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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 400x320, Flag-Pins-Peru-Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12969213 No.12969213 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: overrated cuisines
Not enough diversity of food and ingredients. Not enough intermingling with other cuisines so most of the food has the same recipes. What Japan has most asian countries do it better
Definition of overrated. Outside of three regions in Peru, the food is bland and uninteresting. For every decent dish they have, they have 3 mediocre ones(llama meat, guinea pig, 100+ types of potatoes cooked in the same way, bland stews)

>> No.12969241

where did the leaf go

>> No.12969264

It made like a tree.

>> No.12971210

Imagine unironically thinking these cuisines are overrated. Also, roasted guinea pig is fucking delicious, you fucking tryhard.

>> No.12971423


>> No.12972547

imagine being this much of a weeb
>muh onigiri is an unmatched delicacy
>yakisoba and raamen is the best thing that has appeared on this planet and deserves all the retarded "oooh umaiiii desu nee, sugeee" it gets from the two faced japanese
>fucking fried breaded pork cutlets are hyped to shit 上手く and 美味しい meals exclusive to authentic Japan
>many different other dishes in Japan equally hyped but somehow the lowest level gaijin friendly food is the best in the world.

I dont know about Peru, looks based

>> No.12972550

Stick to your Cici's Pizza and two-liter coca colas, Cletus, you fucking white trash inbred. Btw I'm gay, not sure if that matters haha

>> No.12972614

mild kek

>> No.12972655

Hey I'm living in Peru and I kind of agree, but isn't this true for a lot of cuisines around the world? I'd rather judge them by their best dishes and not the average food experience of the native population.

That being said Peruvian stews are fucking shit and they should stop doing them altogether.

>> No.12972874

Peruvians invented potatoes, of course they're gonna have a lot of potato dishes
And cuy is based

>> No.12972911
File: 235 KB, 1200x1327, Grunty+protects+her+loo_21a8db_7145210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best cuisine is indian.
try to prove me wrong, pro tip u cant

>> No.12972921

aww yeah mirin thos extra """probiotics""" Indian food provides

>> No.12972943
File: 99 KB, 1200x800, smile dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12972958


ironic that OP considers Peruvian food overrated and heavily influenced by nips.

>> No.12972976

Spain. The food here is meme tier. Nothing has any flavor or spice to it. The only good thing they have here is Jamon which they talk up to death, even if it is only ok. Truly the worst of all the latin countries in terms of food.

Hot take. Greek food is the best out of all the "Latin" food.

>> No.12973066

Imagine never tasting mazesoba, tsukemen, zaru soba, nabe, curry, or any one of the *many* rice bowls you can find.

u dumb

>> No.12973211

>Japanese curry

>> No.12973229

I had beef katsu at a business dinner a few weeks ago, pretty decent I'd recommend it.
I do think Japanese is blown out of proportion, but it's probably due to weebs. Also why is every Japanese meal so damn hard to prepare? Or maybe that's just my lack of experience showing.

>> No.12973244

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12973350

bold of you to assume im chinese

>> No.12973361
File: 31 KB, 352x450, teerash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bold of you to assume
go back

>> No.12973389
File: 68 KB, 960x540, south-park-s14e14c07-cafeteria-fraiche-16x9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French cuisine. Everything is overloaded with cream and butter

>> No.12973393

Poo in loo

>> No.12973427

better than Japanese and I don't even care about Indian food. Japanese food is the iceberg lettuce of asian cuisines

>> No.12973437

>Everything is overloaded with cream and butter
Yep, I’m thinking that’s based

>> No.12973734

Literally NEVER heard anyone talk about Peruvian cuisine

>> No.12973907

Can confirm I live in Japan, all the food is one note

>> No.12973917

Why are there so many nips in peru anyway?

>> No.12974122

BASED flyover

>> No.12974125

>Not enough diversity

>> No.12974141

It’s not something served at the annual tractor pull, Hoss.

>> No.12974149
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, 64894646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outing oneself as uncultured middle american swine

>> No.12974178

They're always so eager to give themselves up

>> No.12974189

Ill take it youve never been to Japan.

>> No.12974198

I have and I have been to other countries as well. The ingredients and flavors in Japan are limited

>> No.12974218

what the fuck does this mean? I lived there and there are tons of different kinds of japanese food. You could say any cuisine is "limited". If you think any country on Earth is that boring or has limited flavors, it likely means YOU are boring and limited tastes.

>> No.12974250

Japan has been isolated for many years and did not have the luxury of blandaing up with other cuisines like other asian countries

>> No.12974265

Spanish isn't Latin cuisine. It's Mediterranean.

>> No.12974386

initially they were brought in to work in haciendas
then they established and created schools so poor japanese people could send their kids abroad to study.
Then the peruvian government grew fond of japanese people so they allowed them to grow as a community, at least until the nips decided to attack pearl harbor.

Now nikkei are part of peruvian culture and their fusion cuisine is pretty interesting.

bonus: peru had a president of japanese descent, Alberto Fujimori

>> No.12974420

>not posting french

>> No.12974698

both based cuisines you mong

>> No.12974715
File: 3.18 MB, 3648x2736, banzai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese food and culinary ethos is genuinely great but most of the people who defend it here are absolute babby palette weebs who like it purely for being sweet and bland.

>> No.12976247

I'll take the fat slampig in the middle.

>> No.12976432

peru's food is good but overseasoned
it gets praise cause its very diverse

>> No.12976655

PeruANO cuisine is just upgraded Jap cuisine

>> No.12976671

It's not really over seasoned. They share the same spices every latin american spices uses outside a few local herbs. Most of their stews are horrible because of this

>> No.12976901

Japanese cuisine is seriously overrated.

Every dishes is of two type
> mirin+soy+sugar+ sake
> Fish and seafood

The second one is not a Japan characteristics, but every islands eat a fuckton of raw fish.

Then you have the sensational tonkatsu which is basically chicken with bread crumbs. Almost every country have something like this but noone is loosing their shit over it, because is not even considered a recipe in developed cuisine

>> No.12978805
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