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File: 308 KB, 508x691, nescafe-gold-blend-jar-front-pitch_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13058245 No.13058245 [Reply] [Original]

I rather like it.

>> No.13058255

worked on a cargo ship with an indian crew and they thought this was gourmet
no joke, they thought billionaires drank it and shit

>> No.13058274

I do drink it, but honestly I don't think it tastes very good when compared to 'proper coffee'.

When I use my french press with some good freshly ground beans the difference is massive.

I'd love an actual coffee machine but can't afford one.

>> No.13058278

lmao that's hilarious
what was their reaction when you told them it costs two dozen quid or so?

>> No.13058285

I got a french press, I got some meme pre ground coffee and it didn't taste all that good
should I grind it myself or is that also a meme?

>> No.13058307

I didn't push the issue I didn't want them to stop wearing the deodorant i introduced them to

>> No.13058316

I like it on occasion.

>> No.13058322

i like it for the same reason i like cheap asian beers.

>> No.13058323
File: 276 KB, 245x180, 733881a0b97548bb83dc4b1ad605da9e13117a0f_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good ol' commoners coffee


>> No.13058326

Whats the trick to good coffee

>> No.13058337

It's the last resort of coffee, only alright when there's no other options

>> No.13058379

I don't grind my own, but people do say it makes a difference. There's a coffee place in my town that sells a variety of coffees and will grind it for you, there's probably one in your city. If not, try different store bought ones, be prepared to spend a little more.

Don't use boiling water, you want it to be approx. 90c. Experiment with letting it steep for different times, try 3 minutes before depressing the plunger and go from there, you'll find what works for you.

Also I like to warm my french press by rinsing it with some hot water before putting the grounds in.

>> No.13058429


>> No.13058479

What's the best way to make french press coffee with skim milk and some sugar? I just ordered eight different 50g packs from different coffee places in my country. I won't drink black coffee, it's bitter as shit and tastes so bad.

>> No.13058548

If you're going to drink coffee with milk, try full fat. Skim tastes like crap, particularly in coffee.

>> No.13058582

I just checked, it's actually 2% milk. Well either way, what's the best way to do it? I don't even take a lot of sugar in a regular 200ml coffee drink, just 3 grams.

>> No.13058914

Coffee general. Look for it next time.

>> No.13058969

can I mix cocoa powder with my coffee bros?

>> No.13059031

Quality is largely based on the beans, and sometimes even varies between batches.

Breakfast blends are really neat, often lighter roasted. Local coffeeshops – mine has a really flavorous house iteration.

>> No.13059049

Sugar brings out the bitterness.

A little sodium citrate reduces it; and stevia has really interesting sweetener options.

>> No.13059058

PS: heavy creamer ..

>> No.13059688

What would you call it

>> No.13059741

the meme is that it tastes any different to fresh made coffee

>> No.13059755

brotip: instant coffee makes a great base to a killer seasoning rub for meat

>> No.13059762

yes and it makes a nice chocolate coffee.

>> No.13059775
File: 580 KB, 720x406, nice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure can buddy

>> No.13059789

no you will die

>> No.13059793

It does, maybe stop drenching your taste buds with sugar or whatever you do next time.

>> No.13059797

Actually might try that

>> No.13059883

I always overextract my coffee so instant powder is a welcome change occasionally

>> No.13059887

Use the grinder at the grocery, never buy pre-ground

>> No.13059924

I went instant a couple years ago
add a little milk and coffee syrup (caramel)
tastes great and it's easy

>> No.13059931

two dozen quid? it's only like 4 american dollars here.

>> No.13060147
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20191013_21_27_32_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep caramel and cream and coffee all in one stir

>> No.13060157

it's okay anon, you can stop pretending

>> No.13060159

instant coffee is fine as long as you don't compare it to regular coffee.

>> No.13060193
File: 33 KB, 243x445, 51cZg9xi-xL._SY445_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy pic related at a Polish deli nearby and keep it at my desk. Where I work, the """coffee machine""" k-cup ripoff is basically just making instant coffee while wasting a shit-ton of unrecyclable plastic, and this tastes way better

>> No.13060209


I drink great value instant with hot tap water then some milk
Works for me. I'm not a coffee snob, just need it for my headaches.

>> No.13060219

Instant coffee is great as an ingredient. Anything chocolate can usually benefit from including it in the recipe. Also saves time when you need brewed coffee for a recipe as well.

>> No.13060367

don't do this, it creates mustard gas

>> No.13060377

Yeah, it doesn't taste like regular coffee but that doesn't mean it's bad either. I think cheap instant coffee actually tastes better than cheap regular coffee, but the quality of regular coffee can go up a lot more than instant will.

>> No.13060399

Indians are fucking retarded. If they see a famous person using something on a commercial they'll think that's what they use.

>> No.13060407

I'd rather drink instant coffee than most energy drinks.

>> No.13060480

This is the only type of coffee I’ve drunk at home for my entire life
I put seven teaspoons of this stuff into a mug, fill the mug halfway with boiling water, stir, then fill the mug with cold water to cool it and drink it in one gulp. I usually drink two or three of these in rapid succession every morning. This is how I drink instant coffee.

>> No.13060486

>I put seven teaspoons of this stuff into a mug
>I usually drink two or three of these
That's like 700-1000mg of caffeine. Like triple what most people should need to feel a decent boost. It's just going to make you feel like shit to have that much all the time.

>> No.13060521

Yeah, sometimes it makes me feel like shit. Three mugs is a bit too much. One mug is fine. I’m thinking of settling for one mug only.

>> No.13060531

Remember to put the milk in before the water. It lowers the temperature so that you don't burn the coffee, and makes it taste 100x better.

>> No.13060537

Or just make the water less hot to begin with.

>> No.13060540

How do you make the water less hot? Turn the kettle off early? Put in some cold water after it's done? Sounds like way too much effort.

>> No.13060676

Sure, It's shit coffee. But when you've spent the entire day hiking in the cold rain and wind, It's just a good morale booster. That honestly is just the effect of a good hot drink in a tent dodging the elements, but still. Having something that tastes remotely like coffee, and not coffee that's absolute shit makes some instant coffee great and others just plain awful.

A lot of people have never had a good cup of joe so, this is their only impression of what coffee tastes to them which is a shame really.

>> No.13060699

>sugar brings out the bitterness
>stevia doesn’t
kill yourself retard

>> No.13060793

If you want gerd

>> No.13060801

If your kettle doesn't have a range of temperatures to choose from, it's kind of pointless.

>> No.13060840

Not an argument.

>> No.13060882

You should quit coffee if you dislike it that much.

It goes to shit within a day of grinding.

>> No.13061167

Not my fault you have fucked your taste buds.

>> No.13061173


>> No.13061225

What water?

>> No.13061236

instant coffee is only good when you don't treat it as a substitute for actual brewed coffee
they taste so different that I can't even consider instant coffee as coffee

>> No.13061240

Real men put instant coffee in their lower lip. Drinking it is for faggots

>> No.13061247

when i went to jail, i knew a couple guys who would snort instant coffee powder
i can't imagine it was any different than just drinking it

>> No.13061291

I never drink hot coffee, I just mix it in milk with sugar. I still don't notice a difference.

>> No.13061308

Have you tried drinking it repeatedly? I thought coffee tasted like shit black but now I like it. I think your brain adapts to the bitterness and you start to appreciate the other flavors.

Having said that, use real cream no sugar and that'll be a good stepping stone to going full black. I usually add cream still even though high quality black coffee is pretty based to go with a donut on a cold morning.

>> No.13061315

I had brownies with coffee (I think it had real coffee grounds). They were the most based fucking brownies I've ever had by far and at the time I didn't even like coffee. Everyone else including people who drank coffee hated them so I had them all to myself.

>> No.13061322

>I won't drink black coffee, it's bitter as shit and tastes so bad.

>> No.13061348

i like it too.

>> No.13061354

>just Stockholm yourself bro

>> No.13061366

>be disciplined bro! Be austere! Enjoy drinking black muck! Fuck the taste bro!
90iq tier idea of masculinity right there homo

>> No.13061399


>> No.13061414

based giver of (You)s

>> No.13061417

But I love the taste of black coffee, you stupid faggot.

>> No.13061576

>worked on a cargo ship with an Indian crew
Imagine the smell

>> No.13061890

you can taste the instantness on the finish and some dont even have flavor, just acidity
some like maxwel house probably arent made from coffee tbqh because that shit is foul

>> No.13062083

Eh, it's more like resetting your brain so that the bitterness isn't as strong. It's not like "bitter" means "bad", it's just a type of flavor.

I bet if you grew up eating more bitter things in general you probably would take right to coffee without issue. I grew up a picky eater so only in my 20s and 30s have I started eating what would be considered an average variety of foods, so of course many things were unpleasant to me until I got used to the new flavors.