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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 356 KB, 610x656, 1566984043835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12981679 No.12981679 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good african dishes worth making?

>> No.12981682


Chicken and watermelon

>> No.12981687

Africans invented all dishes, other people just stole all them

>> No.12981731
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, Sega-Wat-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading about injera and doro wat last night. Sounds tasty.

>> No.12981734

ethiopian food is pretty great but the bread isn't for everyone. i like it personally.

>> No.12981736

looks like a museum exhibit on different poops of the world

>> No.12981740

just imagine

>> No.12981747

What? The smell?

>> No.12981750
File: 104 KB, 650x488, _yassa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I acquire a big assed black gf? But back to the topic at hand, yassa is so far my favorite dish from Africa

>> No.12981755
File: 42 KB, 640x302, JB007HarpoonGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the harpoons m8s a target is in sight at >>12981679

>> No.12981790

fuck off reddit

>> No.12981940
File: 89 KB, 600x600, Perro_caca-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's barely one step up from indian poo food.
Perro caca!

>> No.12981947

That's gonna look the same coming out as it did going in!


>> No.12981950

Well, that chick’s ass would be a good starter meal. God dayum

>> No.12981970

Looks like they just scooped out some gerber jarred baby food

>> No.12981972

wtf I love black chicks now

>> No.12981978

Its looks like an exhibition on different human's shits from around the world. Do I need to say it again?

>> No.12981983

dirt mixed with water

flavor the water with yak urine

>> No.12982017
File: 137 KB, 1600x1067, sloppy joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look guys poo on a bun lmao
grow up.

>> No.12982026
File: 154 KB, 1200x1800, meat-loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baked turd log XDDDDDD

>> No.12982027

Sloppy joes are considered to be a cheap, low class dish so I don’t know what you’re trying to prove posting this.
I grew up with my parents making it every so often and to this day get sick at the thought of eating them
Stay mad street shitter

>> No.12982039 [DELETED] 

Ok now you’ve gone too far
You can’t even find a picture of meatloaf that looks as revolting as street shitter food so you attempt to disgust us with a picture of a good meal as if anybody thinks the way you do

>> No.12982044


>> No.12982054
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>> No.12982061
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one pie thanks, extra diarrhea xDDDDDDD

>> No.12982065

Dindu Muffins

>> No.12982074
File: 2.47 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190608_130530818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Ethiopian
Our food is poverty food
As are a veggies and grains

>> No.12982097

What’s is your bobble headed ass doing on fucking 4chan? Shouldn’t you be tending goats or some shit?

>> No.12982100
File: 19 KB, 474x266, brownie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like a nutty turd with poop sauce and cum icing on top xDDDDD

>> No.12982104
File: 3.43 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190501_134437363_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish. Unfortunately I am a cityfag

>> No.12982112

That looks like shit on a bun, but objectively less diarrhea-esque than ethiopian food. Whats your point?

>> No.12982117

Ethopian inspired Western food. Now I've seen everything

>> No.12982132

>WTF food cant look like shit, grow up
>proceeds to post food that looks like shit
I dont get it

>> No.12982136

Is this real? Never imagined Ethopians would browse 4chan. Also that city looks nice.

>> No.12982141

Fufu, which is literally starvation food, but people pretend is a high-skill delicacy.

>> No.12982153
File: 2.25 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190524_143357550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a multiculti site

>> No.12982175
File: 2.59 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190524_124404163~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restaurant here

>> No.12982211

post some pics and rate pls assuming it's african food

>> No.12982225
File: 2.97 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190512_124826293_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat a carnivore diet so mainly local grass fed beef and imported Norwegian salmon but here's a pic of food I had at the local Turkish spot

>> No.12982230

Why does everyone correlate Ethopia = Poor/Starving? Are you just one of the wealthier citizens?

>> No.12982245

I am wealthy by global standards but so are many here. As a proportion of the total population we're few but I spend probably $12k in flights alone per year
Remember we're over 100mil in number. Many here could buy my family's wealth 10x over

>> No.12982246

Do you consider Ethiopians black or Caucasian?

>> No.12982268 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 2390x3072, IMG_20190915_224251918~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose the best response is why does it matter
How would you classify me? Also peep the rape stash

>> No.12982288

Larping faggot

>> No.12982301
File: 2.98 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190524_114712349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is black

>> No.12982305

The country's got like a hundred million people dude.

>> No.12982319


>> No.12982321

Bro you have Chink signs in your country too? Fuck these guys

>> No.12982330
File: 2.23 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190610_161051158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They own us. We are a Chinese target development zone
I snapped this photo from my bathroom
My neighbor is using Chinese contractors to build his house

>> No.12982332

I'm Canadian and they own half my province

>> No.12982336

please fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.12982337

>stop trolling me!
That'll show em.

>> No.12982338

Fuck off back to China, smalldick.

>> No.12982355

Why are you taking pictures of China-men from your bathroom?

>> No.12982358

Ah the good ole brown starfish cream pie

>> No.12982359
File: 1.44 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20190906_160929046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a weirdo
I also take pics of dog knots from my window

>> No.12982360

cute, it's like lady and the tramp

>> No.12982364

>be me
>13, from rural BC
>Summer Cadet Camp for the province
>surrounded by Chinks everywhere, never seen so many
>Would always call them Chang or Wong for lulz
>They'd always be shocked: "dude wtf are you racist?" "Thats racist!" Etc
>Always made me laugh inside that they thought Hongcouver represented Canadians
>made sure to keep calling them generic insectoid names for the rest of Summer.
Lol chink kids are hilarious. Their parents must be feeding them some serious horseshit.

>> No.12982371

Much better than western governments giving ""aid"" in the form of liquid money that mostly goes to government officials. Africa needs infrastructure, schools with competent educators, hospitals etc. in my opinion. What does Ethiopianon think? >>12982330

>> No.12982376

It's called economic colonization, and China isn't doing it because they're concerned in the Ethopian people. They're building railways.

>> No.12982387

And? Who gives a shit about it not being done for charitable reasons, as long as it's mutually beneficial that's all that matters. At least the chinamen are honest about it, while we have some sort of saviour complex

>> No.12982391

Of course I'm assuming it is mutually beneficial, I might be wrong about that

>> No.12982394

>Much better than western governments giving ""aid"" in the form of liquid money that mostly goes to government officials.
Most of the money flowing to the developing world from the West is in the form of IMF and World Bank loans which force them to cut social services and liberalize their fragile economies in exchange for a gamble for industrial growth. The point is to keep them in debt. China just buys them out outright for resource extraction like a proper unwashed imperialist and has already made themselves look like evil supervillains in like only ten years. It's quite amusing to me.

>> No.12982396

ultra funny john, you sure showed them.

>> No.12982400

Well that's fucked then. But hey at least they get roads and shit

>> No.12982455

I sure did! They were bothered by it. Was cute.

>> No.12982470

I care that we've neutered our own national interests but allow China to colonize African countries in the year 2019 unchecked. We cant question another country literally buying smaller ones now because they're non-whites and we aren't allowed to discuss it.

>> No.12982496

Is there anything good at all about what's going on with China?

>> No.12982502

No, and now its spilling over. Nobody wants Chinese culture

>> No.12982515

Long Pig

>> No.12983238


>> No.12983246
File: 52 KB, 564x562, 1566984138030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get an African gf to cook authentic African dishes for me?

>> No.12983273

what brand of cigarettes is that? can't read Amharic

>> No.12983298

roughly how many Chinese are there in Ethiopia? I heard CRRC Changchun built Addis Ababa Light Rail so there must be a lot of presence there

>> No.12983303

Be a white male lmao thats all it takes, black chicks are desperate.>>12983246

>> No.12983323
File: 773 KB, 1545x1409, 1558017940650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a black mommy gf so fucking bad

>> No.12983328

Chinese have their hands all over Africa. It's a mutually beneficial relationship, as far as I'm concerned-Chinese keep pumping cheap consumer goods and building questionable infrastructure while exploiting natural resources for their own benefit. Economic colonization is much better than the heavy handed imperalism of the past for both parties and not too heavily frowned upon either.

>> No.12983339

jollof rice

>> No.12983362

She looks like she fucks white guys.

>> No.12983380

She looks absolutely horrified, how much did you pay her for that?

>> No.12983457

west african peanut soup (esp meat version) is god tier and great if youre tryna build some muscle.

>> No.12983460

there's a kenyan that browses /heem/ on spee, he's a p cool guy

>> No.12983483
File: 66 KB, 618x410, washington welp face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying black people

>> No.12983493
File: 61 KB, 553x369, P1-BL284_SOMALI_G_20130426162624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Africa has a pretty great suburbia
You only hear about the areas being buttfucked by the World Bank and western corporations

>> No.12983759


>> No.12984550
File: 558 KB, 498x498, 1567642945433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jollof rice
>lamb stew
>fried plantain
all really damn tasty just look some recipes up. Especially the fried plantain that ones probably one of my favourite desserts especially with a bit of ice cream on the side.

>> No.12984564

I hear they make a mean mud cookie in those parts. Also, if you're ever in Bantu territory try the rack of Dave, the necklacing method of slaughter lends a delectable hint of burnt rubber.

>> No.12984582
File: 949 KB, 1060x1110, HP_Lovecraft_on-India.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I named my dog "nigger" out of respect for Lovecraft.

>> No.12984583

Why would anybody intelligent respect purple prose? Oh, you're not intelligent. I get it now. Sorry.

>> No.12984587

Check out Equatorial Guinea in Africa, last I read the dictator there likes chopping off the balls and dicks of his adversaries then eating them to gain their power. Maybe we or the brits took him out and ended that madness.

>> No.12984594

Some people are smart enough to not suck up to niggers.

>> No.12984888

i'll start writing it like this now

>> No.12984892

>Our food is poverty food
Do you think the French started off actually wanting to eat snails?

>> No.12984898

that's Haiti not Africa


>> No.12984904

>to survive
This is a fine example of the media lying to you.

>> No.12984910

what do you mean? are you saying they eat these for pleasure? that's a bold claim, can you back it up?

>> No.12984913

if it was an american that ate nothing but cookies would you assume it's their only choice?

>> No.12984915

>they actually sell these
>and people buy them
can someone explain to me why anyone would buy a fucking dirt cookie and not make it themselves?

>> No.12984916

they mostly sell them to children

>> No.12984918

i don't follow

>> No.12984920

no one eats nothing but sweets "to survive"

>> No.12984924

but these aren't sweets. it's dirt and water. there's no sugar in them

>> No.12984953

there's sugar salt and vegetable oil in them basically everything cookies have except dried dirt instead of cooked flour

>> No.12984966

that can't be right...
the video mentioned shortening and SOMETIMES small amounts of sugar and salt. but i'd wager they aren't sweet even when there is some sugar in there

>> No.12984968
File: 103 KB, 886x625, 1563681068649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cachupa, a dish from a set of isles west of Africa named Cape Verde. My mother does it from time to time on special occasions, if I had to describe I guess I'd say it's like english breakfast or a spanish cocido. You have several beans, corn, meats like chorizo, blood sausage, cilantro... I can describe the dish, but I don't know the recipe so I can't go further into detail.

Suffice to say, it's awesome. Really filling and the standard procedure is to use leftovers for breakfast for the next day or even the next one after that. Just sautee some onion, put the cachupa in until it's dry and fry an egg to the side.

(pic straight out of google images)

>> No.12984972
File: 145 KB, 1093x1133, 1512252457648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this affect haiti, geologically speaking? you have to figure they've already made a couple of hills disappear by eating them.
do you think they can eventually eat the whole island? (besides the rocky parts)

>> No.12984975

I am saying that if they stopped eating them they wouldn't die any faster since mud has no nutritional value. They eat the mudcakes as a distraction, not "to survive".
And they apparently spend $5 on a sack of dirt to make them. I bet you could buy a shitload of dried corn or rice for a fiver in that shithole.

>> No.12984976

is that cabbage?

>> No.12984978

It comes out of them again, anon.

>> No.12984979

oh, i get it. well, possible. i guess there's no other food to buy at all. but how can you have money and no food to spend it on

>> No.12984981

What's the tipping point? There has to be a point you reach where you become more mud than Haitian.

>> No.12984983

it's not my mother's dish so I can't really tell. But cachupa is one of those dishes that everyone remixes how they feel like so maybe it's cabbage or chard or sumthing

>> No.12984984

i guess i forgot about that part. it's not like your body can process dirt. so you just shit dirt? that's wild man.

>> No.12984985

they probably taste somewhat like dirt and play dough

>> No.12984990

I like how the reporter walked through the open sewer and then onto the surface the "food" is being prepared on

>> No.12985000

It's called asserting dominance and it comes naturally the huwhite man, Pablo.

If shakshuka counts as African, make that.

>> No.12985001
File: 106 KB, 600x804, Sese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cameroonian Cuisine

>> No.12985004

mmm i fucking love ebony queens i want to lick her asshole

>> No.12985016

Your mum when she's in heat.

>> No.12985097
File: 1.64 MB, 288x360, 1567724793059.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it goes to their ass to keep for future famines

>> No.12985102

intermittent fasting may be good for you

>> No.12985148
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, jollofrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jollof Rice

it';s great because you add whatever meat you have available, whatever vegetables are in season, etc.

The recipe call for a Scotch Bonnet pepper but habaneros are what I use. Just one will make it plenty hot.

and one habenero makes it just hot enough

>> No.12985149 [DELETED] 

Gross, WTF

>> No.12985162

gay bitch

>> No.12985174

>how does this affect haiti, geologically speaking?
Well for starters, every time there is a disaster the entire country disappears

>> No.12985175 [DELETED] 

Your brain is broken from too much poverty and mud cakes. I'm sorry the UN failed you.

>> No.12985180

you mean appears right? i never hear about haiti unless it's that time of year where the media wants me to give money towards erecting new shantytowns after a disaster.

>> No.12985185

Looks like a gay fag d00d ranch

>> No.12985357

The bread ruins it entirely. It is so fucking sour and overpowers every other flavor.

>> No.12985373

My African ex used to make this and she would use about 8 habaneros put in a blender. Way too much for me.

>> No.12985385


>> No.12985399


I'm gonna be honest, lads. Black women just don't do it for me. Masculine faces, gross asses, (typically) gross temperament. Even the hottest black woman is typically gonna be a 7/10 max

>> No.12985432

as a southern euro who went to america recently, i was just shocked at discovering american euro women were gross af. blacks and asians completely mogged them.
anglo and germanic women were a complete unattractive mess. and i don't just mean the ones who were taller than me.

>> No.12985442

>blacks and asians
and latinas

>> No.12985445
File: 194 KB, 355x564, 1563907168972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're entitled to your preferences

>> No.12985455

>southern euro
North African, or T*rk?

>> No.12985458

turk i guess, if you want to go with the /int/ memes

>> No.12985462

They get big butts and dick sucking lips automatically just for being black

>> No.12985466
File: 150 KB, 1080x1350, 1555563716383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stay on topic, we are discussing african foods and which ones are good and which ones are not so good.

>> No.12985473

>having a dog
>respectful to Lovecraft
Pick one.

>> No.12985475

I kinda wish that africa wasnt so rich in natural ressources especially the underground ones. on one side it could have made for some insanely rich countries but afaik no fucking african country has ever seldom profited from their own ressources at the benefit of the country's actual fucking people. Might as well 100KMs of straight dirt so that people would leave them the fuck alone for 20 god damn minutes instead of attracting every enterprising corrupt official, warlord or megacorporation this side of the fucking pond desu.

>> No.12985560

Lmfao where the hell did you go? There are gorgeous white girls all across America. Super hot Latinas too. Black women in America generally tend to be ratchet, obese, or a combination of the two, and are culturally insecure about their lack of desirability compared to white women, so I'm not sure of the mogging you're speaking of

>> No.12985637

Probably Florida. It's a shithole where all the white people are nasty.

>> No.12985645

i was in new england. my observation is mostly based on manhatten and boston and philadelphia.

>> No.12985653

i didn't think the white girls were nasty. actually they were surprisingly modestly dressed and didn't wear any makeup. i thought their features were unattractive, their skin was an unpleasant color, had too many blotches and moles and they didn't put any work into their appearance

>> No.12985665

Oh ok. Well if you ever go to florida, you will see nasty white girls

>> No.12985666

That is a /pol/ meme new friend.

>> No.12985671

i believe you. i see trashy white girls here all the time, but with them it's clear they started off attractive and then mutilated themselves with makeup and plastic surgery

>> No.12985780

Black people don't exist in New England, lying retard.

>> No.12985792

but aren't cities like new york and philadelphia and boston considered part of the new england region? if they aren't, sorry, i guess i was wrong

>> No.12985810 [DELETED] 

Philly is midatlantic. NYC is its own thing. New England starts at the Connecticut border. And yes Connecticut is full of black people.

>> No.12985812

No. It goes by state, NY isn't part of "New England..." Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island. One can tell by their stupid accents.

>> No.12985842

Connecticut is also apparently full of a lot of useless H1B indians and crackheads, the ones that can't make it in New York have to go to Connecticut.

>> No.12985850

well i don't know then.
i went to the east coast of america (and canada too)
btw the quebecois were just as rude as advertised, i honestly thought it was a meme before i went there.

that said, i feel like i've been saying nothing but bad things so far. i'd also like to say those parts of the countries literally look like you're in europe. greenwich village in new york was top comfy, with all its rowhouses and book stores and coffee shops. the boston city center was absolute kino. i watched a girl do a rendition of the 90s godzilla soundtrack on her violin at the foot of the clock tower with a crowd watching.

and the old towns of canadian cities, especially quebec. montreal and ottawa looked like you were literally in provincial france. it was late fall when i was there and i feel like that was the best time to visit, with all the colorful lights and halloween preperations

>> No.12986144

Protip: marinate chicken in watermelon juice for 24 hours, then smoke

>> No.12986592

Is that tavuk Doner? I am a half Turk, and went to Turkey a couple times, hows is the overall cuisine over there?

>> No.12986596

first time I ate at one, I thought the injeera was a grey napkin...put it on my lap

>> No.12986615 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 760x477, 180504-adam-purinton-al-1657_2305aab251dfdfa64cda8b5f00b5223f.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still seething that they made you train your replacement?

>> No.12986870

Shes loving it lmao

>> No.12986899

Those jeans look too tight to be comfortable.

>> No.12986986

Did you explain to her that in the West we have access to fresh meats and produce so we don't have to drown our food in excessive spices just to kill any harmful bacteria that may be forming. I'm sure Congo-style rotting goat drowned in spice and peppery heat is great and all if you're a 65iq simp.

>> No.12986995

You need to overhaul your mind. Your thought pattern has been fried by memes.

>> No.12987243

>are culturally insecure about their lack of desirability compared to white women

You clearly don't know any black women.

>> No.12987249

I know exactly what you're talking about, and that is an expression of deep seated insecurity.

>> No.12987254

they dont though
thats just the stereotype they like to portray
along with being fat for some reason

>> No.12987307

we're rude? how so? I honestly didn't know that was a thing

>> No.12987317 [DELETED] 

not the guy you're replying to but I've found quebecois to be short fused and easily offended in both my business contact and my internet contact with them. I just assumed it was something you guys took pride in.

>> No.12987361

now that I think about it, that is very true.

>> No.12987420

I'll break the mystique of the smell of a black girl's ass: shit, sweat, cocoa butter, cheap perfume and nigger cum.

>> No.12987432

Imagine seething so hard about people knocking on Ethiopian dishrag flatbread and 5 different colors of brown slop that you try to convince people that cake has a poop-like texture visually.

The absolute state of Ethiopians on /ck/ and their leftist, liberal (likely Jewish) enablers.

>> No.12987455

It looks very nice and comfy. Almost like video game.

>> No.12987460

Holy shit America can never have place this chill

>> No.12987468

You sound very unhappy.

>> No.12987469

god shut the fuck up already

>> No.12987479


>> No.12987506


>> No.12987643
File: 125 KB, 500x358, 1531158403572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damn I hate niggers, that ass is disgusting

>> No.12987658

I don't think they do like it. If you caricature a tennis player like that you will make black people angry about the stereotype.

>> No.12987862
File: 199 KB, 1706x960, Harbin_Ice_and_Snow_Festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that looks cool is that ice festival in China, that's a seriously long way off from where I live but it seems like would be fun to take a girl there and chill out.

>> No.12987892

Just eat raw Kola nuts until your dick becomes a bar of steel

>> No.12987911

WTF are they doing? Going ass to ass?

>> No.12987954

I saw a couple knats doing that yesterday and sprayed them with bug spray to ruin their day.

>> No.12987958

If you're curious where this comes from, it's because literally everyone in the south loves chickin and wallermellon. So when the melanin people fled the south to live in safer lands, they brought regular southern cooking with them.
to the yanks, this made it seem like it was just a black thing.
And then it really became a black thing after their culture evolved.

>> No.12988220

outdated views of the country based on news reports from the 70s / 80s .

>> No.12988235

shitty /pol/ meme

>> No.12988248

Some of them are, some of them aren’t. A lot of ethiopians especially that have emigrated have connections with the royal family/government which has been super corrupt and left them all really well off, the rest are standard african poor.

>> No.12988926

>Hey guys im a carnivore!!! Did i already tell that i am not a vegan!!!??
Just fucking die already you fucking faggot

>> No.12989142

Contemplate the aroma.

>> No.12989265
File: 306 KB, 856x1196, 1503274531540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably like herbs as she's in the veg aisle. Can you pinpoint the aroma in this picture though?

>> No.12990218

Audibly keked

>> No.12990759

I've heard that Senegal supposedly has the best food in Africa.

>> No.12990811

Imagine pretending to be mad as a roundabout way of letting everyone know you're vegan.

>> No.12990822

I'd guess ripening banana with a hint of citrus zest

>> No.12990845

Earth sweat and banana

>> No.12991370

Injera is based. I always go to this cheap ethiopian place that looks like a small house that's been converted into a restaurant.
Delicious every single time

>> No.12991877
File: 138 KB, 800x1200, kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's injera like?

>> No.12991918

Pretty nice. It's a sourdough pancake with a very bubbly texture. You get a multitude of toppings with it, so there's quite some variety in flavour. The berbere sauce stains like nothing else though

>> No.12991948

>those fat dimples
Christ, america why can't you get better?

>> No.12991995

Diarrhea Sampler