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File: 12 KB, 400x600, ci-monster-energy-zero-ultra-f49a0f9cf9ec5352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13014390 No.13014390 [Reply] [Original]

How bad for me is this stuff? I've been trying to lose weight (and succeeding) for the past couple weeks and I bought myself a couple cans the other day.

Will this hinder my weight loss? Will it have any negative unintended side effects?

I don't drink any other carbonated beverages or pre-packaged foods, I just think the 30 year-old boomer pictures are really funny so it's kind of comforting to me.

>> No.13014394

it's jam packed with b vitamins, it's actually a +1 for your health

>> No.13014396

>I just think the 30 year-old boomer pictures are really funny so it's kind of comforting to me
The education system has failed you.

>> No.13014397

As long as you go for a 5 mile run immediately after drinking one you'll be fine

>> No.13014403

How do I do this I tend to feel pretty tired after about 5km. I get all sweaty and my legs get sore.

>> No.13014405

sweeteners are not good for you

even though its not real sugar, your body doesnt know the difference

when you drink it your body thinks its sugar so you get an insulin spike, which makes you feel hungry and want to eat more

>> No.13014407

wtf how is he supposed to resist the urge to eat?

>> No.13014412

>which makes you feel hungry and want to eat more
Ok, and if it doesn't make me feel hungry? Is there any negative then? I keep hearing this but it honestly sounds like broscience. I drank one today and I didn't end up eating any more than if I hadn't.

>> No.13014414

sure he can "just dont eat" but for people with weight issues they usually have poor(er) self control in the 1st place

>> No.13014419

that doesnt make sweeteners bad though

>> No.13014433


>"The sweet taste of artificial sweeteners triggers cephalic phase insulin release, causing a small rise in insulin levels. Regular use changes the balance of our gut bacteria. This could make our cells resistant to the insulin we produce, leading to both increased blood sugar and insulin levels."

apparently depends on the type of sweeteners used too

the science is still conflicting on that
i rather just have real sugar once in a while and just exercise more, but im not fat anyway, so whatever. I drink nothing but unsweetened tea and coffee

>> No.13014437

You sound like a cunt.

>> No.13014445

you sound like a fatty trying to cope

just drink water with lemon juice like a responsible adult instead of muh soda

>> No.13014448

everything you eat causes changes in your body, im going to need more than lefty science on this one considering drinking not-sugar is still better than drinking large amounts of actual sugar
me too though btw

>> No.13014479

keep it at 1 can per day and drink lots of water, you should be fine

>> No.13014495

energy drinks kill my cock like nothing else. I can barely get hard and i'm completely desensitized for days after drinking this shit.

>> No.13014540

anything that increases your metabolistic rate theoretically helps in weight loss.

>> No.13014562

is this really true or is it just pseudoscience?

>> No.13014837

>Will this hinder my weight loss?
how so? no calories, caffeine increases metabolism and suppresses appetite, plus it gives you a buzz. it may aid weight loss if anything.
various claims about negative effects sweeteners are questionable, i see health/fitness guys use sweeteners like Splenda.
>Will it have any negative unintended side effects?
not if you stay within safe limits of 1-2 cans per day.

>> No.13016429

Do you know how this works if you have type one diabetes, considering the pancreas doesn't produce insulin anymore?

>> No.13016543
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>those are hypothesis who have not been proven yet,the result are mixed for mostofthe sweeteners

>> No.13016576

I have type 1 diabetes.
I never drink sugar, but I crave sweets and have diet soda every day.
Zero change to my blood sugar, zero effect on my appetite

>> No.13016641

Huh alright, thanks diabetic anon

>> No.13016704

only fat people drink diet soda

>> No.13016886

There is no consensus on whether it's good or bad and we'll never know due to the billions upon billions of dollars that the "NO calories!" industry is worth. These sociopaths literally add rat poison to this shit and claim that "it doesn't do anything, just drink up, goy!" You'd be better off drinking water with a touch of lemon or a tea & getting a healthy dose of sleep, trust me.
>health/fitness guys use sweeteners like Splenda.
This proves nothing bro. These same people usually also inject steroids or at the very least eat creatine or some other retarded lab-made shite; you don't want to take these guys as an example.

>> No.13017712

I use them for this reason, just to dab on fatties.

>> No.13017795

Post more of those comics

>> No.13017812

Seems like viatamins and amino acids mostly. I drink a lot of water with them. I inky drink then at workbin which case im excersizing.

>> No.13017823

Shit burns a hole in my stomach if I drink too many

>> No.13017830

I used to like my sips buuuut then I realized my blood pressure would spike above 160 so I've quit E-drinks and caffeine altogether.

>> No.13018016 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13018035

OP drink the Chad coffee and smoke Brad cigarettes. It surpresses your hunger. Its okay to use powder creamer and sugar. I usually have those two for breakfast and lasts me throughout the day until late lunch

>> No.13018044

I find the blue ones helpful for weight loss if I /sip/ one through out the day

I think that's the trick, don't knock it back. Just keep it handy and take some sips as the day goes by and it will help your body feel like its satiated. Start to feel a little nibbly, have a sip, body is like aw there's some vitamins and sugar he must be feeding me so it staves off the snack attacks

that way when you feel hungry it will be because your body is actually hungry and not because you just want to have a snack

>> No.13020211
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