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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 715x536, tard-bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12990533 No.12990533 [Reply] [Original]

How would /ck/ stock their bunker?

>> No.12990541


>> No.12990553
File: 89 KB, 1280x549, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just wanted to help keep you safe but you wouldn't let him.

>> No.12990557

nothing but canned beans and condensed milk

>> No.12990558
File: 209 KB, 1280x1280, 555_Sardines_In_Tomato_Sauce_Plain_155g__66573.1536919367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deenz obviously.

>> No.12990559

Hyper Macro Oats. Other than water, it's the only thing man needs to survive.

>> No.12990565

The really lesson of this movie was that roasties and their orbiters ruin everything

>> No.12990567

How to live that /ck/ lifestyle after the world ends?

>> No.12990588

>export quality
What do they mean by this?

>> No.12990663

The real lesson is that incels are gross and need to die.

>> No.12990672

For saving them from being retards who would get themselves killed and killing himself in the process?

>> No.12990730

Deenz, beenz, and big weenz

>> No.12990825
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>> No.12990840

>underground bunker
>when most likely attack is a massive nuke under the ocean that will cover the entire coast under a tsunami
>wanting to stay alive in an apocalypse

>> No.12990856

The female celebrities that I stalk on the internet and think about 24/7.

>> No.12990898

>when most likely attack is a massive nuke under the ocean that will cover the entire coast under a tsunami
Commie coasties rarely own the rights to dig underground, so this isn't an issue for the rest of us.
>wanting to stay alive in an apocalypse
Yea, but specifically retaining a lavish food lifestyle.

>> No.12990904

Is there anything better than deenz and za?

>> No.12990908
File: 263 KB, 550x308, FiestaBuckets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bakker Buckets.

>> No.12990910


>> No.12990924

Is there anyway to get sunlight in your bunker without weakening it's safety? Like I was thinking a couple pillars of super strong clear plastic/glass that extends from the surface to your bunker's ceiling.

>> No.12990939

I wouldnt. There is no need for a bunker. I live in the UK. If a nuke hits my beloved land I hope I die immediately on impact. If there is a civil war I will be an active participant and not hide away.

>> No.12990941

What the fuck would you fight with

>> No.12990949


>> No.12990956

Anon already said that he's hoping to die.

>> No.12990958

you generally don't want others to know where your bunker is, that's the whole point

>> No.12990988


It means they are so bad they needed to be exported from the country. Not good enough for the locals.

>> No.12990995

Hope this thing comes with more room for storage and a water tank. I think people mostly forget about packing dried veggies and mushrooms. They're not that calorie dense, but I'd miss the fuck out of them, and a multivitamin isn't really the same.
Probably the same thing as export-only military equipment.

>> No.12990999

>this just in: rocks banned in the UK

>> No.12991006

Well they aren't Portuguese sardines so they are already trash. Export quality I can only assume that it means that it is half used chum from a Chinese tuna fishing vessel and is only fit for the Chicano food maxx shopping community.

>> No.12991008

>Rocks banned
Heh. I guess that I'll just live my life as an outlaw.

>> No.12991026

>police commented on the new ban saying “There’s just no need for rocks like that”
>a twitter post by a local enforcement reads: LOOK at all these rocks we found out in the field today #weaponsweep

>> No.12991042

>a twitter post by a local enforcement reads: LOOK at all these rocks we found out in the field today #weaponsweep
>image of two left shoes, banana peel, and a wig

>> No.12991060

If the hypothetical happens, on minecraft, i'd rely on tactics. The fighting will largely take place in the cities (on minecraft) and while i'd venture to the outskirts of cities I would largely avoid the urban fighting which would hypothetically take place in this hypothetical situation. The army would be bogged down in the cities and towns would become lawless. I'd create a supply chain among sympathisers to my cause across the Pennines, from the Peak district to the Scottish highlands. I'd take cover in the Lake District. I'd build shelters in the woods and travel on foot, horseback, dirt bikes or quadbikes over hiking trails, and use canal boats where possible. Occupy farm buildings and dig trenches and rig traps (on minecraft). I'd sabotage roads (on minecraft), rail (on minecraft), government and enemy communications (on minecraft), dams and the power supply (on minecraft). Cut the cities off (on minecraft). I'd wage a guerrilla war (on minecraft) and use anything I can obtain (on minecraft). I'd commit acts of arson (on minecraft) and robbery (on minecraft). I assume your question refers specifically to weapons (on minecraft). I'd attempt (on minecraft) to obtain firearms and explosives on the (minecraft) blackmarket. I'd use poisons (on minecraft). Id consider the use of biological weapons (on minecraft). As a last resort i'd use a handcrafted bow and arrows (on minecraft) and i'd use my chef knives if necessary for close combat (on minecraft).

I would expect to die if/when civil war comes to the British mainland but i'd put up a fight before the inevitable. Americans and Euros should note that a civil war occurred in the UK between the late 1960's to the late 1990's. The Northern Ireland conflict. Read up on the Troubles to understand how warfare will occur.

>> No.12991085

Impossible. Freeze dried meals and canned food is the only stuff that will actually keep for years.

>> No.12991091

Crack rocks are already banned. Its political correctness gone mad!

>> No.12991093

>Read up on the Troubles to understand how warfare will occur.
Nah. I'm from a shithole, and people didn't even know that war broke out, because it was such a shithole that everyone just thought that it was the usual violence.
Mfw This is why nobody can ever talk me out of loving the US.
Now for me if gunshots happen then police come.

>> No.12991092

Enjoy your slow and extraordinarily painful death by radiation rotting your body away.

>> No.12991097

That’s enough time to get that hydroponics system working nicely.

>> No.12991101

Get natural light lamps

>> No.12991103

Hope you like eating vegan, at best you can farm fish and bugs too.

>> No.12991105

Bunkers are a retarded concept. I'd rather die fighting or fleeing than imprison myself in a sardine can until I die years later, anyway, from hunger or illness.

>> No.12991108

>not milking rats

>> No.12991110

Most likely attack is actually infiltration of the government and general society causing a civil war.

>> No.12991112

Leave your edibles, and porn somewhere that I could find them anon.

>> No.12991120

Sorry but I'd smoke and I only consume porn on the Internet.
I will leave you my precious collection of tools if you want.
Also have a super nice shirt collection for all occasions.

>> No.12991129

>Also have a super nice shirt collection for all occasions.
I'll only wear 80's rock band shirts after the apocalypse.

>> No.12991134

>implying you couldn’t support 3 chickens in a bunker for daily eggs and occasional meat

>> No.12991138

>I'll only wear 80's rock band shirts after the apocalypse.
Do you play music? I've got a really nice keyboard. Full 80 keys with good tactile feedback.

>> No.12991140

Roaming the wasteland in a tattered iron maiden "the trooper" shirt. Badass

>> No.12992786

This, and gas mask while scavenging for wagyu, and deens.

>> No.12992927

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, baked beans, Spam, Spam, Spam and Spam

>> No.12992934
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>> No.12992936

The point is to sit out the initial chaos, not to live there forever. Once all the r selected humans have killed each other off, the K selected humans can emerge to build the society that should have been.

>> No.12992943

Thanks. Got more?

>> No.12992949

>paper package
One strategically placed saw tooth beetle and you're fucked. Get glass you retard.

>> No.12992960

this is some 7 limes fuckery

>> No.12992961
File: 67 KB, 960x638, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideally you transfer to a thick-walled mylar bag and throw in some oxygen absorbents before vacuum sealing

>> No.12992970
File: 32 KB, 480x480, hikari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I want tres bien gourmet foods?

>> No.12992976

>10 quarts of vegetable oil
The nuke missed me, the EMP didn't phase me, but goddammit heart disease and cancer got me

>> No.12992984

thats two tablespoons a day

>> No.12992989

its for demonstration purposes

>> No.12992995

It's like two tablespoons of vegetable oil per day if you ration it over a year. I'd be more concerned about the high sugar intake on top of mostly eating grains and lentils. 60 pounds of sugar over a year is 75g per day, which is pretty high.

>> No.12993007

Yeah, refined sugar as a survival food should only be reserved for emergency escalations of calorie requirements. It can pull you out of starvation, but it won't keep you alive.

>> No.12993015


>> No.12993017

This the most american image i've seen in my life.

>> No.12993021

Doesn't even have guns though.

>> No.12993039

Also the salt averages out to 10g per day which is also pretty high. You'd probably be better off with less salt and sugar and more oil. That amount of oil isn't enough to meet the minimum recommended daily intake while the salt and sugar intake is like double what you should be having.

>> No.12993092

That's not how fucking nukes work, you retard.

>> No.12993162

soap, peppercorns, lots of iodine salt, and sugar, mostly sugar.
like, retarded amounts of sugar.
bunch of 50kg bags of the stuff dumped into blue plastic storage barrels labelled
it's about the only thing that I can't grow in my local climate, and that means locally it will be worth more than it's weight in gold for years and years to come
it's likely that if someone was to raid me while i'm out they would likely ignore it due to the label assuming it's some sort of pool cleaning chemical, and even if they did realize what it was they'd never be able to remove it all before I came back unless they had a gang, in which case they'd just take over the bunker anyways

aside from that just massive amounts of portion controlled oats packets, even if they're stale by the time I use the bunker they'll taste alright and any damage to them is minimized compared to a normal bag of oats
then of course a barrel of water or two for back-up
but if your bunker does not have some sort of basic water access what the hell are you doing

also I'd advise to plan an exploitable weakness to your bunker, like a door that opens outwards but has access to the screws on the inside of the door.
this way should someone, or something like a bear, take over your bunker while you're gone you could blockade the door, and this will buy you valuable time, and possibly end up disposing of the person once your water supply inside runs out

ain't gonna wait till radiation clears, just until spring, hopefully the iodine in the salt helps with radiation but if i'm in an area where I get sick from it I'm doomed to fail anyways

>> No.12993218

A true videogame-poisoned mind retard


>> No.12993414

This diet does not look good. Obviously there are a lot of grains here, but can it make up for the shit tier diet so far? Let us see.

400 lbs of white rice
>pasta and rice have about the same number of calories, as do all carbs

That is 236,557 calories or 648 calories a day. basically a little over 3 cups of rice a day

So the totals are:
2 tbls of oil (208 kcal)
1/3 cup of black beans (254 kcal)
1 tbls of powdered milk (98 kcal)
1/3 cup of sugar (288 kcal)
3 cups of wheat (648 kcal)
>per day

Giving us a total of 1496 calories a day.
So the pic is total bullshit. Not enough food and very weird meal planning. Imagine making a meal with this stuff every day!

You would blow your own brains out before you even saw a mutant zombie biker!

>> No.12993464
File: 363 KB, 639x340, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your gonna need complex carbohydrates to take on me in the apocalypse kids

>> No.12993473

I bet he thinks the nukes subs carry are torpedos

>> No.12993492

>He thinks they don't already use submerged nuclear detonations to instigate mega tsunamis

>> No.12993498

>he thinks they need nukes to cause a tsunami
a regular torpedo properly targeted is plenty to cause an underwater landslide which is what generates a tsunami

>> No.12993529

1500 cal isn't bad if you're completely sedentary
how would you fix it?

>> No.12993552

imagine the smell

>> No.12993554

For a shorter amount of time you'd be fine, but not for a year. Calorie calculators are saying it's only enough calories to maintain an 80 lb bodyweight for an average male. Unless it's not meant to be the only thing you eat and is assuming you'll also be getting food you can find or supplementing it with emergency relief from the government or something. Otherwise you'd probably want to double your oil/bean/milk supply.

>> No.12993609

depends on your height but 1500 is fine for 5'9 at 110lbs, 127lbs (normal weight range) its about 90kcal short

3 tbls of oil (312 kcal)
1/3 cup of black beans (254 kcal)
2 tbls of powdered milk (196 kcal)
1/4 cup of sugar (216 kcal)
3 cups of wheat (648 kcal)

double the milk, reduce the sugar, 1.5x the oil
1626 kcal

>> No.12993621

you might reflect light in some not obvious way

>> No.12993636

sliding planel, just make sure coast is clear


>> No.12993642

dr pepper

>> No.12993733
File: 46 KB, 1334x750, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little packs of instant potatoes, little packs of flavored rice, couple boxes individual flavored oatmeal packs, cans of fruit, spam in a can, canned/powdered milk, small cans of tuna,
cases of chicken noodle soup,boxes of mac n cheese, powdered butter, real butter, sealed bags of tortillas, cans of baked beans, cans of vegetables, cans of corn, small packs of fettuccine Alfredo,
packs of dehydrated vegetables and fruit, sugar, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, case of Parmesan cheese shakers, garlic powder, beef bullion cubes, chicken bullion cubes, barrel, beer, hops, yeast packs

> when time to leave bunker

>> No.12993740

*barley not beer

>> No.12993788

this whole thread is pure videogame

bunker life ain't happening in a nuke situation and none of us would ever make it to the bunker lmao

>> No.12993954

>1500 is fine for 5'9 at 110lbs
That's like 50 lbs under ideal weight

>> No.12994459

You need variety and means to make meals. No one in their right mind would stock things like this. Like say I stocked spaghetti noodles and olive oil. First thing anyone would say is where is the spaghetti sauce! Without variety and the ability to make different meals then it is horrible preps. I would call this a hunter prep. Someone that could supplement their hunting. Like if you killed a deer and added it to your beans making a stew.

>> No.12994474

At least I would die knowing that you were dead too, fucking faggot

>> No.12994485

>You need variety and means to make meals.
well they specified 400lbs of grains, you could mix it up with 100lbs of oats, 200lbs of pasta and 100lbs of rice
>say I stocked spaghetti noodles and olive oil. First thing anyone would say is where is the spaghetti sauce!
no I'd say where's the garlic

>> No.12994561


>> No.12994565


>> No.12994588


>> No.12994705
File: 67 KB, 500x376, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12994735

if I had one of these I'd probably just live in it.
looks way more comfortable than a house.

>> No.12994785

a thousand can of dinty moore beef stew

>> No.12994808

Again you would probably plant explosives, perhaps non-nuclear, rather than use projectiles.

>> No.12995276

>wanting to stay alive in an apocalypse
Chance to become a king or something

>> No.12995430
File: 18 KB, 648x348, 1558046037006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying super large containers of food is a shit idea for long term storage/ survival food because oncee you open the container it will start to go bad and no way in fuck could eat that much peanut butter before it spoiled. Also if bugs or rodents or even just a faulty seal on the container could ruin all your food instead just one normal size jar

>> No.12995437

I don't know how to even begin explaining everything that's wrong with this post.

>> No.12995444

You have two routes: 'Actually...' and 'First of all...'.

>> No.12995446

Look into something called Earthships. They're like bukers but you don't feel like the apocalypse could happen any minute.

>> No.12995450

Well he’s right that wanting to stay alive isn’t so smart. Imagine a end of the world scenario where nobody dies, where the food all gets eaten in a weak and then we crawl out over the earth like 7 billion giant locusts eating every animal, and then each other.

>> No.12995451

>not eating 93 thousand calories of pb in one go
what are you a casul?

>> No.12995458

Literally what will happen if we don’t cull africa

>> No.12995626

fiber optics, you'll need a collector which could give your position away so it needs to be retractable

>> No.12995640
File: 50 KB, 620x413, Cassoulet-in-a-Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs your bunker pantries into oblivion*

>> No.12996005


>> No.12996061
File: 79 KB, 1000x563, aha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taaaaaaake meeeeee ooooooon

>> No.12996149
File: 78 KB, 500x440, cheeseburger-in-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10,000 cheeseburgers in a can
>500KG instant mash potatoe
>100 litres vegetable oil
>200 litres coca cola syrup

Instant mash can be reformed into chip shapes and fried into somewhat passable fries.

>> No.12996179

>cheeseburgers in a can

>> No.12996233

Just film one hour of sunlight and put the video on repeat on your tv.

>> No.12996296

absolute brilliance

>> No.12996311

there are "sunlight" lamps, with that and some set up simulating a window you could get something nice

>> No.12996322
File: 223 KB, 961x816, 1561136327423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no mcnuggies

>> No.12996346
File: 86 KB, 800x600, seasonal affective disorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamps for treating Seasonal Affective Disorder aren't quite the same thing as a "sunlight" lamp like you would find for painters.
You'll also need to supplement with plenty of fish oil.

>> No.12997404

true but imagine having to clean up after a chicken in that small of an environment i mean they shit everywhere

>> No.12997477

Replace the canola with extra virgin olive oil and you'll become a centenarian.

>> No.12997551
File: 54 KB, 1137x749, 1501289053947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canola actually isn't bad as far as oils go

>> No.12997558

>bleached and highly refined
>not ba


>> No.12997580

you are going to get shot by a 13 year old with a bolt action .22

>> No.12997598

1500 calories is plenty for anyone who lives in a shipping container underground doing zero physical activity everyday

>> No.12997616

true but imagine having to clean up after a chicken in that small of an environment i mean they shit everywhere

>> No.12997618

With nothing but bugs.

>> No.12997629
File: 113 KB, 648x407, ac3ebd_30a66b28fa414628bccbadefdfcdac4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 Quail in battery cages and 20,000lbs of food for them.

>> No.12997645

flour is bleached too
did you know, that rice gets its brown husk removed to make it palatable and it reduces its nutrition!!!*

*by negligible amounts

>> No.12997662

think of the smell, dee

>> No.12997722

Beef tallow is reusable. What you dont consume can just be melted back down again. They sell it in gallon jugs on amazon too.. Also healthier. McOils cause high blood pressure..


>> No.12997737


>> No.12997762

>you are going to get shot by a 13 year old with a bolt action .22
False. He's a bong. They'd still find a way to require a license to apocalypse.

>> No.12997781

>living on the coast

>> No.12997787

And you develop some sort of kidney disease...

>> No.12997843
File: 113 KB, 1500x1500, 719H-EBwUPL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only condiment you need

>> No.12997856

its half sat fat but you do you, still better than coconut oil

>> No.12997868

Not really. Your calorie needs are lower when you're not doing anything obviously, but that's still too low for an average height male. If you follow that eating plan for a year you're still going to drop to around 110 lbs. It's just not really enough food. It has way too much salt and sugar for someone who supposedly isn't going to be doing anything, not enough fat, and not enough calories overall.

>> No.12998397

This movie would have been good with a little more nuance. But no, the guy who was right was just a paranoid freak like all survivalists. Don't plan for future contingencies, guys. That's what possessive creeps do.

>> No.12999137
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>> No.12999188

>little packs of flavored rice, couple boxes individual flavored oatmeal packs, cases of chicken noodle soup
you can skip on some of these things and just go with a large container of oatmeal, a sack of rice. use spices and freeze dried fruit to flavor stuff. you could just use maple syrup or brown sugar even and that would be shelf stable and useful for flavoring other foods. skip the baked beans too and learn how to soak and boil beans. even if you get the oatmeal packets, I like to add the same amount of plain oats to the packet. it doesn't diminish the flavor much and you get more food. I think they're bad oats usually and you can add higher quality ones to make it better.

I'm most interested in the best ingredients to make a roux out of that are shelf stable. I use evaporated milk already and it works fine. Also I've seen TVP but never used it. It'd be interested in hearing anyone's thoughts on TVP.

>> No.12999488

Honey, Salt, Pure Vanilla Extract, Maple Syrup, Corn Syrup, Cornstarch, Distilled White Vinegar, Alcohol and hard liquor, Sugar, Rice, Powdered Milk, Ramen Noodles just for starters

>> No.12999508

1500 k per day is adequate enough in a survival situation. If you can't go outside then you aren't going to be very active anyway, and if you can go outside you would be looking for supplemental food.
Also, that's a decent base to work from, with one shelf that's not even filled, I'm sure there's other long term foods you could fill out to increase it.

>> No.12999542

>If you can't go outside then you aren't going to be very active anyway
prison says diffrent

>> No.12999552

>prisons don't have exercise yards

>> No.12999561

I meant in a survival mode situation in a fucking bunker.

>> No.12999566

prisoners exercise more in there cell then the yard

>> No.12999603

Masturbation isn't exercise.

>> No.12999625

for me it is

>> No.12999745

What about mains and dessert.

>> No.12999779

i don't think you can drink the oil for hydration. you'd need something else to drink.

>> No.12999792

You're a fucking idiot it would be awesome to be alive in an apocalypse if only so you could laugh at how dead everyone is before necking yourself.

>> No.12999828

You can't cook most of that without water either. A source of water is implied.

>> No.12999882

>man peddling bicycle dildoing fat bitch on floor.webm

>> No.13000328

Long term storage meat, and foie gras.

>> No.13000346

Fuck bros I just want to live in a bunker or a cabin deep in the woods.

>> No.13000350

Is 14,000 USD enough to move to the woods?

>> No.13000354

Finally someone suggesting trade goods for after the apocalypse, let someone else get your food and trade it for highly valuable, but very dense goodies.

>> No.13000365

Depends on the woods. The killer is going to be property tax. You see, you can't actually own land in the US, you just rent it from the government, meaning you need a consistent income stream or the governmenr will take away your land.

>> No.13000506

But that’s half the fun, anon

>> No.13000963

Not that negligible. White POWs who insisted on white rice instead of brown rice in the camps ended up with beriberi from Vitamin B deficiency.

>> No.13000968

Coconut oil is why packaged ramen noodles are little bags of cardiac disease. Get air dried or baked instead.

>> No.13000991

>whole-grain flour
>dried red lentils
>lemon juice
>canned chili beans
>canned corn
>did I mention water?

>> No.13001371

Lots of canned goods
A small hydroponics setup for fresh veggies and air + recycling water
70k for a buried corrigated tin tank is dumb

>> No.13001433

Fuck food, how do I get water in there? I guess a well is an idea but, how would I set up a water purification station? Would I just need to have a lifetime's supply of watter purification tablets?

>> No.13001777

That's why you squat.

>> No.13001784

Are you serious? You probably mean palm oil?

>> No.13001849

I guess palm oil is more common but they're both pretty evil. If the oil is solid at room temperature it's usually pretty bad for you.

>> No.13001887

stupidest thing i've heard today, possibly this week

>> No.13001915

>70k for a buried corrigated tin tank is dumb
This. Buy a used shipping container and bury it instead

>> No.13002044

It's because of the high density of saturated fats you stupid chemically illiterate motherfucker.

>> No.13002061

Is there a particular reason for the cylindrical design that sacrifices so much square footage?

>> No.13002181

Rectangular would require lots of extra reinforcement to withstand the weight of the earth above it.

>> No.13003395
File: 775 KB, 1668x1188, shipping container failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck I hope you're joking
they can't hold up to the weight of soil and will collapse in quickly on both the walls and the roof
you have to reinforce it so much the containers nothing more than an inconvenient rusty liner

what you want is a culvert pipe like in the op, or a concrete drainage tube if you just want minimal setup
ain't getting away from digging that hole though

>> No.13003501

That's completely retarded and suicidal. They're only intended to bear weight at the very corners they're stacked on. You can fucking KICK huge dents in them anywhere else.

So enjoy being dead I guess.