absolutely insufferable. Cut the petulant whinging and maybe you'll get to touch a titty in the next 10 years.

>> No.13086362

went with friends when I was like 18

was cringe, undersexed betas and old men ogling women that obviously find them contemptuous lmao. Food obviously completely mediocre.

Truly pathetic. If you're gonna pay for sexual gratification, don't fuck around and just go to a strip club or brothel.

>> No.13086374

>Could it be that my awful personality and faggoty whining is turning women away from me?
>No, it's the femoids that are wrong.
Ahahahahaha you are fucking pathetic.

>> No.13086376

Sad boomers and the mentally retarded.

>> No.13086395

Punk only makes sense in the 70s in England. Trying to recreate it now is no different from normies with their 80s pastiches.

>> No.13086401

I don't disagree. Punk is a self-defeating ideology. We're all posers. I sported a cool 8" mohawk 15 years ago... that was cool for the time. Now I'm bald.

>> No.13086403

AKSHUALLY I prefer Space Dandy.

>> No.13086436

Bebop >= Dandy > Champloo >bigfuckingpowergap> anything else watanabe has ever made

>> No.13086508

point is those places shouldnt exist to begin with
same with the people that like and approve of them

>> No.13086614

The reason they're able to jack the price up so much is because it's the most popular part of the chicken you fucking retard.

>> No.13086622

Isn't the Tilted Kilt for gays?

>> No.13086624

Breasts are a secondary sex organ moron

>> No.13087058

you sound like an incel school shooter or something. problem with sexual deviancy in public. i bet you think about cleaning up the streets and shit like some loser. lol.

>> No.13087089

Pooters, or Brappers

>> No.13088482

You need to reread what I wrote. The world does not cater to you and besides boomers need these kinds of places. Leave them alone soiboy.

>> No.13088534

>Not true I was pretty pervy as a kid.
Same. Still remember being 6 years old and pretending to read the newspaper when me and my dad went to get haircuts together, just so that i could look at the page 3 girls (Random titty model in The Sun) for a second.

>> No.13088675

I am 28 and I would probably feel kind of uncomfortable to be honest

>> No.13088709

How do I make the most of a visit to Twin Peaks? I really need a wonderful experience

>> No.13088735


>> No.13088967

I've never been to one that actually had women with big tits working there. There are strip clubs out there with good enough food.

Pretty trash.

>> No.13089018


>> No.13089045

Went to Hooters a couple of weeks back. The wings were alright. I did like the fried pickles. Maybe I'll go again on a day they have unlimited wings.

>> No.13089071
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>> No.13089091

The promised land

>> No.13089108

Fund it

>> No.13089111

the beer was really cold

>> No.13089113

Years ago I went to Hooters with my wife and our girlfriend. Food was overpriced and bland, and the ladies I was with were younger, prettier, and had bigger tiddies than our waitress. We ended up finishing our meals and going to the dive bar next door for more drinks. Our Hooters waitress actually ended up coming into that bar when her shift ended, she recognized us and joined us at our table and even bought us a few rounds, which was pretty cool. I think my wife might've ended up making out with her at one point. She didn't come home with us or anything crazy though.

>> No.13089128

I went to Hooters once and ordered a buffalo chicken sandwich.
My first bite, I hit raw meat.
That was the end of that meal, and I never went back.

>> No.13089139

My wife is currently pregnant with our third child. Sex with hookers is still hotter.

>> No.13089814

if the world catered to me it would be infinitely better for everyone
you are a faggot

>> No.13091288
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>> No.13091312

Maybe your wife is just a fucking loser in bed.

>> No.13091342
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>its far better

>> No.13091362

>I think my wife might've ended up making out with her at one point.
How does this even end up happening?

>> No.13091708

I went to one once and it was for sure the last time
>be me
>not %100 autistic but have some pretty intense social anxiety so basically the same thing
>have two roommates, guy bro and girl bro, who are dating each other and are pretty good friends of mine
>one evening we decide to go out to eat
>girl bro suggests Twin Peaks because she says they have beer in frosted mugs
>my retarded ass thinks it might be a themed restaurant after the show and get kinda excited
>we get there and it looks like a log cabin
>can't wait to order a damn fine cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie
>we get inside and I realize to my dismay that it's a breastaraunt that has nothing to do with the show
>whatever maybe the food will be good
>we get seated and I sit in the middle of a decently sized booth
>waitress comes by, she's about a 7/10 with a LOT of make-up
>sees that girl bro and guy bro are together and holding hands
>she starts flirting with me while taking our drink orders
>I'm trying to be polite but I'm not really flirting back because these kinds of places make me uncomfortable
>she leaves then when she comes back with drinks she sits down in the booth next to me and grabs my arm
>oh shit oh fuck
>spaghetti Vesuvius starts erupting, there's going to be collateral damage
>before the full blown panic attack hits I look her dead in the eyes
>"I know this is your job, but I will tip you more if you don't touch me"
>she awkwardly gets out of the booth and sheepishly takes the rest of our orders
>I sit at the edge of the booth for the rest of the time there

Truly was a close one. Almost lost my wizardhood.

>> No.13091807

It's literally the same as other resturants except the girls are half naked

and yet standards are lowering, if I'm gonna eat applebees with strippers the girls should be decent but you can tell they are desperate for workers so anyone with tits gets in

>> No.13091845

>Twin peaks with my brother on leave before he went back to the military
>he got the chicken and waffles i got the chicken fried steak with mash potatos and a green bean hash, we split a sampler platter
>girl was fine, she knew her job was to be eye candy so she took every oppertunity to lean over or get on her knees (seriously)
>food was great, bomb ass apps, the hash was amazing, and the meat was pretty good
Really, only bad thing was the drinks, which isn't the fault of the resturant but the bartender

>> No.13091851

>/pol/tard who thinks he’s a /lit/tard

>> No.13091857

100% you have never had sex and are fat.

>> No.13091886

Fuck off ben

>> No.13092009

no he clearly wants you to eat an ice cream bar

>> No.13092029

your wife probably doesn't love you and you probably don't love her and married her because you felt that was what you were supposed to do and now your stuck
good luck with that divorce in 15 years

>> No.13092065

sounds rough anon, I probably would've done the same thing
I haven't been touched in so long I always feel weird as hell even with platonic shit from friends, don't know how to react to it

>> No.13092330

>naked boobs
women, anon, women

>> No.13092740
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>>"I know this is your job, but I will tip you more if you don't touch me"
Holy fuck

>> No.13092771

Tilted Kilt > Hooters >>>>>>>>>> eating off a bathroom floor >>>> Twin Peaks

>> No.13092774


>> No.13092782
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incredibly alpha
v cool my man

>> No.13092804

>using your inner chad to protect your inner virgin
What do some retards call this again? Gamma? Delta? I don't know but I can support it.

>> No.13092831
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Same here Anon. Same here…

>> No.13092911

NGE is garbage desu

>> No.13093093

It was just 2deep4u. I'm so sorry.

>> No.13093357
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My boss took me to Hooters one time. The food is basically just Chili's TV dinner covered with MSG and a side of fries.
>dude the food at Hooters is honestly really good you don't just go for the tits
Total meme.

>> No.13093406

>tfw in the best relationship of my life
Been a year but I haven't forgotten the unbearable pain and sadness of being where you're at. I thought it would never end until I fell in love. Things always change, bro.

>> No.13093422 [DELETED] 

Not going to happen for me. I've raped a couple of women but was never convicted. It's the sort of thing that would spoil a true relationship if I kept it secret and would spoil a true relationship if I came clean about it.

>> No.13093513

>I've raped a couple of women but was never convicted.
Alright well fuck you. WTF?

>> No.13093566


The wing sauce is actually pretty good and I got a baller BBQ burger, but it depends on the location

>> No.13093916

>just pink and brown

I refuse to believe that isn’t intentional

>> No.13093923

>Also I was breastfed a lot my mom had huge milkers.

I wanna tittyfuck your mom now

>> No.13093953

In no way whatsoever is that a meme

>> No.13094007

Not sure if BWW counts as a breastaraunt but the girls there all had nice bodies and wore skimpy uniforms. It was a pleasant sight until I realized that male servers also had somewhat sexualized, cheerleader like uniforms (at least at the time and place I went) and was made very uncomfortable by a waiter with a uniform that was way too tight and having to see his fucking beer gut and hairy ass crack emerging from his clothes every time I looked up. Disgusting.

Why couldn’t they just dress them like fucking referees or players?

>> No.13094015


>> No.13094046

ill never understand why people go to these instead of just going to a strip club

>> No.13094053

>tfw no hooters but with feet

>> No.13094058 [DELETED] 

Better music, better hygiene, fewer sleazebags hollering out.

>> No.13094060

how much are you supposed to tip at brestaurants anyways, like 40%? How slutty are the chicks?

>> No.13094068


You're with your gf or family but still want some titties and wings. Or you're just into sports, can't exactly watch the game at a strip club


live near a beach

>> No.13094119

a post so based that no son of a chestlet could ever match it.

>> No.13094143

reported against US law wtf

>> No.13094162


>> No.13094196
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>it's not as great to give it to a girl you love. It's not as great as falling in love. It's not as great as holding a girl you love in your arms

I wasn’t asking for these feels, anon.

>> No.13095318

That is a Sexy Kilt you faggot

>> No.13095333

I go to hooters for only 1 thing - the smoked wings.

They're good.

>> No.13096114

Clean streets are an indicator of how well kept your country (or area) is. Turning completely away from that is disrespectful to the area in which you live; at least acknowledge that it's a problem.

>> No.13096126

You're the one who is against boobs though, pal

>> No.13096805

Goyim NO

>> No.13096933

>the soul of quadchan is adolf hitler
Fite me fag

>> No.13096971

There was one in my town called show-me's. It was a horrible and depressing place filled with creepy old dudes and local drunks. Food sucked, service sucked, women weren't hot and had no cleavage.

>> No.13096973

She single? I want to give her some bbc.

>> No.13096976

I went to a hooters for my 13th birthday
Can’t remember the food but I remember having to dance with some of the waitresses because of course my dad told them it was my birthday

>> No.13096977

You’ll only ever talk about that online jaquise

>> No.13096983

Get your dick wet until you find someone you like?

>> No.13097013

>our girlfriend

>> No.13097020
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Me gusta!!!

>> No.13097889

I don't understand what you reported. Admitting that you have committed a crime isn't against the law and does not implicitly endorse the commission of crime.

>> No.13097893

i went to the tilted kilt once. instead of ordering a meal i just ate my waitresses pussy outback behind the dumpster

>> No.13097904

That is such a crude term. Absolutely revolting. In a just world all people who ever use it would be virgins forever.

>> No.13097938

Tranny pussy (cock) is still gay you faggot.

>> No.13097955


>> No.13097993

How is Hooters doing/managing in the ultra-PC age? I went there like 12 years ago as a teenager and I can't imagine it's still like that in this day and age

>> No.13098003

Women are all about using their sexuality to get ahead in the world, hooters is probably just walking the line when it comes to being so blunt about it. But again women have little to no sense of shame so they likely are cool with the fact that they can make big tips by flaunting their tits to strangers.

>> No.13098006

>sex organ
You mean sexual characteristic you illiterate fuck? This isn't hentai, you don't stick a dick in a woman's lactating nipple.

>> No.13098103

Shit, that was the one thing I was looking forward to doing when I lost my virginity.

>> No.13098116


>> No.13099089

Underage girl