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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.10 MB, 2448x2448, 2FAB1731-1B62-4F78-9090-75BA6716AA42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13073199 No.13073199 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13073209

And just what the fuck is that thing you sorry piece of shit?

>> No.13073212

Pedantically, isn't that actually a terere?

>> No.13073223

No. Terere has sugar in it. It’s a thing in Uruguay, I think.

>> No.13073226

I'm not your bro, mate.

>> No.13073230

Would love to be your mate

What are you drinking there?

>> No.13073242

Technically speaking, chimarrão, as we call it. In Spanish they call it mate (mah-teh)

>> No.13073266

I thought that was generically called mate dulce. Terere is mate made with cold water instead of hot, and served out of a drinking horn instead of the classic gourd.

>> No.13073274

Yeah, sure, thanks cutie

>> No.13073276

Your bookshelf sucks, faggot.

>> No.13073284

>>is that spoon perforated?

ive seen that kind of thing that my roomate uses but i never knew what it was for

>> No.13073287

It’s not a bookshelf, it’s an “aparador”. Most of my books are boxed in already since I’m moving out of this apartment.

>> No.13073290
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>> No.13073291

is this for like straining and drinking tea at the same time?

>> No.13073293

>The photo book
>The fashion book
>The art book

This is how you know OP is basic as fuck

>> No.13073304

Yes, it's called a bombilla.

>> No.13073312


Ignoring The Iliad, The Book of Disquiet, The Greek Myths and Where the Stress Falls

>> No.13073319


enjoy your mouth cancer

>> No.13073330

You just have to not drink it stupidly hot.

>> No.13073333

Flawed study. Mouth cancer is caused by regularly drinking any sort of very hot liquid.
Mate is more likely to be drunken very hot because you don't slurp it while drinking (as you would from a cup); you suck it through a straw instead, so the cooling effect of slurping isn't applied.

>> No.13073334

>it's because it's hot, not because it's mate
Same "man bites dog" shit has been done with coffee and tea tea.

>> No.13073441
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Are you using your personal penis gourd to drink from?

>> No.13073444

Wrong continent, sweaty

>> No.13073519

My penis doesn’t fit in a gourd.

>> No.13073524

I'm sorry for your disability

>> No.13073743
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>kanji and kana
LMAO look at this turboweeb

>> No.13073762

You will be my mate? I thought I would never have any friends until now.

>> No.13073810

Well now i see you pronounce it mayteh you must be from the north... so fuck off

>> No.13073874


>> No.13074232


>> No.13074299

It’s mate, as in the type of tea, you fucking nigger. His subject was a pun.

>> No.13074459

Are you coming into me?

>> No.13074684

Looks like a bong desu

>> No.13074759

Sure. Bend over.

>> No.13074768

Mate should be treated the same as weed since only redditors and 3rd worlders drink it

>> No.13074770
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what kind of crazy ass bong are you smoking out of?

>> No.13074771

based retard

>> No.13074805 [DELETED] 

No, dude.

>> No.13074807


>> No.13074813

Are you cute?

>> No.13074818

Weed is not legal in the third world.

>> No.13074882

snax is back!

>> No.13075720

I fucking hate philz coffee that hipster fucking shop, shut the fuck up and give me my yerba mate because nobody else sales it

>> No.13075725

the fuck is that, how does it taste like?

>> No.13076015

Si es amargo, si

>> No.13076023

Its kind of hard to explain if you've never had it
Its sort of like tea, but earthier and more bitter

>> No.13076054

Makes me shit like crazy

>> No.13076068

Is it possible to find these in stores? Where would I look?

>> No.13078058

Holy shit m8, you’re not allowed to show THAT kind of a power level around here anymore.

>> No.13078077

how? it's actually a diuretic.

>> No.13078087

you can find them on eBay. Look for "bombilla" (we actually call "bomba" in Brazil, but whatever)

>> No.13078244


>> No.13078315

Uruguay? More like U ar gay! HAHSHAHha

>> No.13078619

SC or RS?

>> No.13078657

Weed is consumed by people from all walks of life. You'd know if you actually had friends and went out.

>> No.13078658

Oh FUCK YOU. It looks like it, FAGGOT

>> No.13078880

Gaúcho living in Curitiba.

>> No.13078894
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Nothing better than a hot mah-teh after a long day

>> No.13079279

Isn't it a morning drink? Or do you have that much of a tolerance?

>> No.13079336
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In the south of Brazil, specifically RS state, people drink it whatever the time. Early morning, waiting for lunch... people often gather in parks to drink it at the end of the afternoon, etc. It's got caffeine in it, so it gives you energy which is sometimes needed.

>> No.13079393

Everytime I drink mate I get a really fast heart beat and an erection.

>> No.13079846


>> No.13082227
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Not high heartbeats but I get lots of erections too.
I knew it I wasn't alone with that.
Sometimes, I take yerba maté and a pre-workout before destroying my gf pussy. kek

>> No.13082241

mmm lawn clippings

>> No.13082452

Terere is Paraguayan bullshit. Steeped mate tea, served cold and sweet

Real gauchos drinking hot, from a wooden mate, silver bombilla and a thermus. None of that kettle and glass/ceramic mate bullshit argies pretend is right.

T. Urugay

>> No.13082573

Drinking mate right now lads

>> No.13083008

top lad

>> No.13083020

Can I get a quick rundown on mate? Is it just for caffeine, or are there actual other effects? What causes them?

>> No.13083037

It has caffeine and it's a diuretic, so it makes you piss a lot. It controls appetite as well, so it aids weight loss. It tastes very bitter at first, but you grow to enjoy it.

>> No.13083062

I only drank this a couple times but it gave me a two hour erection


>> No.13083083

I took a long trip to Argentina when I was younger. This is a pretty accurate take. People drank it all over the place, all the time; cab drivers, construction workers on break, businessmen, housewives. I like it about as much as I like coffee or tea. I tried it with sugar and thought it was kinda nasty that way. Definitely best hot and plain. The green material is called yerba, and we called the gourds "mates" as well

>> No.13083101

It’s got the same happy chemicals found in chocolate in addition to caffeine.

Anyway I don’t drink mate since I don’t have any but I do drink tea I make from yaupon holly leaves which is similar being a closely related plant ilex vomitoria as opposed to ilex paraguanensis. It’s good also it’s north America’s only native caffeinated plant.

>> No.13083123

terere is not because of sugar, american fatto
terere is called when you're serving cold brewed mate, either by using cold water or orange/lemon juice
it does not necessarily involve sugar or sweetness

>> No.13083130

great for crack too

>> No.13083281

I personally like it a bit sweet (about 4 teaspoons sugar per liter of water). I also usually add some dried aromatics to it, ginger lemon mint being my favorite mix. I'm a straight guy btw

>> No.13083319

Dude, I'm Brazilian.

>> No.13083337
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>> No.13083355

Tereré is popular here in Argentina, many people drink that, but isn't the same without chipá.

>> No.13083414

I'm sure there are ways of preparing it sweet that are decent. Congrats on your orientation.

>> No.13084249
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>not "Care for a mate, mate?"
you had one job OP

>> No.13084321

Why is there so much of the leaves in the gourd or cup? Like all the dried stuff at the top, what's the point?

>> No.13084326

you pour your hot water over the yerba, drink, and refill water as needed. it’s just how it works

>> No.13084538

>Why is there so much of the leaves in the gourd or cup?
That's how it's done. Half of the gourd is full, and half empty (there's where you put the hot water)

> Like all the dried stuff at the top, what's the point?
I guess it's just aesthetics

>> No.13084554
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This is a better example than my photo.

>> No.13084580

do you know what that words means?

>> No.13084589


>diuretic | ˌdʌJjʊ(ə)ˈrɛtJk | Medicine
>(chiefly of drugs) causing increased passing of urine.

Yes, that's exactly what I thought it was and indeed it is diuretic.

>> No.13084596

and what does that have to do with him shitting?

>> No.13085601

I've seen bags of this at the store and have been tempted to try it. How is it?

>> No.13085611

Bitter and earthy. I don't think it's something people enjoy from the start, though. It grows on you. I also like the social aspect of it because you typically drink with friends or family while having a conversation.

>> No.13086224
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>The Photo Book
>The Fashion Book
>The Art Book
what are you, some kind of retarded faggot?

>> No.13086862

I like art. Most of my book are about art.

>> No.13086896

do I need to buy the autismo mug and spoon to drink this? could I just use a regular mug and fork?

>> No.13087117

>could I just use a regular mug and fork?
what would you use a fork for?

>> No.13087281

Is that marijuana?

>> No.13087303

no, coca

>> No.13087362
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>> No.13087541

First time I ever saw one of those I was running a crew of Brazilians and almost shit canned them all when they brought those out. Thought they were going to attempt to hot box my entire restaurant.

>> No.13087569

Hey are you me?

>> No.13087615

The fact that this simpleton thinks we drink such a degenerate act of defiance before God in my country makes me wretch with disgust and holy seethe.

>> No.13087620

It's not a spoon, retard.

>> No.13087621

Based and redpilled

>> No.13087623

It was first legalized here in Uruguay, you fucking coon.

>> No.13087630

>we actually call "bomba" in Brazil
no one cares what you call it in Brazil: it's a tradition you stole from us. now you're going to tell us you call alfajores alfeijhoares and that they've been produced in the amazon rainforest for hundreds of generations. AAAAH I'M ANGRY

>> No.13087636

I've always find it strange how foreigners think this second-person sentence is directed at natives instead of them.
If Uruguay says "you are gay", who do you think is being called a faggot?

>> No.13087637

just kidding im gay af

>> No.13087646

mate is for poor people

>> No.13087653

tell me where you live and i will shove my bombilla up your ass and turn your head into a thermus from which your hot blood will erupt creating the last mate that will bring judgment upon this earth

>> No.13087657
File: 156 KB, 1200x980, termo-automate-matelisto-mate-autocebante-quo-palermo-znorte-D_NQ_NP_642229-MLA31013271847_062019-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old mans gourd.
t. practical zoomer mate drinker.

>> No.13087659

argentina come at me

>> No.13087660

>no one cares what you call it in Brazil: it's a tradition you stole from us


>> No.13087665

it's uruguay you uncultured nigger

>> No.13087667


>> No.13087669

so, argentina then.

>> No.13087683 [DELETED] 

you're too familiar with the banter, you're either a filthy indio nigger from the northwest of the continent, a brazilian, or a chilean. show yourself you glowing bracketfuck.

>> No.13087686

Is this shit good or bad for my ADHD and depression/anxiety ?

>> No.13087692

no; stop consuming soy and move further north into alaska and you might cause your homosexual tendencies to lessen.

>> No.13087704

and you sound like you just discovered /int/ with your edgy "banter". piss off loser.

>> No.13087720
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It's even better in Germany.
inb4 shut up hans
i'm not even german but this shit is amazing

>> No.13087729

dilate, rinse, and dilate again.

what? is this supposed to be some kind of baizuo joke or something that i'm not supposed to get?

>> No.13087756

It's only drunk in the South, though. Most Brazilians don't drink it.

>> No.13087767

I don't know, brother, but you can try. I feel like it helps me to be focused.

>> No.13087854

>drinking hot, from a wooden mate, silver bombilla and a thermus
Everyone does that here provinciano culo roto

>> No.13089193
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>provinciano culo roto

>> No.13089476

Váyanse al carajo, yankies de mierda
Y viva Perón!

>> No.13089481

Fino el mate...

>> No.13089484


Are you drinking pesto or weed?

>> No.13090413

he drinks mate, so yes

>> No.13091276


>> No.13091793


>> No.13091801
File: 22 KB, 300x235, psh mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine bro.

>> No.13091818


>> No.13092365

tu não reclamou enquanto eu metia no teu cu