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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12977118 No.12977118 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12977123

Eating bugs wouldn’t be the worst thing ever n the world

>> No.12977137

I feel much better without coffee.

>> No.12977160

There is nothing people eat ketchup on that wouldn't be better with something else instead.

>> No.12977170
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chili fucking sucks. so does YOUR chili. i don't care that it's your dad's secret recipe. it sucks. it is all overspiced slop with the savoury flavours cooked completely out of it, leaving nothing but fuel for farts and heartburn. pic related is what people who like chili look like when they know they are getting some.

>> No.12977176

beans do not belong in chili

>> No.12977187

dishes with too many spices taste horrible

>> No.12977207

Brazilian BBQ is superior to all others.

>> No.12977212


Tomatoes, cooked or raw, have a disgusting texture when mixed with literally anything, and are only good by themselves or in sauce form

>> No.12977216

mayo tastes like shit and doesn't belong in/on anything

>> No.12977230

Chicken sandwich

>> No.12977241
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I can tell you one thing mayo belongs on :^)

>> No.12977248

That's not an unpopular opinion.

>> No.12977251

Americans ruin /ck/

>> No.12977259

As annoying as anti spammers are you can really only fault yourself for letting the first spammers come

>> No.12977268

I like to imagine that in the four minutes between these two posts, >>12977230 waddled down the street to buy a McChicken just to respond to himself with >>12977241

>> No.12977273

I was talking about a local joint. McDonald’s always gives me food poisoning

>> No.12977311
File: 76 KB, 550x658, Anal-Indian_Take_Away_Restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indian food doesn't look and taste like total shit

>> No.12977366

chili is a great way to get a lot of protein and fiber
and hotboxing bedroom overnight

>> No.12977402

5 Guys has low quality burgers and abysmal fries, you probably only think it's good because it's an irregular lump of ground beef. You're better off at most Wendy's or something.

>> No.12977425

It's also great for doing a dutch oven with your girl but then since this is 4chan I suspect that none of you have had girlfriends.

>> No.12977528


>> No.12977982
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Pumpkin spice products should be a year-round staple.

>> No.12977989

Literally just add nutmeg to everything.

>> No.12978258

Mac and cheese sucks asshole

>> No.12978276

Mayo is the absolute best condiment for numerous fast food, including fries, pizza with any meat product on it, chicken sandwiches and burgers

>> No.12978355

t. ownsend

>> No.12978365

Kombucha is delicious

>> No.12978370

I like mayo on my pizza, hot dogs, and fries.

>> No.12978371

t. literal genelet

>> No.12978376

People who don't like coffee are subhumans.

>> No.12978379

Food is overrated

>> No.12978384

It’s common to joke about hotdogs looking like dicks but did you know dildos taste exactly the same?

>> No.12978387

No they don't?

>> No.12978399

Have you tried it?

>> No.12978447

European meme elitism ruins everything. Are you the guy who negatively critiques every single post on here? Any time someone posts something you say what you would have done better because there’s is slop. Your “superiority” is obnoxious and unwanted.

>> No.12978495

Based. Brew Dr. Vanilla Cherry is AMAZING

>> No.12978505

Dark chocolate sucks and white chocolate is good.
Salted caramel sucks.

>> No.12978508

strongly disagree

>> No.12978578

Seasoning is only needed for low quality food. High quality ingredients do not need spices, with the exception being salt

>> No.12978587


>> No.12978595

condiments ruin food

>> No.12978602

I feel the same way honestly but they’re still good in sandwiches

>> No.12978999

I hate coconuts and everything it represents

>> No.12979088

gnocchi is better than pasta.

>> No.12979409
File: 38 KB, 554x439, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my pizzas without cheese, I usually double up on the sauce and topping, then eat it like a sandwich.

>> No.12979425

Cauliflower tastes better raw

>> No.12979713

British food is not only pretty tasty, but also cheap warming and filling
You're not wrong

>> No.12979744

for some reason I don't like eating chicken or pork a lot of the time, but I can easily eat beef, lamb, or turkey

>> No.12979754

4chan is very bad

>> No.12979757

butthurt europoor

>> No.12979758

I've done this before, and then I added pepper instead.

>> No.12979804

White people can actually cook some gourmet shit
t.North African shitter

>> No.12979823

skim milk tastes better than whole milk

>> No.12979839
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>> No.12979843

God that fucking thing is so hideous. Fucking revolting ass fetal alcohol syndrome fucking hobgoblin bitch. So fucking ugly even Helen Keller would say that little troll creature looks like a pile of shit.

>> No.12979850

Pizza, whipped butter, pickles, chocolate chip cookies in one sitting.

>> No.12979856

i bet you say that to all the 16 year old girls :^)

>> No.12979872

All food Americans eat is terrible, from tasteless fruit, bread that is 98% corn syrup, watery beer, rubbery meat full of hormones, fluoridated water, SALT, fried everything, everything ® is patented® or made by a big company®©. But claw chowder is regular.

>> No.12979899

Skim milk is much better for drinking straight and it feels like it gets a lot colder in the fridge.

>> No.12979917

To much foot is make fat

>> No.12979921


>> No.12979987

Shrimp is terrible, I don't know why everyone goes nuts for it. Awful taste and the texture is just nauseating.

>> No.12979989

Ketchup goes well with hot dogs.

>> No.12980011

If you have to put a seasoning and/or condiment other than a bit of salt on your food in order to be able to eat it, you don't actually like the taste of that food.

>> No.12980085


tomato sandwiches

>> No.12980091

>Gnocchi (/ˈn(j)ɒki/ N(Y)OK-ee, /ˈnoʊki/ NOH-kee, /ˈnɔː-/ NAW-;[1][2][3] Italian: [ˈɲɔkki], singular gnocco) are a variety of PASTA consisting of various thick, small, and soft dough dumplings that may be made from semolina,[4] ordinary wheat
ok nerd

>> No.12980093
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>> No.12980124

I agree so much. I love tomato based sauces but tomatoes make me gag especially raw. The only enjoyable tomatoes I’ve ever had were sun dried.

>> No.12980144

How weak is your stomach that foods made 99% of salt and water give you food poisoning? I have never been sick from McDonald’s and the one thing they do best is consistency.

>> No.12980149

McChicken comes with mayo

Close but we are 2 different posters

>> No.12980161
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1569252121118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs are disgusting. Eggs have the texture of snot.

>> No.12980183

You can order them without mayo you idiot. How did you not put that together?

>> No.12980192

I don’t like celery.
I don’t like the fishy taste of fish but I like fish.
I think eating cheese with fish is okay, sometimes.
I think white people’s food is far better than the food of other cultures. (Popular here but not elsewhere, I’m half-Mexican and half-Australian so I’m basically a nigger btw)
I think spiciness in food is good, so long as the spiciness is used as a compliment and not a flavor.

>> No.12980202

Nobody likes celery.

>> No.12980299

I'm gonna catch a lot of flack for this but I just can't stand blacks. I worked at an all black school and it redpilled me on black men, black women, and black children. I wish I was brave/ignorant enough to be outright racist but I can't bring myself to say the Nword. Also to keep it cooking related they suck at cooking

>> No.12980384

putting milk in the bowl first then cereal after is actually better. the cereal floats to the top and stays much crunchier

>> No.12980397

yellow cake is fucking wretched

>> No.12980405

i like my hotdog with ketchup mayo and roasted garlic flakes

>> No.12980407
File: 432 KB, 633x469, the swedish lifestyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is good to be rich.

>> No.12980408

You beast, you're going straight to hell!

>> No.12980413

We have snipers on the roof to take care of those savages so the chick can enjoy her meal.

>> No.12980968


Gnocchi are potato dumplings, made with mashed potatoes, flour and egg yolk.

I like the way you think.

>> No.12981031

Onions make (nearly) everything better and goes with (nearly) everything

>> No.12981033

You sound like the soiboi in this scenario

>> No.12981073

But not incorrect

>> No.12981111

Yes you stupid nigger of course I know you can have it without mayo. The way he said it though implies that he put mayo on, and then switched to pepper instead.

>> No.12981547

Grain bowls, and salad bowls are kind of disgusting to me. Warm rice mixed in with cold salad, bunch of overly sweet sesame mayo dumped on top. Also what usually passes for meal prep is usually pretty bland. I understand that these things might be unhealthy but they're really unappetising. You might as well just get some decent chinese or mexican food or really any cuisine that knows how to serve proteins with grains without fucking it up.

>> No.12981554

Coffee makes me feel terrible. I hate the stuff. Cold oolong or barley tea is much better.

>> No.12982516

Do you know what food poisoning is?

>> No.12982851

I don't care what Italians do.

>> No.12983698
File: 48 KB, 480x270, 0oi98u7y6t2o457gy7huji34ft2y7t3it34ju0134fjejf0i1934019340193402ty083i34jtgio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this possible?

>> No.12983714


>> No.12984045

Look into histamine intolerance. You guys could be sensitive. I was and when i stopped eating foods which were high in or which released histamine, i felt better

>> No.12984065

Bread and hoummus. Truly the meal of the wealthy

>> No.12984115
File: 1.83 MB, 1334x750, 86B0633C-F11C-4A91-B61D-C818ACEBDFF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating steak rare is a meme i always have mine well done (burnt to a crisp preferably) and drenched in A1 steak sauce. Also with a mountain of French fries

>> No.12984157


>> No.12984276


>> No.12984847
File: 110 KB, 600x900, a69a499096730c7646c70bd2d5cc9051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All meat should always be well-done no matter what, and chefs who leave a single pink atom in anything should be judged as domestic terrorists ands executed for attempting to poison everyone in their restaurant.

>> No.12984942

oh man you people are pathetic. god I personally hate you. Go about your day knowing that one other human being wishes you in torment and thinks with good reason that you deserve it.

>> No.12984959

Many men wish death upon me.

>> No.12985041

>berrypickers seething

>> No.12985048

Greta is pretty ugly and a bad person to boot, fuck off

>> No.12985079

Black people (or niggers, as I like to call them) aren't good at cooking.

>> No.12985084

>there is a comment bitching about americans every 3rd post
I guess youre so obsessed, you just couldnt help yourself, right? My unpopular opinion is that our nip overlord should range ban yuropoors and aussies. ive noticed its mostly americans that post threads about actual cooking, so the quality of this board would be vastly improved overnight.

>> No.12985105

I hate home grown tomatoes, the kind that are dark red and really juicy. I really don't like the flavor. I like grocery store tomatoes more that have less flavor and a stiffer texture and don't end up all sloppy when you slice them.

>> No.12985176

If a steak is mostly red then alright, blue steak is just mush and doesn't have much texture but now you're just being a twat

>> No.12986566

place is overpriced trash. owner is a huckster salesman who bullshits about ONLY THE BEST ingredients, fucking liar conman