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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13072337 No.13072337 [Reply] [Original]

>12th day in a row eating this at lunch
how is it so good bros?

>> No.13072344

its probably the insects they put in it

>> No.13072346


>> No.13072349


>> No.13072357

nah theres no insects in there you probably just ate an old one out of your cupboard. clean your house bro

>> No.13072360
File: 395 KB, 796x1016, 1570416557979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is it so good bros?

>> No.13072369

theres insects in all our food now, that's what (((they))) are replacing meat with retard

>> No.13072377

there is no meat in this though. or is the powder ground up bugs? either way its delicious

>> No.13072386
File: 249 KB, 880x1096, 176-1760306_bugs-bunny-head-png-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the powder, the noodles, everything is bugs

>> No.13072418

nah im not buying it. i spent fifty nine cents on each one. only the highest quality ingredients go into these

>> No.13072658

Bruh, you wanna maek it better? Grab that salt shaker, bruh. 7 or 8 good shakes and you're in flavor town.

>> No.13072722

>tfw no pecan pie

>> No.13072746

If users have ever posted in /pol/ they should be banned from posting on any other board.

>> No.13072763

>"authoritarianism is great when I'm not under the boot!"

>> No.13073157

I have 8 of these under my bed, delicious stuff my friend

>> No.13073162

Sounds like depression.

>> No.13073173

Why does /pol/ live rent free in your head? I don't like /co/ but you don't see me whining about it all the time.

>> No.13073195
File: 57 KB, 180x211, 1544291414448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't yakisoba flavoured

>> No.13073202

The cheese ones are really quite good.

>> No.13073244

I get the Chow Mein brand stuff instead
comes with a sauce packet instead of powder
I co in on the Yakis too though. Beef only

>> No.13073277

>posters post obvious pol shit like (((they)))
>le rent free
>which is a pol meme phrase too
You're one special kind of retarded fucker.

>> No.13073594

For me, it's shin black

>> No.13073725
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>> No.13073746

Are those random lines tattooed on his face

>> No.13073771

It'th probably jutht a little eye liner, calm down sweety, gaw

>> No.13073786
File: 203 KB, 2048x1148, polinfographjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not because of what /pol/ believes that we find offensive. I don't give a shit if someone wants to be the next literal hitler and gas anybody who wasn't born in western europe. I just don't want to hear about politics and be bombarded with asinine conspiracy theories when I want to talk about food. /pol/ddit can't grasp the concept that people enjoy having conversations about things that aren't pseudo-politics (le soyboy democrats making us eat bugs!) and assume resistance to this constant non-conversation circlejerking is the result of people being offended, so they double down on the shitposting. I've been here since 2006 and in my entire time here, nu-/pol/ has been the biggest violator of cross-board shitposting , making this entire site one /pol/-tier cesspool

>> No.13073805

>says this when we are all forced to comply with lefty sensorship rules

>> No.13073836

Provide me one clear example of this. Blue boards on 4chan have always had more rules than red boards. Just because your buddies back ad reddit made you think otherwise doesn't mean it isn't true.

>> No.13073939

That faggot is going to become a meme isn't he?

>> No.13073942

>yakisoba flavoured

yakisoba just means "fried soba"

it can be any flavour

>> No.13073949

please no bully the pie bro

>> No.13074623

I lived in Japan.
Yakisoba is flavoured with yakisoba sauce. If you use another sauce it ceases to be yakisoba

>> No.13074627


>> No.13074647

based wally world anon

>> No.13075674

It's perfect if you want hypertension and dialysis in 280 days

>> No.13075911
File: 2.48 MB, 2448x3264, 20190729_055753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you even tried the spicy chicken verstion
beef is trash compared to it, i unironically eat it for every meal

>> No.13076301

>tfw I eat these at lunch too
My boss was like
>that looks good
No it dosent you fuckong liar.

>> No.13076381
File: 63 KB, 600x338, 56678artworks-000062817878-wg8vs6-t500x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every week i eat maruchan