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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 1106x1001, hindu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12982506 No.12982506 [Reply] [Original]

>take a flatbread
>take some overly spicy, vomit-looking, slop

>> No.12982508

It's funny how wildly different our tastes can be. Curries and flatbread are one of my favourite combinations

>> No.12982514

>overly spicy
Wimpy bitch, I bet the buffalo chicken dip I had would be too spicy for you

>> No.12982524

Not all Indian food is spicy.

>that looks like poop/vomit! yucky!
Food that looks bad can taste the best a lot of the time, you should try and get over that.

>> No.12982528

I find that it tastes pretty good, but Jesus does it look like shit, who the fuck actually looks at Indian food and thinks it looks appetizing in the slightest.

>> No.12982534

And yet you deny that chilli looks like a bowl of shit.

>> No.12982553

It’s definitely wildly overrated and tied to declining food quality that makes heavily spiced “ethnic” food attractive. Not as good as real western or Asian food.

>> No.12982562
File: 63 KB, 550x349, north-indian-platter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell me this looks good.

>> No.12982567

I don't. Chili looks like shit also.

>> No.12982585

perhaps but unlike you I wouldn't lick it off of a cock head

>> No.12982586

what a colossal self-righteous bag of shit.

feel bad for canada.

>> No.12982594

Just out of the bull's ass during prepping

>> No.12982596

damn you good at this, heh, just kidding

>> No.12982600
File: 66 KB, 780x439, west-point-grey-academy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post a more recent photo of JT

>> No.12982708

I like Indian food from time to time, but the stuff that I can buy usually gets boring quickly, maybe it's not very traditional I don't know.

The curries usually are some meat with a rich sauce, there are no side salads, or vegetables that balance thr dish, nothing to cut through the richness. It's nice when I want that heavy food and fall asleep after it, but not something I want to eat often.
I know there are vegetable curries, but it's still usually just one flavour and texture.

>> No.12982717

i don't like flatbread
rice is pretty cool tho

>> No.12983004

Indian food looks gross, makes me feel gross and sick, but I still eat it maybe once or twice a month.
The shits are bad. I can't tell if it's due to the spices or the poor hygiene practices of the pajeets in the kitchen.

>> No.12983007
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>> No.12983439
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, homemade curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to be afraid to try curry because indian chemestry teacher smelt like shit from it
>try it later on in life
>oh fuck this is pretty good
>get over fear of smelling bad cause ive smelt worse after nights of drinking
> continue eating and learn how to make my own curries
>make them super spicy and savory such as viondaloo and scorpion pepper
>only make it atleast twice a month
>wish i could eat it all the time its like crack
>still perfecting my own recipie

>> No.12983453 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 709x1202, trudeau_of_arabia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. A man of culture.

>> No.12983454

When we get a weird white boy like you we get the uncle who cook curry old style without hand washing hahaha

>> No.12983458 [DELETED] 
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Prime Minstrel

>> No.12983462
File: 460 KB, 817x1464, Trudeau_friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man among men.

>> No.12983466

>tfw im not this retard
>tfw i make my own shit

>> No.12983613

A lot of the common indian flavors have a "pefumey" quality that most westerners aren't acclimated to.

>> No.12983626

The tranny movement might as well be a rightwing psyop.

>> No.12983627

Didn't realize Trudeau was a homosexual. Good for him. I assume he's closeted.

>> No.12983838

Whenever I find a video of an American trying good Indian food for the first time they're always amazed at how good it is.

You want spice? You want real heat? You want sweet, savoury, creamy, rich and all of the above? It's there to enjoy.

>Keema Naan - Indian flatbread with a filling of spiced lamb mince. My favourite bread for dipping and scooping

>Saag Aloo Gobi - Spinach, potato, cauliflower side dish. Often made with onions, tomatoes and sometimes green peas. Mild spice and really delicious.

>Lamb Rogan Josh - My favourite curry. Not too spicy and full of aromatics. Tomato based sauce so no cream.

That order with some rice, poppadoms and a few bhajis. Mate. How can people slag off Indian food?

>> No.12983846

drag queen != tranny

>> No.12983918

It's tasty but it ends up making you smell gross

>> No.12983953

That really depends on the chili.
I'm one of those heathens that makes it more soup-like, where you can see the beans, meat, onions, and tomatoes all suspended in a thin colloidal mixture.

>> No.12983970

Clearly haven't had good kofta or samosa or chicken curry

>> No.12983979

Last time my girlfriend and I had Indian we both had steamy diarrhoea dumps the next day.
Highly recommended if you're into scat play.

>> No.12983998

OP doesn't like the nice curries, naan breads, popadoms and chutneys that go with Indian food.

I'm not Indian, but I love the diverse flavours, sure some of the curries can be quite hot, you use the chutneys to cool them down.
Get a clue, tastelet.....

>> No.12984007

Oddly enough, why does that picture look like that whipped Trudeau, baying to Ganesh?

>> No.12984982

Why does all Indian food taste the same?

>> No.12985002

that looks great because i like indian food and its neat presentation indicates high quality.

>> No.12985008

Because it's pushed by the tolerant left which will ruin your life if you don't pretend to like noxious, foul-smelling diversity food. If you don't force little boys to dress like little girls while eating overwhelming diarrhea spices all the time you're RACIST and should be KILLED. I wish I was making this up.

>> No.12985017
File: 43 KB, 800x800, 1-mi4193jH7vVy_MWlOBrtoA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being you sounds exhausting. the worlds ending and this is literally what your concerned about. What went wrong during your education.

>> No.12985046
File: 46 KB, 640x360, AOC-landing-on-the-sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Education is just libtard indoctrination. You can listen to those egghead professors or you can use the brain god gave you. Not both.

>> No.12985052

Indians tend to be right wing, though.

>> No.12985053

How can you think there’s both and intolerant left and professors are running the show. Lots of professors are just trying to survive these lefty kids.

>> No.12985107

maybe, just maybe those ecology professors with few ulterior motives are telling the truth because they devoted their time to it. not that you've ever seen a professor.

>> No.12985109

You're seriously a soldier of ignorance. I can't imagine the sheer desperation that would make someone post ast you do. You're pathetic.

>> No.12985111

>Lots of professors are just trying to survive these lefty kids.
Being a professor is almost an admission of being partial to the left. Because all these people could have gone into the private sector and earned 50% to 250% more than they earn as professors. The choice of ideals over money is a pretty big sign of leftism.
Meanwhile, the kids are likely to be somewhat privileged on average, probably upper middle class or richer on average and very likely indoctrinated by their, by comparison, right-wing parents, so actually the kids are very likely to be to the right of the professors.
It's just that whatever media you consume focuses on the exception.

>> No.12985115

There’s got to be some right wing academia, probably the economics profs for sure, but they’re doing what it takes to survive a left wing establishment that will censor their opposing beliefs.

>> No.12985141

Economics has gone full marxist though. I saw on the Drudge Report that the latest textbooks are pushing a meme called "externalities" which is supposed to make us think global warming is real

>> No.12985168

I’m not eating your joe rogan curry until you can wash your hands properly

>> No.12985196

>overwhelming diarrhea spices
Feeble tastelet faggot, I bet you unironically eat as nigs portray you in the "huwites can't handle spice" meme. Fuck your retarded milquetoast boomer sensibilitys and fear of anything with flavor.

Also I've never seen the left push ethnic food in any sort of political or moral manner; some of them probably fetishize it but the food related stupidity that can accurately be ascribed to the regressives is bug eating veganism, and to a lesser extent drinking soy, because the latter they merely do while the former they advocate for as a political and ethical imperative.

>> No.12985206
File: 7 KB, 276x183, F7458FDC-3B63-4392-87CC-CD3F3116E7F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lefties only care about the environment as far as it can sate their need to feel morally superior, the second caring about the environment conflicts with their other virtue signals they don’t care anymore. Neoconservatives might not believe in climate change but the only ones who genuinely care about the environment are part of the right wing.

>> No.12985209

Cumin. It's cumin. Cumin is crystalized ass sweat and they put it in everything.

>> No.12985248

>t. self-hating white with a hot sauce and black dildo collection.

>> No.12985254

because indians. British invented curry because colonial food was gross. make a nice curry with fresh ingredients and keep brown people away from it.

>> No.12985325
File: 89 KB, 558x960, 1555518757933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, a nazi with taste.

>> No.12985337

It looks absolutely disgusting, but it actually tastes pretty good if you give it a chance.

>> No.12985631

That sounds painful... Painfully delicious!

>> No.12985766

Man imagine being a picky eater and blanket-disliking entire cuisines. Must suck to not be able to enjoy things.

>> No.12985778

Is that supposed to be someone's bent over asshole

>> No.12985901

i dont think westerners are familiar with this kind of food.
all kind types of vegetable thoraned, even brocolli.
this is what i eat daily, my daily intake doesnt consist of naan or the rich curries you are talking about. also rice, buttermilk and some times fried fish. no one really eats butterchicken daily, me persinally eat it once a year.

>> No.12985907

lol cmon now, this is just pathetic.
w/e tickes your fancy, you can have it.

>> No.12985921

What was curry before brits made “curry flavored western sauce?

>> No.12985957

food, just food made by people to eat. to be honest, i only find westerners fetishing over what i eat every day to be exotic. to me it just good food. sure u can claim ownership of slop they serve in the US lol. it is not an exact science these recipes were passed down by being taught among family members for literally 100s of years. sure whitey u how to made us savages to learn what we already know. first they dont like what they see, now they want to claim ownership over it. whatever floats ur banana boat.

>> No.12985965

It's a buffet. Indians eat there, too. I assume from bathing in the Ganges you poo in the looers are used to fecal microbes in and on every part of your body.

>> No.12985976

Apart from feeling good, the liberal/leftist/marxist types view ecology from the point of view that so long as there are pockets of natural beauty to flock to for a holiday or on the weekend then all is well. It's about preserving the "scenic," separating humanity from nature.

>> No.12985981

you must be a tastelet if you cant appreciate indian food and the spices

>> No.12985991

bro buffets are retard tier. i dont shit on chinese cuisine after going to a bad chineese buffet. the fuck, this like me going to mac donalls and saying american food sucks(this might be true lul). at the very least go to a sit in indo/pak restaurant.
i mean idc what ur opnion on curry is desu, do u form opinions about everything this lazily.

>> No.12986018

It's only a buffet at lunch time, not a strictly buffet style restaurant. I like that projection.

>> No.12986100

yeh i know i know, those places are trash. u know how i know that
cuz my fucking lazy ass uncle tried do the same thing. these places are run by people who have no business running a kitchen.
most of them are preprocessed shit heated up, to give u an analog it is same level as panda express cooked by high schoolers. atleast panda express has better quality control. these are white people traps, bad value proposition, uninspired dished that appear samey after the 2nd visit. the cook has to be a forner cook in india, not a plumber, mail man, bank teller, or a fob stay at home indian husband(yes it is a thing) that wants to start cooking all of a sudden to make money.

>> No.12986151


>> No.12986225
File: 345 KB, 1800x1013, dishes-of-Tamil-Nadu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're eating the typical western version of Indian food.

In South India, these are some of the most common meals and are considered staple foods. They don't really resemble what you're describing, this is because there's a ton of variety in India regionally and culturally. Food culture also varies considerably from state to state, city to city, even village to village.

>> No.12986285
File: 415 KB, 1924x1112, 1568222083768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Indians don't exist anymore.

>> No.12987213

Looks like beef stew

>> No.12987220

I don't think westerners try keema, cause it contains minimal shorba (gravy) and so it doesn't look like common foods

>> No.12987233

Yes it is. Not all spices are hot.

>> No.12987476
File: 59 KB, 598x597, pdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would fucking smash that, Indian food is 10/10

>> No.12987480

and not all Indian food is spicy.

>> No.12987508

No. Spiced vs spicy. People say spiced when talking about something containing a lot of spices, and spicy is only really used to mean hot, peppery, etc.

>> No.12989091
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>> No.12989258

Had Indian for the first time in ages last night. It was fucking delicious but God, did I overeat. As a /fit/cel I have to ask, how healthy is it overall? I had naan, rice, pakoras, bit of a samosa and chicken curry as the main dish. Oddly enough it constipated me despite the stereotype of Indian food causing runny diarrhea in it's victims. To be fair, I have had chronic constipation ever since I was a cute, young boy.

>> No.12989391

It depends what you eat. It's heavy on starches, but excels in plant-based protein like no other cuisine. Most of the spices used are extremely healthful, but they also make heavy use of butter. Overall, it's not terrible. Dhaals, saags and things like that form a high amount of their caloric intake due to being very healthful.

>> No.12990144 [DELETED] 

Bait nigger, sage.

>> No.12990482
File: 11 KB, 265x252, 1553573943292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you served Indians diarrhea
how long do you think it would take for them to realize if you loaded it down with spices & stuff?

>> No.12990526

So you’re saying they didn’t eat curry like it is now before brits

>> No.12990710

My mom cook better looking food, but this is not bad.

>> No.12990997

My only complaint about Indian food is that it gives me some VERY peculiar tasting/smelling burps

I'm thankful that I don't eat it daily, otherwise I'd smell like the amplified armpit BO-smelling Indian IT guys at my office