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12977911 No.12977911 [Reply] [Original]

>McDonald's fucks up my order 3 nights in a row

>> No.12977917
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>people at pizza place call me a manchild for ordering pepperoni pizza

>> No.12977922

Kill yourself Facebook frog

>> No.12977923

Same location each time?

Making special orders?

>> No.12977932
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>hole in the wall chinese food learns my order by my telephone number

>> No.12977946

Protip: mcdonald's is always bad.

>> No.12978481

>Actually letting a mouth breathing sweaty Zoomer prepare your food with his unwashed hands he just scratched his parasite infected ass with, cooking your fries in oil 5 weeks old and a fryer that has not been cleaned in 5 years.

I do not understand the human race. I cannot be the same race as people who are okay with eating that shit.

>> No.12978500

fuck me dude i practically never eat out anymore. i've done some trials at places and see the grossest shit. especially cafes.

>> No.12978582

they got breakfast and lunch right I assume?

>> No.12978598

tell us the story, OP

>> No.12979459

>Eating at McDonald's three nights in a row

>> No.12979467

I get 3 big Macs and 2 large fries every day after work, today they gave me 3 BBQ chicken tender meals instead. Yesterday they gave me 3 fillet o fish. I think they have a new cashier but I'm too shy to go back in

>> No.12979468

This, get some standards fo yourself op

>> No.12979469

>mcdonalds fucks up order and gives me an egg mc muffin instead of a big mac
>drive through line is huge
>it's after hours so the doors are locked
>knock on doors and get ignored
>get back in to huge drive through line
>start munching on the egg mcmuffin because im hungry as fuck and this line is going to take at least 15 minutes
>when i get to the window and tell them they gave me the wrong food they're super confused, apparently the drive through guy didn't put my remake into the system
>sit there blocking the line while they wait for my big mac
>give my half eaten egg mcmuffin to the cashier because he wants it for some reason
>keep the french fries they accidentally gave me
>never go to mcdonalds again

>> No.12979482

>never order pizza 1 hour before closing
ive learned my lesson

>> No.12979841

I worked at a shitty chain pizza place and whenever some idiot did this we would literally pull toppings out of the trash and scrape gunk from our shoes in to the pizza sauce

>> No.12979853

Ok this is epic for the win

>> No.12979942

I know this is a shit post but the fact that there are people out there that eat this daily fucking disgusts me

>> No.12981479
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>> No.12981536

McD employee here, can comfirm

>> No.12981701

5 week old oil is perfectly fine

>> No.12981771
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>Onle döner shop in my area made a fucking panini out of my order
>Literally just asked for a durum roll

>> No.12981780 [DELETED] 

>keep patronizing a place you are displeased with
Pro tip: the only people who are affected by bad reviews and surveys are store management and staff. The higher ups who actually profit from your money don't give a shit. And no one, I repeat, NO ONE, is affected by your autistic hate beam but you.

>> No.12981927

There's a place in Memphis that fries its burgers in a pan of grease that's been renewed, added to, and strained out repeatedly since 1912, but never truly replaced with new grease.

It's supposed to be pretty good, actually.

>> No.12981939
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>I get 3 big Macs and 2 large fries every day after work
They probably fuck your order up intentionally to discourage you from shoveling so much garbage into your gullet you fat fuck

>> No.12982293

What general rules would you say there are for fast food or pickup/delivery places? I would have thought a full hour was just fine. Orders take like 15-20 minutes to make tops. If a pizza place can't handle that then they probably suck.

>> No.12982307

bad post