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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13033897 No.13033897 [Reply] [Original]

What are some easy to learn, hard to master, foods?

>> No.13033903

Yeah, I'd think so.

>> No.13033909

Hardest part about carbonara is getting the meat. I swear I dont think I've ever seen guancale on the shelves here.

>> No.13033915

Boef burgongong

>> No.13033941

Same here. I just use bacon because it's the closest available thing.

>> No.13033965

Tried using gauncale once, did not taste the same as pancetta at all. I honestly preferred it with the pancetta

>> No.13034073

Using guanciale is Italian style, the original authentic recipe just calls for bacon, onions, garlic and cream.

>> No.13034082

You know it doesn't get magically funnier each time you post it.

>> No.13034604


>> No.13034703


>> No.13034704

you want just a splash of cream for carbonara, not too much

>> No.13034709


>> No.13034711

pizza, i know it shouldn't be but i see so many shit pizzas

>> No.13034714


>> No.13034724

stir fry

>> No.13034733

its pretty easy to make a sushi roll but apparently a lot goes into getting it right

>> No.13034740

just bread, making it from scratch and getting it to come out remotely resembling the type of bread you intended to

>> No.13034831

Stir fry is easy but the end result looks complicated.

>> No.13034849
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>> No.13034879

Fried Rice is impossible without a 80kW gas burner.

>> No.13034888

Not that. Most Italian food is a glorified snack.

>> No.13034921


Yeah, whats your recipe for sunday gravy then?

>> No.13034938

I'm honestly waiting. Because if you don't know anything about it, you should shut the living fuck.. up.

>> No.13034945

its easy to make good stir fry but to make it great takes some practice, getting the fried rice right on a electric stove is no easy feat and the ratios of other shit like sesame oil and soy sauce can easily go wrong plus the veggies and meat. A lot of variables

>> No.13034959


You can't make fried rice on at 2600 watt electric burner. Period. You can't get to temperature. You need a blue burning gas fire. What you make is fun fried rice.

>> No.13034979

true but mines gotten a lot closer since i started using brown rice cooked a day in advance and left open in the fridge over night

>> No.13034998


Everyone uses day old rice man. But when you can't heat the wok, or probably what you use is a fry pan, hot enough it never turns out. Brown rice doesn't make it any "browner" in flavour.

Anyhoo.. It's a rough go

>> No.13035020
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>Most Italian food is a glorified snack

>> No.13035029


Shitsnacks won't offer up his recipes so, he's just a generic ignorable cunt.

>> No.13035044

naw i have a real wok at least and nobody ever mentions the day old rice trick at least not in my part of the world. white rice turns to mush. Every recipe is a 5 paragraph essay about the person family history a one sentence that goes something like this
>heat rice, add meat and veggies...wa-la stir fry
no help at all and if would have tried some of my early stir fries you would have probably tried to fight me

>> No.13035049


>> No.13035056

I bet you can name only pasta dishes and pizza

>> No.13035057


If your rice turns to mush, you're fucking up your rice. Nothing you said matters after that.

>> No.13035066


What I was trying to say is you typed a lot to sound like a dipshit.

>> No.13035081

Fried egg, scrambled egg, soft boiled egg.

>> No.13035082


mushy wet rice and probably some vegetables and chicken or whatever your ass is into isn't fried rice. You get no wok smoke from it, A wok needs to be about 600F to make real fried rice.

You're making a shit rice dish.

>> No.13035123

i meant in compassion to brown rice , white rice doesn't hold up as well in stir fry

>> No.13035129

I hear you, but brown rice doesn't belong. I just can't I'm too tired today. Don't use brown rice.

>> No.13035159


tell me which of those are not snack food

>> No.13035170

you tell me how this implies the Italian cuisine is mostly snacks

>> No.13035176


you internet rats need to be killed. Just shut the fuck up. or eat a rat trap.

>> No.13035179

i listed 4 things that werent pizza and pasta. they were all snacks

>> No.13035199

Bread ....

>> No.13035213


And every other stupid cunting food from sardinia to the island aren't. You're a piece of shit that doesn't understand the boot. Now shut up. Or be told.

>> No.13035215

this, bread is effected by the weather and humidity so the same recipe can come out different every time you make it

>> No.13035224
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contribute or gtfo

>> No.13035228


Ok you dumb cunt.

1 Cast Iron Ceramic pot, small
2 Cups ground beef
3/4 Cup Onion fine dice
1/2 Cup Celery fine dice
1/2 Cup Carrot fine dice
1/2 tbsp oregano
1/2 tbsp basil
1/2 tsp garlic powder.
1 tsp rosemary
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp fresh ground 4 pepper blend
2 Cans Whole Tomato
1 Can Campbell's tomato soup.
1 Can Mushroom slices

Over medium high heat brown ground beef in cast iron pot and reserve. Add butter and onion, working the fond off the pan into the onion.
Brown onion then add carrot and celery and mix. Sweat mixture unti soft. Blitz one can of tomato to sauce consistency and add to pot, bring to a
boil and reduce heat accordingly, cleaning bottom of the pot with spatula. Cut second can of tomato into bit sized pieces and add. add spices and vinegar.
stir and bring to a strong simmer and cook for about 45 minutes. Simmer until a thick sauce consistency with a sweet flavour developing in the tomato.
Add soup, mushroom and ground beef and stir until thoroughly mixed. Spatula darkening sauce from the sides of pot and mix in.
Cook for another 30 minutes.

>> No.13035254


How you making out cumface? Are you cummy?

>> No.13035260

>Cut second can of tomato into bit sized pieces
cans are not edible, you will get injuries if you try to eat metal

>> No.13035271
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>> No.13035274

carbonara is a meme

>> No.13035323

Your rice is far too moist. Use less water when making it, and let it dry out a bit by fluffing it and letting it sit uncovered for 15-20 minutes. White rice will hold up just fine if you do it right. Brown rice is totally acceptable if you prefer it though.

>> No.13035341

Literally all decent foods. At the expert level, there are so many technicalities that need to be perfectly controlled to produce truly good food. If naming one, I would say all pasta dishes, namely cacio e pepe, since it's simplicity belies it's difficulty to really make well.

>> No.13035355

Most foods that exist as staples, honestly. A lot of dishes are relatively easy to make on purpose, but to make it perfectly takes high level skill and knowledge.

That being said, cake. Easy to make cake, but damn is it hard to make that perfect cake.

>> No.13035385
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i haven't had a good cake is so long i don't even bother eating any more because they all suck so bad

>> No.13035386

Italian Donkey meat stew

>> No.13035865

is wine considered a food

>> No.13036375

reptile gravy

>> No.13036898

>Boef burgongong
Is this a spelling meme I missed whilst I've been away?

>> No.13036938


>> No.13036941

>Hard to master

Its literally just putting scrambled eggs on warm bacon pasta, there is nothing to master.

>> No.13036970
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actual solid grub there m8
im impressed.

>> No.13036978

probably bait but you forgot parsley

>> No.13036997

>hard to master
Only if you take pastanigger It*lians seriously.

>> No.13037154
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>> No.13037165

Eggs over easy. I'm talking properly made, not that "add a bit of water and put a lid on" steaming shit.

>> No.13037477

>cups of ground meat
>cups of vegetables
>tablespoons of butter
>cans of mushrooms
what the is wrong with using weight
oz, g, lbs, stones or something ffs
go to a butcher shop and ask the clerk for 2 cups of ground beef, go ahead
yes im salty, fuck you

>> No.13037496

This recipe was posted days ago by some cheapskate. There’s no reason to be impressed for a retard to copy paste shit.

>> No.13037502

You would hate getting a recipe from me.
Cut about the right amount of vegetables that are in your fridge for 8 chicken legs sear the legs till you get them slightly crispy on each side remove and then cook the veg and then add legs add wine then pore over stock till it looks good and then simmer till it taste good.
That's basically how I cook every single day.

>> No.13037504

This is copypasta, I remember it from a few days ago.

>> No.13037520
File: 18 KB, 500x470, 74332FAF-B735-4A4C-AB54-E02FD2B8D85D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garlic and cream

>> No.13037526

>Not adding garlic to everything

>> No.13037529
File: 64 KB, 600x800, BA6E886E-1BB8-4244-8417-D668E9B652B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garlic and eggs

>> No.13037857

where are the eggs you fat retard

>> No.13037923

People just dont have a 400C oven.

>> No.13037968

>what is a steel tray/stone

>> No.13037971

95% of the time I've had a stir fry dinner outside of a restaurant with a gas jet stove and wok, it is steamed mushy garbage. I've had the urge to just use a propane grill on my porch to stir fry desu.

>> No.13038013

Neither steaks nor pizza can truly be prepared properly at home. This is because specialty ovens that reach insanely hot temperatures well outside the range of home appliances are required.

>> No.13038451


No seriously fuck the rice
fuck getting the perfectly sized cut of fish for the nigiri
fuck the dumbass seaweed giantass mess why won't you stick together

but even if it looks aborted, it's still delicious

>> No.13038475
File: 60 KB, 625x626, 1535902107327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on the (You)s

>> No.13038482

Yeah, it's called "French"

>> No.13038498

Now spell it correctly in French you dozy cunt

>> No.13038553

This, and the fried rice.
Every home recipe is using a cheater method and the results are inferior EVERY TIME.

>> No.13038656

Half the reply's are himself samefagging

>> No.13038682

>What are some easy to learn, hard to master, foods?
French omelet. I've been trying for a few months now to get it just right. I've done it right a few times, but not reliably.

>> No.13038683

Bœuf bourguignon

>> No.13038707

Fucking beta fag.

>> No.13038714

Exactly, so don't call me a thick cunt.

>> No.13038716

You've never had good carbonara, I take it.

>> No.13038720


>> No.13039158

>scrambled eggs