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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1563647180959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13049597 No.13049597 [Reply] [Original]

>tried beer again
it still sucks

>> No.13049611

I drink beer several times a week, I still don't particularly like it. But I can still enjoy it if you know what I mean.

>> No.13049613
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Don't worry sweetie, Mommy's going to get your sippy cup

>> No.13049616

try drinking 24 of them

>> No.13049618

you gonna drink it ice cold on a hot day

>> No.13049633

What about hot on an ice cold day?

>> No.13049638

That's what cider is for.

>> No.13049641
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>hot beer

if its cold you can have warm whisky or sake.

>> No.13049642

you suck, beer doesn't

>> No.13049648
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fuck you

>> No.13049738

beer is only good as a cooking ingredient.

there's no point drinking it because it tastes terrible. guys drink it to appear more manly to their friends, who also drink it to impress other people.

>> No.13049749

>it still sucks
Just like your mom!

>> No.13049760

try craft beer
but noone of that hopped shit

>> No.13049764

I bet you drank shitty beer.

>> No.13049772
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uhh ya thats what i said

>> No.13049785
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Americans will never ever

>> No.13049789

you people are mentally ill

>> No.13049792

>no beer/liquor for 5 years
never drinking that icky shit again

>> No.13049795

But we do get that stateside. It's pretty good too.

>> No.13049804

You said you drank beer and didnt like it. You havnt specifically stated it was low quality which is why it sucked.

>> No.13049811

Why would someone drink low quality beer and complain that it sucked. Are you retarded?

>> No.13049815

never ever taste that shit that tastes like sewage?
good on them that they actually use some of those stale and stinking hops, but you know that hops and green bottles don't go together.
It's amazing how people will litterly get accosutmed and memed into drinking something so bad.

>> No.13049824
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mmmm high quality rotten grain juice. sounds delish.

>> No.13049858

Why do child palated faggots always project their tastes onto everybody else?

>> No.13049892

The green bottle is not a perfect choice. Butwhen I have it it's always fresh and refreshing, the right amount of bitter hops, very crisp.
I have drank beer from some smaller breweries, but Pilsner Urquell is my no. 1 mainstream beer. That being said Guiness might be no. 2.

>> No.13049897

We Americans took your Euro pilsners and hopped them up to the max. After having them its hard to go back to the euro pilsners.

>> No.13049898

Calling me a faggot for not liking beer only proves my point.

>> No.13049921
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Beer is a chaser that helps you get drunk
>Sip beer
>Slam vodka
>Chase with beer
>All alcohol

>> No.13049923

After hard work. Never understood beer before.

>> No.13049938

Plebs drink bad tasting alcohol.

>> No.13049940

For me, it's Coors® Banquet.

>> No.13049961

because of responses like yours and >>13049613

when people say stuff like that it indicates that you think not liking beer is a sign of immaturity as opposed to a difference in personal tastes so it would stand to reason that this same person (i.e. you) might pretend to enjoy something in an effort to appear more normal to others

>> No.13050101


>> No.13050257

No, the immaturity lies in your retarded cope of projecting your distaste for beer onto literally every person who drinks beer. You're concocting a delusional conspiracy about the millions of beer drinkers doing "so" to look manly despite lots of them being women and lots of them drinking alone at home.
Nothing wrong with not liking beer but when you make up retarded conspiracies, you'll get called out on them as someone who is insecure about his kiddie palate.
tl;dr: dilate, faggot

>> No.13050270

if your point is that you're an insecure child-palated faggot who makes up retarded conspiracy theories around a beverage, sure

>> No.13050318

So when does some one "get" used to beer? I'm 25 and have drank a lot of beer in my life. The taste is still absolutely horrible, ans I've had both "low" and "high" quality beers.

>> No.13050363

by quality you mean different types?
maybe it's just not for you.
try lambics, trappist, big stouts

>> No.13051298

Not all beer is the same. I love beer but there are many beers that I still hate.

>> No.13051306

you're probably a chink and you don't have the genes to like beer, I liked beer when I was 10 and i'll drink till i croak.

>> No.13051313

What are some high quality beers you tried?

>> No.13051323
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When are you all going to stop pretending beer tastes good

>> No.13051324

Quit crying and go drink a beer, damn

>> No.13051326

Most people get used to beer around 16 or 17 when theyre socializing.

>> No.13051332

Asians have trouble handling their alcohol, but it sure as fuck doesn't stop them from getting shitfaced.

>> No.13051335

I think people just don't like the ALCOHOL part, not the flavoring. Which is why every beer tastes the same to whole lot of them.

>> No.13051337

You're a tranny faggot, now dilate and kill yourself

>> No.13051357

...OR it could be they’re stage 1 alcoholics, who are drinking solely to get drunk. If this were true they would not care about the taste, only the cost required to achieve said drunken state.

>> No.13051365

You know what my favorite beer recipe is?
Liquid Beer
Serves 1

Shopping list: Beer

1. Open beer and pour into glass.
2. Serve.

>> No.13051368
File: 115 KB, 399x1050, la-chouffe-blonde-d-ardenne_opt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered a six-pack of these
did i fall for a meme or are they good?

>> No.13051369

>Drinking alcohol for the taste

>> No.13051385

>there's no point drinking it because it tastes terrible. guys drink it to appear more manly to their friends, who also drink it to impress other people.

No, we drink it to get drunk because we have issues in our real non pampered lives.

>u dont get drunk frum beer drink liquor
I drink any and all alcohol, beer is fine if you know how to drink and don't nurse it like a sissy. Point of getting drunk is to maintain a drunk for many hours, beer is good for that even if you have harder stuff too, I'm not some 20 year old Stacey who wants to get drunk, act stupid, and pass out over the course of an hour. I want to enjoy the entire night, if not entire day, in a nice constantly buzzed numbed up state where I'm able to ignore all the horrible truths about life

>> No.13051400

you can make beer taste like literally anything, you just had a bad one

>> No.13051406

I like cold larger but hoppy ale bullshit tastes like shit.

>> No.13051431

Does it being ice cold stop it from being bitter as fuck?

>> No.13051445 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13051447
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Whats a good babbys first beer then for someone that doesn't like the flavor? I want to be a drinker but I'm too socially retarded to go to a bar or a BBQ and too anxious and dont have enough confidence to go into the liquor section to buy some because I feel like the clerk will think I'm some lonely incel buying a thing of beer for myself when in reality that is spot on assessment.

>> No.13051468

Blue Moon is a good place to start

>> No.13051477

i ve seen old people in saxony (germany) order microwaved beer

apparently it is /(was) a thing

>> No.13051504

Whisky >>> beer.

>> No.13051515

cider is the patrician beverage, followed shortly by vodka + soft drink.

>> No.13051517

Mead is the shit but it's way overpriced so cider is more than acceptable of an alternative.

>> No.13051524

Man, I should switch to beer.
> I want to enjoy the entire night, if not entire day, in a nice constantly buzzed numbed up state where I'm able to ignore all the horrible truths about life
Man, I should switch to beer. It's hard to keep a life up while hitting whiskey.

I'm not sure how popular this is around the world, but liquor stores, and even some grocery stores, let you buy single beers or even make your own six pack. Try to look for a place that does that. Look for some sort of blonde beer. Or you can always buy those big cans, they're starting to do those with better beers. Or could always just get ole PBR.

>> No.13051531

If it ever shows up at Aldi I'll give it a try, it's $15+ (AUD) for a single bottle which is at least double ciders equivalent cost here.

>> No.13051540

The stores deal with 1000s of people a day. They're going to forget you the second the next customer comes along. But as the other anon said, Blue Moon is alright, especially with a slice of orange. Very entry-level and safe.

>> No.13051566

Order online? If you don't like the flavour of beer try other shit. If you want to try a bunch of stuff I'd probably get something like a pale ale like corona and a superdry like asashi, a stout eg guiness, apple cider, pear cider, ginger beer and then follow up with some pre-mixes like bourboun & cola, whiskey & cola, rum & cola, moscow mule (Vodka & Ginger beer), plus all the various types of vodka mixes. obviously you can also get small minibar of the straight spirits too. wine as well just some basic red & white wines.

>> No.13051573

>Argument equivalent to "nuh-uh you are"

Got him

>> No.13051760

Don't flatter yourself, child-palates faggot. Baseless conspiracy theories about millions of people pretending to like beer require no argument as they are unfounded assertions themselves. Also, I called you a child-palated faggot FIRST, so no "nuh uh" from me, manchild. Go order some gummy bears and chocolate milk in a sippy cup at the bar next time, man, I'm sure you will BTFO those beer drinkers!!!

>> No.13051767

When are you going to stop being a deluded manchild?

>> No.13051829

There is no conspiracy no one ever said that. There are however people that pretend to like it because it is the thing to do. It's clear that you are one of those people judging by the defensive nature of your posts. OP says beer sucks and the insecurities in your mind somehow make that into a claim of a grand conspiracy. Quit trying to fool yourself and just accept who you are. Right now you appear as a hateful, bitter, insecure, and vitriolic person. Start accepting yourself and all that goes away.

>> No.13051868

A cold beer on a hot summer day can be the best think there is, it has this crispness you just don't get with non alcoholic beverages, but I am an alcoholic and only drink it to get drunk and at the quantities I need to get drink it's really gross, I thought about switching to hard liquor but that would be another new low and I don't really like the drunkedness I get with liquor.

>> No.13051877

i drank beer driving to see my dad last night

that's fun

>> No.13051893

>people calling me out on my bullshit claims, like proves my claims right, dude!!1
Yeah, no. Incoherent psycho-babble won't work here, cunt.
By claiming that people can't possibly like beer you are forcibly implying that all beer drinkers, many of which drink in the privacy of their own houses, are pretending to like it which in turn constitutes an insane conspiracy theory. Nobody forces you to drink beer so no need to cope with laughable theories.

>> No.13051905

Not that guy but what does beer usually taste like to you?

>> No.13051913

>By claiming that people can't possibly like beer
You either have terrible reading comprehension skills or are creating strawman arguments to help your delusion because i didn't say that. I know that many enjoy beer. You do not enjoy beer and are lying to yourself because you hate that you are not normal. I've boiled it down enough now that even you can understand I think.

>> No.13051928

It has a crisp, bread-like flavor.

>let me tell you what you ackshually like

>> No.13051933

t. Issues-haver

>> No.13051936

Your arguments have devolved to projections unironically sweetie

>> No.13052110
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>Heating up apple cider with cinnamon sticks and mixing in rum on a cold winter day

>> No.13052133


>> No.13052163

IPAs > Stouts

>> No.13052338

They're a legit great brewery but I prefer their hoppier offerings, however you did good

>> No.13052341

Its because you're weak

>> No.13052368

Try hard ciders OP.

>> No.13052375

American detected.

>> No.13052424

OK mister child palette

>> No.13052454

>People actually think liquid stale bread tastes good

>> No.13052584

thank you for posting this gif. normally this would not be funny but knowing what it is overlayed on top of made me cackle like a hyena

>> No.13052606

I'm right

>> No.13052637

>frogposter has the palette of a child
wow what a surprise

>> No.13052721

Mike’s Hard Lemonade.

>> No.13052727

Brown ales>either.

>> No.13052750

This tastes like b8.

>> No.13052802

>look in mirror again
>yep I'm still retarded

>> No.13053108

>"Nuh-uh you are"

>> No.13053214

Why are anti beer posters always such gigantic faggots?

>> No.13053317

It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"

Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

>> No.13053330

The "ppl pretend to like beer" faggot was called out on his projection first so it is his post which amounts to a "n-no u".

>> No.13053333

nah, u r just a faggot lol

>> No.13053335

You just can't stop can you lol

>> No.13053337

There is such a massive variety of beer, and it's all so very different, I cannot understand hating beer categorically. I get if people don't like, you know, specifically stouts or triple IPAs or something, but how in the world can you hate ALL of it?

>> No.13053350

>Taste a beer
>Don't like it
>No interest in trying more
>Assume all beer is bad

>> No.13053364

Babby palates find a little bitterness too spicy. It's the type of people who dislike coffee, olives, mustard or anchovies.

>> No.13053391
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>drinking alcohol of any kind

hows high school kiddos?

>> No.13053396

Imagine ironically or unironically typing this out. Big yikes.

>> No.13053406

>eat a pineapple pizza one time
>dont like it
>must be all pizza ever then

Do people actually do shit like this?

>> No.13053409

around the world you just buy beer in grocery stores in same way as milk, you don't have to find a liquor store and pray for them letting you to buy fucking single bottle of beer instead of six pack

>> No.13053412

>having a life that isn't so miserable you need to mute it out with alcohol and/or drugs
normie get out

>> No.13053497

I'll admit that beer sucks when you admit that you're so insecure about not liking beer that you've created a literal defense mechanism in your head to cope with the fact that you actually do feel like a little girl for not liking beer. Those are not my thoughts, they're yours. I don't think you're a pussy for not liking beer. I don't think you're a stunted adult with the palate of a child. I don't care. That's what is in your head, not ours. No one is judging you for not liking beer except yourself.

>> No.13053609

Imagine falling for stale pasta

>> No.13053631

>this guy writing essays about how he REALLY likes beer
Nobody cares my guy you sure get up in arms easy

>> No.13053834

What the fuck are you on about? Did I imply you can't find beer in the grocery stores?

>> No.13053985

I used to be like you OP. Now I only sorta tolerate it.

love me cider though

>> No.13054094
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english bitter ales
good stuff nigga

>> No.13054133

That tastes foul

>> No.13054141
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This one is really good with with cuban sandwich

>> No.13054145
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>> No.13054162

You suck

>> No.13054168

not watered down enough for you? stick to bud light, kid

>> No.13054273
File: 115 KB, 1200x800, pastry-stout-beer-temple-20180504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have not had whatever this is but pastry stouts are tasty and a decent intro beer just to see how different it can be

>> No.13054291

It's an acquired taste, OP. Kick back and force yourself to drink a 6 pack of IPAs, and you'll be on your way to loving beer.

>> No.13054297

Then get a good beer. Most of the stuff at the store is fucking shit. Good beer actually tastes... good

>> No.13054328

Why does anyone drink beer when liquor is quicker? The amount of beer you need to drink to get a comfy .25 BAC is ridiculous

>> No.13054361

lmaoing at (you)

>> No.13054392

>.25 BAC
I need at LEAST .45 BAC to become comfy. 8 or Steelies normally does the trick for me, but only when mom isn't being weak.

>> No.13054404

it's literally just a matter of your genetics and upbringing, many european people like the taste of bitter things. beer is mostly bitter and takes getting used to, as well as a genetic aptitude to it.

>> No.13054406

try a good english ale or a stout, they are light on hoppiness/bitterness but big on flavor.

>> No.13054411

alcohol isn't just about getting drunk, it's also about the sipping experience and taste. with your logic you can buy everclear and down it mixed with water and sugar for the most efficient experience possible. but wine, whiskey, liquer, beer. has all been crafted over thousands of years to taste good to us.

>> No.13054457

VB or Asahi
drink it ice cold on a hot day after a full day's work.

>> No.13054463
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>moved states recently
>can only find decent beer in grocery stores, liquor stores only sell liquor
>even then it's all craft beer
>no imports other than mexican

I miss her, bros.

>> No.13054531

hey faggot ever have yogurt or cheese

>> No.13054532

What state?

>> No.13054535

You're not wrong. Alcohol in general is a shit tier drug for people who don't realize there are other options.

>> No.13054558

Idaho, across the border from Washington

>> No.13054605

Oh yeah I think hard liquor is state run there. German beers always seem hard to find outside private business liquor stores. Maybe Washington has some?

>> No.13054609

I like the taste and I like the suds, and it can last me a whole meal. Take a bite, take a sip.

>> No.13054782

Last night I ordered denny’s from uber eats. I was so drunk I passed out on the front steps of my house waiting for the food. When I woke up I saw that my order had been cancelled by uber eats. I emailed and complained and got a $20 voucher for food.

>> No.13054892

imagine giving up (You)s this readily.

you slut.

>> No.13054922

Lol that's my pepe OC I made back in like 2015

>> No.13055053

Good job, its one of my favs.

>> No.13055064

Nice you should do more oc

>> No.13055124

Weedy beer yuck

>> No.13055238
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Then dont buy refrigerated donkey piss

>> No.13055253

>beer is only good as a cooking ingredient.
Oh, so the taste isn't bad?
>because it tastes terrible. guys drink it to appear more manly to their friends, who also drink it to impress other people
Are you 15 years old, or just that asocial? I know that your opinion is formed by youtube or reddit. Have you even tasted a beer?

>> No.13055264

Incredibly based

>> No.13055500

jokes on you, you fucking phool! i drink beer when I'm alone

>> No.13055947


>> No.13055965

Don't worry. When you're older your palate will slowly change, and the bitterness that you taste in adult food will fade away and reveal all these other flavors behind it.

>> No.13055985

Depends on your genetics. a six pack of beer feels way better than 10mg oxycodone to me and I have no tolerance to it.

>> No.13055991


>> No.13056002

I have a decent amount of contacts, I've tried multiple drugs. My two favourite drugs are alcohol and lsd. Alcohol is a lot more useful for it's price and time for preparation.

>> No.13056015

What kind?

>> No.13056028

I like long drinks. I like vodka. Fireball tastes pretty good, as does tequila. Not a big fan of whiskey, but then I've never had high-end whiskey. Wine is fine, even if it isn't my drink of choice except with meals.

Never had beer I actually liked the taste of.

>> No.13056082
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happened to all of us, make sure it is extra cold, and treat yourself with a Paulaner, leffe, or red franziskanner, if it looses it's cold it looses it's magic. So yeah, go for the leffe first. These are wheat beers, not regular beers. So they have a second taste the normal ones don't have, but I personally love them way more.

>> No.13056086

keep in mind that beer has existed for like 5-6000 years in this world, that we know of, so yeah, humanity loved the shit out of that drink or else it would have faded away

>> No.13057657

Based beer burying wateretty

>> No.13057668

>palette of a child

>> No.13057700

They're good unless you're one of the haters of the coriander.

>> No.13059064


>> No.13059433

PU is so rancid we use ti to describe other horrendous worst items. For example, if a tomato is going bad, I or my wife will say it's the Pilsner Urquell of tomatoes.

Fuck that skunk squirt trash lmao.

>> No.13060800

Mix Rainer and PBR together and it turns into water.

>> No.13060813

Are you in Moscow? I know where you can find some of that.

>> No.13061186

Ah yes, lovely sweet pee flavor.

>> No.13061214

What does your sick fetish have to do with beer?

>> No.13061220

The doctor recommended piss as an alternative drink because the alcohol was slowly killing me from inside. I never turned back after trying my first pint of pee, there's honestly no difference in flavor and its a lot more healthy!

>> No.13061232

quick question
does urine therapy still work if I drink the urine of attractive women or does it have to be my own piss?

>> No.13061239
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Sorry to say this but if you beer ever tasted like piss, this means people have pissed inside your beverages. You may have annoyed people too much with all your "people are pretending to like beer" faggotry. It's ok, from now on, you don't have to worry about leaving your glass unattended because you'll get free refills of your drink of choice.


>> No.13061250

>"people are pretending to like beer" faggotry.
I'm not that anon, dumb wojak poster.
I'm just retelling my tales and sharing beer stories, you cannot and shall not stand in the way of my brave truth-speaking that beer tastes like piss. Dumb wojak poster.

>> No.13061326
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>> No.13061344

You are the reason they make crap like White Claw

>> No.13061528

People who drink at home alone are alcoholics and women do it to fit in.
>be kid
>drink beer
>tastes like shit
>friends are doing it though and call me a pansy if i dont
>also want to get drunk so I stomach it
>after doing this for years I am now in my mid 20s
>beer still tastes like shit, but my mind has been altered forever because it wants to be drunk so it ignores the taste
>i am now alcoholic and drinking beer alone
>must go on 4chan to post about how beer actually tastes good and people who don't like it are children
>even though I also hated it as a child
>it has nothing to do with my WANT to be drunk or my rampant alcoholism, it's because I grew up into a MATURE MAN

>> No.13061538

I order margaritas and call my beer drinking friends faggots with no taste.

>> No.13061562

speak for yourself, I drink beer once every few months at most

>> No.13061573

I actually enjoy that shit, rest of the beers not so much, eventhough there's some truth in your post, some people drink beers to be socially drunk, like 1-3 with friends, I do it too some times, but if I'm alone and I drink beer I drink the one I pointed you to, that shit actually tastes good, and I do it once every 6 months or so

>> No.13061619

Embarrassing post.

>> No.13061762

Leffe is a good beer to try, good taste

>> No.13061863

unironically good answer
id main that shit if it didnt give me migraines

>> No.13062018

Odd. Usually when people like stuff they tend to do it more often than once every few months. Especially things that are so accessible.

>> No.13062026

Are you obese by any chance?

>> No.13062046

Not even close. Are you trying to imply that actually enjoying the things you like is wrong?

>> No.13062057

This plus shiner bock is my favorite

>> No.13062075

I think he's trying to understand where you get the idea that people "liking stuff" (which is pretty vague a notion) usually "do it more often than once every few months" (which, in contrast, is pretty specific and arbitrary), it seems as if moderation was a foreign concept to you.

>> No.13062100

well he is generalizing, and by generalizing, you are generally right, generally

>> No.13062127

That's not moderation

>> No.13062136

You forgot one step. Chill the beer, then crack it open with the boys, and serve.

>> No.13062137

I've had it. We make better pilsners in the states

>> No.13062150

it's (I assume, not a connoisseur) sugary chemical trash, very easy to drink, it's what got me started

>> No.13062365

Yes and also what the fuck
Beer is only slightly bitter, some of the are almost sweet

>> No.13062642

you can get this fucking anywhere in NA. an actual harder to find euro pils would be golden pheasant which you kinda have to look for at a bigger craft store or ethnic market. PU though? I can get that at 7-11.

>> No.13062658

just picked up the gift pack, 4 variety bottles + a fancy snifter for only like $13. damn good.

>> No.13062701

you must have just moved to bumfuck because weihenstephaner is easy as fuck to find where I live.

>> No.13062709
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Try drinking it before 2012.

>> No.13063232

Have you tried kvass?

>> No.13063260

>not enjoying a peanutbutter and jelly sour

>> No.13063288

miller lite is a decent starter beer too

>> No.13064639
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Did a side-by-side of Sam Adams Octoberfest and Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest last weekend. The latter won easily. Definitely try that.

>> No.13064651

try again when you're 18

>> No.13064656

Yeah Sam Adams is garbage

>> No.13064714

Same advice your mother gave me when I was in middle school fagget

>> No.13064725

>tfw no Hacker Pschorr anywhere here
It sucks, how come only Europe makes great malty beers.

>> No.13064825

buy a 6 pack of IPA

>> No.13064888

>It sucks, how come only Europe makes great malty beers.
Where do you live? I live in Florida and they have it at pretty much every liquor store.

>> No.13065611

I've only had pabst and keystone ice. Any beers I should try that may be decent?

>> No.13066081


>> No.13066141

The Antipodes

>> No.13066337

Corona with a lime wedge dropped in, also make sure you drink beers cold, or at least not lukewarm.

>> No.13067482

being drunk is dumb and if you do it you should stop

>> No.13067525

I'd make fun of cheese being rotten milk, but knowing that you're probably american, it wouldn't really be accurate.

>> No.13067533

Why are there so many sugarbabbys making threads attacking booze and coffee today? Are we being raided? Or is it just one petulant manchild?

>> No.13067631

The silent majority is rising up

>> No.13067638

Whatever you say little babby

>> No.13067675

i like the taste of beer because when i taste this taste i know im getting drunk which is nice

>> No.13068349

>needing a motivational speech to buy some cheap trash food
you guys are hopeless

>> No.13068383

The false villains and strawmen /pol/ presented have been obliterated, so now they're turning to other rage absurdities to assuage their masochism like beer, wine, coffee, tea, and worst of all, flavorful ethnic foods.

>> No.13068412
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>> No.13068549

I make posts several times a week, I'm still not particularly lucky. But I can still check dubs if you know what I mean.

>> No.13069436
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Why do NPCs get so upset when you point out alcohol tastes bad? The point of drinking alcohol is to get drunk so why bother downing a shit ton of bubbly piss that's going to make you feel like a bloated piece of shit for a buzz when you could just drink a few shots of hard liquor?

>> No.13069531

>child palated dork is THIS mad he got called out on his bullshit

>> No.13069540

You say you’re calling him out on his bullshit for not liking beer and calling him a dork

>> No.13069571

When his shtick is deluding himself into thinking everyone is universally pretending to like alcohol and thinking anyone will take his ludicrous baseless claim as anything more than the rant of an insecure person, calling him a dork is more than enough. And for the record, the dork thing is not for not liking beer but for his cope of "le everyone is pretending!!!".

>> No.13069582

I hate beer mostly but kinda like Sour Monkey and Ruby Redbird

>> No.13069597

That's not the issue, i can't get in the mind of people who genuinely like the taste of Vodka. I mean its great for get drunk but fuck if its garbage in term of taste.

>> No.13069629

M8 that was me the other day who you are purposefully misquoting for your strawman. I haven't posted since.

>> No.13069693
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>Look mommy! *guzzles Good Goy Juice™ while desperately trying not to gag* I'm a big boy now!

>> No.13070236

Why are autists so deeply troubled by a world where their opinions are subjective? Why do they have such angst that comfort each other with absurd fairytales about how the normies that like what they don't are only pretending in order to look cool?

>> No.13070290

>child palated
no such thing.

>> No.13071136

I always thought beer tasted like garbage and just drank it to get drunk till I stopped falling for the "lol water" meme and tried coors light, realised i like light beers and have now graduated to miller lite tallboyz to get hammed up.

You just gotta find what you like I think, light beers are refreshing in a way that not even chilled water is, something about a cold foamer really hits that spot at the back of your throat.