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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12996227 No.12996227 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12996231

ice cream, then jam it right in there

>> No.12996240


>> No.12996244
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not so fun memories, glad i am over that sheit

>> No.12996247

aluminum foil

>> No.12996255

bite into a popsicle
follow it with some now & laters

>> No.12996259

Ask your dentist you stupid faggot!

>> No.12996309

>tfw we have a weekly wisdom tooth thread
>it's really annoying because i got my wisdom teeth out almost 20 years ago
>go in for a root canal a few weeks ago
>be drugged up (and drunk)
>root canal not as bad as expected
>think it's over
>"um, anon, i'm afraid the rot is too close to the bone and we're going to have to take the tooth"
>"how long will this be?"
>"don't worry"
>literally an hour of pliers and drills piece by piece, and everything other than the local anesthesia was long gone by that point (and that wore off too but i was trying to make it through without another shot)
Anywho, I did canned soup, apple sauce, vodka, and cottage cheese for around 4 days.

>> No.12996364

Milk and salty coins

>> No.12996372

>>tfw we have a weekly wisdom tooth thread
I lurk here everyday for at least a couple minutes an I had never seen this thread before.

>> No.12996376
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Um, l-lurk moar?

>> No.12996410

when i had mine removed the woman teeth surgeon held my hand, made it less horrible, it doesnt feel painful, but the sounds, are horrible, and the fact that they are prying open your tooth in 3 parts then vacuuming it away. ughhh
the worst part is the initial needles though, just thinking about it makes me tense up

>> No.12996427

Yogurt is good.
When i got my wisdoms pulled they tried to out me under, they gave me the maximum legal amount of anesthetic and I wouldn't fall completely asleep

>> No.12996450

apple sauce, mashed potatoes, pudding, jello, milkshakes and smoothies
make sure to use a spoon instead of a straw for the milkshakes and smoothies though

>> No.12996455


Drink lots of fluoridated water.

>> No.12996456

Chips and salsa

>> No.12996493

im getting a root canal and crown tomorrow morning.

im scared ;_;

>> No.12996519

look at anon boasting about his coronation

>> No.12997089

hopefully you guys didnt have your teeth removed without reason

>> No.12997099

retard you are just going to have to have it replaced in a few years. pull that shit and get a gold tooth

>> No.12997108

Just get another shot you pussy faggot, do you have any idea how routine it is for us to get people numb? And your extraction was complicated because it was totally rotten so they were picking it out piece by piece instead of intact.

t. Dentist

>> No.12997114

If you use a gravity bong you can smoke weed after

>> No.12997117

What do *you* think a gold tooth is?

>> No.12997118

I did eventually get another shot. Did it ever occur to you that people have poor dental hygiene because dentists are horrible sadists who nobody loves?

t. patient

>> No.12997132

its my rearmost molar so it probably will be gold desu. thats the one brightside to this

>> No.12997284

We’re doing for fun, actually.

>> No.12997457
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It is out!

>> No.12997463
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Whatever you want, this is literal baby shit, same with when i got my tonsils out. Wisdom teeth and tonsils people just want to be babied, both surgeries are nothing and your changes to eating for a week or two barely matter but everyone wants to talk about it like it's some cathartic time.

>> No.12997480

I ate a bunch of pudding, Jell-O, and canned soup without any big chunks. Eventually I got really hungry and swallowed some chicken and scrambled eggs without chewing.

>> No.12997584

When I broke my jaw I lived almost entirely off fruit smoothies and pasta.

>> No.12997603

Woah everyone get a load of the tough guy, what a badass

>> No.12997604

Stop they are going to take away the pills if you keep telling the truth

>> No.12997819

>i can't be assed to brush my teeth because dentists are meanies
>this poor dental hygiene also lead to me getting my teeth ripped out by a dentist who probably saved me from years of chronic pain

>> No.12997851

I got all four of my wisdom teeth removed at once. The bottom two were impacted (still inside the gum), so they had to cut open my lower jaw to get at them. Something must have gone wrong during that process, snipped a nerve or something IDK, because there's a big area on my lower jaw/chin that's been completely numb ever since.

>> No.12998155


snickers bars, rice crispy treats, and laffy taffy

>> No.12998195

Blended soup and ice cream.
The day I ran out of the anti-inflammatory pills was not a pleasant one.

>> No.12998228

Not if it comes out. If it comes out it's not going to be jack shit except a hole in your jaw, least of all a gold tooth

>> No.12998238

This is especially good for recovering your gut flora if they put you on antibiotics

>> No.12998243

That doesnt look very decayed at all, what did you do to warrant extracting that?

>> No.12998245

To avoid getting a dry socket:
>don't suck up super thick milkshakes through a straw.
>don't clear your clogged up marijuana pipe that can barely get air through it.
>don't play the flute.
>stop sucking dick.

>> No.12998261


>> No.12998283

still terrifying, I hated trying to avoid that shit, "worst pain in existence" the dentist made sure to let me know

>> No.12998380


Many people need to have their wisdom teeth removed because it causes bad crowding and causes serious issues later in life.

I had all four of mine removed in the same procedure. None of them were decayed or had cavities, but they were going to fuck up my jaw and other teeth later if they didn't come out.

>> No.12998446

Mashed cauliflower, lobster bisque, lots of tea, milkshakes

>> No.12998454

I wouldn't recommend general anesthetic for a simple tooth extraction, local nerve block worked just fine for me. Still nothing can help with the vibration of the drill, like a punch to the chin.

>> No.12998751

How often do you have patients that don't need to have their wisdom teeth removed?
>Tfw your dentist has been in your life longer than your own dad.

>> No.12998768

Just take small bites, eat slow, and chew on the opposite side of your mouth, and you can basically eat anything.

I had a tooth removed last year, and I was eating potato chips just a few hours after the procedure.

>> No.12998814
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Chaliapin steak

>> No.12998881

Recovery, for me was the worst. Laying there was a pain but once they get going I stop feeling any kind of anxiety. Sure it was strange to feel them pushing the tooth out but nothing quite measures up to the aftermath
>Don't put anything in your mouth for X hours
>Don't swallow often
>Don't drink often
>Don't use that side of your mouth
>Be aware of your bruised, aching gum and the clot that can come out almost at will
>Brush your teeth, an activity that's almost certain to fuck with the healing hole in your gum
Days of sullen pain. I'm banking on the other three only giving me grief one at a time because there's no way in hell I'm willingly having them all out at once and compounding all that

>> No.12998894

I've had a broken/rotten tooth at the back for over ten years now. Thinks it's a wisdom tooth. No pain or discomfort but food can sometimes get stuck in there. Way way too broken for a filling.

This going to because problem someday?

>> No.12998898
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I see you are a man of culture as well.

>> No.12998931

D bone I knew you c/uck too! I wonder what our resident pinko would say! (Gasp!) Thx for the ride and take care

>> No.13000291

well i just got back from the dentist, going to get the root canal this afternoon. then a crown

not loosing the tooth thanks

>> No.13000392

it was broken, the dentist said the pulp was exposed. I was having excruciating pains.

>> No.13000401

Hey man don't tell it to me, tell it to my oral surgeon

>> No.13000470

Should have gotten a root canal dummy, that thing will cost thousands to replace

>> No.13000473

That's not a wisdom tooth, that's a maxillary 1rst or 2nd molar.

>> No.13000488

How should I have known? He was the dentist, and I was in so much pain I would have gone for anything

>> No.13000497

Gently dab some clove oil on the sore gum/tooth. It's antibacterial and also helps with the pain. Don't get it on your tongue tho shits spicy

>> No.13000564

You unironically might be able to sue him if it was a valid choice but he didnt offer you that as a treatment option. You can perform a pulpotomy (partial root canal) to get the patient out of pain temporarily until they can make up their minds about what they want to do. Your only options to replace it now are a bridge or an implant, both of which are exorbitantly expensive compared to a root canal/crown.

Dentists are overwhelmingly Jewish btw, make of this what you will

>> No.13000568

Eugenol is actually neurotoxic which is why it has an anesthetic effect.

>> No.13000606

My brother got his wisdom teeth pulled in his mid 20s and they had to do this. Dentist told him he probably doesn't want to be awake for it but to save a buck he opted just local.
His regret was during the operation the dentist paused and exclaimed "fuck".

>> No.13000610

Oh, this meaning he just wishes he didn't hear that after all the hammer and drilling noises going on in his mouth. He was fine. Dentist took care of whatever his "fuck" was about.

>> No.13000620
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Ask your dentist and follow his advice.
We had a girl in her mid twenties in the ICU who almost dies of having a fucking wisdom tooth out.
Kept under on propofol and intubated for at least a week and a half as I remember it, going through the full sepsis regimen.
Absolute fucking bullshit, having a person at her very peak physical condition almost croak because she had a tooth or two out.
I don't know if she wound up with us because she ate stuff she shouldn't or if she was just unlucky, but you shouldn't risk it.

>> No.13000633

why do americans get them removed?
i don’t know anyone who has had theirs removed.

>> No.13000652

They actually dont cover this much in burger dental school apart from just telling you that people should have them done but in my professional experience it's because no one can actually brush them correctly and they end up being Ioci for decay and periodontitis. If they stay interrupted usually nothing happens apart from that they occasionally form cysts.

>> No.13000657
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when I got my wisdom teeth taken out I just ate a ton of food and protein shakes and slept a lot. I recoverd super fucking fast, like half the time it took my sister to. so I think its important to get a lot of food and protein to rebuild that tissue and gums.

>> No.13000662

Have you ever watched a surgical extraction? They cut a window into your jaw with a Hall drill and then usually section the tooth to take it out in peices. It's not open heart surgery but it's not exactly nothing either

>> No.13000695

This is why I bite my dentist when he talks to me with tools in my mouth. He is now missing three fingernails.

>> No.13000705

No, I have never worked in dental surgery.
Funny you should bring up hearts, though, since heart infections quite surprisingly often start at the teeth.

>> No.13000719

Not to mention the blacks and the Jews

>> No.13000741

My dentist told me they were growing in in the wrong direction/my jaw wasn't large enough to allow space for them.

Was I just jewed? Cause I also have very healthy teeth despite my despicable hygiene practices. Never even had a cavity.

>> No.13000787

Theres a chance they might have stayed put and theres a chance they might have continued and wrecked the tooth in front of them by causing root resorption. Theres no way to tell what might happen so mostly they just want people to have them taken out just in case.

>> No.13000826
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ensure nutri smoothies, I like the chocolate flavor. For seniors, and people who get teeth out. Also jello and soup.

>> No.13000837

>never went to the dentist until i was 19 years old
>they told me I had great looking teeth with the exception of some crowding on the bottom
>said i'd probably need to get my wisdom teeth taken out but there's no hurry i could do it any time
>got them taken out 3 years later
>haven't been back since
mother fucker just floss, brush, and rinse once before sleep. that's literally all you have to do. people just have no discipline.

>> No.13001235

your brother sounds like a faggot

>> No.13001349

Guess I'm not gonna get mine taken out now. I'm just going to get the cavities filled.

>> No.13001512

It's a joke anon. He didn't actually regret it. It's just funny. Lighten up.

On a side note, my gf is an xray tech and recently watched a surgeon bury a skrew in the wrong place on a patient out of frustration with a nurse or something causing him to have to cut more open to remove it.

>> No.13001584

My local anesthesia lasted long after an hour and that was for two teeth, both requiring to be cut out cuz one wisdom tooth's roots were literally hooked into my bone

>> No.13001596

I've had 4 teeth pulled on 4 separate occasions, I just let it clot for an hour or so, changed the wadding shit, another hour and said fuck it, ate whatever I wanted. Never had a clot come out, I still smoked and used straws.

>> No.13001775

Shit really? How to avoid nerve damage?

>> No.13001868

Chocolate, Nerds, Refined White Sugar

>> No.13001870

You should probably point out those people are immunocompromised.

>> No.13001910

>got 2 wisdom teeth out on right side
>went back to work, just didnt eat on that side
>get fired 2 months ago over someone lying to hr
>wisdom teeth start hurting on left side
>fight with job with the union and they take me back last week
I should hurry up and get the other 2 out and get the root canal ive been putting off while i have dental again

>> No.13002232

My other 2nd upper molar is also broken, but I have not yet had problems with it. The dentist wanted to extract that one as well, but I vetoed him on that. Do you think it can be filled or whatever?

>> No.13002235

Do it, faggot. Don't wait.

>> No.13002240

America everyone

>> No.13002253

I’m 24 and haven’t had mine taken out. They hurt sometimes though, I admit

>> No.13002289

Depends on how broken it is, worst case scenario it is untestorable or will need a root canal, crown lengthening surgery, post, core, and crown. Best case scenario it just needs a filling or a crown. I would get a second opinion if you're nervous.

Teeth are extremely hard to replace once gone. The only thing that comes close is an implant and they are very expensive and don't come with a guarantee of success.

>> No.13002293

Yes unfortunately we let Jews practice medicine here

>> No.13002306

Honestly not very often. Most people can't brush them for shit and they're always the most decayed teeth in their mouths. I'm normally anal about saving teeth but not 3rd molars, they really only ever cause problems imo.

>> No.13002317

why the fuck do we even still get wisdom teeth? come the fuck on evolution, if i managed to chew my food for the past 20 years i think i can manage without them

>> No.13002326

Most people in the past had bigger, wider jaws from chewing on bones and stuff and higher rates of tooth loss. Both are factors that would make adding an extra molar somewhere in your early 20s very beneficial

>> No.13002660

Nuh uh my dentists are scientologists

>> No.13002668

Are electric brushes a meme of legit better?

>> No.13002744

A day or two after having my wisdom teeth out I was so fucking hungry I cooked up beef and bean burritos then blended them and at it like a soup. Shit was BASED.

>> No.13002802

smoothies with yogurt or protein powder (fruits without large seeds ideally)
soft tofu
mashed potatoes

>> No.13002870

>tfw all four wisdom teeth came in perfectly and have never had a cavity

>> No.13003044

look at the roots. That’s not a 3rd molar lmao

>> No.13003892

it was the 2nd.

>> No.13003901

milkshakes anon

>> No.13003913

For how long should I take it easy on food intake?

My dentist said that my pain would guide me, but so far I have not have ANY pain at all. Granted, I am on antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and some over-the-counter pain medication, but I'm still surprised I have not felt basically nothing.

>> No.13003923

uhoh how do i know the blood clot came out?
oh no oh FUCK

>> No.13003952

Not all of them. Not even close to all of them.

>> No.13004113

Legit better because the brush does the perfect brushing motion for you which most people don't do correctly without a lot of practice. Most of them also have force feedback sensors in them to prevent you from brushing too hard. The real dentistry meme is toothpaste, the fluoride isn't in contact with your teeth long enough to make much of a difference and the fluoride is the only reason to be using it in the first place. I brush with baking soda like a grandpa.

You'll know because the exposed bone under the clot is extremely sensitive and you will be in a lot of pain.

>> No.13004130

so if i can feel a hole it doesn't necessarily mean its a dry socket?

>> No.13004145

No, it'd be really weird if the socket filled in completely totally flush to the mucosa within a few days. Takes a few weeks in total, all it means is that the clot is sitting a little bit below the level of the surrounding tissue. Dry socket isn't actually a big deal, it just hurts a lot which is why much is made of it.

Also stop tonguing it, you're just going to make it fall out that way.

>> No.13004152


>> No.13004158

I had 2 wisdoms on the left side removed a couple months ago. It took about 3 days before my blood clot formed on the bottom. Non-stop bleeding. Really gotta bite down hard on the gauze. If you think it didn't form or you have a dry socket, just go back to the dentist and they'll fill it in and clean your mouth out.

Stayed with my mum though and she made a lot of soups, casseroles with rice and thick shakes/juices. Was good shit watching anime for days.

>> No.13004163

;_: o-ok i did get prescribed some strong painkillers so hopefully its not it

>tfw just been water fasting for the past 3 days since the wisdom teeth extraction
im just going to wait until i can eat properly

>> No.13004215
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Eat like scrambled eggs and stuff, just don't eat anything with seeds, small crumbs, crusty bread, things like that. They should have given you a guide of what you can and can't eat, no need to starve yourself while you're healing anon. Feel better :)

>> No.13004433

Same, feels good to have functioning teeth.

>> No.13005211

chinese food. udon noodles/soup were perfect. i only had 1 tooth extracted last time, so i ate egg rolls with the other side of my jaw. fried rice might get stuck in ur gum holes, but so would anything else so just rinse after eating.

also apple sauce, fruit bowls, yogurt, are great but boring. remember you can still crunch stuff just not with every part of your mouth. now i'm remembering how quickly i switched back to normal food, and how annoyed i got being required to chew it with 1 side of my mouth. it'll be about 5-7 annoying days of that.

being an alcoholic i wasn't going to be told no alcohol so instead of beer i drank plastic jug vodka mixed with gatorade zero. i lasted about 6 hours after the operation before wanting a smoke. just have to rinse & change gauze. don't do these if you're still bleeding ofc.

>> No.13005235

i smoked right after, tried to use other side. nothing happen

>> No.13005245

i think you just can't inhale real strong. little baby drag

>> No.13005306

What's annoying me is having to eat cold or room temperature things. Cold coffee sucks balls!!

>> No.13005310

>tooh extraction

if you can't even spell TOOTH you should really KYS its like a preschool word

>> No.13005354
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Do americans really get high as fuck just to get a tooth removed?

>> No.13006861

what does 'shot' mean here? I assumed you're talking vodka but I doubt your dentist would like that

>> No.13007226

I just had mine out Friday and I was eating regular food by Saturday. Just chew slowly you retard

>> No.13007250


Dude, they use Ketamine. If you knew what that was like, you'd use Ketamine too. God you people are Malcolm Tucker rookies.


>> No.13007271

marshmellows, milk duds, mashed potato & gravy, ice cream and those diet shake mixes.
>t. guy who had the big bottom right tooth taken out because his wisdom tooth came in on the side and ground a hole in it a few weeks ago

>> No.13007281

for me the needles were okay because I got a numbing gel first (although it's still uncomfortable), but the woman trying to yank the tooth out with the pliers was awful, send shooting pain all the way through to my legs (how the fuck did this become a thing in the human body), and the drill was fine.
It was probably on the other side. For mine, if you looked at it on one side it looked like a normal tooth. If you look at the other side, there was a gigantic hole in the side of the tooth and the inside was decayed and rotted.

>> No.13007286


>> No.13007295

i dont remember shit when i got my wisdom teeth out, but my gf gave me a blowjob when she brought me home from the dentist

thats how i understood how women feel when they get date raped

i ate a lot of jello when i was healing

>> No.13007300

it means an injection of local anaesthetic.

>> No.13007304

jelly (jello) and canned fruit.

>> No.13007312

instant mashed potatoes and vitamins

>> No.13007313

I've never had a cavity and I didn't have wisdom teeth to be take out

>> No.13007335

Only for getting four widom teeth out at once, for just one tooth it's usually just local anesthesia

>> No.13007351

Mashed potatoes and split pea soup mixed together, idk but on the day of my wisdom teeth extraction that shit was gas. I usually h8 mashed potatoes. Also ice cream.

>> No.13007354

I only have 3 wisdom teeth, as per X-ray.

>> No.13007361


>> No.13008467
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Mix 1 or 2 pills of Ibuprofen with water for a delicious beverage.

>> No.13008476

All of these are the right side up
you can tell from the brim

>> No.13008583

they all looked right side up to begin with

>> No.13008728

Mine was cracked and couldn't be repaired. It was a bottom molar on the very end. The dentist was either really good or I have super mouth healing, because I had no pain at all and was fine the next day. Still picked up the vicodin though.

>> No.13008734

No wonder yuros have such fucked up teeth.

>> No.13009165

Refried beans are pretty easy to gum down, and you can mix them with cheese, sour cream, ETC

>> No.13010633
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