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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13021799 No.13021799 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorites vegan/vegetarian foods

If you can share recipes

>> No.13021903
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Tfw the most advanced vegan cuisine I know is to roast some vegetables with salt and peeper and call it the day

>> No.13021906
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Tomato with anything filing


How to make it:
>Cut the tomatoes and take out the filing
>put any well seasoned tasty filing
>toast it

you can go all vegan and make your filing with pesto made of nutritional east and basil, or make something like a cheese and spinach filing

>> No.13021938
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Is zucchini pasta any good? I want to give it a try but don't even know how zucchinis taste

is anything like cucumber ?

>> No.13021941

Black bean burgers Baked in an oven, served on a bun with tomato, lettuce, and BBQ sauce

>> No.13021958

I found myself gravitating mostly towards sweets during my brief dive into plant-based eating (personal challenge and curiousity as a meat eater). Savory dishes were really hard to tolerate without the animal components, but here's what I went with.
>fruit and starch smoothies
>chili with extra beans and potato/eggplant for chew
>cauliflower fried rice
>cauliflower mash
>nut butter mixed with oatmeal and pureed pumpkin/sweet potato/yam/avocado
>various cakes, cookies and brownies made with the above foods plus sometimes gifted cacao
>always begrudgingly suffered through a bowl of green cruciferous veggies with every meal
>hate coffee, but drank salted cacao on occasion to emulate coffee drinkers
I don't really have any recipes to give, sadly, but basically beans, starches, and nut butters are most likely going to be your best friends.

>> No.13021959
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I'm neither but I love hummus and it's wicked easy to make mine is strong and most people love it. Can of chickpeas in a blender with half the water drained, 2-3 big cloves of garlic, the juice of lemon and pinch of salt. Blend it all up then pour in a bowl and stir in a good ammount 2-3 heaping spoons of tahini.

This meal ended up mostly vegan by chance, a bunch of hummus, a thick vegetable stew (potato, sweet potato, peas, spinach, carrots etc), spanakopita. All pretty easy to make and it was freakin delicious.

>> No.13021966

I'd prefer the soy meat route

not the best thing for gym fags but if made right can taste a lot like chicken (or even tastier)

>> No.13021985

>If you can share recipes

Take one (1) large steak, season with salt and pepper, then grill to perfection. Let rest for three (3) minutes, then take a bite out of a raw onion and cry for one (1) to four (4) hours. Throw the steak into the garbage (I prefer to keep meat out of my organic compost) and continue to cry in bed for three (3) more hours, or until unconscious.

>> No.13021988

Don't forget to get your weekly B12 shot.

>> No.13022009
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I'm not actually vegan myself, I'm pescatarian but fish is expensive AF so it's veggies and cheese for me

so here is my take after a few years on veggie and dairy only

>If you want the consistence of meat you gotta go with Soy or Gluten but beans mixes can be rich on flavor
>the best thing ever on vegan food is that you can eat a fucking ton of it and not feel full

>> No.13022041

What's next? grow a beard use crosshatch shirts only, mention bacon and nutella on every conversation about gastronomy that you get yourself into? embarrassing your friends, girlfriend and everyone around you?

it's time to stop dude that 2010 shit dude

>> No.13022047

>it's time to stop dude that 2010 shit dude
It's not over yet! We've still got a couple months to go before I unload my hot new fresh 2020 faggotry all over you.
I can tell you're just dripping with anticipation, vegan-boy.

>> No.13022066

Meow! Keep coping dude.

>> No.13022093 [DELETED] 


Me need to prove that I'm manly, me eat meat, me strong

Me don't have sex since pity hookup 3 years ago,me not understand why girls avoid me with disgusting look, but me manly

didn't we have enough of this basic shit?

>> No.13022101

>didn't we have enough of this basic shit?
Clearly not, considering people still feel the need to request more vegan recipes because none of the readily available ones are satisfying in any way.

>> No.13022106


>> No.13022124
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How do I flavor salt to go on veggie chips?

>> No.13022131

Cum has a naturally high sodium content and a savoury taste, but it might not be considered vegan, depending on your religious beliefs.

>> No.13022147

>people exchanging recipes on a food and cooking forum is bad

You're just a triggered baby.

>> No.13022169

>You're just a triggered baby.
>arguing with a troll instead of just positing relevant content is conducive to a good quality thread
Did you know that B12 deficiency can cause irritability and mental dysfunction?

>> No.13022188
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Mushrooms are the ultimate veggie ingredient

>> No.13022194

I did that's why I'm in the thread >>13021959 also I'm not vegan, I am cooking venison as I type this but I happen to enjoy vegetables a lot.

You however are here only to troll and attempt to derail the thread and discourage discussion because you are triggered by what other people choose to eat. You're a child.

>> No.13022200

nutritional yeast flakes with b12 is a thing

and vegetarians get it from milk and eggs

>> No.13022217

>You're a child.
>he replied again and got further off-topic
I mean, why stop aiming for the low-hanging fruit when it's clearly the sweetest? Clearly, you understand that, or you'd just stop replying.

Yeah, there's actually plenty of good and balanced sources of B12 that don't come from animals or their meat. You can find fortified soy and almond milk at almost every major grocer, these days.

>> No.13022262
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cool honey salad dressings

Honey mustard
>1/4 cup dijon mustard
>1/4 cup honey
>1/4 cup cider vinegar
>1/4 cup vegetable or olive oil
>1 tsp salt
>Black pepper

Italian dressing
>1/2 cup of neutral vegetable oil.
>1/4 cup white wine vinegar
>2 tablespoons water
>1 to 2 teaspoons honey
>1 teaspoon lemon juice
>3 tablespoons of grated Parmesan
>3/4 teaspoon garlic salt
>3/4 teaspoon dried parsley
>3/4 teaspoon dried basil
>1/8 teaspoon dried oregano
>Pinch of red pepper flakes
>Freshly ground black pepper

there is no preparation for both, just mix all together

>> No.13022274

Meat eater who went vegan here
I loved being vegan and not killing animals for a dumb reason like food when there's non murder food available. thanks everyone.

>> No.13022290
File: 103 KB, 680x402, VegNews.EasyVeganLasagna.NYCVegan.JackieSobon.Feature (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to the recipe below and it tells me to use Lasagna noddles

y'telling me that lasagna was vegan this whole time?

>> No.13022294
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my face when reading this entire thread

>> No.13022295

scale from 1 to 10 how much do you miss?

>> No.13022296

>not killing animals for a dumb reason like food
Indeed. I prefer to kill animals for smart reasons, like industrial process and sport.

>> No.13022297

Idk some people really don't mind the food industry so I don't really shame them

each to their own way of living

>> No.13022303

Nothing, most vegan food tastes the same, and I prefer safe animals than killing

I wrote it quickly. I just dont want to hurt animals anymore

>> No.13022307
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I like to eat vegan just to feel inclusive

>> No.13022312

>I just dont want to hurt animals anymore
Luckily, there's a massive automated international industry out there to do it for you, every hour of the day in every quarter of the globe. You can sleep well, knowing that you don't need to personally kill any animals anymore.

>> No.13022319

I stopped eating animal products.... I dont support that anymore... I know others will still kill and eat them but i am happy giving up animal products forever

>> No.13022333
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Point taken, here's what I'm making now that's on theme. Potato patties, took left over mashed potato mixed with caramelized onion, leek and garlic made into little patties and fried up. Simple but delicous.

Also a basic but very good veggie soup. Also super simple, start by cooking some onions down then just add a ton of vegetables. This is peas, kale, chard, carrots, celery, tomato, corn and mushrooms.

>> No.13022428

Beans. It's all beans. Maybe black beans, maybe garbanzo, maybe soybean that has somehow become vaguely meat-like. You can collect all the silly veggie recipes you want, but as a vegan, you cannot even hit your calorie and macro-nutrient needs without bulk beans.

>> No.13023489

It doesn't taste anything like pasta

>> No.13023501

I basically just like to dump a bunch of veggies and tofu into a pot of water, boil it and add miso

>> No.13023576


This is my favorite fake mac, I use a whole box of cavatappi instead of the 8oz bullshit, unsweetened soy or oat milk & whatever faux cheese I have on hand. I know macaroni is easy but like...it’s good who cares.

>> No.13023769

Personally, I think seitan > soy based stuff.

>> No.13023775

I really like bean curd.

>> No.13023780

I don't get it why don't you just eat meat though? I like meat it's nice. You should eat meat like me.

>> No.13023784
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Potato crisps. All day every day.

>> No.13024111

How do you feel about bacteria being able to form brain-like structures? Are antibiotics vegan? https://jb.asm.org/content/187/1/26

>> No.13024121

please don't skip on pasta. low carv only adds to the aroma of your farts and your smugness, not to your health

>> No.13024125

Tell me about the cruel factory farming practices used for the production of bacteria and I'll start to entertain the idea that you're smarter than bacteria.

>> No.13024132

Meat does not need to come from cruel factory farms.

>> No.13024134

All of it does.

>> No.13025657

Is it good though?
yeah low carb is a meme, but I wanted to cut down on the gluten and eggs (I'm not full vegan tough)

>> No.13025659

they mostly do tough

>> No.13025685
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can we not make this thread about food ethics ? everyone has their own philosophy on what they are ok with and what they are not

being an asshole who tries to change everyone's mind to your own thinking does not make you much different from annoying people who make every conversation they have about politics

>> No.13026103

Or you know, you could just take a pill like everyone else who is vegetarian/vegan.

Vegetarian here. Unless you are consuming far too much milk and eggs you are not getting enough B12 from them alone. Fortified foods and/or supplementation is a must.

>> No.13026276

Damn that soup looks good.

>> No.13026324
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I got really into eggplant parm this summer. There's a farm that had excess Japanese eggplant so they basically gave it away at market. I had to experiment with the sauce and ratio a bit, but I got the right equation eventually, and now it's perfect. A chore to make for sure, but holy fuck I never thought a veggie dish would be so good. My little finicky nephew even asked for more and that kid only eats frozen chicken tenders. But now it's fall and getting cold. Stew season and meat is back on the menu.

>> No.13026435
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Never happen. Threads like this that even mention the word vegan are just /pol/tard falseflags. Forget about it, they're extremely butthurt right now and need time to heal, lol!

>> No.13026927

I only know how to make fried eggplant (put it on seasoned batter and bread flakes and fry it)

I need to try making something else with it, but I just cannot resist frying them again

>> No.13027262
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I like to eat my own poop.

>> No.13027331

i dont get vegetarian dishes. its like a living room without a tv

>> No.13027393

TV pretty much sucks...

>> No.13027403

Just wondering, what do you do with the innards of your tomatoes?

>> No.13027716

now I'm curious, every food you eat has meat on it?

>> No.13028990

I've known people like this.

>> No.13030611
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>> No.13030620

do they all look retarded because vegans are too?

>> No.13030629

When you are lifting it's hard to get enough protein from vegan sources, not saying it's impossible but the foods that really are high in protein are usually also high in fat. Meanwhile a chicken breast is basically pure protein and water.

>> No.13031053

That's kind of a bitch thing to do anon. If you wouldn't do something yourself why pay someone else to do it for you. Live what you agree with.

>> No.13031449

Not actually vegan but I have this one sauce recipe that goes well on fried tofu with rice
Soy sauce
Sesame oil
Toasted sesame seeds
Minced ginger
And siracha to taste

>> No.13031725
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>Not actually vegan
>Soy sauce, Sesame oil, Toasted sesame seeds, Minced ginger, Sugar And siracha

that's vegan

>> No.13031739

I think he is saying that he is not vegan.

Also, white sugar is not always vegan as it is often times filtered with bone char.

>> No.13032738

use them for a sauce for something?

>> No.13032741
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homemade kimchi and pickles

im not really vegan but i can eat a batch of kimchi alone with just rice

>> No.13032748

Can you post your kimchi recipe please'm? I'd really like to try making it soon!

>> No.13032830

Dr Gregor

>> No.13032848

just google it

my recipe uses fish sauce so its not really vegan
im sure you can get away with using soy sauce tho

>> No.13032866

>Impact font meme
>Boomer mentality
>Doesn't understand that Ron Swanson was a parody
Yikessss fuckin yikes, anon

>> No.13032884

The best thing I ever did was replace my television with a stereo.

>> No.13033604

eat it

>> No.13033630

That's basically houtou minus the homemade udon noodles

>> No.13033633

that kimchi thing sounds yummy

>> No.13033636

It's Miso Soup

>> No.13033674

You're miso soup

>> No.13034188

press tofu, slice it into small cubes or rectangles, and bake at 425 until golden. stir fry whatever veggies you want. then add the tofu and sauce of your choosing.