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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 875x500, Thanksgiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13075090 No.13075090 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth preparing a meal on Thanksgiving if you're alone, or should you just get Chinese? Any smaller scale recipes for Thanksgiving food, that doesn't assume an audience of 12+?

>> No.13075103

you can't figure out how to cook a smaller bird and smaller portions of the sides?

>> No.13075105

>thanksgiving for one

what a depressing idea. you have NO family at all?

>> No.13075110
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>> No.13075111

I can barely cook at all, I try not to stray too far from clear recipes.

I do, but I'd rather be alone.

>> No.13075114

Go volunteer at a hobo shelter and eat for free.

>> No.13075127

We are reaching levels of sad we'd never thought possible. Go to your damn brother's house, apologize for raping your nephews, and join the feast for fucks sake

>> No.13075141

>I do, but I'd rather be alone.

>> No.13075146

I cry less if I get other food.

>> No.13075160

Whatever makes you happier anon. My family just does a breast and scaled down sides.

Try this: https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/thanksgiving-dinner-for-one

Though ditch the pecans and marshmallows for the sweet potato IMO, that shit is nasty.

>> No.13075168

This is a nice idea. You might make some friends with kind volunteering people too!

>> No.13075198

God this is pathetic. Imagine being from a tiny family.

>> No.13075201

>alone on Thanksgiving
Just eat the shotgun now and get it over with

>> No.13075203

We live in a different state from everyone else and have no desire to see the extended. One halfs snobs, one halfs white trash. So holidays are just me, my parents, and my brother if he can get off work.

>> No.13075209

Thanks, I'll try this out.

>> No.13075237

My first Thanksgiving alone and away from family was fish sticks and fries.

>> No.13075245
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Do you not have friends with whom a "Friendsgiving" celebration might be ha-... who the fuck am I kidding? Suck a helium tank instead being a fag troll.

>I can barely cook at all
Depressing tbqh.

>> No.13075262

I was invited to a friend's once, but I don't feel comfortable intruding on that sort of thing.

>> No.13075300

Thanksgiving is by far the most overrated holiday so just ignore it.

>> No.13075305

not a bad idea desu

>> No.13075310

for those who don't like white meat, smoked turkey legs are an option

>> No.13075451

i have no friends and all of my family members moved 3000 miles away.

i'm going to eat the exact same thing i eat everyday. i will probably make a batch of sugar cookie dough to eat raw.

>> No.13075995

best recipe for lonely thanksgiving is suicide

>> No.13076158
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thats pretty based actually

>> No.13076173
File: 151 KB, 800x643, thanksgiving-dinner-for-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a duckbreast or something and cook that. It's tastier than a turkey anyway.

This is actually much sadder than just getting a pizza.

>> No.13076248

I'm the same way. I'd like to ignore Thanksgiving but I can't entirely because the world mostly shuts down that day. That's the only reason I have to specifically plan my meals that day at all

>> No.13076353

turkish microwave meals look sad, understand why they want a revolution or whatever it is

>> No.13076357

Roast a turkey, carve it down, freeze it. You know you want some piping hot turkey drums and breasts freeze really well. Pull one out the next week and carve it down for some sammies.

>> No.13076584

heh use an air fryer heh

>> No.13076594

make a bunch of turkey BLT sandwiches dude.

>> No.13076621

I'm not a huge fan of Thanksgiving either. If you want to do a dinner for yourself look up a Turkey breast recipe or even cook yourself a small chicken, and make sides by cutting normal recipes in half if you don't want leftovers.

>> No.13076646

I was in favor of more gun control, until I learned a majority of gun deaths are suicides, mostly by white men like OP

Now I love guns :-)

>> No.13076661
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>that lonely feel of being the only one there in the green

>> No.13076667

>in the green for the first time in 2 years
Feels fucking good man.

>> No.13076754


boston market

>> No.13076788

Cook a cornish game hen or pheasant. Class it up and drink some wine along with it. Use it as an excuse to cook shit you would never cook. Use it as an opportunity to improve your cooking. If you fuck it up bad then go get some Chinese. If you find recipes and follow them you shouldn't fuck them up that bad.

>> No.13076789

t. seething reeking savage shitbird

>> No.13076799

What did it mean by this?

>> No.13077355

Yeah, last year there was a Chinese place open, so I kind of had a Christmas Story style dinner. I may end up doing that again, but I'd generally prefer stuffing to general tso.

>> No.13077667

Debased and bluepilled.

But seriously hobos did it to themselves. Might even find some altruistic white girl to fugg.

>> No.13077789
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for me it's gonna be this,instant mash,canned berries,and an ice cold steelie

>> No.13077809

Enjoy your chinese food, Shlomo.

>> No.13078039

duck confit with some good sweet potato puree would be really nice my fren

>> No.13078050

>according to this chart it's impossible to be extremely obese if you're 6'11"
manlets btfo again

>> No.13078067

If you want Thanksgiving food but don't want to cook Cracker Barrel usually has decent "dinner" plates that have a little of this and a little of that of stereotypical turkey day food. However take this with a grain of salt, the store I used to pick mine up from used to be #1 in company for better part of a decade and of course every store differs. Most of them have seemed to go down the drain the past few years

>> No.13078098

get yourself a roasted turkey breast from a deli and serve it on a sandwich with miracle whip and home made cranberry sauce. bonus points for homepride wheat loaf. sides should be idahoan-brand instant mashed potatoes with instant white gravy and green giant buttery brussel sprouts. treat yourself to a bottle of martinelli's sparkling cider and a pack of cigarettes. was my go to depression thanksgiving in my 20's

>> No.13079697

Never really considered Cracker Barrel, but I'm looking at their Thanksgiving stuff online, and it doesn't seem that bad. Though I'm sure the food you get and the plastic picture food are different. I may try this, thanks.

>> No.13079716


I know a guy who had lived on his own for about 12 years now. He always went to his friends thanksgiving dinner when roommates were busy.

That or just grab a nice hot case dinner from your local butcher and treat yourself.

Or Cracker Barrel as that guy said

>> No.13080772

Have sex. Then you’ll be invited to thanksgiving

>> No.13080792

I’m bordering on overweight, but I’m pretty skinny?

>> No.13080801

turkey's not even that good, there's a reason why we only eat it a couple days a year

>> No.13080811

I've had sex many times. But I'm not sure any of them would be comfortable inviting a customer for Thanksgiving, and I certainly wouldn't be comfortable with going.

>> No.13080833

Turkey's okay, I mostly like the sides associated with Thanksgiving. Stuffing, sweet potatoes and marshmellow, cranberry sauce, etc. I could eat it year round.

>> No.13080844

Roast a chicken, make one veggie side, and some mashed potatoes. Make a gravy with the chicken drippings. Really though you should spend some time with your family man. Otherwise there's no point to treating the day like it's any different from all the others.

>> No.13080848

Turkey is the most popular sandwich meat I think

>> No.13080872

American skinny, or skinny?

>> No.13080935

No, have free sex.

>> No.13080940

No man in history ever did that.

>> No.13080955

I can pinch my belly fat but I don’t have a gut

>> No.13080962

Not true, you can steal it

>> No.13081676

Just order the bird from KFC, and get your grub on. Invite some friends over to destroy the bird if you're feeling generous.

>> No.13082775


>> No.13082800

They don't call it the 5 finger discount for nothing

>> No.13082908

just fast my man

>> No.13082917
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>> No.13083389

I was assuming a four letter word

>> No.13083880
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 6F473FF1-2E86-43AF-AA8B-B3E8D4FA236E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that once. Wished I’d gotten pizza instead. Made me sad.

>> No.13083906


>> No.13083934

Yeah, sure it is, Anon.
Fuck these other naysayers.
Just buy a carved precooked turkey breast instead of a whole turkey, boil and mash a couple taters, make some stuffing, make some fresh super buttery green beans, and a little bit of gravy. And get some wine or beer or whatever. Maybe some good old fashioned apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top.

>> No.13084092

no. it's just another day of the week. get a take and bake peetzer and chill at home.

>> No.13084105

Here are your options
1. Go somewhere you fucking loser
2. Do whatever you’d normally do like the loser you are
3. Splurge slightly but otherwise do what you’d normally do and maybe feel slightly better about yourself but probably not

>> No.13084146

4. kys

>> No.13084209
File: 412 KB, 720x404, Rust's apartment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing

>> No.13084267


>> No.13084421

Turkey thighs rubbed with sage

>> No.13084424

Fasting on fat America day seems perverse.

>> No.13084438

>25 bmi = overweight
>being underweight is "better than healthy" implied by "reduced risk" at bottom

bmi bs is retarded anyway. bmi doesn't take into acct anything other than height and weight. muscle mass is a thing

>> No.13084452
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You are not a bodybuilder.

>> No.13084468

Get a turkey leg or breast and roast it instead.
The meat's good, and there's little waste.
You can scale down the sides for one.
Make an entire pumpkin pie ahead of time. It keeps well in the fridge if you wrap it in foil.
You can finish it in a week.

>> No.13084490


>> No.13084550
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>> No.13084585



>> No.13084592

just get a turkey and stuffing tv dinner

>> No.13084619

do americans say thank you together before they start eating thanksgiving dinner? or they are not actually giving any thanks?

>> No.13084632
File: 2.11 MB, 2848x4288, 1569977290133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this /his/ ascended meme

>> No.13084654

What is Thanksgiving even about? Does it have something to do with the genocide of native Americans? Or you just came up with a holiday so you have something to do between Halloween and Christmas?

>> No.13084667

>What is Thanksgiving even about?
Giving thanks for American abundance by gorging ourselves while others starve.

>> No.13084759

The fat ones do. You can make it more fun by replacing every reference to God with "daddy"

>> No.13085135

Make a turkey breast schnitzel.
But seriously if you are eating alone just eat whatever the hell you feel like eating that day.

>> No.13085276

Glad to be of help

>> No.13085389

That’s always an unspoken option

>> No.13085644

It really sucks on years I'm single. Dating someone is the only way I get to enjoy holidays.

Thanks for the reminder, gotta prepare something for myself this year. Turkey sucks anyway it will be nice to not have to eat it

>> No.13085664

You don't think you could meet a cute boi within forty days? That's as many as four tens.

>> No.13085785

She’s voting for Taft! Naughty girl!

>> No.13087231

The end of harvest, hence the feast.

>> No.13087407


>> No.13087761

Mass replies are gay.

>> No.13087825
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There's always Coke and hookers.

>> No.13087878

The masses are gay. The water turns them gay.

>> No.13087885
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>> No.13087895

I wasn’t making fun of you Alex, I swear!

>> No.13087906
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Exactly they should have a Thanksgiving for hookers, I thought about this, it should be a new feminist holiday

>> No.13087925
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>> No.13088195

so are you, heh

>> No.13088799

Looks revolting.

>> No.13088859

You’d eat it if you were in a North Korean prison.

>> No.13090306

Just get the closest fast-food equivalent to Turkey - fried chicken.

Fast-food restaurants will be closed on Thanksgiving day, so the day before, go to your favorite fried chicken fast-food restaurant and get one of the family-sized meals. Eat some that night for dinner, then eat the rest the next day, on Thanksgiving. Look for coupons beforehand for the family-sized meals at that fast-food restaurants and use them.

>> No.13090848

This is depressingly based because I've done this.

>> No.13090853

store bought pumpkin pie