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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 500x469, alaskancar-alaskancarl1-i-spilled-baked-beans-all-over-myself-watching-40180951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12988475 No.12988475 [Reply] [Original]

What foods do you sneak into the theater?

>> No.12988631

I snuck a 6 inch sub from subway in my buddy's girlfriend's purse. It was a chicken pizziola if that helps.

>> No.12988763

Some people were loud as fuck at Transformers 12 years ago and it pissed me off, so I sneak in pork crackling to get revenge on moviegoers everywhere.

>> No.12988778

Why not corn nuts? They're higher density and you can eat more without dying.

>> No.12988803

meme is created on 4chan in 2015
heads to reddit in 2016
gets reposted by normies on twitter in 2017
gets reposted on 4channel in 2019

>> No.12988812
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I use to bring grapefruit with a grapefruit spoon. Was really autistic in high school

>> No.12988820

Can we just admit we all use reddit and move on?

>> No.12988824

You would say that, tourist.

>> No.12988855

Lol absolutely not, I don’t go to reddit at all
Thanks for outing yourself though migrant

>> No.12988903

I was on 4chan before I had ever heard of reddit.

>> No.12989752
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>Can we just admit we all use reddit and move on?

>> No.12989772 [DELETED] 

Me neither! And I am definitely NOT consumed with thoughts of cutting off my penis, ok? You will never be a woman, SEETHE, SEETHE.

>> No.12990062

What's the loudest food? I think extremely fresh celery might be high impact listening, particularly in suspenseful moments.

>> No.12990067

This meme belongs in /tv/.

>> No.12990086

i use reddit and 4chan and there's not a single thing you can do to stop me. you have to deal with my reddit nutsack being dragged all over your precious boards and there's nothing you can do about. enjoy my reddit nuts faggots, how do they taste?

>> No.12991115


>> No.12991121

Spaghetti in a thermos. Dump when full.

>> No.12991127

One time I had a whole chicken in my hoodie.

>> No.12991149

How are the mods not kicking this tourist >12988820 out the door? Red text when?

>> No.12991167
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oh my, how butthurt you are! let me drink some of those tears... hnem hnem hnem mmmmmmmmm soooo goooooooood

>> No.12991181

Pork cracklins are probably way better for you than corn nuts

>> No.12991186

leddit is worth going to once in a while for porn that's too specific to have a dedicated thread on one of our porn boards. I'd never make an account though.

>> No.12991188

crab legs

also i pay extra to use the showers

>> No.12991204

i go to reddit for the same reasons i come here

guns, history, and food (and true crime. theyve some good stuff over there)

i stay away from the faggotry the same way i avoid the dudes who get off of chicks with dicks, dudes who jerk off to cartoon animals, and the anime fags

i also dont go to movie theaters because im too cheap

>> No.12991232

Reddit is gay as hell my man, I haven't been there since they banned FPH

>> No.12991265

Do Americans have to sneak snacks into movie theatre? It probably makes sense now that I think about it, no one in Europe would even think to bring bowl of wings and triple burgers with them to the movies.

>> No.12991284

I don't use Reddit whatsoever unless it pops up on a Google search. Not out of principle because I'm not a retarded sperg, just never had much interest in it.

>> No.12991330

everyone looks at you funny eating bowl of sketi shopping at wallmart

>> No.12991405

fat people hate and watch people die we’re GOAT
fuck those thinks

>> No.12991423

I've used reddit once because I play an old ass MMO with a small community that uses it. Hated it and never touched it again.

>> No.12991435

enjoy the vacation, cancer. tell the other faggots theyre not welcome either

>> No.12991607

There is a chipotle down the street from the theater so I usually grab a burrito and slip it in my jacket.
It has 2 internal pockets that are quite large so I've slipped in a 500ml bottle of whiskey before as well.
Theater sells booze but I don't want to pay $9 for a beer.

>> No.12991637

I used to. But that place is literal cancer, and I havent been there in 3 years.

>> No.12991640

A movie worth watching at all is worth my undivided attention. I never bring food. Sometimes I get coffee at live thee ate her

>> No.12991644

>he wants mods to police his forum because people he doesn't like are using them
sounds like something a redditor would say

>> No.12991657

I snack on sunflower seeds usually.
And if someone annoys me i throw some at them.

>> No.12991660

>made that post 7 hours ago
>still not banned
lmaoooo *drags reddit nuts on your post* hahahaha *dabs*

>> No.12991679

That old compostable Sun Chips bag

>> No.12991687

Only nullos are cutting off their penises. Trans women sometimes opt to have them rearranged.

>> No.12991695

This nigga uses reddit

>> No.12991701
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>he can't consume basic media without reading how everyone else feels about it first

>> No.12991708

>Red text when
did you just come out of a time capsule from 2006

>> No.12991714

no he saw an epic screenshot from 2006 and doesn't know bans aren't public and haven't been for years. he's a newfag and wants to fit in

>> No.12991727

chicharrones is pretty damn loud

>> No.12991732

I think we can all admit we have been on reddit at least once

...but use it????

im sorry but i have to report your post

>> No.12991766

Mods can choose if the ban is public or not. They don't do them publicly very often these days.

>> No.12991976

This, so much this!

>> No.12992292

4 bottles of wine. 2 in my jeans, 2 in my jacket.

>> No.12992305
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By use, you mean visited once and left immediately?

>> No.12992437

American theaters only really make money on food, so concessions prices are exorbitant.

>> No.12992487

the mods usually ban the person and then delete the post, at least that's what they do to me when I get banned

>> No.12992497
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>he's a master b8er

>> No.12992517


>> No.12992521
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>> No.12992568

If I plan on eating during the movie, yes.

>> No.12992611

Yeah, because all of the posts here are much better.

>> No.12992653



>> No.12992667
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, 1569764047453m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A full tray of homemade lasagna on a TV dinner tray. Half a dozen dragonfruit for dessert concealed in my daughter.

>> No.12992682

Nice try faggot

>> No.12992787

if /tv/ kicks their tourists to the hidden board, mods will come in and hand out red text when those degenerates and their spam get met with >we have a right to post here too!
t. seen it happen to the game of bores, emilia clarke, lick and morty threads

>> No.12992792

Chicken Teriyaki with rice or noodles. Me and my qt azn gf get it from the food court downstairs and then we hide the box in her purse and eat it in the theater.

>> No.12992831

>concealed in my daughter

>> No.12992843

Liqour and sometimes a couple of beefy 5 layer burritos

>> No.12992888
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>Half a dozen dragonfruit for dessert concealed in my daughter.

>> No.12992915

Eat a dick and fuck off back to r*ddit you fucking homo

>> No.12992925
File: 104 KB, 900x1200, 1563043565007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit is for people who cant accept reality

>> No.12992944

>What foods do you sneak into the theater?
I might do a walgreen's run and tuck a $1 box of snocaps into my bag, maybe a Hint minty water bottle, and get some black licorice, or something like smoked almonds, or gummi lifesavers or nerd's ropes. There are some good Reese's and chex mix kind of combination snack mixes that hit all the cravings at once, sweet, salty and crunchy.
If I'm at the theatre closest to my home, there is a little known deal from their mall lease agreement that they can't prevent mall bags and purchases from coming inside the theatre, so I might get a Starbucks passion lemonade, or the very slow to enjoy chocolate chip frappuccino, which is basically a shake. Also, I live in Florida, no one blinks when you have a bottle of water or an insulated water flask. Load that up with a slurpee or whatever you want.

If I'm buying, it's a kid's pack. Candy, popcorn, small soda, and a toy! It's just right. If you need to drink, pregame at the closest restaurant bar and walk over already buzzed.

>> No.12992946
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>> No.12992978

Still here.

>> No.12993300

Based Florida lets you carry a 1L bottle everywhere you go with you and also bring in a jacket because you are a little bitch against the theater's a/c.

>> No.12993311

*rubs reddit nuts on this post*
yeah I'm thinking you're mad

>> No.12994007

Everyone here has a Reddit account, "fuck off back to redd1t" is just a meme.

>> No.12994044
File: 380 KB, 1883x2237, everything wrong with reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bait 3/10 I replied

>> No.12994114

shut up O'Driscoll

>> No.12995257

>I use 4chan and I saw it here first so it must have been created on 4chan

>> No.12995488

Bullshit. You could barely conceal a pretzel in your "daughter".

>> No.12995743

Nothing, I don't mind being jewed if it means getting piping hot popcorn.

>> No.12995753

Lol my retarded sister tried to sneak in leftover Chinese food in her purse once and it wrecked her purse.

>> No.12995757

No. I think they're layout is complete shit so I refuse to use it.

>> No.12995763

>be me in 2014
>figure that this tribalism is nonsense and go to reddit
>they want me to make an account to post
And that’s where that ended

>> No.12995812

I read reddit sometimes, but i always have to sort comments by controversial.
Had an account for 10 minutes, posted an inoffensive comment that just happened to go against he grain. No slurs, no bigotry, not even related to politics. Got downvoted into oblivion, comments calling me a bigoted arsehole, and eventually it got hidden. Deleted my account immediately and vowed to never make another.

>> No.12995884

Yesterday an Australian was publicly banned

>> No.12995906

Unironically mcnuggets and sauce. 20 piece for $5 was our go to.

>> No.12995914


>> No.12995944

Thanks for posting this, it's an important reminder.

>> No.12996074

What was he banned for? Besides beeing an Australian I mean.

>> No.12996305

I don't. Reddit is for fags

>> No.12996547
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>> No.12996666

Big oof

>> No.12996776

>Sneaking food.
>When the theaters have perfectly good crab legs.

>> No.12996813

BASED redditbro

>> No.12996815

Big oof to the faggots who act like they don't. If they were so confident in their supposed unredditness, they wouldn't have replied. Now they've told on themselves.

>> No.12996988

>the current state of 4channel

>> No.12997008

This is genius and I am so doing this when I go see Joker. Though I am more of a Subway Club guy myself.

>> No.12997042

What did you say, anon?

>> No.12997564

It was a thread where some guy was asking if he was the arsehole for saying that his daughter couldn't have boys over at her sleepover, even though one of her friends was gay.
I said that the father has the right to decide whether on not boys are sleeping over at his daughters sleepover. Queue the flood of comments calling me a bigot for excluding a gay boy from the sleepover, how he's already having a hard time because he's gay, etc. Apparently thinking that a father should be in charge of his own house makes you a bigot, so i gave up trying to argue with them.

>> No.12998033

You sound drunk af. Just saying, no wonder your kids hate you and you were b&'d from reddit, ffs!

>> No.12998106

I was weighing in on someone else's question. They aren't my kids you dunce.

>> No.12998127

Do you often go on dates with your buddy's girlfriend?

>> No.12998886
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>> No.12999032
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I usually make a walmart run on the way to the theater because these fuckers are otherwise $5 at the concessions

>> No.12999543

If you brought sugar, that's acceptable. If you salted or didn't put anything on that's just autism

>> No.12999733

lyingfaga BTFO

>> No.12999742


>> No.12999985

This is a good post, death to cross-siters

>> No.12999989
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I'd sneak in Anal Cheese

>> No.12999998
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Sneak in some gooter in the rubber
Been doing it for years now

>> No.13000219
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there is no transformers 12

>> No.13001078

Any other leafs go to Bulk Barn before going to the movies?

>> No.13001086

We all enjoy reddit, yes

>> No.13001112

If you can't abstain from snacking for 2 hours you're a vile slob.

I only go to art house cinemas to avoid hideous people like you