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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 536x536, bald_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13059392 No.13059392 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you you fucking gay faggots for shillings this no-talent loser. He's not a chef, never was a chef. He's a fucking graphic artist who decided to point a camera at his pleb-level cooking abilities and you clueless morons have lapped it up like the toothless hillbillies you are. He's the Kim Kardashian of "chefs" and you morons who made him popular are no different than the soulless, brainless teenage girls who made the Kardashians popular. I hate each and every one of you faggots.

>> No.13059407


>> No.13059406

Cry harder, soiboy

>> No.13059413

Your new is showing.

>> No.13059419

>this trolls me
>please stop trolling me
>this guy makes me mad and i will react
I'm going to make 3 threads just because you refuse to learn how to use 4chan.

>> No.13059440

I’m sorry, *fuckboy*

>> No.13059564

Keep trying to fit in. You'll get it eventually.

>> No.13059930

>He's not a chef, never was a chef.
everyone knows babish is just a great home cook you twat

>> No.13059933

>he's not a chef, he never was a chef
He never claimed to be a chef either

>> No.13059954

Babish has said multiple times that he is not a chef and has not even come close to earning that title.

>> No.13059959

like clockwork, andrew. cringe

>> No.13059964

OH, WILL I?!?!

>> No.13060011

>great home cook you twat
He's worse than most of the home cooks here. He's shit and has never had a single original idea. He's popular because he has a nice kitchen, trendy production and an expensive camera, that's it, no cooking skills, no personality, shit content.

>> No.13060026

OP is just salty he spent 40k to go to some culinary school, kek

you dont need to be a "chef" to cook

>> No.13060037

I wonder what the demographic of people responding to this thread is

>> No.13060060

Have you seen his spin-off, BLACKED with Babish?

>> No.13060065

the guy in the steering wheel reflection

>> No.13060085

I'm sure you're a much more talented and skilled chef making it big, anon.

>> No.13060096

What's bad about his cooking?

>> No.13060145

Yikes OP, you obviously love this man with your soul and penis. I could give two fucks about this guy and you have put more thought into this than anyone here. Just admit you want to suck his dick and you jerk off to his videos. It's 2019 bro, it's okay to be a colossal fag out in the open. You don't need to disguise it as a faggy thread like this one.

>> No.13060161

Babish legit taught me how to cook some of my favorite foods. Only rely knew how to cook basic stuff before that. My gf has fallen in love with my cooking thanks to him. Why are you people so salty over a fun YouTube cook who likes to crack dad jokes?

>> No.13060173

probably not.

>> No.13060181

you spent all that time being mad, and you know what i spent that time doing instead? enjoying my life

>> No.13060190

I made his stew from the Red Dead Redemption episode. Had to use beef because I couldn’t get beat meat. 8/10 stew. Would make again.

>> No.13060236

>because I couldn’t get beat meat
Oh I'm sure you get beat meat several times a day

>> No.13060244

Was "your cooking" an improvement over microwaving ramen?

>> No.13060245

>He's not a chef, never was a chef.
Neither were Alton Brown or Ina Garten.

>> No.13060248

Yes I spent 15 seconds being mad. How will I ever recover?

>> No.13060250

You like the Hamptons weirdo Ina Garten? Yikes, dude. Almost no one on the Food Network is worth watching.

>> No.13060257

Heyyyyyyy, Vsauce, Michael here

>> No.13060260

They were the first cooking show hosts that I could think of who weren't chefs.

>> No.13060273

Guy Fierri is dude. He's based and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.13060280

I watch this guy to get ideas and be entertained
I watch Chef John to actually learn

>> No.13060286

>Chef John
Holy shit...

>> No.13060291

You got a problem with Chef John of Food Wishes you fucking philistine?

>> No.13060292

15 seconds? you're literally still replying

>> No.13060309

You got me again. This thread is all I can think about as I sit here seething.

>> No.13060316

"Chef" John is a fat fucking lardass who eats like a disgusting animal and has the cooking intelligence and instincts of a three toed sloth.

>> No.13060328

Except he is very beginner friendly and taught me how to cook and impress people both at the table and at cookout and taught me important cooking concepts. You learn from him
You seem angry at life son, its a short ride, try to enjoy it

>> No.13060331

Yes, life is a short ride. I love cooking and food and want to learn from accomplished chefs, not fat retards on jootube, made popular by tastelets. Your generation is truly lost.

>> No.13060338

"Accomplished chefs" like Rames don't teach you shit

You are trolling or retarded

>> No.13060339


imagine being a person that gets mad over chef john

I bet you have a Yelp account just to 1 star restaurants

>> No.13060343

Falseflag posting for replies. This bait works because you retards eat it up.

>> No.13060350

I'm pretty sure nobody on /ck/ actually defends YouTube """"chefs"""", they're literally just trolling.

>> No.13060438

andrew taught me how to make pizza
andrew is ok in my book

>> No.13060721

How fucking dare you talk bad about this complete piece of shit? What gives you the right?

>> No.13061072

calm down chef john

>> No.13062251

I only liked his schezwan sauce recipe unironically and use it as a base for most of my chilli sauses
Haven't watched him lately just went too heston meme tier for me and I went back to simple cooking

>> No.13062283

are you a chef? why do you care? why do you have such strong opinions about something that doesn't affect you and doesn't damage anyone? are you a miserable life-failure with mental illness?

>> No.13062289

Yeah you tell him! Tell that guy who doesn't care about anything. Make him FEEL things.

>> No.13062304

lol no. that beef wellington thread yesterday pretty much sums up the skill of the people here that actually cook

>> No.13062327

my only problem with him is that none of his recipes are practical, not even the basics ones. like hell im doing any overnight shit or 3 stages of cooking with numerous meme pots and pans for a literal fucking chicken breast or french fries. fuck off

>> No.13062330
File: 84 KB, 300x325, 1566338863804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today on Binging with Babish we're making Poutine
>I couldn't get cheese curds so I'm just mashing together little mozzarella balls, should be the same thing
>Also look at this watery gravy I made
>Make sure you like and subscribe

>> No.13062338

that looked like shit, he should be ashamed of that video

>> No.13062351

he should make a video series where he teaches you how to use Microsoft's search engine. he can call it Binging with Babish

>> No.13062361


>> No.13062374

"Chefs" with tattoos grosses me out for some reason.

>> No.13062388
File: 2.76 MB, 428x606, 1569294395067.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13062415

>binging with jack

>> No.13062559
