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13030735 No.13030735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are humans who want to be vegan when not even plants themselves are vegan

is this an example of de-evolution?

>> No.13030784
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>> No.13030812
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>vegans believe some chemical reactions lead to consciousness and not others

>> No.13030815

doonsberry's still got it!

>> No.13030819

>males want to cut off their penis and become feminine
no this is just the path of evolution obviously.

>> No.13030984

human nature ≠ other animols nature

>> No.13031019
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>another vegan thread

>> No.13031363

Depends on the personal reason for becoming vegan.

If the reason is spiritual, as a form of self-mortification or asceticism, I'm okay with that.

>> No.13031396

What about making a small positive change? Maybe this is already part of what you mean by asketism but simply not killing animals is not a bad thing, even if it doesn't give you any form of enlightenment.

>> No.13031426

positive how?

>> No.13031481

Not being responsible for the death of an animal. Not supporting factory farmed animals.

>> No.13031510

how is that positive?

>> No.13031519

I am not a vegan but not causing suffering is positive in my book.

>> No.13031535


>> No.13031545

>There are meat eaters who eat animals that do not themselves eat meat
Checkmate, carnists

>> No.13031547

It's the basis of all morality. Although it can get tricky, for example with the trolley.

>> No.13031569

>It's the basis of all morality.

>> No.13031585

If i was starving in stalingrad or some shit I'd probably gulp down a comrade or two.

>> No.13031588

Morality is the history of stronger beings minimizing the suffering of weaker beings. Sometimes being a little bit selfish is fine but it's hardly a virtue.

Will there be a great reveal where you show me how stupid I am? Only replying to "why" is boring.

>> No.13031590

Youd gulp him down alright

>> No.13031612

well i'm a little surprised that you finished your protracted reasoning with a tautology.
>its moral to minimize suffering because morality is minimizing suffering.
Do I need to repeat myself?

>> No.13031623

>what are axioms
Yes it is my humble opinion that pleasure is better than sufferig.

>> No.13031634

Nice spelling you fucking retard

>> No.13031650

each individual is limited by his own perception.
if empathy is the ability to feel suffering when you see others suffering, then those who do not feel empathy are at an advantage.

>> No.13031716

not really because social animals are the most successful. A person with empathy can have a family, money, cool shit and fulfillment. Meanwhile you're shitposting on a central african republic plane refueling tapestry.

>> No.13031731

>not really because social animals are the most successful.
those aren't mutually exclusive
the most successful individual would be the one that can feign social behavior

>> No.13031757

you waste a lot of cycles of brainpower continually running a machiavellian double life. People who don't have to fake it have more available for other things. In addition empathy allows one to feel positive emotions from others so if they make others happy they can use them like a drug. Consequently sociopaths and some autists are prone to drug addiction as their only method of conscious dopamine regulation.

>> No.13031762

t. continually drunk autist

>> No.13031772

That's also what dogs are for. Dogs are efficient happiness batteries for those who have empathy.

>> No.13031783

Retarded and defect babies should be culled, too bad your autistic ass got away though.

>> No.13031790
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>you waste a lot of cycles of brainpower continually running a machiavellian double life

>being such a brainlet that you can't even keep all your public personas straight.

Maybe you only think it's hard because you're so bad at it.

>> No.13031800

you don't have to if you life authentically. That's brainpower you could use to excel at other things. You can still have weird ritual orgies. nothin wrong with that.

>> No.13031804

that's implying that sociopathic behavior doesn't come naturally for certain people.

believe me when i say that there are some people in this world that you absolutely DONT want to live authentically and be true to themselves because they will make your life hell

>> No.13031818


>> No.13031822

Authentic as in you're a person not a persona. Not that you do everything that pops into your dumbass head. You are allowed one(1) mental split for weird sex stuff.

>> No.13031830

that's the point. acting "normal" socially IS the fake persona for some people.

>> No.13031834

That's more societies problem than the persons.

>> No.13031857

That's their mistake. You have to own what you do. The easier option of a double life is deleterious.