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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 322 KB, 1280x720, indiancarbonara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12991606 No.12991606 [Reply] [Original]

This smiling toothless fuck just BTFO the entire continent of Italy and basically they are all fucking stupid.


I guarantee you those Italian chef cucks won't be making a reaction video to this one.

>> No.12991611

looks better than the original boring carbonara
based indians did it again

>> No.12991615

It's amazing how the noodles they're holding up closer to the camera are all smaller than the ones in the pan. It doesn't look photoshopped even a little!

>> No.12991619

>this 1 man raised the GDP of his village by 20000%! click here to find out how

>> No.12991620 [DELETED] 

Also I'm gay btw, if that matters.

>> No.12991629

Op image is shopped as fuck but Indians are based caucasians anyway.

>> No.12991642
File: 54 KB, 600x462, fatAmerican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire continent of Italy

>> No.12991688

They're stupid af

t. physics master student

>> No.12991698

No one cares about your little academic fantasy world, Poindexter motherfucker

>> No.12991707

They had steel first, both western and eastern religion came from India

>> No.12991733

And? Nowadays all indians I see smell bad/weird and are stupid as hell. Here in our uni nobody wants them. Even the professors are fed up of them because they are not able to do the simplest task. I don't even know how they got here into that german university masters program.
Apparently they all have a bachelor of science in physics but never heard the most basic courses for physicists.

>> No.12991741

>They had steel first,
yet they're still shitting in the streets and bathing with corpses.

>> No.12991775

Meanwhile, a friend of mine who is director of the statistics dept at a large university told me 90% of the graduate students are chinese and indians. Wh*tes can't compete anymore. Sad, just sad.

>> No.12991784

At least whites don't stink and poop in their streets and drinking water

>> No.12991792

Can we all just get along please?

>> No.12991793

>Gigantic vat o' slop

It's a no from me.

>> No.12991796

>implying indians bathe

Is this something like Pluto being/not being a planet? Did I miss the note on this?

>> No.12992219


T. Ass blasted Italian Youtube Chef

>> No.12992233

I often find myself watching Grandpa Kitchen when I'm pissed.

>> No.12992234

Detroit was the wealthiest city in the west, now they're shitting in their water supply.

>> No.12992287

that's called perspective you inbred fucking retard

>> No.12992331

I gotta say, the editing on this video is fantastic

>> No.12992349

no, it's photoshop

>> No.12992358

The closer noodles would be bigger, brainiac.

>> No.12992366

>both western and eastern religion came from India
you mean LEFT india

>> No.12992370

It wouldn't be because they can charge these students more than a normal student due to them being overseas and such, right?

>> No.12992372

>medniggers getting triggered in comments
I don't think italians understand that if people stuck to their authentic recipes their food wouldn't be popular outside of italy

>> No.12992382

>preparing veggies for dozens
>cutting them with a pear knife very slowly
Why do this to yourself, Junior?

>> No.12992413

Perspective works the opposite of that you fucking retard.

>> No.12992423

lmao based poojeet posters. How much free feces would one expect to get in such a dish?

>> No.12992425

>academic fantasy world
As opposed to what? Your non-academic fantasy world? I’d rather live in a fantasy world based on logical ideas rather than “my world experience brah” and “this article I read on Snapchat”

>> No.12992436

A proper left-handed-wipes worth

>> No.12992448

Italian here. I don't care. Carbonara is a waste of pasta. Fuck that dish. Red sauce or bust.

>> No.12992456

Lol wut? Indians are the best most respectful people I meet in most unis I visit.

>> No.12992468

>green piece

>> No.12992503

Cope harder, Cletus, you sad sorry fuck.

>> No.12992508

I hate this channel. they try to pander to their viewers and make it seem like they are doing such a good deed for the community.
these fuckers are making so much money, and make themselves seem like saints simply because they give some orphans a couple french fries once or twice a week

>> No.12992511


>> No.12992514
File: 490 KB, 1453x1796, sopranos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italian here. I don't care. Carbonara is a waste of pasta. Fuck that dish. Red sauce or bust.

>> No.12992530
File: 75 KB, 900x744, 1501838651416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine allowing those noodles to cool down to bath temperature then just climbing in there and having a bath while dozens of small Indian children feast on your spiced bath water. I need to stop fantasing about being eaten...

>> No.12992539

>"50,000 people used to live here.. now it's a ghost town."

>> No.12992610

>monetized with million and more views per video
my theory is the guys helping the old dude and filming aren't exactly sharing the information about how much they are making with everybody else
otherwise the orphanage wouldn't be a shack and they'd afford some better utensils at least

>> No.12992617


Poo in loo

Respect my ass. They're the stupidest people earth ever produced, and their stupidity is only matched by their enormous ego.

>> No.12992622

many such cases.

a lot of similar "real people cooking" channels have popped up lately.

>> No.12992627

This is sad but all too plausible.

>> No.12992643

Italians on suicide watch

>> No.12992654
File: 22 KB, 480x600, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dusts off old faithful*

>> No.12992657

Nah, my own experience directly contradicts yours which just goes to show how worthless your anecdotal evidence is.

>> No.12992867

see i think the old dude knows exactly what is going on. it's the orphans who are used as props for their videos.
this is another similar channel and type of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izD0Schr5Q4
i think the channels are connected too. the watermark is the same, the style is the same.
and they aren't just monetized. most of the views come from north america which means they are pulling in big bucks for the advertisements.

>> No.12992882

he's feeding kids, dunno why they'd care if the recipe is different

>> No.12992895

it's the naming that gets them not the recipe
who gives if it's pasta and cream, "authentic carbonara" is the shit that gets them

>> No.12992903

Poo in loo

>> No.12992906


Haven't you heard of San Francisco?

>> No.12993315

is that the pot they used to cook people in?

>> No.12993348

the old dudes right hand isn't even holding the fucking ladle

>> No.12993469


Calm your tits pajeet, there's no bobs or vegana here

>> No.12993493

Indians are notoriously rude. At work and out in public. They also let all their shit head kids run around and scream the entire time they're anywhere. Restaurant, grocery store, mall, you name it.

>> No.12993547

I didn’t say anything about atheism, Noah. Now go back to bed, you have class tomorrow.

>> No.12993578
File: 31 KB, 728x483, 1565622980246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The carbonara looks great but that video kind of annoys me, why bother making something like that for some third world fucking shits? Those shots of them eating it, they don't even look like they're enjoying it, guarantee you they'd be going fucking crazy over like a hot pocket or lean cuisine.

>> No.12993701

>cuts egg shell with knife
da fuck?

>> No.12993722

Okay, there's some Mandela effect shit I've noticed. "Red sauce" instead of "tomato sauce". NO ONE said "red sauce" until like a year ago and now it's everywhere. I miss my old tomato sauce timeline. :(

>> No.12993744

fucking kek @ all the italian scum in the comments
based poo slinger btfo the rats

>> No.12994108

They can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.12994130

That pot is photoshopped

>> No.12994519

t. self hating indian

>> No.12994533

I guess that also explains the black pixels around the noodles.
Silly me!

>> No.12994643

>Indians are based caucasians

>> No.12995206

Those particular indian must be rude or they are probably not born and brought up in India.

>> No.12995293

you mean gravy?

>> No.12995351

Based Indian grandpa scamming dumbfucks into giving him thousands of dollars """"""""for orphan children""""""" and then showing them handing out 1 dollar book bags

>> No.12995404

great episode

>> No.12995414

They are caucasians. So are northern africans.

>> No.12996706

The pure breeds are worse.

>> No.12996858
File: 164 KB, 940x491, SetWidth940-brisbane-hungover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire continent of italy

>> No.12996895


>> No.12996904


>> No.12996924

Maybe America selects for all the rude immigrants? I think that is the case because America selects for people who "made it" already, so they think they are hot shit.

Here in Europe we select differently. The Indians here don't think they are hot shit. They usually don't have anything yet to be proud of. They are very grateful for the opportunity being given to them and are very respectful and work hard and try to be model citizens.

>> No.12996941
File: 133 KB, 411x349, LaughingCatGirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here in Europe we select differently

>> No.12996969

Based old pajeet btfoing shitalian rapebabies

>> No.12997364
File: 1.59 MB, 325x235, 1504676672866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12997387


>> No.12997444
File: 156 KB, 464x464, 1569769010567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hotbed of liberal insanity
>based on logical ideas


>> No.12997475

An Italian girl I was working with for a uni assignment said it was the opposite and that they abuse the system plenty and overstay their visas.

>> No.12997503

>the amount of views on their videos
>every single one of them is disgusting
what the hell is wrong with people

>> No.12997540

Kys krautfag
In my uni indians are based cooks and good scientists. You'd have to be a workaholic fag to come to krautland for uni.

>> No.12997566
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Bjdelivered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime rightwing retarded post
Dropped on numerous levels.

>> No.12997574
File: 667 KB, 640x854, -K53PBLnoOG4vfGzAyGBM7jia716w6jTeODS3hxNGL8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped truth bombs libluls can't handle

>> No.12997640

Seething! Stay mad, lol!

>> No.12997673

>not cutting off the brown ends of the garlic.


>> No.12998356

We don't select at all, that's the problem.

>> No.12998367

yo where did they get those giant peas?

>> No.12998416

The wops are actually sperging out in the chat over a dirt poor Indians version of "Carbonara". Literally nothing to their culture but arguing over "authentic Italian cuisine" on the internet.

>> No.12999578

Va Fangul!!! Old fuck.... Fuck him, hope he dies.