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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13044612 No.13044612 [Reply] [Original]

Wang Gang's cutie cousin? sister? has a channel now

>> No.13044992

free hongkong

>> No.13044999

Hello, Reddit

>> No.13045003

Fight for freedom.
Stand with Hong Kong.

>> No.13045005

>duck abruptly stops honking over audio
>next scene she's blowtorching it's corpse with a hook jammed in it's neck

Also that's a huge fucking wok. I like the silence, it's soothing.

>> No.13045016

>Wang Gang's cutie cousin? sister?

>Hi~ this is QiErWa (second born in family Qi ), I am now an apprentice in Chef Wang's team. I am trying to learn some real authentic Chinese cooking skills during my apprentice time. Hope you enjoy my videos and learn with me!

>> No.13045020

>not posting the video where she murders pepe on camera

>> No.13045078

Fuck off back tk /v/, we talk about food here.

>> No.13045141

Liberals are very anti-China right now, so we should seriously consider being pro-China

>> No.13045191

nice try

>> No.13045202

>my enemy is my friend because he's the enemy of my enemy
What we 'ave here boys is a 'messican standoff.

>> No.13045205

Her cutting skills look like shit compared to Wang Gang but I guess that's a testament to how inhumanly precise his cleaver skills are.

>> No.13045216

>Liberals are very anti-China right now
that's the opposite of what's happening

>> No.13045220

>30 chili pepper for like 2-3 pounds of meat
Jesus Christ.

>> No.13045226

You are clueless. They’re pissed about honk konk.

>> No.13045248

You sound mad, did someone hurt you?

>> No.13045280

conservatives are the pro-hong kong side
they are a westernized capitalist country trying to escape the jaws of communism

blizzard a notoriously lefty company banned someone for criticizing china
dennis prager a notoriously conservative guy is making videos about why hong kong is right and important

>> No.13045305

What weird fantasy world are you in? Libs are pissed at blizzard and even deleting their Warcraft orcs. conservatives are glad china is killing protesters since protesting is a liberal thing. Trump is supporting China and conservatives do whatever he says

>> No.13045362

Chinks are based but they also admire jews for all the negative stereotypes so I don't trust them at all.

>> No.13045401

hongkong was never a country.

it was literally an area of china that went to the brits who then gave it back to the chinese. It was never an independent state. Before the british era it had been part of china for more than 2000 years.


>> No.13045445

to put it in perspective on the scale of history, imagine "canada" occupying the island of Manhattan for 40 years and now its citizens are chimping out wanting all sorts of independence from the USA. Its a marvel that china has not rolled into HK with tanks already considering by all legal/UN definitions its china proper. As per the 1997 agreement between UK and China, HK will lose its current limited autonomy in 2047.

>> No.13045483

Hello Zihao Wang

>> No.13045486

the really unfortunate part about this is we reached the singularity so long ago, I genuinely can't tell if you're being ironic or actually deranged

>> No.13045511

i'll take several

>> No.13045530

calm down adam

>> No.13045538

>western media taking the side of the CIA funded hongkong protesters when USA and China are currently embroiled in a trade war

gee i wonder why

surely (((western media))) is non biased and have no agenda

>> No.13045547

Yes, I'd much rather live in a world where I be fired for saying bad thing about china

>> No.13045560

but you already live in a world where you will get fired for saying some non PC/remotely sexist thing online, thats much better

>> No.13045634

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.13045841

tankie located

>> No.13045843

didnt know we were in a pasta thread

>> No.13045852

She always refers to him as bro and there have been mentions that she is his sister in law. His wife is ugly thoug.
I bet this chick has a really hairy pussy too

>> No.13045872


>> No.13045902

It says shes his student

>> No.13046238

>abruptly stops honking
This is a veiled reference to what will happen to Honk Kong

>> No.13046246 [DELETED] 


>> No.13046248

This is your brain on yellow fever

>> No.13046261 [DELETED] 

she's so cute and also very very sexy. I've noticed her before in Chef Wang Gangs videos, really glad we get to see more of her. Would love to eat her out

>> No.13046262
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>> No.13046263

Ah yes, this pleasures me!

>> No.13046270 [DELETED] 


>> No.13046273

Have sex. Just invite her inside and offer her a seat at my table where's I'm currently brewing a fresh pot of coffee in my Yama glass cold drip brewing tower. As she listens intently I go over the flavor profile of the specific Nicaraguan honey processed beans I'm using today. I've medium roasted them myself 4 days prior to allow for proper degassing. They have a mild and pleasant flavor with a startling lack of bitterness. An excellent bean for people who like the flavor of double shot lattes but don't want the heart attacks. I tell her how I think that these beans are Superior to even jamacian blue mountain, which cost 4X the price and taste less pleasing when drunk black. I ask Satania what kind of drink she would like and she responds with a simple iced latte. I preheat my espresso machine and put some of the spare beans into my burr grinder. After grinding and tamping a fresh shot I pull it into a double walked espresso glass while I ask if she would like it sweetened. She responds yes so I spoon about a tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk into a cocktail shaker which I then load with ice and whole milk and the shot if espresso. I shake the latte for a good 30 seconds before pouring it into a zwilling double walked mug and topping it with a sprinkle of flaky ice cream salt. I then pass the drink to her and watch her take a sip as I await her reaction. "This is delicious." She says in a refined tone. "The subtle fluity flavors of the honey proccess gives these beans a wonderful depth that pairs perfectly with this raw unpasteurized milk you've used. However I must question the salt on top of the foam. It does not bring noticible flavor and it melts too fast to be admired as a decoration." Perhaps she is right.

>> No.13046278

except imagine, in your case, that America is a despotic shit hole with death camps and 'reeducation' centers for its citizens, is known to harvest organs from political prisoners, has tight control of the media, and a completely separate language and administrative system. And now imagine that American and Canada signed an agreement that Manhattan will remain completely autonomous in governance until 2047, but then continuously undermines that sovereignty and plays the victim and blames Canada whenever the people riot over these curtails.

>> No.13046280

You are such a fucking faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.13046287

Also imagine that Manhattan didn't exist until the Leafs occupied it, they built it and made it into the wonder of the world, they infused it with their special Canadian essence.

>> No.13047120

america could unironrically use some death camps and reeducation centers. All these POC and SJWs gonna go

>> No.13047123

welcome to szechuan cooking, otherwise known as "lmao get fucked India"

>> No.13047124

I wish I was that duck

>> No.13047132

also imagine that the united states signed an international agreement to govern according to certain co-agreed regulations for 50 years. China is violating the treaty and HK's rights under the secession.

>> No.13047137

she literally kills it and takes a blow torch to it at the next scene

>> No.13047231

God I wish that were me

>> No.13047252 [DELETED] 

would love to smell her stinky chink feet after a hard day of field work.

>> No.13047253

>conservatives are glad china is killing protesters since protesting is a liberal thing

Pretty much.

>> No.13047473 [DELETED] 
File: 733 KB, 1143x1125, 04A2337B-88F6-4171-A5B9-BB840423255D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or being a faggot? Look at Twitter for 5 seconds.. Commy trannies love China and want Hong Kong to die

>> No.13047491

>for 50 years
so no matter what HK is "doomed" or fully china by 2047.

why does it even matter? all these protesters are achieving is destroying their own city. And outsiders like to think all of HK is protesting when its literally just a very vocal subset of the population. The majority of HKers are regular people going to work everyday and trying to maintain a living.

>> No.13049010

>The majority of HKers are regular people going to work everyday and trying to maintain a living
ie NPCs. Literal bugmen. They aren't relevant, they're just recipients of whatever men of action choose to impose.

>> No.13049024

this is literally ANTIFA-esque logic

>if you are not burning subway stations, hurling rocks at police,chimping out and destroying the city, holding up trains so regular commuters are late to their work, you are not relevant

HK protestors did all of that

>> No.13049086

It's true though. If you're just trying to live your life, that's fine, but you won't be affecting any sort of change or setting the direction of anything. The CCP wasn't made by people who were just trying to live their lives.

>> No.13049120

>hey aren't relevant,
who do you think is contributing to the economy of HK?
without their economy they are nothing, with how china has opened up, HK is no longer as important as they were 20 years ago. Foreign MNCs no longer need HK as a gateway into east asia
Shenzhen next door is already going to surpass HK's GDP

with no economy they dont even get to have any negotiation power with beijing, HK has no resources except their economy and they are already slipping
and just because of this stupid protest chinese friendly cities like Singapore gained a ton of revenue as everyone is moving their money there

>thinking a bunch of kids is going to change anything about the CCP

>> No.13049219

They certainly contribute to the economy, in the same way that peasants were the entire economy of the middle ages. Doesn't mean peasants are running shit.

>> No.13049442

they arent running anything, just a bunch of children throwing a tantrum

its a stupid self destructive behaviour just because mommy didnt give them what they wanted. They are not noble, just extremely immature and short sighted.

>> No.13049466

Most succesful movements start like that, but of course many fail too.
You say they should just bend over and take it from China? Imagine actually living there, would you not rather try something even if some 4 channelers disagree with you?

>> No.13049474

One things that I forgot: it doesn't really matter to those people if China had a contract with Great Britain, or not, or whatever. Contracts can be broken and they never signed that contract, they just fight for whatever they can get.

>> No.13049501

Contracts are a social construct anyway - a spook.

>> No.13049513

>tfw no qt chinese gf to teach how to not ruin a dish with bones and watch the downfall of the (((west))) with

>> No.13049521

You're retarded if you think the HK area didn't exist or have settlements and occupants until Britain rolled around. This is a retarded meme built by dumb ass /his/lets.

>> No.13049547

>Contracts can be broken
thats not how countries work.

>Most succesful movements
and those require a overwhelming percentage of the populace to be on board. Mainlanders support Beijing, most HKers dont care enough to join the protest, because if not you would see millions of people on the street (which is not the case). Other asian countries except taiwan dont give a shit-- some even openly side with China. UN wont do anything, because guess what, China holds veto power in the UN. USA is certainly not going to go to war with China over HK, that would be very silly, and Russia is obviously on the side of China. Nobody is going to anything about it, just like nobody did anything when Russia rolled its tanks into Crimea. This is not even remotely realistic.

>they should just bend over and take it from China
yes, sucks to be them, but you cant always win in life.

>> No.13050798

she looks evil lmao.

>> No.13051205

ITT: most people seriously believing that protesters in Hong Kong are fighting for complete separation from China.

>> No.13051358

They are.

>> No.13051404

Fight for freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.

>> No.13051421


>> No.13051439

isn't this a cpc propaganda channel?

>> No.13051443

>fight for cheap import .stand with hong kong

>> No.13051453


>> No.13051457


>> No.13051472

don't be an idiot anon, the chinese police state is anathema to liberal western democracy. Or are you so retarded you don't think liberals and conservatives in the west can have mutual views on a topic?

>> No.13051510
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great food and cooking thread guys

>> No.13051769
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Still inferior to her in every way.

>> No.13051880
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YIKES and bluepilled

>> No.13051892
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>20+ years and STILL can't get over it
britain is dead as dead, anglosphere is dead as dead, it's the Asian Century now.

>> No.13051921

tru. she'll always be my fantasy, pure-domestic waifu

>> No.13051946

Glad to see you are obsessed with Asian penis.

>t. Asian

>> No.13052008

Poor duck. I have never seen a bird that dirty and disgusting. Did they just get it out of the cage at the Winnie the Pooh factory farm?

>> No.13052016
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Imagine having bluekatie work you over and then her sister joins. uwu

>> No.13052086
File: 175 KB, 804x1431, 545b869ff2aedc870bde69f3cec60b97227fc1b08801033b7d0ddcd37d60d8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought thats her bro

>> No.13052103

Right now she isn't.

>> No.13053299

almost as nice as cici li

>> No.13053334

The poor animal is still alive after being skinned. Chinks have no soul or empathy capacity.