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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 1080x1080, One-Pot-Alfredo-Pasta-IG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12984733 No.12984733 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your tastiest pasta recipe.

>> No.12984748
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boil macaroni
in a pan, melt butter
mix milk and sugar. add butter to the milk
put makaroni in a baking pan, pour mixture over macaroni. bake until golden brown

>> No.12984752

boil pasta in heavily salted water
slowly sizzle thinly sliced garlic in olive oil
when the pasta is done fish it out and put it straight into the pan of olive oil
combine until emulsion occurs
eat straight out of the pan with a fork because you can't be bothered putting it on a plate

>> No.12984765

Start frying two slices of chopped bacon
Boil pasta in salted water
Add a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce when bacon is crispy
Add chili in sauce and simmer
Add pasta to sauce along with a spoonfull of pasta water
Add grated pecorino
Mix constantly until sauce binds to pasta well
Plate and grate pecornio over it

>> No.12984800

1. Pasta
2. Sauce

>> No.12984837

>boil pasta per instructions
>add cheese mix from the packet
>milk and butter

>> No.12984840


Don't boil anything in salted anything you fucking idiot.

>> No.12984843

So essentially an amatricana.

>> No.12984867

for me, puttanesca

>> No.12984884
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here you go OP

>> No.12984925
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>> No.12985018

A simple carbonara imo.
I probably make it wrong according to Italians but desu, not Even Italians can agree how to do it.

I usually chop up a single onion, and the Best quality bacon i can get My Hands on, as the cured Italian sort is not available to me, but I live in denmark so we have good quality bacon.
First bacon, then off the pan. Add onions, (All this is done with butter, cus fuck yea) when onions have been blanchered and are clear, add heavy cream, and let it get to the point where the cream foams a little.
Then take the pan off the burner. Add two eggs, and whisk them out, be sure that they dont turn scrambled. Add good parmagiano cheese, salt and pepper, and the bacon u fried earlier. Then take the pasta you boiled during All this, and throw it in there, straight out of the water, not rinsed. (i find that it helps with not getting it sticky and it sucks up the cream and not the water i rinse with). Mix it All up, add fresh basil and freshly grinded pepper and salt to your liking. And a ton of parmagiano cheese cus fuck yea.

>> No.12985058


>> No.12985064


>> No.12985066

>Give me your tastiest pasta
lb of italian style, pork or turkey sausage, removed from casings and browned in crumbles with 1 sliced white or purple onion
add crushed garlic, 3 cloves
Deglaze with white wine or chicken stock
Add can of pumpkin (or frozen)
Sprigs of sage or bay leaf tucked in there, grate of nutmeg optionally
Simmer 10 minutes on low.
Swirl in some half n half, salt, pepper. Serve with romano on top over bowties or penne rigate. Also excellent baked, or with mushrooms, and one of the few items delicious with whole wheat pasta, esp cold.

>> No.12985068

go kill yourself retard

>> No.12985071

i wanted to say the same

>> No.12985080

>not Even Italians can agree how to do it.
The fuck are you talking about? It's pretty clear what you're supposed to use.

>> No.12985090

Do you assholes want alfredo or bolognese? I have both for you goofs.

>> No.12985093

i mean, the only thing this has in common with carbonara is salt and pepper. even putting aside italian food autism, it's an entirely different recipe.
>hey guys i'm making shakshuka but i use chicken stock and roux for the sauce and meatballs instead of eggs

>> No.12985094



half a stick of butter
half cream cheese
the same of 2% milk
4 garlic cloves to soak.
1 TBSP grated Parm Reg.
Basil to taste

That's alfredo.

This is Bolognese

1 Cast Iron Ceramic pot, small
2 Cups ground beef
3/4 Cup Onion fine dice
1/2 Cup Celery fine dice
1/2 Cup Carrot fine dice
1/2 tbsp oregano
1/2 tbsp basil
1 tsp rosemary
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp fresh ground 4 pepper blend
2 Cans Whole Tomato
1 Can Campbell's tomato soup.
1 Can Mushroom slices

Over medium high heat brown ground beef in cast iron pot and reserve. Add butter and onion, working the fond off the pan into the onion.
Brown onion then add carrot and celery and mix. Sweat mixture unti soft. Blitz one can of tomato to sauce consistency and add to pot, bring to a
boil and reduce heat accordingly, cleaning bottom of the pot with spatula. Cut second can of tomato into bit sized pieces and add. add spices and vinegar.
stir and bring to a strong simmer and cook for about 45 minutes. Simmer until a thick sauce consistency with a sweet flavour developing in the tomato.
Add soup, mushroom and ground beef and stir until thoroughly mixed. Spatula darkening sauce from the sides of pot and mix in.
Cook for another 30 minutes.

>> No.12985096


Carbonara is what dipshits do with alfredo after the pancetta, or more commonly, bacon.

>> No.12985110

>I usually chop up a single onion

Stopped reading there

>> No.12985113

good call. i didn't

>> No.12985321

based. sorry >>12985018 but I can't come to terms with carbonara with onion, call me anal.

>> No.12985446

Pasta Genovese, one of the best italian pasta

>> No.12986359

cant speak proper english for shit but ill try

cook pancetta and on the other side heat water for pasta (when boils, add pasta). Separate egg yolks (2 or 3 for one person), add Pecorino and garlic. Not original recipe but if you like you can add sweet cream. When pasta is done, turn off the heat on pan with pancetta, drop it there with 2dc water from cooked pasta pot. add egg yolks with pecorino. mix. eat

own recipe, not original or whatever
crush dried oak mushrooms almost to dust. add water, garlic, truffle oil, butter. cook till the water is almost gone and you have left dark brown paste. add cooked pasta with its water, sweet cream (alt. to cream is more butter), parmesan, salvia. Mix and cook till the pasta water is gone. eat

>> No.12986545

what in the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12986673
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for me it's a simple garlic, oil anc chilli with some nice parmesan on top

>> No.12986674

>good extra virgin olive oil

>> No.12986678

>garnished with a clove of garlic with the skin still on
nigga wat

>> No.12986682

yeah I don't do that, it's just some pic I found

>> No.12986908

>cream cheese
>Campbell’s soup
>can of mushrooms

oh, honey, who hurt you?

>> No.12987324

boiling in heavily salted water is the only right way to cook pasta faggot

>> No.12987330

you're not making carbonara the wrong way, you're not making carbonara at all

>> No.12987492

why would you take the bait?

>> No.12988646


It's expedient you dumb shit. I've made fancy original food, now you cooking week to week you cook fast and smart. You don't know a fucking thing about cooking day to day I'm sure. You want from single ingredient food, try making that every day, day to day. Now stop being a teenage asshole like I used to be.

>> No.12988664


what kind of immature bitch bitches about butter? Go fucking home you dull dull cunt.

>> No.12989428

that is most certainly not alfredo you fuck

the dish alfredo that originated from alfredo's restaurant in italy is literally just noddles tossed in butter and parm hot so the parm melts. what you listed is how a 40 year old white woman from the midwest with a shitty marriage and 4 kids that make her chase her xanax with wine every night cooks for herself to shovel into her depressed gullet as she watches lifetime movies about women just as sad as her

>> No.12989467

Any pasta "sauce" that is made with pasta water instead of cream is crap.

>> No.12989508

Fuck off Olaf

>> No.12989537

Fuck italy and fuck italians

>> No.12989547

If you do this dont use a non stick teflon pan.or use a wooden fork

>> No.12989560


>> No.12989570

I have a feeling you’re from a landlocked American state

>> No.12989589

No, we just don't have wops here bringing their poverty-tier versions of recipes.

>> No.12989872
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>> No.12989874

it's to make it look like poop emoji

>> No.12989937

Onion, cook till translucent.
Tomato paste (fresh san marzano is best)
Pasta water
Spices and hErbs
Cold hard butter, low flame, stir constantly till butter melts.
Little Cheese, mix well
serve immediately.

>> No.12989942


Whatever, you stupid cunt. Spend your time making autistic single man food to perfection and it will taste just as shitty as your life. The mirepoix of your shitty fucking world.

>> No.12989946

no, my recipe doesn't use sugar to remove the acidity from tomatoes. my recipe is a dessert.

>> No.12989972 [DELETED] 

Wala pasta is a good

>> No.12989997


Where'd you go gimplington that knows about the Lifetime network?

>> No.12990000

Pasta con le vongole or le cozze are my favorites. Best pasta, usually a fettuccine or spaghetti, is important. Sauce is usually garlic and pepper flakes cooked in olive oil, then a good amount of white wine, the shell fish, and parsley. Cook covered for a few minutes, just until the shellfish open, then add the slightly undercooked pasta. The pasta needs to actually cook a bit in the sauce to get the consistency right, otherwise it's too soupy from the shellfish liquid. I'll sometimes finish with butter if I want it a bit richer.

>> No.12990010

>ugh imagine actually caring about cooking lmao what a sad virgin
great post!

>> No.12990011


So you're from the boot. Southern italians always go with fish.

>> No.12990017


I care about cooking day to day, not a child's version of cooking. I make shit I can reproduce daily, not like you cocksucking children who make something and go WEEE! Fucking kids.

>> No.12990028


I went though your stage 20 years ago. Now spend your time growing up.

>> No.12990029

i think you should take your meds and maybe (this is just a personal request) stop posting on /ck/. we have enough pseuds here as it is.

>> No.12990034


Jesus christ, grow up.

>> No.12990038 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 380x300, american-psycho-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12990040

It has bacon, eggs and hard italian cheese. It's pretty close to the original recipe. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.12990050


Where'd you go you fucking moron? Tell me how you make your stupid cunting pasta.

>> No.12990054 [DELETED] 

Are you going to spam gay nonsense in this thread too?

>> No.12990055


Where'd you go you boring cunt?

>> No.12990058

No I'm a murrifat, I just really like the way the salty, sort of sweet seafood flavor works with a good pasta. I also really like clams and mussels in general.

>> No.12990060

You really are a faggot aren't you? There are countless delicious, fresh Italian pasta dishes that take no more time than your shitty dish, most of which can be cooked in the time it takes the pasta to boil. And there is no reason to make a shitty ragu with no pork, no wine, and more tomato than beef. It has nothing to do with convenience and everything to do with you being a fat retard with shit taste.

>> No.12990061


So you're just a generic asshole arguing about italian food. Why would you bother?

>> No.12990068


I can't teach you that tomato is sweet after it's cooked for hours. I know you're a child. You'll come back to this conversation in the next decade and learn from it. Have a great night you fucking idiot.

>> No.12990069

I make this with prawns and mussels, except I brown the prawns a little first before adding the garlic/chili, also gives the wine a little something to deglaze. And sometimes i use dill in place of parsley. I tried with clams once but I ended up with mouthfuls of sand despite doing my best to wash them so I think ill stick to mussels, may try squid or cuttlefish also.

>> No.12990070

Boil pasta al dente.
Add sugar
Add cheese wizz
Add ham
Add butter
Add mayo.

Mix it all in and enjoy.

>> No.12990071 [DELETED] 

Get some new material.

>> No.12990073


If you "brown prawns" you've turned them into bullets. Who fucking does that? You don't fucking brown prawns idiot.

>> No.12990074


If you're a cunt you're a cunt. You want me to call your a rectum? Stop being a facile child.

>> No.12990077 [DELETED] 

This is exactly how they do it in Naples.
t. Niplese

>> No.12990080

I don't know what you have against cooking being a hobby and not just a chore. But even conceding that, there are innumerable good dishes you can recreate in almost no time day to day, without having to resort to your struggle dinner.

>> No.12990082 [DELETED] 

Your alter ego is shit, and I'm just trying to help you out fren.

>> No.12990083


I love the city of Nipples. They are tits.

>> No.12990087

I prefer my ragu to taste more like meat than tomato paste. So fucking sue me.

>> No.12990091


Thanks, fren. I'm trying to blend in like you kids. Fren. Sorry you just seem like children.

>> No.12990094


ragu isn't meat based, it's tomato based. That's why they created bolognese, you stupid fuck. That is where the meat is. Ragu is tomato, bologenese is meat. Get it? This is like talking to pasta.

>> No.12990097

I'm talking king prawns. You can turn them golden in seconds, long before they're cooked. I wouldn't do it with little prawns.

>> No.12990103 [DELETED] 

But I'm still ignoring you.

>> No.12990104


I'm sure you're right, just go to bed.

>> No.12990106

OK you're a clever troll masquerading as the legitimate retard I was replying to. Nice try though.

>> No.12990107


Oh christ, my pearls, I need to clutch them. Go to bed you dumb kid.

>> No.12990108

It's 13:20, and I'm not hungover. Why would I go to bed?

>> No.12990111


Go to bed.

>> No.12990114 [DELETED] 

I knew that ignoring you would still piss you off.

>> No.12990115


Because you live in switzerland and no one is awake at 1 am.

>> No.12990120


Good for you. I'm off to bed I'm glad you pissed me off. This is my pissed off face. Go to bed hon.

>> No.12990124 [DELETED] 

>I'm off to bed I'm glad you pissed me off.
Alone most likely.

>> No.12990130


I spent 11 years with a woman, do you know what that is like? Just hold a warm body is not worth the hassle. You haven't even grown up enough to know that, have you kid?

>> No.12990137

I keep forgetting you're all kids.

>> No.12990139 [DELETED] 

>I spent 11 years with a woman,
You meant
>as a woman
I'm glad that you found god though. God bless anon, maybe acting your gender for the rest of your aids ridden life might be enough for you to enter heaven.

>> No.12990145


You're really fucked up, aren't you? What parental human mistake created you?

>> No.12990165

>>I spent 11 years with a woman,
>You meant
>>as a woman
sensible chuckle

>> No.12990194

Here's a legit one OP, my own recipe.
>smoky cream and mushroom pasta
70g smoked pancetta
125g dry pasta (I like using big penne)
Cup of heavy cream
Smoked scamorza
Large button mushrooms
egg yolk

First get some water boiling. Then start by slicing the pancetta. You can dice it as fine as you like or cut it in to wafer thin little ribbons, but I prefer to slice it in to little 1-2 inch squares/rectangles, not wafer thin maybe like 5mm thick. This way you can brown the outside nicely without the pancetta turning crunchy.
Put the pancetta in a cold pan with a knob of butter, a sprig of rosemary, a couple sprigs of time, a couple cloves of crushed garlic and place over medium heat. Let the fat render, the pancetta brown a little and the herbs/garlic infuse into the butter as it browns/foams. Once all this is achieved you can discard the herbs and garlic.
This is a good time to start the pasta. I boil it in chicken stock because why the fuck not. Next take your mushrooms and slice the caps thinly, removing the stalks. I like to have quite large slices of mushroom that you can bite into and which wrap around the pasta once cooked. Toss them into the pan and toss around for a minute or so while they cook. Then add a splash of heavy cream and reduce the heat to medium low.
As the cream is heating and the pasta is cooking, whisk an egg yolk.
Once the cream is heated and the pasta is al dente, ass the pasta to the sauce and toss in a splash or two of pasta water. Stir it around for a minute or two over low heat, really allow the starch and the sauce to combine.
Remove from the heat, and stir in your egg yolk, this gives you a really rich and glossy finish to your sauce, and a few chunks of scamorza, which will give you a few stringy pockets and some extra smokiness.

If you salted the water/chicken stock sufficiently then you shouldn't need any extra seasoning, aside from a little pepper. But that's up to you and your tastes.

>> No.12990245

Sounds good too. I guess you could definitely give it another level by getting some leftover shrimp shells and browning those. I prefer it without any browning, it's obviously more mild but I like the freshness and subtlety. Depends on how the clams/mussels are raised. Mussels can do the same but most are farmed above the sand so it's less of a problem. You can drain them for a few hours in fresh water and they should expel any sand.

>> No.12990470

cook pasta per instructions of package, combine with pickled mushroom blend from the olive cart (button mushrooms, capers, sliced olives and a little red pepper all packed in oil) with sliced green onion, some roast chicken pulled off the bone and a few fresh herbs (cillantro is very nice, but thyme and even dill work in a pinch).

>> No.12991361
File: 1.59 MB, 5312x2988, Pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this today. Its some kind of fast food pasta but able to impress normies

>> No.12991379

haha epic bro, I've seen that youtube video too XD

>> No.12991390

all they do is agree how not to do it

>> No.12991913

>this guy doesnt have a sweet girlfriend who cant cook and brags about your food to all her friends

>> No.12992086
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aglio e olio
fry garlic in olive oil, add pasta

>> No.12992147

You've got to be a boomer to have such a precise recipes for basic dishes.
Alfredo is just butter, parm/pecorino and salted water, that's it.
Bolognese is nothing but tomatoes, basil and ground beef. You can add whatever to it but should stick to the core recipe if you need one and improvise when you make it

>> No.12992163

so does a cheese bacon omelette, yet it's nothing like a carbonara.
Carbonara is all about ingredients, just don't fuck with them. How hard can it be ?

>> No.12992190

2.Coomer sauce