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13057922 No.13057922 [Reply] [Original]

why do people hate beans in their chili?

>> No.13057958

makes ya fart

>> No.13057964

Because it's nothing but filler, just give me more meat

>> No.13057970

like racists they've been taught it since birth by hateful parents

>> No.13057975


>> No.13057980

The dish is called “chili con carne”, in English chilies with meat. Do you see beans in the name anywhere?

>> No.13057984

so what if i just make peppers and meat
is that chili?

>> No.13057992

Because they’re too fat to enough a healthy ingredient. Evidenced here:

>> No.13057998

Need those complex carbs to stay warm in Minnesota. Our chili always has beans, and often no meat.

Bean consumption is also associated with lower incidence of all-cause mortality, tubs.

>> No.13058007

>Because they’re too fat to enough a healthy ingredient
please at least attempt to learn the language before shitposting

>> No.13058016

Real chefs don't have a problem with beans in chili. The beauty of chili soup is that you can put anything in it. Beans, potatoes, cabbage etc.

>> No.13058019

I don't see "potatoes" in "beef stew" but that doesn't mean it's bad or doesn't belong

>> No.13058033

Yes actually. Traditional chili is literally just chiles and beef. Maybe some beer for flavor. You cook some of the chiles down and purée them, leave some diced. And don’t use ground beef if you want good chili, use a fatty cut with lots of connective tissue, sear it, then shred it and cook it in the chiles for a few hours to make it nice and tender. Tomatoes and onions are optional but acceptable.

>> No.13058037

oh ok
*sucks your cock*

>> No.13058044

Autocorrect. REEEEE more, fatty.

>> No.13058114

cope more, ESL

>> No.13058139

Because it's not good

>> No.13058158

Beans are so good I sometimes I them plain. I've never done that with meat, except when I was a kid and served dad's dry grilled chicken, and I did not like it.

>> No.13058480

Should I put put beer or chocolate or both in my chili? I've been drinking a lot of milk stouts that have coffee and chocolate flavors and I was thinking I'd sear my beef and deglaze with beer but will a dark beer deglaze properly or will it burn on?

>> No.13058488

Use a light beer like Dos Equis or Corona and cocoa powder, not chocolate.

>> No.13058599

I was gonna use this taza cinnamon chocolate, the mexican chocolates with a little cinnamon are supposed to be good, right?

>> No.13060272

Chili puritans are worse than vegans

>> No.13060485

Learn to read, muttley

>> No.13060536

because beans are bottom tier food

>> No.13060541

beans are useless.
you could easily replace them with something nice like diced potatoes rice or bell peppers and it would be infinity better

>> No.13060639

"Traditional" chili is made with dried beef and dried chilies cooked long enough to reconstitute both into a soup. Texas Red is simply a byproduct of chili cookoffs where the point is jerking off about your secret mix of pre-ground spices.

>> No.13060710

Why not both? Would not be a chili but very yummy

>> No.13061152

i dont like beans and even if i did i wouldnt like them as much as meat and i can afford meat and as such use meat not beans

>> No.13061157

>i can afford meat and as such use meat not beans

use meat and beans

>> No.13061165

I have a "chili"recipe that won me a cook off out of about 40 entrants. You guys want it?

>> No.13061170

but i dont want beans, I'll just use more meat if it's all the same to you

>> No.13061184

no. you will use the fucking beans

>> No.13061204

deglaze with bourbon or jack daniels, use beer and stock during the stewing part

>> No.13061210

you don't have to eat beans just to substitute meat. even when i have all the meat to eat that i want i still want some bread or potatoes or something else that's starchy with it. we kind of evolved to eat starchy foods too.

>> No.13061211

>Maybe some beer for flavor
>Tomatoes and onions are optional

>> No.13061227

>we kind of evolved to eat starchy foods too.

we definitely evolved to eat starches, our saliva contains amylase for breaking down starch

>> No.13061230

>phoneposting ESL nigger
Kill yourself

>> No.13061235

I remember back in the 70s seeing my first fat yankee family at disney world. In florida at that time, a fat child was rare, and a fat family was unheard of. These redfaced pigs, father, mother, son, and even daughter, and the son had a minnesota gophers t shirt. My dad explained that these people lived underground 8 or 9 months a year eating cool whip and mayonnaise.

Since that time, everybody nationwide has ballooned into hamplanets. But back in those days, the sight of these entire families of ruddy, disgustingly obese midwesterners on Main St at the Magic Kingdom in Kissimmee was novel and striking. The awful sunburns only added to the drama of it all.

Also, nobody gives a shit what some mayoguzzling minnesotan pig thinks about chili.

>> No.13061246

it's filler, a cheap ingredient used to substitute more meat

>> No.13061251

We could be better, but we're pretty far from the worst.


I don't see many planets at grocery stores. Do they not buy groceries?

>> No.13061254

>it's filler, a cheap ingredient used to substitute more meat
Who the hell decided that? I just love me some fucking beans

>> No.13061255

thinkin about thos beans

>> No.13061256

All the canned soup companies when they decided it was profitable to put beans in chili over meat, even the dogmeat they use

>> No.13061262

To the pro bean people.

Let me ask you this. How do you feel about putting beans in red meat sauce(bolognese or ragu) along with meat.

>> No.13061265

Low-level feudal lords who eat objectively worse than peasants just because it's viewed as higher status

>> No.13061270

You absolute moron. You clearly do not understand the difference between the 1970s and 2019.

I took great pains to note that the midwestern disease has swept nationwide since those days. I trace it back to the introduction of value meals at fast food joints in the early 80s but it is also due to you goddam midwesterners growing way too much corn and crying about muh farm subsidies.

I was relating a snapshot for younger anons of a discrete moment in time. You either pretend not to understand that, or intentionally obfuscate. Either way makes you a turbocunt.

>> No.13061271

Yes, but without the meat. But don't use textured vegetable protein. Even folks who eat a hunnert grams of fiber a day get sharty after eating it.

>> No.13061279

It really started when humans started pressing oil about five millenia ago.

>> No.13061286

OK but fuck beans

>> No.13061327

Dude, the name is describing the flavours, not a full list of ingredients.

>> No.13061346

You seem upset. What state are you from big guy?

>> No.13061550

IDK, I just enjoy the food and praise the cook.

>> No.13062437

Absolutely. Just be prepared for hundreds of fast food tastelets to tell you what you're doing wrong.

>> No.13062454

Ok prepare for a long ass wall of text. Its based on a hungarian style goulash and the competition was judged by this priest that evidently beat bobby flay on that tv show. Father leo i think was his name. Real short filipino guy with lots of charisma and jokes.
Full disclosure, it includes beans.

>> No.13062472

Well you wanna start with a london broil roast in 1 inch cubes and a 6 pack of something dark and nutty. I used a chocolate porter but any stout or dark beer will do. Add a bottle and equal parts beef broth and cook on low-medium low for 4 hours covered adding salt pepper smoked paprika and ancho chili powder to taste. Once thats done put it to one side and fry up some bacon. Everyone has their favorite consistency so its your call how crispy you make it. Take the bacon out of the pan and set it aside. Next mince 5 cloves of garlic and dice 2 onions and sautee them in the bacon fat stirring regularly to prevent sticking and to ensure an even cook. Cut 2 large red peppers in half. Brush them with olive oil and place in oven set to 375. Next add 2 large cans of crushed tomatoes to the beef and set on medium. Stir in 4 tablespoons of honey and half a cup of brown sugar. Mince the bacon and add to the mix of onions and garlic. Using a spatula scoop the mixture into the chili. Check the red peppers periodically and whem they are slightly black on the outside with significant skin separation take them out and place them in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. Next add between 1/2 to 2/3ds cup of heavy whipping cream to taste. At this point i added a little extra cayenne pepper and salt but that was a taste thing. Lastly mince up the red pepper after peeling the skin off (which should be easy thanks to the plastic wrap) and add to the chili. Cook on low for another hour.

Its not a masterpiece but i for sure pissed some fat lexus driving dads that night. The trick is to pay attention and make shit yourself rather than throwing meat broth onions and shit in a crock pot with a packet of old el paso brand "chili seasoning" and hoping for the best.
Cumin is overrated.

>> No.13062477

If youre not a puritan you can add dark or light red kidney beans to it. I like it both ways desu.

>> No.13062498
File: 38 KB, 600x600, BLCovers-Apr25-ChooseEnemiesGallery3u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high dubs concentration in daily chili-sperg thread
very nice!

>> No.13062508
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Thanks for checking big guy.

>> No.13063905

>caring about Spanish words

>> No.13063942

Never had pasta e youfagioli?

>> No.13063955
File: 49 KB, 600x394, cuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody bagging on my Sloppy Joe with beans?

>> No.13064178

Cringe and bluepilled phoneposter

>> No.13064233

Your mother doesn’t have Josh in her name, but nevertheless, I’m in her.

>> No.13064248

You imbecile its a chili with meat added holy shit it says it in the name

>> No.13065577

What is the best type of bean for chili?

>> No.13065614

beans are perfectly okay in chili the one thing that should never be in chili is corn

>> No.13065618

>jewish name

>> No.13065624

Kidney beans seem most common, probably because they're heartier and will stand up to the other ingredients. Pinto beans would probably work too.

>> No.13065750


Soybeans are great since they add much needed color and nutrition.

They also piss off Texassfags

>> No.13065990

Retard isn't your middle name, yet here you are being a retard

>> No.13066420

Does anyone here add butter beans as well as kidney beans to make their chilli extra beansy? It’s awesome.

>> No.13066441

Because chili is bean with peppers.
Chili con carne is bean with peppers AND meat.

>> No.13066598
File: 54 KB, 680x907, 0ea4bbbe-c58f-40f1-9f8e-814ca5094434..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pours bottle of this in and reduce it.

>> No.13066689
File: 142 KB, 680x1020, stuffed-pepper-soup-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If your """""chili""""" is anything but an unsauced and unseasoned pile of cooked beef and chili peppers them you're doing it fucking wrong.

Pic related is TRUE chili.

>> No.13066700

>chili soup

>> No.13066730

>meat makes you unhealthy and fat
retard posting hours

>> No.13068374

Imma drop a redpill on you: Chili is just a shittier axoa

>> No.13068389

"Muh filler" fags are to be disregarded since apparently they only eat competition chili which fucking sucks anyways. You're eating a meal. Use filler. Might as well just eat a pound of ground beef, you fat fucks.

>> No.13068417
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Its a matter of personal taste, but in chili competitions beans are not allowed so a lot of people use this as a rule of thumb for chili. I personally like my chili with or with beans with rice or torillas, and without beans when served with corn chips and cheese, or over fries or baked potato.

>> No.13068455

If i was going to eat a fucking bowl of spaghetti sauce with a spoon, then yeah id probably take some beans in it.

>> No.13068480

because they've only ever had shitty canned beans so they think beans aren't good

>> No.13068522

butter beans are based in chili. great texture and flavor and adds interesting visual appeal. use em in my baked beans too. ain't no substitute for good butter beans

>> No.13068531

I like corn in chili and maybe even green beans ;^)

>> No.13068558

you aren't alone. i roast my corn on the grill before i toss it in the chili. tons of sweetness that i feel enhances the fruitiness of the habaneros i use

>> No.13068628

Flyovers aren't fat because of fast food, that's mostly bl*ck people in big cities and coastal areas. Flyovers use highly processed shit to make weird meals, and don't get any exercise since everything is an hour's drive away.
Different root causes of the obesity. Chicken nuggets and a liter of Coke vs eating at Applebee's every night
t. spent a lot of time on the Arkansas/Missourah line as a kid due to family there

>> No.13068640

Sounds interesting, what's the flavor profile like?
Is it not too sweet from the honey and bsugar?

I've been making chicken chili with a ton of hot sauce in it for a while, but I'm getting sick of overly spicy stuff. Want to try something different.

>> No.13068654

>Flyovers use highly processed shit to make weird meals, and don't get any exercise since everything is an hour's drive away.

I don't understand the flyover meme logic. You say this is true for flyover states but this doesn't apply to major cities in these states like Chicago, Milwaukee, or Minneapolis/St. Paul. I come from a major city in the midwest and nothing that I need is within proximity of my home.

>> No.13068660

and everything that I need is within proximity of my home*

>> No.13068814
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The patrician's chili ingredient.

>> No.13069260

Love adding Okra and Lentils to my chili

A bit of curry powder and garam masala as well.

>> No.13069276

Traditional chili is shit tier southwest camping food. Good chili will typically have beans tomatoes onions and all sorts of herbs and other seasoning to give you a complex chile based stew

>> No.13069535
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>> No.13069581


Based and meatpilled.

Beans are poverty food for slaves.

>> No.13069611

sauce, but that's still not very fitting.

>> No.13069652


Beans take longer to cook than meat

>> No.13069689

I don't see how that's an issue with a simmered dish like chili

>> No.13069703

its a beverage
its not a sauce because you can enjoy it while ignoring the thing you put it on without looking like an autist
it's not a broth because it's not really cooked at any point
it's a beverage after the meal is done you drink it instead of trying to sop it up with something else

>> No.13069866

beans are a filler, dont add any flavor or texture. beans work better as an adjunct to chili, cooked more neutrally in flavor.

>> No.13069921

they don't it's just a meme troll
I mean someone actually does and at least they can feel like they have fellowship
good for them based bean haters