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File: 65 KB, 600x600, rodenbach_alexander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12981762 No.12981762 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a sour beer thread. Lambic, Oude Geuze, Flanders Red, Berliner Weisse, etc.
Do you drink them? Recommendations?

>> No.12981769 [DELETED] 

Oh shit, I forgot to mention that I'm gay, if you couldn't tell.

>> No.12981774

Everywhere around me is making sours now and it's great. Most are fruited, but I had a tequila barrel aged kettle that was great followed by a flanders that was even better. Thirsty pagan up in superior wisconsin. Great beer and pretty okay za

>> No.12981776

Rodenbach Grand Cru is the king. My gf and I split a bottle of their 25-year though and were slightly disappointed.

>> No.12981817

Is aging a bit of a meme perhaps? Don't know, just asking. Grand Cru in general is pretty great. What's your opinion on Caractere Rouge?
Not gay in the sense of eating dick or anything, but I realize these red beers are a diversion from lapping up lager puke á la David Hasselhoff. Really sorry about that, truly. Ouede gueze is heterosexual as hell, though. Fuck you.
Sour beers, man. Oude Geuze and Flanders Red Ale. Great stuff.

>> No.12981823

I feel like a chump always drinking the fruited ones but damn they're good. I had another that was like drinking a fresh raspberry smoothy. Perfect on the last of the 80 degree weather

>> No.12981827
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan Diddley Anders

>> No.12981830

Ahh, you know what? I’m retarded. It was the Caractere Rouge (white bottle). We chose that over the 2012 vintage, I don’t know where I pulled 25-year from. Anyway, it’s been a few months since we shared it and I just remember it didn’t pop as much as regular grand cru.

>> No.12981851

I agree Grand Cru is better than Alexander. Bit stronger too (Alexander is technically a diluted Grand Cru). Another great one is Cuvee des Jacobins. Rich taste even far into a session when your tastebds are fucked. Nothing beats oude geuze though. I've only had 3 fonteinen and Boon but both were very good.

>> No.12981862

Official Rodenbach ranking

Alexander>>Vintage>>grand cru >> caractere rouge (taste too much like medecine to me >> classic

Vinmonopolet is selling the Hommage from 3 Fonteinen it's amazing. Got myself a bottle for sunday's race (cycling).

>> No.12981866

Jacobins is excellent. Fuck I’m thirsty now.

>> No.12981986

Agreed on Alexander. Didn't get much taste oit of Grand Cru mid session, was a bit disappointing. Gotta try it sometime with a fresh palate. Caractere Rouge is a bit too easy drinking. It's really good, but there seems to be no edge at all. So it's Alexander for me. Haben't tried Vintage yet.
Also from an alcohol monopoly country (two countries to the left), and sadly we don't seem to get 3 Fonteinen, which seems to be the critics' choice nowadays.

>> No.12982099


I've taken a look at Alko, the beer selection isn't
as nice as it is here but there are a few which I
really like: Abbaye de saint bon chien, lindheim farmers' reserve and Tillquin to name a few

>> No.12982113

Thanks for the recommendations. Gotta check those out.

>> No.12982507

What is the most authentic sour if I want to LARP as a medieval peasant?

>> No.12983180

>another sconnie
Cool. Any WI breweries that make some good sours?
Any good gose recommendations? Or any sours really. I like them but I've only had so many.

>> No.12983805


Good old geuze/lambic is probably the oldest
typep of beer.

>> No.12984104


for recommendation it really depends where you live
If you live in europe, I'd say try to see if there is
shops near you that sells the classic: 3 fonteinen, cantillon or Tillquin. (you can use untappd
to do that. If you live in the US I'm sure there are
good US sour breweries, but I don't know

>> No.12984522
File: 104 KB, 628x900, Duchesse_de_Bourgogne_-_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to Anders the flanders brew, plz my niggers don't forget the Waifu beer.

>> No.12985471

'Sotan actually. If you're near milwaukee I know Indeed just opened a taproom there and their wooden soul series is phenomenal. The only one I didnt care for was some wild berry shit. All the rest are definitely worth picking up

>> No.12985479


>> No.12985481
File: 293 KB, 1280x1280, New Glarus R&D Sour Blackberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool. Any WI breweries that make some good sours?
Everything New Glarus does with sours is great

>> No.12985487
File: 226 KB, 1000x1250, Wild_Sour_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12985490
File: 348 KB, 1280x1280, Funk Factory Last Four Winters in WIsconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Funk Factory in Madison and 1840 in Milwaukee

>> No.12985492

Oh and oliphant out in Somerset. Great brewery right across the border. They have the matrix on VHS there

>> No.12985497
File: 251 KB, 1125x1125, New Galrus Strawberry Rhubarb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12985507

Funk Factory is renowned

>> No.12985553
File: 215 KB, 1280x1280, Eagle Park Bowie Vic Secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you are into fruited kettle sours Eagle Park in Milwaukee, not my favorite style but they are excellent within the style. I prefer their IPAs and stouts personally

>> No.12985563

leifmans kreik all the way, draft if possible

>> No.12985794
File: 1.89 MB, 2703x1272, 20190928_123125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do?

>> No.12986731

I'd drink with you

>> No.12987964

What are the definitive examples of each of those styles?

>> No.12988232

I will check it out. Thanks friend. I'm not in Milwaukee proper, but still SE WI.

>> No.12988258

Not the guy you're responding to but I've had that beer in the picture. So incredible, funk factory is top notch. One of the best geuze style brewers in america.

Based on my last trip to Madison, living in Wisconsin is very good for beer. Lots of good stuff from Chicago gets distro'd out there and theres tons of quality locally as well.

>> No.12988560
File: 42 KB, 440x510, 5FA2601D-E8E9-4FEE-82C5-D39C22AAF81F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12988644
File: 186 KB, 256x500, professor-black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiled in central Texas

>> No.12988695

I was privileged to e with my boss and a beer rep who was kind enough to order two single bottles of Moody Tongue's Chocolate Barleywine, but when it was delivered it was the wrong thing. It was their Flanders Red.

I was pretty fucking livid - not including the fact that my boss's friend acting as temporary manager put them both into the system as $12 each. I still haven't had my barleywines. Are the Flanders Red any good though?

>> No.12988728

>sour stout
Well that sounds interesting.

>> No.12988741

It's surprisingly excellent. Goes great with red meat. I thought the place was gimmicky when I first heard of it, but they know how to experiment. This and their earl grey sour is their two masterpieces.

>> No.12988765
File: 2.85 MB, 1200x1200, cucumber_beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earl grey sour
Should have been English Breakfast stout or some shit desu.
I do like breweries that try out different stuff. Picked this up at the store today. It was pretty weird at first, but not bad. It honestly goes to show that you can make some unconventional stuff work really well if you work at it and know what you are doing.

>> No.12988830

Man I love tillquin

I'm not a huge fan of their kriek, it is way to
sweet for me. The goudenband barrel aged
is fantastic though

>> No.12988851

They are a real hit miss with me but I like to try this. Cucumber is the best friend of beverages

>> No.12988891
File: 312 KB, 1917x1918, hibiscus_beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've legitimately had 2 of their beers, both sours, and I liked them both. The other one I had was pic related. Maybe I was just a bit off from already having a few beers, but it was really fucking good. Unfortunately I couldn't get any more at my store so I guess I gotta wait or find it somewhere else. The cucumber beer is definitely worth a try. Admittedly, the first sip or two will make you feel like you're drinking a salad, but once you get over the initial "wow, that's a cucumber" taste, it's quite good. It's just a bit shocking because you really don't have a beer like this very often.

>> No.12988944

If I see the cucumber one I'll pick it up. I know the salad taste you refer to. Unfortunately, I can't do anything hibiscus beer or tea. The bitter taste always stains my pallet too quick.

>> No.12989453

I didn't really remember this being a bitter beer.

>> No.12989579

Anything by Rodenbach for Flanders Red, essentially.
For Oude Geuze it's probably Cantillon or 3 Fonteinen. In my meck of the woods those are either hard to get or prohibitivwly expensive, so I settle for Timmermans, which to me is excellent, available and affordable.
With Lambics it's Cantillon and 3 Fonteinen again. Oude Gueueze is actually blended lambic.
Berliner Weisse I don't really know. Berliner Kindl Weisse might be a starting point?

>> No.12989642
