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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13033473 No.13033473 [Reply] [Original]

How do you brown ground beef properly for use in chili con carne? Some people apparently pour it out when water appears in the pan and others don't.

>> No.13033480

Keep that fat if you're doing keto. Keep none if you want lean. You should probably keep a little for flavor if you're a normal person.

>> No.13033489

any water in the pan stops the meat from browning

pouring the water out might work. It's also important to make sure you don't overcrowd the pan by putting way too much meat on it at one time. It's better to brown the meat in two batches or on two different pans, if you're really going for great browning.

>> No.13033507


you get a better flavor and browning by making your own ground beef, some prepackaged ground beefs having water added which prevents browning and causes boiling

you get what you pay for and with ground beef you usually get less than what you pay, consider buying a grinder and buying lower quality whole cuts

aside from time lost, you end up getting more for your money this way

>> No.13033522


this is honestly very lazy advice

you should never buy meat, you really don’t know what you are getting and are in fact wasting money on an inferior product

what you should do instead is raise and butcher your own steers

personally I would start with a “wild” bovine, whichever you can find nearest your locale

locate and capture both males and females to maintain a population and teach them to live on your property or a public space big enough for them

head on over to www.Reddit.com to learn more

>> No.13033532

this isn't really ideal
you should genetically engineer an animal whose meat is specifically designed to suit a dish and bring it to life
anything else is just disgusting and dumb

>> No.13033535

gmos are not healthful like relish

>> No.13033536

this is very stupid advice. go post in the faggot cat thread then fuck off to the data lounge you ageing gay faggot

>> No.13033538

Stop shilling for your catfucker thread you alcoholic incel fuck. Your bazinga tier phrasing is gay as fuck and I hope you go to prison

>> No.13033554

>gay faggot
>bazinga tier
do you ever stop and think before opening your stupid fucking mouth?

>> No.13033567

Why the fuck would I open my stupid fucking mouth to type something up? Are you some invalid without fingers using some voice to text type shit? Dumb motherfucking pussy sack of shit bastard bitch cunt

>> No.13034302

Good thread

>> No.13034309

My lamb turkeys are to die for.

>> No.13034315

is there a difference between 'chili con carne' and 'chili'?

I speak Spanish, so I know 'chili con carne' simply means 'meat chili', but I'm wondering if they are considered two different things or not.

>> No.13034401 [DELETED] 

Usually when someone talks about chilli they mean with meat. If it’s vegetation it’ll usually be described as such.

>> No.13034411

Usually when someone talks about chilli they mean with meat. If it’s vegetarian it’ll usually be described as such.

>> No.13034479
File: 98 KB, 1139x578, Screenshot_2019-05-23 ck - how do you make your chili - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the water is not fat, you can heat it at a lower temp and the water will come out and drain it then turn the heat up to give it a proper brown and you'll see there is still plenty of fats which you do leave in for chili. Or you do it my way and grill up some hamburgers then chop them into chunks, poor mans cube steak

>> No.13034500
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'chili con carne' usually refers to authentic Texas style chili which is typically just meat , dried and fresh peppers. When people simply say chili they are referring to normal chili which has beans, onions, tomatoes, garlic and other ingredients to spice it up and make it not suck like Texas chili con carne