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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 680x1019, Homemade-French-Bread-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13032428 No.13032428 [Reply] [Original]

Homemade bread is so fucking worth it, stop being an incel and bake your own bread, cucks. Next best thing is to find a local, family owned bakery.

>> No.13032435

Post your bread recipes OP

>> No.13032443

Is it possible to make it as good as a bakery?

>> No.13032458

No and if someone tells you otherwise they’re luring retards who put ice in the oven and think it’s the same.

>> No.13032469

My local walmart bakes pretty good boules and brioches, desu.

>> No.13032473
File: 1.18 MB, 1861x609, homemade bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop being an incel and bake your own bread, cucks

>> No.13032501

Sorry you suck at baking, but that doesn’t mean you should discourage others from doing it

>> No.13032505

>make dough
>get bowl, mixer, spoon, countertop etc dirty
>wait hours for proofing, can easily overproof something comes up
>potentially fuck up dough and waste hours of time based or variations in temperature in your kitchen
>make a loaf of bread that will never rival a loaf cooked in a commercial steam oven
>eat some bread
>it goes stale immediately


>go buy aloaf for couple bucks at any decent supermarket

Baking all your bread at home is a meme

>> No.13032514

Lol post body you fat fuck

>> No.13032519

Baking in a Dutch oven can produce loaves that rival commercial ones

>> No.13032679

>Get a bread machine
>Dump in ingredients and go to work
>Come home to fresh baked bread

>> No.13032702

How do i make really cheewy and tough to pull apart bread

>> No.13032742

I like to bake my own bread. My only issue is the countertop space I have. I'd prefer it if it were sanitized before I put the dough down to give it a good kneading--but if I wipe it down immediately before doing so, won't I get cleaning chemicals in my dough? So how long before kneading the dough am I supposed to sanitize my countertops so that they'll stay clean but the inside of my stomach won't be a chemical holocaust?

>> No.13032798

99.9% of the people browsing here should simply find a good bakery and spend ten bucks a week in order to enjoy bread and learn about it.
Breadmaking at home that can rival a professional bakery is really advanced stuff, not the kind of thing /ck/ does. Dabble making biscuits and pizza dough, but artisan loaves are really outside the scope of this website. Some things are simply best left to professionals, this is one of them.

>> No.13032811

Graincels like OP can the ketones straight out of the end of my dick

>> No.13032875

make bread and knead it till your bones hurt
then bake it

>> No.13032899

Also buy a box of vital wheat gluten and ammend your flour with it
Add it in until you're about 20% protein in your flour. You'll have really tough springy bread

>> No.13032902

Is there some reason you would want this that I’m missing?

>> No.13032908

No itd be absolutely disgusting but I thought I'd help a nigga out y'know

>> No.13032919

Oh thanks

>> No.13032922

I go to an Amish market in Annapolis when I want really good bread.

>> No.13032928

Their raspberry danish things are just as good as Entenmann's. Maybe better.

>> No.13032972

I thought I hated bread for years because all I ever came in contact with was the rancid shit that comes in a plastic bag from the grocery store.

>> No.13032976

Go to an artisan bakery then
Baking at home is a meme unless you have a deck oven with steamer. You can make half decent hread in a standard convection oven if you have a Dutch oven but in the end it's going to be a lot less hassle just buying an excellent loaf from an expert in minutes than spending roughly a day and a half making a loaf of slightly inferior quality at the very best on your own.
T. Bakery owner and operator

>> No.13033004
File: 1.04 MB, 2576x1932, IMG_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my local bakery closed 20 years ago. this is my first try making bread. I used too much flour and not enough salt but it was ok. if I had a scale I could do better.

>> No.13033014

Looks alright but I want to see the inside if possible.
Some tips
Definitely get a scale. Its 100% necessary if you want decent bread. Just make sure you have one that's accurate to the 10th of a gram for salt and yeast and stuff like that.
Crust is pretty lite. Jack your oven up to its highest temp or maybe just a bit lower. I bake a 1kg loaf starting at like 550F.
Score at a very very slight angle. Dont score str8 down into the loaf. You'll need a very sharp and thin blade. Buy a lame on amazon and lookup a tutorial on youtube

>> No.13033038

To be clear I’m not talking about like wonderbread or something else shipped to the store. I mean any halfway decent supermarket that has a bakery. I usually buy bread at the Mexican supermarket because it’s closest to my house. They make a really nice glossy French bread, they even make challah. I buy fresh tortillas there too, which you can actually make at home just as home but it’s not worth the effort if you can buy them.

>> No.13033103

i really like jerky like bread

>> No.13033185

Chad Robertson disagrees

>> No.13033188

I can tell you didn’t use a Dutch oven

>> No.13033979

Yeah artisan loaves are one thing, but simple butter dipped dinner rolls, white and potato sandwich loaf, and any of the simpler breads come out a hundred times better made than bought.

>> No.13033992
File: 22 KB, 500x375, ACDA1E6B-62B6-47FB-9C3C-31FE1B4D9F68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”you can’t possibly bake your own bread as tasty as I can!”
> T. Bakery owner and operator

>> No.13034043

this.. its not that hard idiots

>> No.13034045

and its is superior to store bought bread

>> No.13034053

Making your own bread is like making your own pasta, its a fucking meme. What are you gunna do next, make a fucking rice paddy in your backyard? Fuckoff.

>> No.13034056 [DELETED] 

who else here uses their vagina yeast for bread after dial eighting

>> No.13034061 [DELETED] 

oops i meant to say neovagina

>> No.13034077

>comes to post on a cooking board
>b...but not THAT kind of cooking!
If I was interested in the easiness of food I would eat every meal at McD.

>> No.13034083
File: 31 KB, 370x350, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he will never enjoy fresh baked bread and a home full of wonderful yeasty smells
you are a creature to be pitied

>> No.13034087 [DELETED] 

>not only obsessed with transfags but also feels the need to ruin the appetite of everyone here

>> No.13034088

Making bread is much easier than making pasta though.

>> No.13034092


eating bread outside of a restaurant, what is it 2009? jesus

>> No.13034164 [DELETED] 


>> No.13034170

Stop shilling for big flour

>> No.13034177
File: 27 KB, 400x300, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs your gmo american shit bread
t.moortugal, i literally walk 500 meters and i can get the best fucking sourdough for cheap as fuck

>> No.13034203

This is a cooking board, people like to cook things. Incredible, isnt it?

>> No.13034264

nice bait, kill yourself

>> No.13034487

>home full of wonderful yeasty smells
I have a wife and a daughter, so my home is already full of yeasty smells.

>> No.13034993

1.make bread without kneading, some say its no different to kneaded bread.
2. keep the dough in the mixing bowl, you could knead it by grabbing a handfull of the dough and puliing it upwards, then returning it to the bowl and picking up another handfull.
3. use a mixing machine with a dough hook to do all the hard work.
I dont knead my bread and if I dont use a mixing machine i stir the dough with a big spoon then tip the dough into a greased bread tin, smooth down to top and leave to rise.
This way i dont use a work surface and it makes clearing up easier too.
You could wash to work surface with hot soapy water, mop it up then wipe over with clean water, mop up leave to dry and voila a clean work surface, relatively chemical free.
good to try

>> No.13035024

I’m sending this post to your daughter, freak

>> No.13035038

Just wipe it down with water and then towel dry you fucking pussy what the fuck is your immune system even for, jesus christ. You're gonna bake the god damn bread, everything in it will die regardless.

>> No.13035171

I prefer the texture. I'm not a fan of crumbly/fluffy bread.

>> No.13035214

I live in a small town. Chain bakeries took over and they just warm up mass produced frozen shit and charge a premium for it.

>> No.13035245

>decent supermarket
Buy bread from a bakery you fucking disgusting plebeian.

>> No.13035298

>not having few small bakeries in 500m radius
where the fuck do you live?

>> No.13035530

tips on any good books on bakery? I've lived in Germany for some time and loved their breads and would like to do them at home.

>> No.13035729

Tartine by chad robertson

>> No.13035886

>can easily overproof
Is this even possible? Overproofing isn't real.

>> No.13035895

This. My God, I tried for years to make a loaf of sourdough that would be as light and airy and tasty and full of bubbles as the one at the bakery, and I failed until I saw one of his YouTube videos. Wonderful stuff.

>> No.13035913

Yes it is. Yeast overpopulates, runs out of sugar and starch to eat, starts dying in its own waste alcohol fumes, and miserably attacks the gluten in a desperate attempt to remain nourished.

>> No.13035989

Does leaven take longer to rise? It seems to be the case but I can't find any info on leaven besides a few sources.

>> No.13036003

Longer than what? It won't rise at all without leavening.

>> No.13036006

longer than ur dick lmao

>> No.13036015
File: 2.32 MB, 236x307, 1544607037281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13036577

>stop being an incel and bake your own bread

I am an incel and bake my own bread

>> No.13036619

I'm not currently not able to get sex and I sometimes bake bread and other times eat store bought bread.
Some times I don't eat bread at all.

>> No.13036695

For dipping in soup

>> No.13036727

Longer than active or instant yeast.

>> No.13037031

Someone give me a good bagel recipe.

>> No.13037044

Dbig disagree

>> No.13037356

>Definitely get a scale. Its 100% necessary if you want decent bread.
You what? I make great bread without one.

>> No.13037366
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, AFA23B0B-C2AF-4DEC-9A3B-CBC6129A5F58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make bread every week. Usually spelt sourdough, but sometimes I like to make something different e.g. Ruisleipä (Finnish rye sourdough) - pic related.

>> No.13037371

Why are you eating wheat when you have arthritis?

>> No.13037387
File: 1.54 MB, 1378x1853, 4C5AAFBF-9D6E-46A8-A1C6-CC44D9FD31B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I can eat whatever I want.

>> No.13037455

Nice crumb

>> No.13038609

no knead bread is a thing, retard

>> No.13038642

It's the country that created the term "food desert"

>> No.13040437
File: 166 KB, 1029x993, 1551931802204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]