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File: 2.60 MB, 2400x1200, banana-main-fruit-peel_a7a8c6ce60a36207efcc44ab86788d4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13034953 No.13034953 [Reply] [Original]

>bananas are fucking great
>low in calories but high in essential nutrients
>delicious and great in all sorts of desserts, but edible on their own
>come with their own wrapper and easy to take on the go
>only downside is that you can't eat more than one or two a day without clogging yourself up
So why havent you eaten a banana yet today, anon??

>> No.13034962
File: 225 KB, 1300x956, marathon-competitors-at-table-of-bananas-near-finish-line-of-chicago-AAPNH8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low in calories

no.....? bananas are high in calories
why do you think they give them out at marathons

>> No.13034971

A banana only has about 100 calories. The sugar is good for a marathon runner but I think it's the potassium that's a big benefit too.

>> No.13034997

>why do you think they give them out at marathons
I thought it was because the potassium helps with the cramping and sore muscles

>> No.13035289

imagine destroying yourself body cause society says your healing cancer money

>> No.13035364

You okay, bro?

>> No.13035381

marathon running actually is pretty bad for your body, and it's the one sport where people try to purposely make themselves underweight but

>your healing cancer money

>> No.13035383

did an AI bot write this?

>> No.13035388
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being afraid to test and exceed the potential of your body so that you can live a plain boring life and stay like a ship that never left the harbour

>> No.13035411

i can understand why people like it, running for a long time can almost make you feel intoxicated, but it really is just bad for you to do these really long marathons. we aren't meant to run that long and it does a lot of damage to your body with no other real benefits. the more serious runners keep themselves below healthy weight levels because it makes it easier to run the really long distances.

>> No.13035470

>we aren't meant
Says who? You're looking at human potential as it is in the present time, and setting the limit in your mind to never exceed that. Just because it is how it is (or how it appears to be), doesn't mean that's how it should be or we should accept never trying to improve or change.
Humans have always been great at endurance hunting, tiring out prey after long chases, rather than raw strength and power.

>> No.13035536

humans are actually one of the best animals at long distance running.

>But when it comes to long distances, humans can outrun almost any animal. Because we cool by sweating rather than panting, we can stay cool at speeds and distances that would overheat other animals. On a hot day, the two scientists wrote, a human could even outrun a horse in a 26.2-mile marathon.

but yea too much running is bad for knees. I used to do runs but now have switched to swimming because my left knee is starting to "click"

also the "feeling of intoxication" is known as runner's high

>> No.13035590

Bananas are fucking cheap. You can get them on sale for like 39 cents a pound.

>> No.13035743

>Humans have always been great at endurance hunting
yeah, but running 26 miles goes way beyond that. plenty of studies show that it just damages the bodies rather than like other less extreme exercises strengthening your body.

>> No.13035757

Because they take ages to ripen and when ripe they leave a sickly aftertaste worse than cuum.

>> No.13035768

100 calories is quite a lot:

1.For a fruit
2.For a sedentary slob like myself whom burns very few calories

>> No.13035785

Bananas have a quite high glycemic index, which makes them non-ideal food.

>> No.13035806

> Because we cool by sweating rather than panting, we can stay cool at speeds and distances that would overheat other animals. On a hot day, the two scientists wrote, a human could even outrun a horse in a 26.2-mile marathon.

There's another factor at play here as well. As animals get larger, their heat-dissipation area (skin) grows at the power of two, while their mass grows at the power of ^3. Thus, their ratio of surface area to body mass decreases rapidly as animals get larger, making large animals overheat really easily.

>> No.13035812

It's an antibrap attempt to clog up the runners

>> No.13035828

That is why. That anon is retarded.

>> No.13035830

>100 calories is quite a lot
it's not when you consider it's pretty satiating compared to a lot of junk food. most people would have an easier time getting 300 calories from chips and soda than they would eating three bananas.

bananas are pretty low actually

>> No.13035942

i really really really like this image

>> No.13036261


>the one sport where people try to make themselves underweight

Shut your ignorant ass up. Boxers wrestlers and mma fighters purposely cut weight and dehydrate themselves on purpose to make weight requirements in fights. Marathon running is a hobby.

>> No.13036295

save it! it's all yours my friend. :)

>> No.13036662

He meant
"Imagine destroying your own body (in this way) for a "run for the cure" type of marathon that raises money for cancer"
i.e. imagine working out for a false cause

>> No.13036878

>really like bananas
>they cause this weird itching sensation in my mouth that is unpleasant enough that I don't eat them
I just want to enjoy bananas

>> No.13036883

Bro you sure you arent allergic to them...?

>> No.13036892

It's bad for the heart due to excessive exertion
I suffer from something similar as I enjoy sexual intercourse over 90 minutes in duration are a time
At least fucking is what is leading me to death is my claim

>> No.13036906

same, don't think it's an allergy because I'm allergic to peanuts and they cause a considerably stronger reaction
bananas are just a little irritating

>> No.13036914

You opened it from the wrong end.

>> No.13036923

That's not the same thing as staying unhealthily underweight, asshole. Most fighters are probably still at technically normal weight levels even during a cut.

>> No.13037085


>> No.13037182

I ate a pack of dehydrated ones. They smell far stronger than they taste.

>> No.13037211


>> No.13037231

our ancestors literally chased animals to death. We are extremely effective runners and 26 miles ain't shit.

That said I avoid doing a lot of jogging/running even though I am very physically active because muh knees. But that is over time and there are ways to mitigate it.

also post pics because i bet you are a lard ass.

>> No.13037234
File: 373 KB, 186x266, crank yanker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying running 26 consecutive miles is trivial
Shut the fuck up, bitch nigger.

>> No.13037245


>> No.13037253

You seem to have gotten confused. Our ancestors walked after shit and tracked it until it tired out.

>> No.13037256

Approved by God himself

>> No.13037257
File: 207 KB, 960x648, 299696_2441205668249_8129661_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well for you I'm sure just getting out of bed is a monumental undertaking

>> No.13037308

>gotten confused

come back when you learn English.

All prey were pursued in a light jog.

>> No.13037398

>why do you think they give them out at marathons
So that they slip on banana peels

>> No.13037404

>he peels it at the wrong end so he doesn't have a bannana holder

>> No.13037463

>We are extremely effective runners and 26 miles ain't shit.
>That said I avoid doing a lot of jogging/running even though I am very physically active because muh knees.

>> No.13037547

I eat one or two every day. But I also run a lot.

>> No.13037633

Marathonrunning is not unhealthy if you're smart about it. The race itself CAN be demanding due to the high speed at which it takes place. If you're not a retard and train properly the stressful event of a race won't damage you long term.

>> No.13037639

lmao this drivel again. Homo Sapiens is the undisputed long distance running champ of planet earth. Nothing and I mean nothing can come close to our ability to run long distance without literally dropping dead due to heat exhaustion. Don't let all the obesity cloud you from a simple evolutionary truth.

>> No.13037818

i'm not saying any form of running longer than a sprint is bad, but running 26 miles is probably excessive and does more damage to your body without more benefits compared to running, say, 5 miles.

>The presence of LGE in veteran athletes was significantly associated with the number of years spent training, number of competitive marathons, and ultraendurance (>50 miles) marathons completed, supporting a link between lifelong endurance exercise and myocardial fibrosis, which requires further study.

>> No.13038650

Maybe it's time to move around a little bit anon...

>> No.13038803

You're probably mildly allergic. My ex was to pineapple but loved em so ate em anyway

>> No.13038870

I usually have at least four in the chocolate shake I have with my breakfast.

t. sub-20 BMI