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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13009213 No.13009213 [Reply] [Original]

White Castle is the god damn devil. I ate a crave case on saturday and I STILL have the onion shits

>> No.13009218

I thought SNAP payments didn't hit your account until the 1st of the month

>> No.13009220

there's no such thing as onion shits

>> No.13009237

Your tax dollars are funding my self destructive habits

>> No.13009245

WC doesn't take snap you retard, unless you're buying those shitty frozen ones at the grocery

>> No.13009257
File: 92 KB, 634x476, 3C422C6900000578-0-image-a-1_1484789317914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating a whole case of burgers

I fucking hate Americans.

>> No.13009279

Looks like someone is jealous he can't afford food

>> No.13009320

I got delicious onion farts after White Castle. Never noticed anything about my poop, but the farts are fantastic.

>> No.13009323
File: 56 KB, 621x702, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever man

>> No.13009332

classic non response. that means I'm right

>> No.13009334

They're sliders.

>> No.13009335

>the onion shits
Do wh*toids really?

>> No.13009343

damn these boxes look great, they really satisfy my autism, only it'd be better if you had 3 rows of blue and yellpw each instead of 2 and 4

>> No.13009349

>teehee fast food makes me poopy bad

Does literally every adult in the USA have some sort of gastrointestinal disorder or do they just not eat fiber or what?

>> No.13009354

Onions help break down fats and proteins, which makes them digest faster. The faster digestion can also lead to feeling more gassy, since the same/similar amount of byproduct (gas, etc.) is created in a shorter amount of time.
Onion shits isn't exactly a bad name for the resulting bowel movements.

White Castle's bread is also steamed by the bed of onions; It's moisture also making it a little easier to digest. More importantly, the lack of dryness makes it easier to eat sliders faster, meaning people can easily eat more than they needed before their body tells them they're full. This also helps contribute to the resulting bowel movement.

So White Castle / Onion shits aren't bullshit or a meme, they make complete sense. And contrary to popular opinion, the resulting bowel movements are (should be) indicative of good health.
If your resulting bowel movements are diarrhea, and consist, it is most probably due to an unrelated cause or a related supplemental cause.

>> No.13009360

diet of corn syrup, preservatives and hormone-supplemented meat

>> No.13009369

Sliders are just shitty small burgers with fewer toppings.

>> No.13009386

It wasn't the onions that did it you retard.

>dur I ate an entire box of shitty bread and shitty meat on Saturday
>still feel like shit
>Ohh I know! It must have been the onions!
>deport onions they're taking away quality white jobs and making us smell!!
>we're all living in America
>this is not a love song
>this is not a love song

>> No.13009392

BASED culture warrior
thank you for posting political cringe on /ck/

>> No.13009451

>a certain thing that is known for causing diarrhea
>hurr durr do americans really
You retards need to be banned

>> No.13009456

>I ate 30 burgers in one day, why are my shits weird??

Truly a mystery.

>> No.13009463

Every time I read about white castle it's people saying they've eaten way too much f it then get horrible shits and indigestion. Why do people go there?

>> No.13009465

You've clearly never eaten there

>> No.13009471

Well yeah, that's why I'm asking.

>> No.13009523
File: 67 KB, 689x795, 1542252779238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe to americans but any real human would eat one and be full.....

>> No.13009549

Did you want me to coddle him and say the True Devil was those dastardly onions they snuck into his white bread and cow sandwich?

>> No.13009788

>splitting hairs
Ok captain autism

>> No.13009804

rent free

>> No.13009834
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet youre under 6'' and 120 lbs

>> No.13009848

>under 6 inches

>> No.13010886

>being a malnourished eatlet

>> No.13010900

>eating on your bed

tickle me pink, faggot

>> No.13011005


After their first pregnancy, most American females suffer some sort of GI unrest: Chron's, IBS, something like that. There is, in my opinion, an association with psychoactive drugs in most of these cases (Xanax, prozac, etc.)

My job requires me to interview many women about health conditions they suffer, and these stories come up so often that I have begun asking them if they take xanax or prozac or whatnot. The answer is always yes. And if I gently suggest they try to wean themselves off of these "medicines," it is invariably out of the question. The jewmaceutical pushers have so much to answer for.

>> No.13011217

They have a 10-sack deal going on right now for $7 here in NY. Got one 3 days ago and finished the last 2 burgers this morning.

Tastes so good but it really is garbage.

>> No.13011319

>Onions help break down fats and proteins
Source? I'm pretty reasonably aware of GI topics since I had get my large intestine surgically excised, and I'm under the impression both from experience and from what I've read that onions are a high residue food you would avoid on a low residue diet exactly because they give your GI tract a much harder time than something easy to digest like meat or rice would in contrast.

>> No.13011328

It's not a woman predominant thing. I don't know why you keep trying to meme this. Inflammatory bowel disease is found in equal frequencies for men and women. The main demographics that stick out are, like for most every other disease, age specific (young adults and the elderly both represent peaks in diagnosis).

>> No.13011335

I'm 247lbs. I would rule Europe. I way the same as Lebron James, a world class athlete.

>> No.13011798
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, white castle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love White Castle.

>> No.13012014

He doesn't have a source because he pulled everything he said straight out of his ass

>> No.13012030

That's a really good deal. We have Krystal where I live and those motherfuckers charge $15 for a 12 sack

>> No.13012312

do americunts really buy suitcases of burgers?

>> No.13012357
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>> No.13012732

jealous desu

>> No.13012734

>One small tiny sandwich
Fucking idiot

>> No.13012738

white castle is fucking disgusting, not sure how anyone eats that garbage

>> No.13013293

>onion shits
How white do you have to be?

>> No.13013795

Keeping in mind for the gf

>> No.13014049

get off the internet then, because the internet is american

>> No.13014051

You are 30 hamburgers?
LMAO you fat fuck.

>> No.13014055

>Sir Tim Berniers Lee is American
Go to bed, brainlet.

>> No.13014068

excellent job not understanding the point
maybe spend less time obsessing

>> No.13014083

I just got some of these for the first time. I've been wanting to try them for years but never got them because people constantly say they're shit. They were honestly pretty good for frozen dinner i got for $2.80 a sixpack. decent enough to keep at home to meet my fast food cravings.

there are no actual white castle on the left coast to compare to though