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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13044755 No.13044755 [Reply] [Original]

are carbs bad for you

>> No.13044764

Yes they give you aids in your peehole

>> No.13044770

No. But they are pretty much a waste of calories. They don't keep you full long and are not satiating. Causing eating too much and too frequently. This is the root of the carb problem.

>> No.13044771

No. They are one of the three macronutrients all food is made up of.

>> No.13044779

lol, a fellow kpg user?

In my NON-EXPERT opinion, which has been influenced mostly by wikipedia articles, carbs aren’t bad for you. I reckon they get a bad rep because carb-heavy foods (pasta, rice, bread) tend to be quite calorie-dense compared to say, meat or veg.

>> No.13044802

ketofags will claim things like carrots, oatmeal, and pinto beans are basically candy, but they are retarded.

>> No.13044813

The strongest, most muscular, best looking, wealthiest, most popular, smartest men have been eating carbs since the beginning of mankind

>> No.13044837

>They don't keep you full long and are not satiating. Causing eating too much and too frequently. This is the root of the carb problem.
>it's muh evil carbs' fault I can't into moderation
Reminder: Japan, Italy.

>> No.13044845

Whole grains, fibrous fruits and vegetables, and starchy foods are extremely satiating

>> No.13044866

Carbohydrates are for ENERGY, fuel. That is the whole point of carbohydrates. So basically, the amount of them that you eat should be directly proportional to how much energy you're expending.

If you live a sedentary lifestyle working in an office then yes you should definitely cut down on carbs. You can still have carbs. But just don't have too many carbs.

But if you're doing a ton of physical exercise, like going on a really long and intense bike ride let's say, then you'll need carbs to fuel yourself. Unless you're trying to lose fat. In which case, if you do exercise, but don't eat carbs to replace that energy, then the body will start breaking down fat to release ketones, which your body can use as energy instead of sugars/carbs.

The amount of carbs you eat needs to be directly proportional to how much energy you are expending. Calories in, calories out.

>> No.13044875

I thought you ment crabs and that the webm was some weird sexual inuendo but whatever, I never had crab because I'm too poor.

>> No.13044923

Yeah and they are all juicing, but go ahead and be a gullible retard

>> No.13044962

hapas seething

>> No.13044998

of course that is my main hesitation of breeding with an asian
especially because I don't want to risk my son having a baby dick

what are the chances I end up with a keanu instead?

>> No.13045036

Carbs are the only reason you’re alive.

>> No.13045150

This is science.
This isn't.

>> No.13045186

Steroids don't actually make you big you know.
You need to eat lots of food to get big and carbs are easy to digest food with lots of energy.
Strong men eat huge amounts of carbs protein and vegetables.

>> No.13046059

God I am looking forward to when this wank is debunked in 10 years and I don't have to hear morons shouting it literally every time food is mentioned in conversation.

>> No.13046067

Don't let the graincels fool you OP
In today's world you need maximum 5g of carbs a day. Anything more is a waste

>> No.13046072

mirin that guy. whats his name?

>> No.13046197
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It is getting pretty ridiculous out there.

>> No.13046214
File: 1.36 MB, 900x1147, 1570752960273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be time for Asian men to rise up

>> No.13046218

Don't forget the step stool.

>> No.13046239
File: 220 KB, 1080x1350, ca945131aaef60ff2f11df7be012745e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not going to pay you incels

>> No.13046253

all carbs? no. unrefined versions pretty much cause no issues. refined grains and sugar seem to not be too healthy though, even if they don't necessarily make you gain weight as long as you aren't consuming too much, they still seem to cause inflammation.

fruit, lentils, beans, whole grains, etc. are all fine. avoid eating too much, and limit refined grains/sugar.

>> No.13046288

As an Asian, I consider her a whore.

>> No.13046289

did they fugg

>> No.13046296

wouldn't the guy she paid be the whore?

>> No.13046303

I'm confused. Why pay a guy? Wouldn't that normally be free?

>> No.13046309

Is this one of those weird fetish porn things? Like Blacked but for yellow fever white incels. Come to think of it Black is for cuckhold white incels too. What the fuck is wrong with white people?

>> No.13046310

Men can't be whores. Only women can be whores by definition.

>> No.13046314

Asian women are not that desirable to normal white men.

>> No.13046324

With you as the father? Zero.

>> No.13046327

Objectively untrue. You seem to be conflating the word whore with slut.

>> No.13046329

Both men and women can be both, though.

>> No.13046334

Nice photo of your crush faggot.

>> No.13046342

>a prostitute or promiscuous woman: often a term of abuse

>a sexually promiscuous woman, or a woman who behaves or dresses in an overtly sexual way.

A slut and a whore are both women by definition.

>> No.13046347
File: 28 KB, 741x411, screenshot021 2019-10-11, 03_17_38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13046350

The girl in the pic isnt even chinese.

>> No.13046376

>leftists trying to change the definition and pretend like people have adopted their new usage.
It is all so tiresome.

>> No.13046387

Yeah, those damn liberals using the word whore to describe male prostitutes since the 1600s. Kill yourself retard.

>> No.13046396

I love unsourced claims.

>> No.13046397

Words evolve over time. Faggot used to refer to just your dad. Now it also includes you.

>> No.13046403

WMAF = incel
AMWF = chad

>> No.13046460

Isn't WMAF, by definition, NOT incel? I mean, it's a relationship, right?

>> No.13046465

I know you do.

>> No.13046473

By that definition I'm a turbochad. But to be honest: I already knew that.

>> No.13046501

>Low value WM/AF = incel
>High value WM/AF = Chad

>> No.13046502

And by everyone else's definition you're a turbotard.

>> No.13046943

It is. The "news" appears nowhere and the woman in the picture is a Japanese cosplayer.

>> No.13046950

Find one instance of that happening. You won't because you are making shit upup. Also your cheesy typing style is like that of a rebbitor or a woman.

No. Go back to tumblr, sjw.

You argue like a woman.

>> No.13047077

>supposedly a Japanese cosplayer
>doesn't give a name
Sure I believe you.

>> No.13047086

faggot eternally-insulted

>> No.13047096

How much do you want to bet that cute little Asian girl hurried back home after that event and furiously toyed her cunt to the thought of getting penetrated by Beckham?

>> No.13047107

Yes and so are asian women.
Quit drooling over em guys.
Marry YOUR women

>> No.13047127

>They don't keep you full long and are not satiating.
this is completely untrue. it is fat that doesn't make you feel full and is unsatiating. carbs are very filling.
fat doesn't raise blood sugar so fat can't be used by the body to make it feel full fast enough to keep apetite in check. fat is deposited in body fat to be used gradually.
Eating fat will not make you feel full at all

People will often eat fat until they feel sick, because it has no effect on appetite.

>> No.13047155

>asian women hotter
>better sex
>age incredibly better
>more loyal and focused on what's best for the family unit
Yeah, I'd better sacrifice my life for some stormer's mythological idea of racial purity. Not even once.

>> No.13047164

Finally my story is out

>> No.13047201
File: 432 KB, 700x700, 1559617356247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal roastie sjw tumblrina who cries about transphobia and mysogyny needs to use homophobic terms to fit in

>> No.13047259
File: 87 KB, 642x855, f8c33e86b905b75f997cd4cce440e17f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the actual picture, it's a Japanese cosplayer called Enako. Reverse-search the image and see for yourself, you have fallen for some yellow fever incel or Asian cuck's fiction.

>> No.13047281

that pic is lol

>> No.13047292

Davito Beckum

>> No.13047297

who's the qt? the girl, not david

>> No.13047298

Love is love.

>> No.13047301

Blackpink jennie

Based Chad Beckam making chinks cream their pants

>> No.13047377

>incels unironically think basic manners such as paying attention to someone talking are signs of arousal

>> No.13047396

Epic incel thread on /ck/ fellow cooks!

>> No.13047406

But muh shrinking balls!

>> No.13047467


Based, is she /notmygirlbutsomeone'sandthat'sokaybecausei'mtakenbutifiwassinglei'dtakethechancegirl/?

>> No.13047469

You need to go back.

>> No.13047486

That just means they won't put much effort in ... she still doesn't look ugly enough to have to pay some expat chad to sleep with her.

>> No.13047502

Again, that woman is not a Chinese blogger but a Japanese cosplayer called Enako iow the image is yellowfever/cuck fiction.

>> No.13047507


>> No.13047892

>thinking about your son's dick
what son nigga you gay

>> No.13047901

Too long; didn’t explain: not all carbs are equal

>> No.13047919

I wish I could. 10 thousand dollars and the surgery + hormones weren't worth it :(

>> No.13048110

None of that is true.
I have live in Taiwan, Thailand and visited Kkorea for a few months.
Women are just as promiscuous .
You're gonna ruin your children, keep to your ethnicity

>> No.13048126

Refined carbs are bad for you

>> No.13048608
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 1570825800328.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means Asian women need to put much more effort in if they want the white meat.

>> No.13048645
File: 38 KB, 347x480, nejm199607043350101_f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steroids don't actually make you big you know
They literally do.

>> No.13048659
File: 140 KB, 1080x1096, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kpoop general
Fuck off back to >>>/r/eddit you circlejerk thread faggot
>herro fellow kpoop fans, this ching chang chong li and she my favrit kpoop idol. lets prease not talk about kpoop and instead talk about our day

>> No.13048854

t. butthurt nip

>> No.13048873
