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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13013069 No.13013069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the worst I have ever seen this board, ever. Can't scroll down the front page without having to hide 5+ threads. Every other thread is filled with gay spam, anime trannies, weed, fast food, and politics.

Good luck /ck/, you're fucked and I'm outta here.

>> No.13013092

Goodbye, no one is sad to see you go! Unless you reply to this which means you just made this thread for a reaction. Well, sunny I just made your day.

>> No.13013106

Wow what a great post about food and cooking. Glad you're helping this board out with your great posts. Kys, faggot

>> No.13013120

Its fucking sad that there are more shills than normal users

>> No.13013135

It’s the price of an anonymous board. Shit like Reddit is no better, it’s all a circlejerk hugbox where having a different opinion means you’re a troll and you get your posts hidden from the public.

>> No.13013136

Shilling what? Fast food garbage?

>> No.13013140

>he thinks having to hide 5 threads is a lot
lmao try visiting some other boards

>> No.13013147

You actually fell for the meme that real corporate shills exist on this site? LOL

>> No.13013177

Nice try, shills. Everyone knows viral advertising through memes is the most effective way to influence neckbeards and NEETs.

>> No.13013187

>everyone knows

No, sweaty, that's just a thing that paranoid retards think.

>> No.13013193

You still haven't even said what you think they're shilling.

>> No.13013195

Explain this thread then


>> No.13013209

Everyone on this board seems fat and only eat fast food. It's all they ever talk about but if it's shiling it's terribly done. There were also multiple threads about how gross those things are.

>> No.13013213

i believe in shills but from lurking here awhile i can’t help but think it’s some fat loser posting the same thread over and over just for the lulz. some people honestly shitpost all day because they get so little human interaction that even negative interaction will work for them.

>> No.13013220

Can you provide even a scrap of evidence that the post in question was paid for?

>> No.13013232

If there were a paid McDonald's shill here you'd think they'd do a better job. Are all the fast food threads shills? Every shitty chain out there pays employees to start threads on 4chan and get trolled all day? Or do you think it's the shadowy hand of Big Fast Food?

>> No.13013234


>> No.13013236

See ya cunt

>> No.13013238

>people are fat that's why we have 20 fast food threads with every reply sounding like a brochure
Ok now explain 4 adam ragsack threads with no actual content that appeared this week

>> No.13013240

>he doesn’t like anime, weed, McChickens and trannies

Why were you even here to begin with?

>> No.13013245

its cause everyone from cripplechan migrated back

>> No.13013248


>> No.13013257


>> No.13013264

Is that a serious reply?

>> No.13013277

I'm not even sure if they are getting paid but even the most hardcore trolls let it go after a month or two but these fast food threads been here for years and they read exactly the same
>Ive been to chick Fila™ and bought my assfila® for only $0.99 amazing

>> No.13013281

i mean maybe the shills are actually all for the opposite thing they are advertisting considering in what website we are in they are just playing 4d chess in hopes that people will go to them instead of mcdongles or wendays because they dont shit up the catalog

>> No.13013286

isnt it more likely than people are just mocking what they think shills are like so much that it became one of the go-to shitposts

>> No.13013289

Its a scrap evidence that McDonald is getting more aggresive with online advertising its exactly what you asked for cretin what the fuck do you want me to show you a scan of mcd factures?

>> No.13013301

If they're not paid then they're exactly as I said, just fat idiots who only eat fast food so that's all they want to talk about.

When I first left here it was because shit like peanut butter cookies and ketchup on steak was being posted constantly. This is worse but not really surprising. Barely anyone here ever actually talked about cooking.

>> No.13013307

This is shitposting >>13013034
Fast food threads are something else

>> No.13013344
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Pull the plug

>> No.13013794

I blame the jews.