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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13019563 No.13019563 [Reply] [Original]

I bought some carolina reaper peppers at the farmers market. What should I do with them?

>> No.13019682

I'm a homosexual don't know if it matters

>> No.13019690

cut in half and rub it on your pee pee

>> No.13019693

shove em up your boipucci

>> No.13019697

(after squishing them so the juices come out)

>> No.13020054

They're peppers. You know wtf they're used for.

And don't store them (or any vegetable) in an airtight bag. It causes them to rot.

>> No.13020137

Boil em
Mash em
Stick em in a stew

>> No.13020143

You don't know what peppers are used for? Why did you even buy them?

>> No.13020149

For a quick smackdown, chop one up, don't wash your hands then finger your girlfriend. You'll hear a good screech then a smack upside your head.

>> No.13020164


>> No.13020917

eat one and realize that you've eaten 600 jalapenos at ounce, the pain in the mouth is not the worst thing and not even the lava shit is that bad, the worst is the burning pain in your guts that will last for at least twelve hours

>> No.13020921
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>carolina reapers

>> No.13020991

Wow, what a sophisticated and worthwhile culinary experience. Surely only for the enlightened and highly intellectual types.

>> No.13022233

make hot sauce out of them

>> No.13022276

Corn bread mix
Ingredients required for said cornbread mix
1 reaper chopped up

Baked according to package directions and u have cheesey spicy cornbread

>> No.13022283

The gut pain is awful but I've never had it so bad that Pepcid couldn't help me.
Lava shits are definitely the worst part of it.

>> No.13022455

For me when I ate two reapers the demonic baby living in my gut for the rest of the day and night was waves of 12/10 pain with brief moments of relief just so the next wave would be 12/10 again

If I didn't read about cap cramps before I might have gone to the er

>> No.13022468
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>carolina reapers

>> No.13022495

>this autistic

>> No.13022499


>> No.13022515

shove them up a horses ass

>> No.13022578

The pain, for me and some others, really is that bad.
I've done a few stupid spicy things and during the pain time the only thing that matters is nursing the demon stomach baby

>> No.13022582

Cut them in halves and press the halves to your eyes.

>> No.13022593

>mix with gorilla glue
>apply to condom
>use it to rape someone

>> No.13022597

throw them in the garbage