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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12969809 No.12969809 [Reply] [Original]

What did I think of this

I need you to tell me

>> No.12969813 [DELETED] 

Btw I'm gay - not sure if that matters

>> No.12969835

you thought it was Ok. not like, amazing or anything but alright considering that nothing else at this place has ever really wowed you.

>> No.12969842

>here have this "totally plant based" food bro. were putting it everywhere. its totally not a psyop to test out shit.
>cancer? no bro its totally safe thats why its everywhere

>> No.12969846

>repackage and sell cheap ass textured soy protein
>makes lotsa money off the vegan retards

based kfc

>> No.12969849


How would it be any more cancerous than regular meat?

>> No.12969859

This is the gateway before they force us to eat bugs. Refuse to accept this shit.

>> No.12969884

The funniest thing about this shit is the rednecks and Midwestern fucks who always comment how this isn't healthy it's not a healthy option you non costal faggots it's a vegan option which doesn't automatically mean healthy

>> No.12969892

Nobody likes vegans, you shouldn't have an option.

>> No.12969893

are you schizophrenic? lmao

>> No.12969903

>Here we have dead animal pieces. Were putting it everywhere. The animals are bred in unnatural states and fed antibiotics and hormons. Oh and they live in their own shit. We feed the shit sometimes to them too. Its safe bro haha humans are natural carnivores trust me bro

>> No.12969904

What's the point of veganism if it isn't healthy you retarded faggot? Habitats and animals are still destroyed to provide you your retarded diet so the morality argument isn't an argument

>> No.12969908

You don't eat vegan to be healthy you eat vegan because you give a fuck about the environment

>> No.12969909

You are gonna eat bugs because you are a manchild that cant be a vegan. Meatcucks will be fed bug protein.

>> No.12969910

I seriously doubt they use a different fryer to make these, so you're eating fake meat soaked in real meat oil.

>> No.12969922

the only meat I eat is hunted by myself. i have a huge garden and several fruit and nut trees. all my food is self sustained. im probably the healthiest person on earth.

>> No.12969928

No I am healthier than you

>> No.12969931
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>> No.12969953

basically salted and seasoned animal feed
usually these mock meats contain shit like sawdust also
usually labeled something like cellulose in the indredients

>> No.12969958

veganism is bad for the environment
all the vegan foods they sell are mostly monocrops raping the soil and causing desertification
if you want your diet to be beneficial to the environment, source some animal products from a farm that employs holistic grazing

>> No.12969961

vegan retards are happy with the government deciding what people can eat

>> No.12969972

the only meats that are cancerous are meats that have been modified through human intervention in ways like cooking processing additives
meat itself is not carcinogenic at all
mock meats are carcinogenic because of how heavily processed they are

>> No.12969990

Sorry commie faggot, I am not going to allow a world where you force me what to eat.

>> No.12969993

It's been illegal to give chickens hormones for 60 years.

>> No.12970005

Do vegans not realize that insects are animals???

>> No.12970010

lmao working in the food proceasing industry would destroy your mind with all the shit they do

>> No.12970017

they do
they're so retarded they won't even consume honey

>> No.12970030

Communists don't actually care about what they claim to. They just want to control people

>> No.12970956
File: 81 KB, 610x780, 151026-IARC-Meat-rating-TWITTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reads like a nine year old wrote it. Mainly because you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12970964

>It's been illegal to give chickens hormones for 60 years.
No need to give them hormones, now that chickens are bred to overproduce growth hormones, and can only live 6 months max before dying.

>> No.12970966

Yes, that's why I wont eat bugs. I enjoy healtht and delicious plants instead. Meatcucks will eat bug dogs and cockroach grounds, maybe at first blended with mammalian animal carcasses.

>> No.12970969

>we don't really know
Fucking lmao

>> No.12970970

The government already subsidises meat and dairy with billions of dollars. You are being fed what the jews profit the most. Addictive and cancerous meat. The meat and healthcare industry makes billions from meatcucks.

>> No.12971029

>literally eating food gives you cancer
The UK was a mistake.

>> No.12971032

Eat the bugs, bigot.

>> No.12971147

Joe Rogan pls go

>> No.12971153

>holistic grazing
>that means its good

>> No.12971159

They already do that in the Netherlands