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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12998097 No.12998097 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12998123

Tell China or Texas or whoever to stop making them, along with all of their other plastic products

>> No.12998185

This, poor niggers and retards would stop buying them if everyone stopped making them.

>> No.12998190

like save the turtles

>> No.12998194

Start making biodegradable straws because I won't stop using them

>> No.12998234
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>> No.12998250

This is honestly just cheating. Guys have NO WAY to tell when a girl is interested in them for sure. But now girls get straws to tell them if a guy is in to them or not? Fuck this. "Life on easy mode" for sure.

>> No.12998373
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>> No.12998393

Fuck you. I don't even like straws, but I will start using them now.

>> No.12998467


Try actually talking to the woman.

>> No.12998474


>> No.12998476

anon, that was obviously a joke

>> No.12998780
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Your fun at parties

>> No.12999196

I throw an extra one out now.

>> No.12999204

the best joke is responding seriously to someone who is obviously joking

>> No.12999214
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I love how when plastic sixpack rings were an issue back in the 80s, the solution was to make them solar-degradable, but otherwise structurally the same.

Solution for plastic straws? BAN THEM.

And before you have to ask, apparently, yes, Americans do really, and they've raised over six figures in sales.

>> No.12999269

I save my straws and feed them to the sea turtles down at the beach

>> No.12999345

>restaurant switched to shitty paper straws made of virgin pulp that fall apart after a few sips
>the cup is still coated in plastic
>The lid is still made of plastic

>> No.12999352

Why don't people just dispose of their straws in a manner that doesn't make them end up in a turtle's nose?
We burn our trash where I live. Get some hot water and electricity out of it at the same time, and with modern smoke filters it's a quite clean process.

>> No.12999356

there were calls to ban the sixpack rings too, people want to ban straws because there is no viable alternative yet.

>> No.12999357

my mom told me that when she was a kid paper straws were the norm and that it wasn't until the late 80s early 90s where everything changed

>> No.12999359

>invented a straw that...
They taped a drug test strip to a straw, making both items more awkward to use.

>> No.12999366
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>> No.12999395


I like the message, but I wish it wasn't formatted like a joke comic.

>> No.12999443
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Paper nets when?

>> No.12999447

Just make the straws out of waffles

>> No.12999451

sometimes I buy tons of plastic straws and just throw them in the trash

>> No.12999456

I already don't because they are pointless. If I did I wouldn't stop because my trash goes into a landfill not to my nearest river.

>> No.12999469

>15 bucks for 10 straws
Yeah, nah. I'm gonna buy the cheap ones from China with all the toxins. They will be extra painful for the turtles.

>> No.12999673

sometimes i "forget" to cut sixpack rings in the hopes that some seagull chokes to death on it

>> No.12999676
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muh environment

>> No.12999684

That's still the solution to the sixpack rings. A cardboard enclosure is a perfectly viable alternative and I buy no product that opts for unnecessary plastic.

>> No.12999707

>six-pack rings
Can you hear me all the way back in the 1980s?


>> No.12999889

No. I'm saving all the straws I can as we speak. For every straw that doesn't go to waste, I will be using two.

>> No.12999900

Do people above the age of 10 even use straws if given the choice?

>> No.12999904

This whole straw thing is the most retarded example of contrarianism I've ever seen.

>> No.12999907

It's easy as shit way for companies to virtue signal to retards how green they are.

>> No.12999924

So? That doesn't mean you should intentionally try to be as wasteful as possible just to "stick it to them"

>> No.12999928

i dont want to sip on watered down drinks when its hot outside

i want a straw to penetrate into the lush interiors of the drink to get my refreshment

also you need a straw for boba tea

>> No.13000753

I don't understand how the brain of an eco activist works.
It's like they're willing to fight to change insignificant issues, but will ignore massive ones.
Fast food companies have much more destructive practices than using plastic straws, and yet that's all they can focus on.
It's such an obvious marketing scheme, because people saw a video of a turtle with a straw up its nose and felt bad, but will happily chow down on a filet o' fish and drink through their paper straw thinking that they made a difference.

>> No.13000765

Stop using straws and eat bugs.

>> No.13000769

Just bulk ordered over 20,000 plastic straws and then drove to the ocean and dumped them all into the water. Fuck turtles.

>> No.13000772


>> No.13000804

>lol they didnt solve the problem all at once so why even bother fucking owned libtards
Forcing all businesses to dump all plastic goods at once would cause a financial meltdown. Starting with straws sends the message that things have to change and allows for R&D to adapt and react. Everything you see in the pic will be next.

>> No.13000858

I never have. There's something quite effeminate about sucking on a shaft to sake your thirst that never appealed to me.

>> No.13000910

Who the fuck actually uses a straw? Americans are so fucking childish, I swear to God

>> No.13000913

How else are you supposed to drink a shake, retard?
With a fucking spoon?

>> No.13000929
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>With a fucking spoon?

>> No.13000936

>a shake
It's literally just vanilla ice cream with some fucking candy mixed into it.

>> No.13000943

top zozzle

>> No.13000977

No. No it is not. It breaks the joke for everyone else.
This is why you cook TV dinners at home, anon.

>> No.13001036
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>> No.13001203

Every time I see some faggot bitching about plastic straws I walk down to the ocean and drop a few plastic shopping bags in there. Sometimes I'll catch a fish and put it in a plastic bag and throw it back. They never make it out.
This thread has inspired me to order 1000 bags from China to increase my productivity. Thanks, OP.

>> No.13001242

There's not a place near me that does that. I used to have a neighbor who would burn her trash in a drum in her backyard and the fumes from the plastics would waft into my house and make me fucking sick.

>> No.13001277

Post proof or get the fuck out.

>> No.13001280

Fake as fuck

>> No.13001286

It's not that they're ignoring then massive issues. Those are just far more difficult to change quickly. Not using straws is something that they can get out to the public quickly and is relatively easy to accomplish. Even if there are a few contrarian nancys who cry about muh libtards taking their straws away or whatever.

>> No.13001763

He's too much of a puss, he'd be dinotendied immediately.

>> No.13001780

If paper straws weren't three times the cost of plastic then I'd stop faggot

>> No.13001796

But really who uses a straw anymore? I mean it can't be germ issues because you know your glass still has roastie lipstick smear and whatever the waitress touched before she opened the straw when she inserts it in the drink. Americans put dollar bills in their mouth when they reach for change in their pocket to pay cashiers, so I guess that explains it. Street shoes worn in the home as well. A weird anomaly.

>> No.13002670

Where else would you cook shitty frozen food?

>> No.13002681

Why would you need a straw for boba?

>> No.13002689
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>> No.13002701

Congrats, you've figured out how to make milkshakes

>> No.13002722

Never liked them much anyway.

>> No.13002726
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>> No.13003031
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It doesn't surprise me how much this has caught on with the left, given how retarded they are. It's either their way or the highway. Like another anon asked, why just flat out ban them instead of trying to find an alternative product, like biodegradable plastic? Incidentally, banning plastic straws is emblematic of the nature of leftist thought and cancel culture. It's gotten to the point that the average leftist is so enclosed in their own safe space that they literally cannot handle dealing with anyone who with opposing political views. For instance, I went on a date with this leftist Protestant woman (female), who, when I told her that I prefer conservatism because its agenda is more inclusive of my Catholic beliefs, she immediately lost all interest in me and ended the date right then and there, even though we were hitting it off up until that very moment. Though, what is one to expect from a heretic Protestant who supports sacrilegious issues like sodomite marriage and infanticide? This is just but one of many instances I experience every day living in a trendy progressive city. Damn it all to hell. It's insanity that grown adults are so incapable of mature dialogue anymore. Leftists have the mental capacity of children. The Jewish owned secular media is at fault for corrupting the masses so effectively, to the point that they support absurdities like banning plastic straws. I'm fed up with the current level of political discourse in this country. It will be fucking glorious when Trump gets reelected. Fuck every pedantic, sanctimonious, self-loathing libtard. And most importantly, fuck turtles.

>> No.13003980

yes because ghb is so commonly added to rape drinks right

>> No.13003991

the most use able bioplastic is made from hemp which can't get into the market because the right lumps hemp in the same boat as cannabis

>> No.13004013

I can't tell if you're joking or not

>> No.13004020

I don't anymore, but the reason I used a straw was because I didn't like the feeling of ice cubes touching my lips.

I suppose I could have asked for no ice, but that goes out of the way waiters in the USA (and you'll get ice anyway by habit), and fast food restaurants will often charge you more for no ice. So it just made more sense to take the straw, which you received without asking as well.

>> No.13004042

No it doesn't. There simply isn't a market for hemp due to pretty much every alternative being cheaper and if you're in an area where weed is legal you'll make far more money planting it instead.

>> No.13004225
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>why just flat out ban them instead of trying to find an alternative product, like biodegradable plastic?

Where's the incentive if they're not the superior product in terms of either cost or utility? It's not like there aren't alternatives, but consumers will go for plastic if given the choice.

Businesses which are compelled to provide straws will generally go for pic related, which generally get soggy and have an unpleasant texture. Higher-end places which entertain treating straws as non-disposable items will go for the metal variety. Otherwise, the preferred alternative is to no longer offer straws at all.

You're completely correct that it is absolutely "their way or the highway" mentality. If you don't believe the means are worth the end, then yeah, it's BS because it denies you the convenience and comfort of a plastic straw. However, it's that exact inability or lack of desire to compete with or replace the plastic straw that led to appeal of banning it.

>> No.13005128

whenever parents try to force the plastic ban on their kids in my restaurant and tell them not to take straws or lids they always end up spilling it, then they'll try to take a bunch of branded napkins to attempt to clean it up, which wastes ten times more of my money than if you'd just used a straw & lid.

also i remember eating in a diner in universal studios when i was young that was meant to be a 50s themed bar-stool/waitress in a skirt kind of aesthetic so to be authentic they had no plastic. we were watching people spill their drinks left and right throughout the meal. something about seeing no lid on top of a full drink on top of a tray makes you lose all confidence.

>> No.13005147

how else you gonna suck up the boba pearls?

>> No.13005149

Reading through this thread enraged me so much that I went outside and stomped a turtle to death.

>> No.13005165

why do we have two of these retarded threads up

>> No.13005483

Considering that restaurants had drinks without lids far longer than they've had them, I'd just chalk it up to a temporary inconvenience.

Unless spilled drinks were actually the norm back in the day.

>> No.13005497

>>>/r/eddit is that way

>> No.13005512

got a maccy d milkshake the other day and not even halfway through the paper straw was unusable, why dont they take the fucking lids instead and make them into paper

>> No.13005755

If I had to guess, because that'd be sufficiently inconvenient to make a ban politically viable. Since straws aren't actually a necessity for almost anyone (those who actually need it usually have their own), the personal cost of advocating against it, and the political cost of passing it is much less than lids, bottles, packaging, etc.

Basically, the issue is that:
1. Plastics are usually without comparable alternative in their use, on account of:
>malleability in weight, shape, texture, and artistic design in production
>high durability in the finished product
And even when there is a comparable alternative, it is usually more expensive or more inconvenient.
2. The above properties simultaneously make them an absolute, irrefutable blight on life, including any humans on the receiving end of the trash. At best, discarded plastics are only a visual nuisance, and at worst it kills and maims life that does not possess adaptations to deal with it.

It's such a wedge issue because, until a competitive alternative emerges for a use case, any action or lack thereof will piss people off. Ban it, and it directly makes your life more inconvenient. Keep it around, and it makes everyone else's world more blighted in an immeasurable yet perceptible way.

tl;dr It's feasible virtue signaling