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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13074752 No.13074752 [Reply] [Original]


He likes it best straight out of the pot, watching YouTube videos in front of his computer.

Sometimes it’s Kraft Deluxe, maybe a four cheese on occasion or Annie’s. Bob Evans is pretty good too, he said.

But for 20-year-old Austin Davis, nine times out of 10 he goes to his “ride or die” brand of original Velveeta Shells and Cheese.

For nearly 17 years, Davis, a resident of Keystone Heights near Gainesville, has eaten nothing but macaroni and cheese.

Vice News published a short documentary featuring Davis earlier this week.

“I don’t want to say I’m addicted to mac and cheese, because it sounds so weird,” he said. “But my body won’t let me eat anything else. I didn’t choose to be like this.”

According to therapist Asley McHan, Davis has a selective eating disorder known as avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, a mental condition where new foods can trigger negative physical reactions. According to the Center for Discover, the condition is often linked to traumatic events.

When Austin was a child, he was removed from his home and diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after being physically abused by his father. He now lives with his grandparents.

Davis said the disorder has had a negative impact on his social life. He doesn’t eat out and maintains few friendships. He wants that to change.

“It’s weird for me to think of eating anything that’s not yellow,” he said.


>> No.13074753

The choice is not voluntary. Davis said he’s actually sick of eating the same thing and has occasionally tried other foods. His body, however, will reject even something he thinks tastes good.

“As soon as it enters my mouth it’s like a sensory overload,” he said. “Even if I like what I’m trying, I’ll have an involuntary gag.”

Davis knows it’s bad for his health and has sought help in the past but said he had trouble finding a therapist who understood his disorder and would accept his insurance.

He now drives 90 minutes to visit McHan.

“He’s truly motivated to do this work,” she said.

He also works out four times a week, mostly boxing, to try to stay in as good of shape as he can.

“I definitely know that I have to maintain physical activity to keep myself fit,” Davis said. “It’s to counteract my terrible, awful carb-filled diet.”

His coach, Giovanni Cruz, has told him that he’d have to eat better if he truly wants to get in shape, but understands the struggle and the stigma of living with mental health issues.

“When it comes to mental health issues you, if you can’t talk about what’s going on, then you can’t get the help you need,” Cruz said. “I feel like a lot of men think that’s a weakness when it’s not. If there’s a problem, the weakness is ignoring it.”

>> No.13074767

Stupid macaroni man

>> No.13074789

Looks like limmy but a little fatter

>> No.13074809

Guy seems legit, unfortunately. Probably has a lot to do with the trauma he got as a kid. It's really fascinating in how many ways damage to the mind can manifest. Like posting on /ck/.

>> No.13074832

Simple solution ... you can blenderize anything throw in some binder and colouring and make it sticky yellow slop.

>> No.13074867

Do Americans really?

>> No.13074873

>20 years old
>for 17 years
>meaning his parents enforced this behavior
>condoned it
>allowed it
And people think we are too harsh on picky eaters. Fuck you faggots. Kill this man.

>> No.13074885

How can someone have such intense autism yet still be a normie

What is this freak of nature

>> No.13074892

Yeah me I'd just let my child starve to death instead

>> No.13074943

i work as an addictions councillor. and ALL problems go back to childhood trauma. on top of that eating disorders are the WORST, most ppl with eating disorders NEVER recover. Eating disorders are co-morbid so they just feed into everything else you have that's messing with you.

>> No.13075011

>Sometimes it’s Kraft Deluxe

>> No.13075044

God this man must be malnurished. fuckers gonna get scurvy

>> No.13075061

This is how i view every ANTIFA person.

>> No.13075078

>Davis knows it’s bad for his health and has sought help in the past but said he had trouble finding a therapist who understood his disorder and would accept his insurance.
Lmao americans are so cucked by insurance

>> No.13075092

I wouldn't mind if this retard died.

>> No.13075116

He sounds pretty based. All the people hating on him must be unironic normies. Sad to see how low 4chan has fallen.

>> No.13075137

Is this the "Chad" I've been hearing so much about?

>> No.13075151
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>based and 60s stuntmanpilled

>> No.13075154

I honestly feel kinda bad for him, trauma fucked his brain up so he seeks comfort in mac and cheese

>> No.13075159
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i wouldn't have FUCKING MINDED if it was GOOD MAC AND CHEESE

fucking dumbass he lives in florida too he could get the chik fila mac what a pleb

>> No.13075162

He was eating it since he was three and the trauma was at like 12 or something

>> No.13075217

Mah neme's Austin Davis, and a used to be a fetfuck, I'd eat nuthin but mac n' cheese ell day, lost almost 20 yers of me life to tha', spent 5 yers in a spaghetti rehabilitation program

>> No.13075219


>> No.13075220


>> No.13075223

Sounds like he wasn't beaten enough

>> No.13075224

Is this Nick Rochefort's gay brother?

>> No.13075338

Watched the video, I kind of feel for the guy, his dad beat the fuck out of him repeatedly. The way he explains it is that the only meal that he could ask for for dinner without causing conflict was mac and cheese, because of how cheap it is. So he associates that with having some sense of control, and peace. Still fucking bizzaro though, out of all the ways to deal with trauma, this one makes the least amount of sense to me. Sorry for the reddit tier moralfaggotry, but he seems like a decent enough guy.

>> No.13075344

Now I will not eat mac n cheese, I simply will not. Unlessss, you know it's my birthday or a special occasion or somethin, then I'll get out that box and I'll cheese.

>> No.13075378

Holy fuck hahaha

>> No.13075422

Poor guy, ptsd is no joke, and having it at such a young age too. I hope justice was brought on to the dad.

>> No.13075443

I thought this the whole time, it's a fucking MDE skit

>> No.13075500

This just made me want mac and cheese. hope that guy gets help, he seems nice.

>> No.13075523

I can totally see how this guy got to where he is. I get anxious to this day ordering takeout because my dad would always get angry doing it when I was a kid since he couldn't ever decide what he wanted, so I just don't do it even now that I'm not living with him. This dude's grandparents definitely needed to stop enabling him many years ago though.

>> No.13075866

He must take vitamins or drink juice or something otherwise he would definitely have scurvy since there’s no vitamin c in that shyt

>> No.13075876

>20 years old
>looks 35
I'm a 27 year old chain smoker and I look younger than him

>> No.13075880

He looks high as fuck

>> No.13075883

I live right near this fag. Probably been to a trashy party with him

>> No.13075884

Looks pretty comfy small town even for a yuropoor like me

>> No.13075933

My friend eats almost nothing but dairy, carbs and occasionally candy. I don't think he has this though because he's pretty fat

>> No.13075942

I know you are a girl

>> No.13075950

tbf a mind/body (a child's at that) going thru trauma doesn't pick a 'sensible' coping mechanism. it's just whatever it takes to survive, cope, calm down. pretty sad stuff

>> No.13075962

>waah my dad beat me
>cope with mac and cheese
>live with gam gam and papi
>eat macaroni from the pot in front of computer
Fuck this gay shit. You can sit around and try to blame every single one of your problems on your parents or some childhood trauma but people have gone through way worse and have been fine. This is just a weak cunt trying to justify his habits. Also people like this are common as fuck, weak, fat losers raised by their mothers and their computers.

>> No.13075967

Nah I believe it. Food aversions are powerful.

>> No.13075973

my dad won't eat poultry to this day because he witnessed grandma plucking a chicken as a kid. Says the thought of eating birdd makes him want to vomit.
Usually loves disgusting shit like tripe and pork jelly.

>> No.13075982
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>My dads beats the shit out of me and abandons me.

>Better eat nothing but mac and cheese for the rest of my life, that will solve my problems.


>> No.13076006


Keystone Heights is adjacent to arguably the biggest University in the state and the locals usually end up at the nearby community college. This entire country is dotted with towns like this though

>> No.13076029

At least he mostly eats the good stuff Velveeta shells and not that shitty powdered cheese

>> No.13076045

I refuse to believe this bait title. It couldn't be "nothing but", or he'd be dead. Wasn't there some other article of some brit teen going blind by eating only basic carbs?

>> No.13076046

Is florida the gateway to hell?

>> No.13076050


>> No.13076063

Why the fuck did VICE choose to frame him as an "enthusiast" or an "addict", the boy is trapped in a prison of his own neurons and his tastebuds are the guards.

>> No.13076065

>i saw it and was all
>oh my god
>i'm not crazy!
no, you are

>> No.13076244
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Why are American's so fucking weird when it comes to food. It's almost like they don't have national dishes which they can all enjoy whilst taking pride in them enough to sit down as a family to all eat and have good merriment together.

>> No.13076246

i knew this crazy bitch who couldnt use her right arm (but could use the hand), she swore she wasn't driving during a car accident that killed her friend, but she definitely was, so her dying friend clutching her right arm musta made her goofy in da nile

>> No.13076250

Kill yourself.


Fucking faggots

>> No.13076252

>I'm not addicted
>describes symptoms of addiction

>> No.13076253

He looks like a 30 year old boomer, is this what a mac and cheese diet does to you?

>> No.13076257
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Same thing with this lady that used to get posted here a lot. She said she was forced to eat something she didn't like as a kid by people who knew she didn't like it until she threw up. Not sure why she latched onto cheese and potatoes after that but it was all she ate for like 30 years. Eventually she started eating other stuff though.

>> No.13076434

>he thinks trauma is a choice
not everyone can have an easy life like yours, anon

>> No.13076721

How come he isn't sick from nutritional deficiency

>> No.13076739

Mac and cheese is nutritionally complete.

>> No.13076755
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oooo we got a tough guy over here

>> No.13076798

Holy shit, he looks like he's 35.

>> No.13076811

this is considered a mental illness, but trannies aren't

>> No.13076850

m8 your clown of a country got him hooked on mac and cheese instead of investing in the production of actually nutritious goods, agreeing that Vice screwed up here isn't a get out of jail free card

>> No.13076913

This is why the government mandates vitamin fortification in staple foods. In the video the guy even bewilderdly questions the enriched pasta on the box. But this is why he is still alive. He might be dead otherwise. This is how stupid people are. This is how bad people are at parenting.

>> No.13076923

t. Blind brit

>> No.13076940

they're in an absolute state as well you twat

>> No.13077010

Yeah was shocked when I learned he's younger than myself. Looks closer in age to my older brother who's in his mid 30's

>> No.13077131

So he's 20 and been eating only M&C for 17 years, and he started bc his dad beat him after and broke his skateboard he bought with his own monry. So that was when he was 3? What 3 year old buys a skateboard and can kick a hole in the wall?

>> No.13077147

He should be dead from vitamin deficiency.

>> No.13077158

enriched foods protect us from the menace that is the single mother, also how can these retards not just make him eat vitamins, if his issue is texture all he has to do is swallow them with water. You can’t be malnourished if you take vitamins.

>> No.13077430

>You can’t be malnourished if you take vitamins.
It depends how you define malnourished. He won't be getting scurvy or beriberi. There are thousands of beneficials chemicals in plants that are not made in pill form.

>> No.13078135

>1 out of 330 million
>all of America









>> No.13078293


>> No.13078304

You just know how giddy they were to have a story they could title “Florida man...”

>> No.13078310


>> No.13078364

What he needs is to slaughter his father and eat the bastards heart.

>> No.13078378

>I was about to go up and kill my dad and eat his heart, but then I immediately started thinking about the texture and like I gag

>> No.13078381


>> No.13078385

He gon die.

>> No.13078413
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He got married to this girl. They named their child Starchy.

>> No.13078415

this guys looks like he could be a cast member on world peace.

>> No.13078419

>healthy teen girl

>> No.13078436

Yeah but she's fat and disgusting, at least the mac n cheese guy works out and acknowledges his diet is shit. She's a lazy pig who eats 4000 calories a day.

>> No.13078439


>> No.13078463

>subsisting on ramen noodles for 13 years
holy mother of sodium

>> No.13078472

Maybe she’s adapted to sweat more around the toes and between her buttcheeks and also her armpits as a result hahaha

>> No.13078717

My best friend has a brother who pretty much only eats mac and cheese, hot dogs, and carrots. I don't think he has ptsd or whatever, he just doesn't want to eat other stuff.
When that story about the kid who went blind made the rounds he's the first person I thought of.

>> No.13078877

Chik fil a mac is expensive if you're tryna subsist off of it entirely. Velveeta is cheap as fuck and tastes good, Idk what you're on about.

>> No.13078913

Everybody has a hero. This is mine. I would imitate him exactly if I had the willpower to give up ice cream.

>> No.13078943

I doubt since age of 3 he's not eaten anything else. Just mentally ill and in need of attention.

>> No.13079070

>too harsh on picky eaters.
>Kill this man.
Do us all a favour.

>> No.13079090

Let me get this right, he’s not your hero because he tries to make his autistic life work and get over his problems, he’s your hero for eating entirely mac n cheese

>> No.13079105
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>> No.13079115

>sit down as a family to all eat and have good merriment together
Nobody in the USA does this. At best, they are all sitting in the same car as they eat.

>> No.13079122

Fortified pasta and multivitamins, I assume.

>> No.13079133

It's beautiful in its simplicity, and you can just see it has been working out for him (eating out more isn't really going to improve his social life, I know that from experience). People trying to change him are just more of the moral cowards who are afraid of diversity when it isn't about race, sexuality or gender.

>> No.13079238

Anon has been on 4chan for 17 years and no one is writing an article about it. He doesnt go on any another sites. All he does is shit posting, it make him feel better for getting (you)s.

>> No.13079317


>> No.13079452

stop posting about me :(

>> No.13079487

Lots of good stuff in cheese too, milk IS meant to raise babies

>> No.13079626


Yeah, I'm sure you run into alot of Antifa people in your day to day life you dumb faggot.

>> No.13079703

but he's literally afraid of diversity

>> No.13079709

Literally everyone who covers their laptop in stickers is antifa, antifa is probably just a spin off of that culture

>> No.13080067

>He likes it best straight out of the pot, watching YouTube videos in front of his computer.
kek this fucker definitely posts here

>> No.13080799
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>tastes good
my girlfriend gets it sometimes because she has liked it since she was a child. I can say through numerous experiences of trying it, velveeta tastes like melted plastic. it's bad. really bad.

>> No.13080815

freakshow in the video said he never met someone who doesn't like it.
he also said it was some good ass cheese, but
Velveeta is a brand name for a processed cheese product. that means it's not cheese. it's imitation cheese.

>> No.13080820

Bruh I was thinking this too, velveeta is the fucking worst

>> No.13080831

I hate the way this shitstain talks. He is so confident in his idiocy, he thinks vegetables are so disgusting, he laughs and says they are vomit territory, with an air of superiority for eating the most disgusting Mac and Cheese Product TM known to man. I think this guy should be put down for the good of mankind. We cannot let his kind reproduce.
also how can he sound so normal when he obviously has EXTREME autism

>> No.13080908

Ok I finished the video and now I feel bad. I'll try to be less judgmental in the future. Child abuse is no joke.

>> No.13080916

serves you right, meanie

>> No.13080920

Pff, it happened to me and I’m not a picky eater, just a raging incel

>> No.13080996

the velveeta shells TASTE LIKE FUCKING NOTHING.
It is the WORST brand of maggin cheaps.

Kraft Triple Cheese > Kraft Deluxe > Annie's > Kraft Four Cheese > Kraft Thicc n Creamy > Kraft (Regular) > Kroger Mac n Cheese >>>>> Kraft Spirals >>>> Kraft Sponge Bob flavor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> top ramen and cheese wiz >>>>>>>>> velsheeta

>> No.13081021

Point taken, eating mac and cheese is a one way ticket to gainsville.

>> No.13081030

If Velveeta somehows goes bankrupt tomorrow and stops producing anything, does he have a fallback plan?

>> No.13081069


Literally some of the worst boxed back and cheese ever. If it's liquid cheese it HAS to be Velveeta. Powdery Kraft blue box still reigns supreme.

And if you're making it at home and not using ANY American/processed cheese with your cheddar God damn you are fucking up hard. Pimento is God tier. Mozz is unnecessary, I don't need stringy. I need liquid gold. Add the
Powdered mustard. Hot sauce. No cottage or sour cream either you /fit/ inbreds. Breadcrumbs and bacon are allowed but not necessary.

>> No.13081080

That guy looks 45, not 20. What the fuck.

>> No.13081088

In america, foods like this are fortified with vitamins so even trailer trash can live.

>> No.13081090

For the few that get over it, how do they do it?

>> No.13081096

the video was actually a "stealth" viral marketing campaign made in collaboration with VICE. you can tell the guy is an actor because he speaks so calmly, with confidence and clarity, no stuttering, no umms. it doesn't match the claim that he's some traumautized autist who can only eat mac & cheese. i fell for it too and watched the whole video but then thought about it afterwards. also keep in mind VICE has soros as an investor so they are much more corporate and advertiser friendly now than 10+ years ago when it was just another indie mag.

t. someone who has been working in marketing for over 10 years.

>> No.13081103

Years and years of therapy coupled with the will to be better. You have to really want it.

Then you're fucking really bad at your job and probably will be let go soon

>> No.13081108

florida man IS basically a click bait meme

>> No.13082149

Damn he's fucked if he suddenly becomes lactose intolerant.

>> No.13082160


>> No.13082168

I'm just surprised his body can survive with that restricted diet.

>> No.13082185

awful, crackerbarrel mac is were its at

>> No.13082474

>avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
just how far will picky eaters go to defend their retardiness?

>> No.13082496

>Kraft and Velveeta
You'd think some autistic fuck like this would make all kinds of mac & cheese rather than blue box shit.

>> No.13082504

Dude you're just like guy in the video if you can rank ten different mac and cheese's.

>> No.13082511

Changed their self image. Envision a new person then become that person.

>> No.13082542

I get so tired of Mac and cheese before the box is gone, I can't imagine what his life is like.

>> No.13082571

I'm european and I've never eaten boxed mac and cheese in my life.
is it any good?

>> No.13082579

I would start with ez Mac. Preferably the premium cheese goop not the powdered cheese. You do have microwaves don't you?

>> No.13082582

He seems like a nice guy. Probably posts on 4chan. I’d chill with him and play vidya. Hope he gets the help he needs.

>> No.13082685

>tastes like melted plastic
jut like all boxed mac and""""cheese"""

>> No.13082692

>is it any good?
It's crap pasta and "powered" cheese product. It's foul. But everyone in NA had it as a kid so it automatically counts as comfort food.

>> No.13082706
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>Preferably the premium cheese goop not the powdered cheese.
This is a must for boxed mac and cheese. Read the ingredients to make sure it has some real cheese in there too. This is the best one I've found.

>> No.13082747

he looks like the normie version of eggman

>> No.13082764

His problem is characteristic of the avoidant, it's a real shame he ended up with a female psychologist who doesn't appear to equipped to recognize it.

>> No.13082765

Don't see anything wrong with this. I've only ever eaten Doritos and drank soda my entire life.

>> No.13082769

He doesn't look so bad for a 30 something year ol-
oh fuck he won't make it to 40

>> No.13082879

We are NOTHING alike.
I'll be 6 feet underground from a sad, diabetic death before I call myself equal to common velveetatrash.

>> No.13082882


>> No.13082888

Yeah, he looks worse than me and I'm a 33 year old alcoholic.

>> No.13082896

wait... is there something wrong about looking like that at 20?

>> No.13082910

besides balding and actually having those soulless malnourished eyes

>> No.13082928

itt : people unaware of how trauma affects people

>> No.13082939

If they get hungry enough they'll eat

>> No.13082942

oh boy, but his spot is already filled by Nich Rochefort

>> No.13082945

So, what elements is he lacking?

Does the stuff contain fibers? Vitamins?

>> No.13082965

I'm disappointed that I didn't get replied to earlier so I'm going to go on by replying to you. His issue is hardly the picky eating, that's more like a complex nuance of his issue left over from childhood, his real issue is that he can't get over the abuse he received and eating other things would signify moving on and having to forge an unvictimized identity. You can further tell he's actually an avoidant by how insightful he is into his problems, this is so typical of the avoidant, they know exactly what their problem is. It also makes them the hardest to treat, because they are incapable of not living the lie so you have to be very perceptive to dig their real problem to the surface or they will keep failing as they try to shortcut their way out of their anxious cage without actually getting over the thing that makes them anxious. This is also part of the normie persona, it's all a charade, and why he completely cowers when actually confronted by his friend.

>> No.13084107
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Florida is a magical place where anything is possible, show some respect you fucking peons

>> No.13084127

I ate nothing but mac and cheese and vegan hotdogs for nearly 6 months straight. I was in the hospital for some stomach shit and on a clear liquid diet for a week and a half, then when they released me it was all I could eat. I was able to eat anything I wanted, but the only things I could actually stomach or crave would be the 2 things I mentioned, plus kit kats and milk for desert. I'm not even a veggie or vegan fag, the vegan hotdogs just had a taste I liked and didn't upset my stomach like the regular ones would.

>> No.13084435

Mac and cheese is gross

>> No.13085833

why is butter so expensive holy shit
this isn't even poverty food because you need to sell your firstborn child to be able to afford all that butter

>> No.13085874

What hellscape has expensive butter?

>> No.13086637
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I don't know where he is, but Japan has expensive butter.
When I made cookies with my students using my dead mother's recipe, I imported a lot of stuff to use the same ingredients she used. Then my coworkers cheaped out and got margarine instead of butter.
Kinda pissed me off desu senpai.

>> No.13086794

>Sorry for the reddit tier moralfaggotry
You don't have to apologise for feeling like a regular person. Not everyone is 14 and needlessly edgy on this site.
Hiro really cleaned things up when he re-branded 4channel.org into a family friendly website

>> No.13086812
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high key i'm the same way. i pretty much only ate mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, and plain pasta when i grew up. that was IT. I grew out of it for a bit in high school because one of my friend's parents was a chef so they introduced me to some new food. i straight up hadn't had soup till college.

I'm back to being somewhat picky again because I have an oral allergy to some raw fruit and vegetables and you can't really figure out what exactly you're allergic to without eating it (yes i've had a skin prick test) and I have anxiety so it just sucks. Add onto all that the texture issues and panic being able to produce the feeling like your throat is closing, and that's why my eating is so neurotic now. I can definitely eat grapes, pinapple, watermelon, and coconut but no citrus or other berries, bananas have a mild reaction, and no apples or pears. I used to eat fruit a lot too. I also can't have cucumber and it's pretty bad in terms of reaction so now I'm wondering what other veggies I can't have raw. I can definitely have kale and spinach but i feel like having a kale/spinach salad every day isn't healthy.

>> No.13086834

>i feel like having a kale/spinach salad every day isn't healthy.
Why the fuck wouldn't it be? As long as you aren't drowning it in bacon and ranch, it's fine.
I used to eat salad everyday for lunch for about two years. Granted more variety than just kale and spinach, but still.

>> No.13086842

>Granted more variety than just kale and spinach, but still.

This is my point like any negatives of eating these things would accumulate because I will literally eat only those veggies for months. I'll probably throw in tomatoes, sweet and regular potatoes, avocado, and bell peppers in my other meals surrounding that. but that's it.

>> No.13086855

This is actually awesome and clever as fuck.

>> No.13086867

based haha poster

>> No.13086875

Ah yes. When a man uncontrollably consumes mac and cheese he's deserving of sympathy and attention but when I do it with alcohol and hardcore drugs I'm just a junkie who deserves to die.

>> No.13086886

I'm very avoidant too. Care to give advice?

>> No.13086970

But there are no inherent negatives to eating them, that's my point.

>> No.13087004

He's like a big fucking baby that's scared of eating anything different. Thank GOD I'm not like this because I know someone that does a similar thing

>> No.13087018

get euthanized

>> No.13087045

It's pretty decent, but most of it's probably just nostalgia. I recommend the powdered cheese kind.