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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13027933 No.13027933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of an hero. Fantasizing about last meal desserts.

Ice cream thread

>> No.13027943

seems like your life has taken a rocky road.

>> No.13027945

If you're gonna go out, at least ruin something for everyone so your life wouldn't have been a total waste.
Go dress up in a weeb crossplay outfit and claim anime made you do it or whatever.

>> No.13027956

Heavenly Hash, so you can taste the afterlife before you experience it forever.

>> No.13027962
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Oof, my dignity.

>> No.13027963 [DELETED] 

That made me laugh. Check it out:

>> No.13027968

Why not trying to radically change your life before ending it for good? Go on an adventure and see if you can't find enough of a reason to keep living, if it doesn't work out you can always kill yourself later.

>> No.13027971
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What makes you think I want to be remembered?

>> No.13027974

He's a weak willed piece of shit, if he had the capacity to do that he wouldn't be crying about wanting to end his life on the internet.

>> No.13027989

>all that chocolate
That is shit ice cream, good ice cream flavor is strawberry ice cream with small bits of strawberry in it.

>> No.13028000

Sigh. Early 30s long time coming multiple attempts, travelled, drugs, looked for meaning in religion and ideology. Nothing, friends blissfully gone and have lives, family literally hates me and implicitly distrusts everything I say as crackpot. I'm done with the endless loop of failure and being the only one feeling bad for me. I'm just done.

>> No.13028010

See, there's your problem.
You live for others and their approval.
Live for yourself, hedonism is the only valid way to live your life.

>> No.13028017

A child's prose. Teenagers haven't lived long enough to literally comprehend my pain. This isn't a hormone or puberty thing.

>> No.13028022

True. I feel like many suicidal people mistake boredom for pain. Suicide by way of apathy. Shame.

>> No.13028033

Boo-fucking-hoo, that's life shit heel. Sounds like you have it better than literally 99% of the world. You're being a whiny faggot, time to man up.

>> No.13028055

>Teenagers haven't lived long enough to literally comprehend my pain
Oh, yea? Huh, I'll let all the child laborers and poverty stricken starving children in the world know you whiny fucking bitch. How about dedicating your life to helping others? That would give you some purpose. You won't do it though, since you're a self centered attention seeking cunt, despite it likely solving your depression outright.

>> No.13028058
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what i think anon is trying to say is " try heroin" people suck dick for it for a reason

>> No.13028060

>Teenagers haven't lived long enough to literally comprehend my pain.
Weird, because that is definitely what an edgy whiny teenager going through "baby's first depression" would say. Hmmm, weird.

>> No.13028061


>> No.13028064
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this one

>> No.13028065

you can't live up to trips stfu

>> No.13028066


>> No.13028089
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May as well eat all 6, not like it matters anymore

>> No.13028090

wow this loser just wants peoples approval. kindly do kill yourself you waste of life

>> No.13028102
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the kid in this picture was 17 when he killed himself, but not before he assassinated the leader of the japanese communist party.

>> No.13028111

How are you supposed to help others when you cant help yourself.

>> No.13028124

>How are you supposed to help others when you cant help yourself.
By just starting to help others. You'll eventualy come to the conclusion that 1) you don't have it so bad and 2) helping those less fortunate than you is a worthy purpose to continue living for.

OP needs perspective to get over himself, and volunteering accomplishes that pretty effectively. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, children's hospital, food drive, animal shelter, there are endless avenues to easily help others. Stop worrying about yourself and help others, "self help" comes later.

>> No.13028126
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Imagine having depression lol

>> No.13028159
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>Go to a cooking board, mention depression

>Literally all replies are internet tough guys pretending to know what they are talking about because they can pepe and wikipedia and not about the food asked for.

Hoo wee

>> No.13028165

The thread was never about food, it was about OP fishing for self esteem.

>> No.13028169

>writing sigh
go for it, do a fucking barrel roll while you're at it

>> No.13028174

cept i didnt go in depth until I was asked about. In fact please stop and actually post some ice cream.

>> No.13028180

roger will do

>> No.13028185

>Thinking of an hero.
This is what your post started with.
>cept i didnt go in depth until I was asked about
Which was the entire point of you making this thinly veiled thread.
>In fact please stop and actually post some ice cream.
No, that would be off topic for this thread.

>> No.13028200

You know some people have better things to do with their time than play mind games with the paranoid. Like anything else.

>> No.13028206

I've been a homeless prostitute before. Now i have a roof above my head and chances of doing something worthy again getting training its not better at all. I should be grateful to have gotten acesss into this part of society again. Its even worse now having no reason to be like this tho.

>> No.13028213

Lol I'm so glad I'm not you

>tonight dough
>everything but the...
>half baked

Top 3 B&J flavors, folks.

Theres a local place called molly Moon's that does orgasmic ice creams but its 10$ per pint so I save it for special occasion

>> No.13028219

Have you ever tried giving service to others, or is consuming all you've ever done ?

>> No.13028227

This is the most normie, lack-of-thought response. Go serve. Volunteer or join a monastery.

>> No.13028240

I donate O+ blood whenever I can, I've given hundreds to Heifer and Mercy Ships.

>> No.13028260

And when my depression wasnt so bad, I volunteered at a sick and injured wild life rehabilitation clinic that worked out of an old house for local wild life. Deer, squirrels, ground hogs, occasional bird of prey.

>> No.13028295

The pucker up sorbet was good

>> No.13028337

have you tried the ISLAM yet

>> No.13028347

cherry garcia

>> No.13028495

make sure to livestream it

>> No.13028501

ill go with a coffee gelato with chunks of caramel chocolate in it. also i just had a bourbon toffee chocolate chip cookie and it was the best cookie i've ever tasted in my life. it was so indulgent that i felt bad for eating it.

>> No.13028524

Look your going through the waves of depression right now. Understand that what you're feeling is temporary. It's okay to cry, complain, whatever. It's good that you made this thread. It shows that despite the fact that you feel like there's no hope, you making this thread says otherwise. You don't really want to kill yourself, you just want to stop feeling what you're feeling. Realize that it is possible to overcome what you're going through. You seem to have been through a lot and I think you underestimate yourself. You've managed to make it this far. I think you can make it through this. You should buy ice cream regardless, and enjoy it. Stay strong my friend.

>> No.13028985

make sure to live stream it so we can post it here

>> No.13029003
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Two pints of mint chocolate chip

>> No.13029029

not because they like it, they do, but because they're phisically addicted, if they don't take it their whole body hurts like mad

>> No.13029034

What happens if it's already felt this way for years?

>> No.13029067
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i sick of this lie, have you ever tried it? its fucking great and if you don't go overboard with it its not even bad for you. If it wasn't illegal you would be able to buy 5lbs bags of at the store for $5 just like sugar and nobody would be sucking dick for it.

>> No.13029071

lrn2 phisical effects of long term use of heroin
stupid nigga

>> No.13029086

Not him but what about the long term uses of sugar that so many gobble and chug down regularly? Fucked up diabetics who can't walk all over and we try to help them out instead of throwing them in jail. And it doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to put a bit of sugar in my tea or make jam or whatever.

>> No.13029093

Don't an hero.

You can always just live on welfare and play video games and watch porn all day

>> No.13029099

that was the point i was trying to make about 5lbs bags of sugar. And honestly opioids are no worse then Xanax and doctors have no problem dishing those out to half the country but opioids are some kind of boogeyman due to years of brain washing.

>> No.13029103

Yeah I'm right there with you. It's fucked.

>> No.13029129

if a medic supervises your dosage, there should be no problem, but if your dosage is driven by your adiction, then there's problem, you become a yunkie, I've seen several, those people aren't living, they're just thinking about the next dose to calm their pain and enjoy the high a bit, if you think this is a myth you're fucking retarded, go ask a yunkie yourself

>> No.13029216
File: 79 KB, 600x600, Good ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Sarah Lee is pretty fucking good from what I've had. I wanted to try the one in the picture but I opted for dulce de leche instead. This one still looks really good tho.

>> No.13029221
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i self medicated with it for 7 years for a back injury because i couldn't get proper medication and quit when i needed a job that drug tested. The people that self destruct will self destruct one way or another whether it be H. ,Alcohol or eating themselves to death which is now the most common way due to drugs being not as available and the risk of getting caught being higher. There is a chemical imbalance in their brain and they're grasping for whatever fixes it even if just for a short burst from a candy bar. All im saying is we have way more people self destructing with food then we ever had with drugs so whats really worse?

>> No.13029228

Mint chocolate chip, but it has to be the green kind otherwise it doesn't taste as good. Also its one of the only ice creams i bother to put in a cone and enjoy slowly

>> No.13029232

OP get you some french vanilla ice cream and put it in some A&W Root beer and have a nice float

>> No.13029235

food is long and slow way to death, heroin is the fast lane, also medication is not comparable to fucking injecting heroin most likely

>> No.13029240

I'm not disagreeing with that, but spending time as I do on a cooking forum and out in the world I think it's all to similar to what others do with salt, fat and sugar which are all also deadly and life destroying when not used properly.

The fundamental question is, do you think a person should be allowed to binge on McDonald's until they're an obese mass of fat that falls into a diabetic coma? Or drink until their liver is shriveled and dead. Or should the government or some other group step in to force them to change? If you agree with the former, then what is the justification for not allowing heroin? If you agree with the later, then how far does it go?

>> No.13029256

Oxycontin overdose epidemic says hi.

>> No.13029269
File: 558 KB, 1774x2586, Blue_moon_ice_cream_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you’re every in Michigan, try Blue Moon ice cream. The taste is indescribable.

>> No.13029279

Heroin is made out of morphine which is a medication, in fact heroin was invented by Bayer as a more efficient, less addictive and less negative side effects alternative to morphine and both are non toxic so the only way it will kill you is if you overdose or catch something from a used needle.

>> No.13029285
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>heroin and ice cream
now this is a good bread

>> No.13029291
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you could almost say the taste.... is to die for

>> No.13029305

Where's the pun?

>> No.13029310

OP's considering to anhero

>> No.13029313

btw OP, screw heroin, do LSD, or better yet, do both, make sure to get a high enough dose of LSD so you have strong visual allucinations

>> No.13029314

Makes sense, I was overthinking it. I thought you meant the colour dye of the ice cream.

>> No.13029315

>Fantasizing about last meal
You know, I was contemplating sudoku as well, but never thought about any last meal.
That's a good idea. Cheer myself up a bit before the end.

>> No.13029322

Donating blood and money doesn't help your feelings. Donating time might

>> No.13029327

>not including drugs and hookers
go out like a boss, a mass shooting as the icing on the cake

>> No.13029339

I don't want to go out like an attwhore.
Just found the idea cool.

>> No.13029347

I'd find where all the jewish bankers dwell and give them hell 2bh, with their kids included if possible

>> No.13029366

Find when is the next Bohemian Grove meeting and light'em up.

>> No.13029377

But you need their kids too. Something really sophisticated is needed for this.

>> No.13029423

if you want visuals DMT is the only way to go, LSD is more introspective, OP should do Shrooms they'll give him a great happy uplift that will reset his mindset

>> No.13029439

LSD in high enough dose gives you visuals

>> No.13029455

yea but not in a uplifting way that OP needs

>> No.13029463

this thread is more /b/ then /b/ has been in awhile and that is just sad since its a blue board.

Also OP make homemade ice cream sandwiches out of soft cookies and your favorite ice cream

>> No.13029464

just take more LSD, easy, if you really need to trip your ass of just do Ayahuaska

>> No.13029494
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is DMT but taken orally so you get a long less intense trip instead of smoking the DMT which will knock you into a different dimension for 15 min'ish

>> No.13029514

I feel like DMT is very meme, Ayahuaska is what Shamans made/did for thousands of years, and it's supposed to take you on a journey, instead of a 2 minutes high

>> No.13029561

fair enough but there is a fair amount of vomiting and you need a MAOI uptake inhibitor because your body will metabolize the DMT and you'll get no effect. The shaman actually learn it from the leopards otherwise nobody would have ever known that you need to eat two different plant to trip

>> No.13029563

>fair amount of vomiting
meaning not for inexperienced tripper because that can really freak you out

>> No.13029570

you're supposed to take it a shaman

>> No.13029610

As someone who's gone through exactly what op is going through, it was a long time for me too. Just know with the desired effort it is possible to do it. No it's not easy, but neither is anything worthwhile in life. It basically boils down to how much you want to get better. The trick is to not lose hope, to just know that things really do get better if you put in the work, but that's with anything in life. I'm not promising some snake oil bullshit. I just know from being able to relate to the OP that it's truly possible to overcome this.

>> No.13029663

I hope you get charged if they actually end up dead.

>> No.13029689

>unironically using "they" as singular
Hello tourist, kindly kill yourself and then go back to whatever shithole you came from. Your kind is not welcome here.

>> No.13029711

2 tabs of 100ug 1p-LSD and a yellow peach

>> No.13029820

Who said I was using it unironically? They want to an hero so likely a tranny. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.13029839

That's still a guy, not a "they". How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.13029955

Stfu roastie kike
You are responsible for the thousands of people in OP situation

>> No.13029963

Are ftm not equally suicidal and deserving of death? How stupid are you.

>> No.13029995

dubs confirm

>> No.13029996

Let's break it down, shall we.

The chance that OP is:
a faggot - 100%
a guy - 100%
a tranny - ~1%
a girl - 0%, there are no girls on the internet, unless timestamped proof to the contrary has been provided.

Since no such evidence has been provided, we can safely conclude that OP is a guy and adress him as such.

>> No.13029998
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>> No.13030017

t. triggered

>> No.13030055
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>> No.13030059

absolutely based

>> No.13030067

>reeee using your network is raycis

>> No.13030090

>You are responsible for the thousands of people in OP situation
In what way? Enlighten me.
>Stfu roastie kike
I'm a white, masculine male with a 152 IQ, so wrong on all accounts. Suicide culture and "depression" are literally Jewish inventions btw.

If you're a male and "depressed" it's time to put aside childish things, be a man for once in your life and get over it. Depression is for women and kikes.

>> No.13030101

>white masculine male with 152 IQ
Holy fuck, how insecure is this guy? Also, shoutout to freeiqtest.com for their flattering results!

>> No.13030165

>152 IQ
but uses reddit spacing? doesn't having a high IQ mean you're good at recognizing patterns?

>> No.13030179

Not him but reddit spacing is two line breaks.

>> No.13030343
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Serious question OP, has your family been abusive to you? Or are they pushing you away because you've been acting crazy? It may be hard to know from your perspective but look deep, and if it is you and they want to help but keep failing then it might be time to trust them some more.

If your dad raped you or something like that though then fuck it all and take him with you.

>> No.13031171


>> No.13031190

go and make something of yourself. You have nothing to lose right? Do things you’ve always wanted to do. It’s never too late. Some of the most influential and well respected people have been exactly where you are right now. Fight today or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life

>> No.13031229


reddit spacing is literally whatever you want it to be because it's a made up term that never referred to anything specific

it used to be when you put a break between the reply number and the rest of your post

now it's any line break over 1