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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13062356 No.13062356 [Reply] [Original]

Percolator edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>where is it from
>getting anymore

Previous thread >>13000079

>> No.13062420

same here. i don't know anything about usa food standards though.

>> No.13062489

How can I get the pour over technique down? Every time I make one the results always vary even if its the same coffee, same amount og water, etc.

I try and be as consistent as possible with the weight, coffee, water, and time spent pouring and heating and all. So whats the best way?

>> No.13062516

60 grams of coffee per litre of water. i like scott rao's method. https://youtube.com/watch?v=c0Qe_ASxfNM

>> No.13063872
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>> No.13064437
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Next time use an anime girl in the OP.
These stock images you post are too bland to draw attention.

>> No.13064447


>> No.13064483

I'm thinking about going back to pre-ground coffee for my early mornings. Talk me out of it.

>> No.13064486
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>had clean aesthetic
>red coloring
I'll keep that in mind though. Current theme is going through all the different methods to brew coffee.

>> No.13064495
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You can do that with anime just fine.

>> No.13064506

Honestly pre grinding a couple days in advanced is still way better than buying preground.

>> No.13064533
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I'll definitely keep it in mind after the current theme. Only problem I could see is triggering anti anime autists.

>> No.13064537

Those autists are tourists with nothing to contribute and can safely be ignored.

>> No.13064828

I mean, they already shit up threads with

>huuuuuuuuuuur brown water

Can't get much worse. Just a free bump.

>> No.13064893

I really like coffee but I stopped drinking caffeine several years ago and now even one cup wrecks me for the day it sucks. I bought a french press and a moka pot and milk frother and stuff and made a bunch of coffee for friends last week when they came to visit it was fun.

>> No.13064953

Thoughts on Nespresso?

>> No.13065021

Trailer Park Boys is more popular than this seasonal trash will ever be.

>> No.13065370

I’m the same way bro. I can drink one cup alright, two cups and I’m wrecked for the day. I’ve been trying to drink more for years but my tolerance is staying the same so I think there’s some reason making us so sensitive, tolerance should go up otherwise, right?

>> No.13065417
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I assume I could be fine if I started drinking it again regularly but I've got a difficult relationship with sleep so I cut it out several years ago to sort stuff out and it did help and I get along just fine without it, I just have to avoid the caffeine for now. I'm not going to brew any decaf I don't think.

Here's my set. It works pretty well but I can only make 2 drinks at a time. The moka pot isn't the fastest since you have to wait for it to cool to take it apart, but last time we just made 2 drinks and a coffee and I just drank my bourbon so it wasn't a problem.

>> No.13065654
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Pic related was the first coffee I started drinking, years ago in a moka pot. These days I roast my own and buy it from local roasteries to grind as needed.
I don’t live in an area where I can buy Cafe Bustelo anymore, but I can order it online for like double the cost ($8USD per pack). I’m tempted because I do miss the strong flavor, but is it just going to disappoint me now?

>> No.13066103


>> No.13066288

Yes, it literally tastes like charcoal and only tasted good as a cafe cubano.

>> No.13066296
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coffee drinkers and enthusiasts should be hanged

>> No.13066329


Like clockwork.

>> No.13066347

Can we please just start banning coffee threads?

>> No.13066349
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>> No.13066386
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ban yourself, faggot.

>> No.13066396

fucking anime drones, I swear, why do you want your 4chan anime empire for faggot, what for, leave us the fuck alone it's like you're some kind of priest traveling to indigenous people and you MUST convert them and shill your false idols and remove their culture, WHAT FUCKING FOR FAGGOT?

>> No.13066697

Goon spotted

>> No.13066934

So grinding the night before when I'm making lunch would be more beneficial than buying pre-ground?

>> No.13066939


>> No.13067429
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Got a macchiato at this kino columbian cafe. It tasted way better than wawa espresso. Flavor was nutty and sweet. Kinda wished I lived closer to it.

>> No.13067439
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Their pastrys are kino to.

>> No.13067602

I had a dream that I drank a cappuccino last night

>> No.13067632

black coffee with this butternut squash bisque from costco + a toasted buttered english muffin

it's peak comfy my coffam, there's something truly special about something very slightly burning your throat

>> No.13067830
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add some condensed milk to your coffees mah niggas, thank me later

>> No.13068827

Kenyan coffee tastes fucking incredible

>> No.13070644


>> No.13071421

What coffee maker should I buy for the price of an aeropress? (My flatmate wants to get an aeropress, but I heard you guys dislike it -- or is that just usual 4chan contrarianmemery?)
I already have a moka pot in my home country, so something else ideally.

>> No.13071507 [DELETED] 

you say "should" because you are a little bitch who lowers his head everytime he walks by a coffee drinker lol

>> No.13071510

you say "should" because you are a little bitch who lowers his head everytime he walks by a coffee drinker lol

>> No.13071514

And you're a fat-fingered fuck so jittered up you can't even muster the fine motor-skills to reply to the right person, so nobody wins here.

>> No.13071534

>buy whole beans
>grind your required amount
>add to cold water in French press for over half a day
>tastes like ass
tell me why I should fuck with this when I can mix nescafe instant in milk with half a teaspoon of sugar and actually enjoy the damn taste without taking ages to make my stupid coffee
fucking hate this pretentious woo-woo shit

>> No.13071540

Use your brain, anon. If you're disliking something, you shouldn't continue doing it. Obviously people who spend more time on their coffee do so because they think the difference in taste outweighs the time spent making it.

>> No.13071579

anti-coffee drinkers are obese retards
btw, coffee drinkers live longer lives and are thinner than non-coffee drinkers on average
seethe more little faggot

>> No.13071589

So what is it, anon? Am I obese or little? The truth is I am a 45kg manlet who drinks tea and also wants to drink coffee. I was an innocent bystander in this fight, but you shot me down. Shame on you.

>> No.13071618
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But I want to enjoy a cup of cold coffee the real way

>> No.13071703

french press.

>> No.13071709

are the beans fresh? is your grinder a good one?

>> No.13071711

I looked on Reddit because I heard they have coffee autism and they recommend the Bodum Chambord, is that legit? Also, what makes it better than an aeropress? I want to convince my flatmate I'm not sperging for no reason, she already thinks I'm a ponce.

>> No.13071720

no idea what that is. i've never used an aeropress - it looks easy but also a bit fiddly at the same time. french press is dead simple. anyone who says it's hard to clean is a genuine retard.

>> No.13071722

Yeah it's not that at all, it's that black coffee tastes bitter as hell. I've tried drinking it instantly, or letting it cold brew for 12-16 hours, nothing helps. Guess I'll be a coffeelet

>> No.13071730

bitter is the last word i'd use tbqh. better luck next time lad.

>> No.13072022
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>last of the pumpkin spice cookies
It's a handful of people that have a vendetta against it. The only thing we shit on is K*rieger/podshit. If your roommate is getting an aeropress a moka pot would be a good 180. Areo press can produce pour-over or French press like coffee depending.

>> No.13072220

>read the whole post
Nevermind I'm retarded.

>> No.13072234
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How many different coffee brewing techniques do you guys practice? I have a manual pour over, percolator, French press, and a regular drip in my usual rotation. Though I have a cold brew for seasonal use, an aeropress, a Vietnamese pot, and an ibrik for occasional use.

I want to get a siphon pot next, then I think my collection will more or less be complete. Am I missing any? (espresso not withstanding)

>> No.13072240

T. Mormon

>> No.13072318
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Cold drip tower

>> No.13072323
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Moka pot

>> No.13072330

coffee drinkers should be hanged

>> No.13072335
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Coffee brew pipe

>> No.13072352
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Ethiopian coffee pot

>> No.13072423

>makes cold brew incorrectly
>claims that all coffee is bad because of this
>"Tell me why I shouldn't just drink instant coffee"
Maybe you should just drink instant coffee if you're such a fucking retard that you managed to fuck up cold brew of all things, literally the easiest fucking method possible.

>> No.13072848

Get a French press. Aeropress is just am immersion brewer, the press doesn't actually do anything, not enough pressure to extract further than the water already has. Snag a v60 too.

>> No.13072853

keep seething like a litte bitch in every thread because it will never happen, fattie

>> No.13072967

Enjoy your cafestol-induced heart attack you unfiltered faggot.

>> No.13074071

whats a good mid-range espresso machine?

>> No.13074286

my peanus weenus

>> No.13075603

Bump reeeee

>> No.13076121

I've tried every method of brewing, and I've come to the conclusion a simple espresso stovepot is the best, can't be beat. Coffeepill me, /ck/

>> No.13076361

Kinu-kun, where are you? I got my m47 in the mail today, been working on dialing in the grind for espresso but it seems my grinder is configured a lot differently than everywhere else online.. I had to adjust it to 2.5 before I got a decent shot, 2.3 was still backing up and only getting a few drops out. Does that sound too high? I’m still not sure if maybe I’m overpacking. I ran out of coffee before I finished dialing it but I did get the best shot I’ve drank in my life at 2.5! It was still really thick and strong and a bit salty tasting, so I think I need to draw it longer, and the surface of the puck was really uneven and muddy, so something was clearly wrong.
Any advice on how to go forward? I think I should keep the setting around 2.5 now and work on packing but I’m not really sure. I can take a pic of the grind size later.

>> No.13076384

Mid 2s is a great starting point. 1s are like fucking Turkish dust. All I can tell you is experiment. I can kind of 'feel' if my grind is off after a few weeks, advantages of hand grinding. Take your time, learn to tamp. If I remember you had a shitty tamper? Thats probably your next bifl purchase. Don't sperg out, but get something usable and sized right. I think I mentioned in the last thread, your grind size will change as your beans age, so experience is key. How do you feel about the build quality of the m47?

>> No.13076389

Get a flair and a hand grinder. Cheapest way to tweaking variables for top tier spresso. If you upgrade from a flair it'll be for convenience, not for taste.

>> No.13076498
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>$2.59 for 80 pills = 80 cups of coffee
>$6.99 for tub of Folgers = 240 cups of coffee
>simply popping a pill
>all the time spent brewing coffee

it's a close call after you add in the cost of sugar and powdered creamer, but I am going with the pills

pic related

>> No.13076521

I have a half-decent tamper, it was about $25-30 and solid, though you’re right I was worried it doesn’t fit the portafilter perfectly, though I think that’s pretty common. I’ll keep practising my tamping though, glad to hear I’m in the right range for espresso. I don’t know why people online are using 1.8-1.9 for espresso.
Oh, also, my beans are less than a week old, so they shouldn’t be too old.
On the plus side, I LOVE how solid the m47 is! I can’t believe how smoothly it grinds, it really feels rock solid and stable the entire time. The magnets are a bit strong to hold the cup onto the grinder, but it’s not a problem at all. My only real nitpick is that the grinds seem to clump a bit inside the cup, so when I dump them out, they’re not too equally distributed.

>> No.13076690

I almost bought one of these but they are actually not that practical when you think about it. I have a little fold out esbit stove and a metal cup that I brew coffee in when I am camping. It's way better than packing a silly uni-tasker like this. Plus it's hands-free prep. The only appeal is that they look kinda funky

I'm put these things two in with espresso. That's the kind of coffee they are marketed to make. No interest in collecting espresso stuff yet.

Forgot about this. These are pretty cool.

Never heard of these. What's their gimmick?

>> No.13076833

No gimmick, really. It's used to make cowboy coffee for Ethiopian coffee ceremony

>> No.13076859

are you perhaphs a /tv/ crossposter who doesn't actually know what kino means?

>> No.13076891

Can i get an intro into good coffee? Ive had friends who have made me amazing cups but im still on the level of maxwell house and a $10 drip pot.
Should i work with what i got or just go out and buy a french press and espresso machine?

>> No.13076910

French press is a good start.
Espresso machines require next level autism.

>> No.13076938

Sounds good to me. I looked into it a bit and i think this is the process:
Grind coffee, put into press
Boil water, pour over coffee
Put press on top, let it sit, press down
Drink coffee.

Anything im missing there?
Il be real with you man, i dont actually know what makes espresso different than normal coffee.

>> No.13076942

Definitely don’t buy an espresso machine. That requires autism like the other anon said and I would not recommend going down that path like I did. Also don’t bother trying to work with what you have.
I wouldn’t recommend a french press either because it can make really sludgy coffee, but if you liked it then go for it. Personally, I’d say you should start with an aeropress. It’s kind of a meme but also kind of hard to fuck up, so it’s perfect as a gateway coffee maker.

>> No.13076949

>Boil water, pour over coffee
There's an important step before this, you need to bloom the coffee before filling the whole press.
Pour a little bit of water in, just enough to wet all the grinds, and wait ~20 seconds.
Now you can fill the press.

Espresso is a small shot of very strong coffee, extracted from the beans under pressure. Go ahead and try one at a coffee shop next time you pop in.
There's a fine art to pulling a good shot and a machine that can to it automatically will be expensive.

>> No.13077005

I guess il hold off on espresso for now, il try some next time i go to starbucks or something. Thanks for the advice. Il look into an aeropress. Im glad its made in cali, ive got super autism about not buying chinese if i can help it. If youll humor a few more of my questions, whats with all the odd looking stuff posted above?
Obviously theres a reason for all the different methods but whats the difference in the end?

Sounds like minus the time it takes to boil water its about 5 or 6 minutes for a cup yeah? Thats not so bad, i figure you can grind up beans while the waters heating so that saves some time.

>> No.13077040


>>13072234 is a balancing siphon. It uses some fun physics to make basically an automatic coffee machine before electricity and microchips.

>>13072318 is a Japanese cold brew tower. It drips icewater over coffee one drop at a time over several hours to make cold brew coffee.

>>13072323 is a moka pot. It was designed to make espresso-like coffee at home on a stovetop, although it doesn't make enough pressure to make real espresso.

>> No.13077068

Thanks guy, those are actually pretty neat. Im always surprised how much thought goes into something ive always considered simple.
I kind of want a balancing siphon, that video was wicked cool.

I always assumed the hot water was necessary to get the flavor out of coffee beans but the tower is neat. I dont know if waiting hours for a single cup is for me though.

With the moka pot im guessing the beans are sitting above the water and as the water is heated it creates pressure and gets forced up through the beans and into the spout. Am i pretty close?

>> No.13077119
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That's it exactly.

You can make cold brew a few different ways, even just coffee grounds in the fridge overnight.
If your snob friends do pourover, you can also have them split the water in half: half is boiled and poured over as nomal, the other half frozen into cubes and put under the coffee.
The tower is mostly a gimmick for cafes.

>> No.13077185

Glad im not a total idiot. Seems like it would be a nice thing to take camping instead of just instant coffee.
I can see the tower being used to wow customers. That makes more sense than for home use i think. Is cold brew any different than iced coffee then?

Hand grinder or electric. I dont really like the look of most electric and im stupid enough to buy appliances off of aesthetics.

>> No.13077203

Iced coffee is just coffee with ice in it. It can be made with hot or cold brew.

Hand grinder is an exercise in masochism unless you're very patient first thing in the morning, but they do tend to be cheaper.

>> No.13077229

No, I'm some what new and have just seen it used by other people in place of "good".

>> No.13077272

I work like 2 to till 10 so im not worried about doing it with heavy eyes. Il look around and read up on some models i guess. I think the mlst important thing would be how consistently it grinds so if i can get a cheaper one i might as well.

>> No.13077286
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columbians and faggiatos don't have shit on based Cubanos

>> No.13077292
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>water down your brown shit water with more shit
no thanks, fag. drink more espresso

>> No.13077296

mokapot / percolator
that's all you need

>> No.13077301

Percolator isn't even an imitation espesso, it's completely unrelated.

>> No.13077310

I'm mean they're not terrible. Its just very sugary. Columbian coffee at place is just on the sweet side by itself and smooth.

>> No.13077413

maybe if you're fucking retarded

>> No.13077418

I agree, it would take a retard to conflate the two.

>> No.13077615

The original releases of the m47 would let you lock out your burrs. Then some retard hooked his up to a power drill and stripped his shit out, so they adjusted a bit wider at 0.0. You may be reading about range off an original release. Try smacking the catch cup while its still attached after grinding to break up any clumps. My phoenix has a oringed cup so I don't have to worry about the magnets. They doubled up on the # of magnets on later revisions because people were bitching, so it sounds pike you got fucked by their overkill.

>> No.13077767
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I have a milk frother but in all honesty it just tastes like shit when I put it on my coffee. Is it an acquired taste?

>> No.13078047

put some cranberry juice in my Maxwell House

>> No.13078178

Just bought some of sightglass's house blend (12 days off roast) because it was on sale for 11 bux at whole paycheck. I've done exclusively light single origins for the past 3 years and I just want to see what a standard blend tastes like now that I have endgame equipment and decent v60 technique. Going to brew some up after I make some sauteed mushrooms and pasta for lunch

>> No.13078222
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Maple syrup in coffee is delicious, especially when paired with pancakes

>> No.13078344

It's really not the same.
I'm a pills man mostly now too because of the convenience, but if you dont take it with L Theanine it will make you feel more like an anxious animal than a focused person.

>> No.13078357
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What do y'all think of torrefacto?

>> No.13078359
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Was able to get the Wawa reserve epiothian fresh off the brew station. Omg, this stuff smells like fruity nectar.
I kinda wonder if the pills would be better for my ADHD than the coffee, bit I'd miss my morning mug.
Sounds dank post results

>> No.13078375


>> No.13078416
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>> No.13078417

It tastes how it smells...

>> No.13078540

Ok how the fuck do I make a good coffee on a moka pot. I used hot and cold water, low temperature( tried both a regular electric stove and a fire heating one) and then my issues begin.

I tried to remove it from the flame after I saw no more water running and when I saw the color of the water changing.
Changed the amount of coffee (I'm not pressing it down just tapping it so it can be flat on top). I should mention I don't grind my own beans so I buy from a store.

I always comes out with a burned like aftertaste bitter. If I fill it with coffee till the top it comes out sour as fuck. I'm trying fo make a good one for 7 days now. I have no idea what should I try different.

>> No.13078570

Besides throwing the James Hoffman video, my guess is it's the grind size. Cheapest fixed is buying the same beans whole and grinding it instore if they have grinders. The video goes over best grind size.


>> No.13078603

They took away the grinder coffee machine at my office and replaced it by those nescafe whatever pods garbage.

Im fucking done, It's fucking time to quit my job.

>> No.13078628

I tried two sizes. The first I went blindly and asked for espresso size grind and I then I bought larger sized one. I have to try a bigger sized grind. I wonder if all this is worth it though

>> No.13078692

Swiss water process decaf is actually Goat for non caffeine fags, it tastes as good or maybe slightly better than standard beans.

>> No.13078712

For the price (even up to $100), you literally can't beat aeropress. Once you learn it, all other coffee is disappointing.

>> No.13078722

Imagine being enough of a pleb to not own your own grinder and thermos so you don't have to drink the swill at work.

>> No.13078726

>I don't grind my own beans so I buy from a store.
Get a grinder.
90% of coffee brewing is dialing the grind to your tastes.

>> No.13078749

>use freedom press for a decade without issue
>mom thinks they're worthless after repeatedly breaking them through brute force
Is she going to need full time assistance eventually?

>> No.13078788

Just get a steel one.
They're pricey but it's worth having something that's roommate and family resistant.

>> No.13078794

Maybe in several years when my borosilicate breaks. I live alone.

>> No.13078810

Get her a steel one then, christmas is right around the corner.

>> No.13078823

She got a steel one and buys pods now.

>> No.13078829

>letting pods into your own mother's house
That's no way to treat family, Anon.

>> No.13079045

Mokapot is great for overextracting the fuck out of old beans. Not much else. It makes caffeinated sludge. Some people like caffeinated sludge.

>> No.13079054

Tastelet detected.

>> No.13079214

What's the next step up from someone using a "espresso" stovepot? I actually really like the results I get from this, but am I missing out on better?

>> No.13079231


I overpressured a breville espresso machine to produce better espresso. It was a 200 dollar piece of shit but it would do the job.

>> No.13079271

if your grinder is any cheaper than $100 then aeropress is probably the best method. $100 is the cheapest you can go to get acceptable results from v60

>> No.13079289

So this honestly came out really well. I had my grinder set a lot finer than is usually good, but the coffee was great and balanced. chocolate notes at the start to delightful orange notes on the finish. i'm still a single origin snob just because i find drinking the same coffee every day boring, but i can see the value in blends i guess

>> No.13079301

Its real fun when you start making your own blends from various single estates.

>> No.13079314

Are you roasting your own beans yet?

>> No.13079418

I ran out of coffee last night and had to go buy some more, they roast per order so this was just roasted 12 hours ago now. Can I make espresso with it yet?

>> No.13079424

might as well start and note down the differences in taste as the roast ages. my favorite roastery says their espresso is best 10 days off roast, but your results are obviously going to vary

>> No.13079435
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As a moka bro, yes.
>fill all the way to the top
You should always fill the basket full, then level it off with no tap. If its coming out sour your getting an under extraction. If your using fine grinds or very fresh sometimes this happens. I find making a notch in the grinds with a knife stops this.

>> No.13079434

Espresso is best with beans like two weeks old

>> No.13079504

You can get a French Press and a V60 for that amount.

>> No.13079514

You legit probably just have shitty taste buds. I let my girlfriend taste the Cold Brew I get from a third Wave shop. For me and her brother it's sweet as hell, but a single taste and she thinks it's bitter as fuck. She has a really undeveloped palette in general and misses out on a lot of tasty shit.

>> No.13079528

V60 is my go to, but on weekends I like to make a big pot of french press. I also use Aeropress occasionally. I used to do it a lot. I'm thinking about getting a Clever Dripper next month to replace my French Press, since I don't really care for the sediment, but like the flavor. I cold brew very seldom, but may start back up if I get a coffee sock or nut bag or something.

>> No.13079536

I bought a Mr Coffee™ Coffee Press© today. Tomorrow I will buy some Starbucks® Pike Place® Medium Roast Ground Coffee at Walmart™.

>> No.13079560

If those are typical ethiopian beans, they over roasted the shit out of them, lol. Probably still good, but in my experience over roasted Ethiopian beans are hella hard to get anything good from.

>> No.13079564

Get a Clever dripper. It's in between a french press and pour over and makes really good coffee really easily.

>> No.13079571

are these worth it if i'm already regularly brewing v60 and have an aeropress? i've been thinking of getting one because my go-to roaster recommends them but they're pretty expensive

>> No.13079576

I've got a popper, solid state relay(for the heating element control) and thermoprobes. I can snag an arduino uno, bt module, and screen locally cheap. I'm just delaying ordering the tc4+ to set everything up because I know the tc5 will drop as soon as my tc4+ arrives...


>> No.13079577

You've already bought an aeropress, you've consigned yourself to the gadget lifestyle.

>> No.13079605

Not really if you're competent with a V60. V60 is about clarity and perfect extraction. The Clever dripper gives you good clarity, but has the typical french press strength, without the mouthfeel and sediment.

>> No.13079608

i bought it when i had a shit grinder, i don't really use it anymore except for mock espresso. i'll probably give it away once i get a flair

>> No.13079630

>Go to coffee bar
>Order espresso for here
>Sit down at the bar
>qt barista asks me if I want some sugar

Do people actually put sugar in their espresso? This was at the highest rated espresso place in Los Angeles btw.

>> No.13079634


>> No.13079659

Europeans do. It can enhance some flavors but it's mostly because they go a bit dark to maximize crema.

>> No.13079666

You're in Los Angeles. You need to constantly remind yourself that everything is fake; wrapped in plastic.

>> No.13079699

He might just be brown and qtbarista didn't want any latino bravado in her cafe.

>> No.13079728

Thanks. I ended up using some other beans I had that were a few weeks old, I was a bit reluctant to try because they’re a pretty light roast. It was notably harder to grind. I made a few shots to dial it in, in the end I got decent flavour but it was pretty bright/sour with a strong bean-y taste. I think that’s just the roast though, because I tasted this when I used the same beans in my siphon last week. This was my first time buying from this roaster and I think they underroast the coffee.

>> No.13079792

>go to the UK for six months
>order "a coffee"
>Uhhhh... What kind?
>Just a black coffee
>Like an espresso, Americano, filter?
>filter please
>spend the next six months looking like a retard because my American brain is trained to ask for "a coffee"

>> No.13079923

Sounds like you’re just a retard who only went to McDonald’s for coffee. Any half-decent coffee shop in America would ask you the same question.

>> No.13080433

What is "a coffee" in America? An Americano? (it would make sense)

>> No.13080451
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Every half-decent coffee shop in America would infer you mean filter coffee and would only bother asking you to clarify if they wanted to be snobs and flex on you.

Commercial drip. Americano is from Americans watering down espresso while overseas.

>> No.13080458

Filter coffee is the exception in the UK nowadays. Used to be the default like thirty years ago tho

>> No.13080471

black filter coffee, "a coffee" is usually only ordered at low tier shops or restaurants. at mid tier shops you'll have to order filter coffee as "drip coffee" or specify the single origin pourover you want from their menu. at high tier shops it's the same but drip isn't always on option.

>> No.13080537

What’s the default now? Americano?

>> No.13080546

It's like anon said, there's no default. You ask for a cappucino, americano, espresso, or whatever. Ironically, it's a result of American coffee culture making its way over here.

>> No.13080558

but like, if someone was gonna order a coffee, I reckon it would most likely be a cappuccino

>> No.13080571

i was in a college town and it seemed like most of the college aged kids were ordering flat whites

>> No.13080587

Yeah, flat white was gonna be my other answer. What uni town?

>> No.13080592

God damn nigger I drink coffee so I don't have to take my ADHD meds every day, why tf would I wanna take away the taste and relaxation of a cup of coffee and replace it with yet more pills
based ADHD bro

>> No.13081516

i recently adopted a form of mixing tea and turkish style coffee together. i made the mistake of light roast coffee and tea. i think i discovered how to induce cardiac rectal arrest on constipated individuals. im currently on a quest to generate fucked amounts of caffeine from only small quantities of powder.

well. i feel fucking awesome.

>> No.13081523
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You know you can just buy caffeine right

>> No.13081552
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i like the taste of coffee more. i just tell myself im doing it for the goal but im here for the journey bro.

>> No.13081617

Turkish coffee and Japanese matcha sounds like an interesting, disgusting combination to get a huge shot of caffeine. I like your flavour of insanity, anon.

>> No.13082192


>> No.13082320

How long does it take to get used to the taste? I'm a new fag to coffee and I tried overloading my first cup with creamer and sugar but it just made my stomach feel like shit. That first buzz is fucking amazing though. I have tried with less sugar and creamer but it's still taking some getting used to. Tastes like shit but feels so damn good.

>> No.13082491
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quick, tell me the best water temperature for brewing coffee in a french press!

i did a duckduckgo search and opened like 10 tabs but they all said slightly different things fuck em, i'm asking 4channel!

the reason i ask is because my kettle broke and so i'm thinking whether i want to buy a fancy one with temperature controls this time.
previously i boiled the kettle, waited for 1 minute, then poured into the pre-heated french press.

i'm looing at temperature control kettles now and there aren't many. and are also more expensive. and most importantly, the most finesse they seem to have is increments of 10. 100 degrees, 90 degrees etc. So if i buy one of these but the ideal temp is actually 95 or 93, then it would be pointless or a waste of money.


>> No.13082512

Find a local coffee house that roasts their own beans. Not a Starbucks.

Depends on your roast.

>> No.13082522

redditor typing, probably a femoid

>> No.13082559

i don't make coffee like normal people

i have a neurological disorder, a ketogenic diet is the only way i can make my life physicaly tolerable
so i need as much cream as possible in the mornings (for the fat)
but i don't really liek cream
the only way i can drink that much without feeling nauseous is through coffee
the coffee is just a vehicle for the cream

but even normal coffee is too light for the amount of cream i need
so i make super concentrated dark bitter coffee
stuff that would not be drinkable on its own, it's far from regular black coffee
like 4 scoops of coffee (28g)
dark roast, as dark as possible without veering into literal cigarette ash territory (looking at you lavazza)
(my current supermarket variety is a '6')
and very little water, like less than one normal mug's worth
because i then mix it with 150ml-200ml of double/heavy cream to give me a big intake of fat in the morning but drinkable because the strong bitter coffee cuts through the fat and so it doesn't taste like i'm drinking pure butter

so tl;dr:
i make super concentrated bitter coffee, not a normal black coffee

Come to think of it, do I even need to worry abotu temp? or should i just pour in 100 degree boiling water because I'm trying to make it super dark and bitter?

today has been horrible
if it turns out i don't need to bother with a fancy temp control kettle, then i can just go by the supermarkets this evening and get a regular one and have a kettle ready for tomorrow!!!!!!

>> No.13082560

>see this
>think I'm on /g/
>realize I'm not
Hello gentooman. Also you doubt need to go that autistic with brew temp, though variable kettles are nice.

>> No.13082620

*tips Fedora*

well actually now i'm thinking maybe i should pour over boiling water if i want it to be super bitter (see above post)

>> No.13082752

Just had the best cup of coffee I’ve ever made in my aeropress this morning
>Brazilian light roast beans
>french press coarse ground
>8:1 ratio
>4min brew
Holy fucking shit, this was the first time I’ve ever tasted coffee that was literally sweet, not bitter at all. There was a touch of acidity at the end and a nutty exhale, but the initial taste was rich and sugary. I never thought I could get a cup like this out of an aeropress.

>> No.13082763

My coffee tasted weird today. Turns out there was a feesh in the percolator

>> No.13082804

Honestly if you're going for strength and more bitter look into robusta. Its easier to find in the UK anyways.

>> No.13082923
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At this point you should probably switch to coffee extracts like Black Blood of the Earth

>> No.13083578

Coffee is just a vehicle for the cream, sugar, and caffeine

>> No.13084719

Early bump

>> No.13084727

for me it's an espresso 1:1 with steamed milk. not sure if there's a name for this drink in the us

>> No.13084801

Isn't that just a flat white

>> No.13084812

A US flat white is like 1 measurement of espresso to 3 of milk. it's pretty shit desu. On the off chance i successuly explain my drink to a barista a still get charged the same as an amerifat 1:5 drink

>> No.13084847

Why not ask for a macchiato without the foam on top then

>> No.13084970

Considering that I drink it black and don't feel the caffeine's effects when I do, I'm gonna ask you to speak for yourself.

>> No.13084987

That sounds like a cortado. Its half coffee half milk; not sure if steam is required. There good. Past that ratio it's more a milk drink than coffee. I do like macchiato though if there espresso is really good.

>> No.13085243

>drinking coffee for the caffeine

>> No.13085257

Cortados are fucking delicious. I like mine with slightly more milk than a macchiato, but less than a cortado. True cortados are slightly steamed to knock the chill off, but not frothed. I just zap a shot of almond milk in the microwave for like 45 when I want one.

>> No.13085718

Is there anything better than espresso? I think not.

>> No.13085891

I’m finally dialling in my m47 to get some truly delicious espresso. I never knew espresso could be this good.

>> No.13086042

Nah coffee has a lot on its own already

>> No.13086140

Seconding the fact that variable kettles are nice. Worth it if you drink tea too tbqh (most teas are brewed at 80-90).

>> No.13086143

genuinely drinking a coffee right now. thoughts on this?

>> No.13086171

Do Americans literally put cream in their coffee? Like, single cream? Isn't that expensive?

>> No.13086203

I've been shilling that m47 for several threads now. Really glad you like it.

>> No.13086208

Also lidobro btfo :(

>> No.13086246

Thanks for shilling it to me, I’m sure I’d have been happy with the Sette but this is definitely more versatile. It’s kind of a bitch to grind light roast though.

>> No.13086410

Fellow espresso autists, my espresso tastes good and takes about 28-30 seconds for a shot, with a steady striped cone coming out of my bottomless portafilter, but my puck is pretty uneven looking and comes out soggy (so it breaks apart).
I know the taste is the most important part but I feel like I can improve it. I’m tamping and distributing evenly, and using about 15g in my 14g double basket.
Am I not using enough grounds? Am I grinding too fine? The shower screen seems to be seated well so it comes out evenly so I don’t think it’s the shower.

>> No.13086638
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Got a Del Taco coffee cause it was free. Very sweet but good as a treat.
>between a cortado and macchiato
About the same. Just within enough milk to knock the edge of.

>> No.13086838

Cold brew is a meme and just tastes like ass in general, don't waste your beans on it, make some nice hot coffee instead. Instant coffee is the way to go if you want iced coffee.

>> No.13087302


>> No.13088117


>> No.13088218

Slightly coarser grinder, slightly more time. Like 5 seconds. Tamp harder. Figure out if your machine can preinfuse.

>> No.13089238


>> No.13089287

Do a pourover into a carafe with ice. Real tasty.


>> No.13089815

mvp, that definitely helped, it made my coffee a bit bitter but maybe I overtamped this time. I’ll keep fine-tuning.

>> No.13089967

- Make sure that you're getting high quality beans. Shitty overroasted, pre-ground stale beans are obviously gonna taste bad with or without milk. Fresh beans from specialty roasters are gonna be better.
- Avoid chains like Starbucks like the plague and go for independently owned cafes where they'll likely care more about where they source their beans for espresso/filter (though if you live in the US then god help you cause you guys worship Starbucks).
- Even I took a while to appreciate the taste of black coffee. My go to is normally a flat white, but after trying cold brew I've come to appreciate black coffee hot or cold on its own if done right.

>> No.13090010

Poorfag here. Can somebody please explain to me why my Folger's coffee looks like little grains of dirt and doesn't dissolve in my boiling water? am I supposed to drink the little dirt particles?

>> No.13090211

It's coffee cream. I think you call it half cream.

>> No.13090215

You bought ground coffee for drip machine instead of instant.

>> No.13090410

What does that mean? Am i not getting my necessary caffeine?

>> No.13090433

primarily chemex, french press, and cold brew. I will occasionally do a drip brew

>> No.13090454

As long as you’re using hot enough water, you should be extracting the caffeine, but it’ll feel like you’re drinking muddy pond water. You could at least try filtering it through a clean dish towel or paper towel or something.
Or just drink the grounds and pretend it’s healthier.

>> No.13090464
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gaggia classic
eureka mignon specialita grinder
beans from a uk online specialist

>> No.13090485

should I buy a cheap "drip machine" just for my Folgers?

>> No.13090490

Sure, you can probably buy one for $5-10, or maybe even for free off craigslist.

>> No.13090942

>How many different coffee brewing techniques do you guys practice?
- Aeropress
- Stainless steel bialetti stovetop
- Viet coffee filter/phin
- French press for hot and cold brew
- Ibrik steel coffee pot
- A $2 plastic pourover from Daiso

I'd really just want a proper espresso machine for short blacks, long blacks and flat whites.

Siphon sounds interesting, though that would mean I'd have another filter-style coffee brewer in the house, I don't taste much difference in different paper filter brewing methods and I don't think it's worth the price and taking up counter space when the taste will only be slightly marginally better, espresso is all you need really IMO.

>> No.13090976

yet again drinking coffee. delicious

>> No.13091003

>These stock images you post are too bland to draw attention.
And that's a good thing, weeaboo.

>> No.13091100

For what it’s worth, I have everything you mentioned plus the siphon, and the siphon is my favourite. The siphon uses a cloth filter, not a paper filter, so it filters much cleaner and smoother than you’d get with anything using paper or metal.

>> No.13091307
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So I have some coconut milk to use up. I put it in my moka brew with some sugar. Besides looking un aesthetic as hell (probably cause I was to lazy to warm, sweeten, and froth on stove top) it tastes good. It's not a punch in your face coconut taste like the flavored stuff is. You keto people might want to try this(using some other sweetener). I get goya brand since it's the only one that doesn't add thickeners.
I'm jelly

>> No.13091341


No need to be jelly, its not his picture.

>> No.13091397

Huh, I know I while back a saw an anon post that machine. They got shot talked for using shitty beans.

>> No.13091524

When's the last time you've renamed an auto time-stamped picture off your phone?

>> No.13091531

not him but I do that literally all the time
usually to "image.jpg"

>> No.13091555

>lemme just replace this specific name with a generic one so I can lose it

You're creating (slightly) more work for yourself for no reason.

>> No.13091940

I have this one and like it a lot.