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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12968691 No.12968691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Times you stole from the grocery store

>> No.12968693

accidentally walked out with a banana once

>> No.12968694

Never because I'm not a nigger.

>> No.12968703

oh and when i was a kid i stole a handful of washers from home depot and felt so guilty i cried every night for like two weeks before convincing my dad i needed to go back so i could sneak them back in

>> No.12968709

I stole a yogurt when I was 6

>> No.12968711

I'm a good boy.

>> No.12968715

Is this the kind of things Americans like to talk about?

>> No.12968718

This. Only blacks steal.

>> No.12968720

Whites are the most prevalent thieves

>> No.12968722 [DELETED] 

That’s nothing, when I was a kid the neighbor kid had all these pokemon cards and I stole them and hid them outside and they all get wet and ruined, it was pretty shitty desu but I didn’t feel a thing.

>> No.12968728

Holy shit fucking nigger detected

>> No.12968729


>> No.12968732

not food but I used to rack/steal spray paint, markers and bucket paint when I was a teenager for graffiti.

>> No.12968733

As a kid I stole alone pokemon cards from Goodwill. Later that night, a light fixture fell off the ceiling in our house and almost smashed me in the head. I was convinced it was punishment because I stole

>> No.12968734

absolute sociopath

>> No.12968740

It’s not because I’m black

>> No.12968744

Beaner detected

>> No.12968745

Because you're fucked in the head?

>> No.12968746

Used to put the bar code label for a can of cat food over the barcode of rib eye steaks. Go to the self checkout and scan it through, then pull the bag off the scale immediately after placing it in.

Walked out with 39 cent steaks all the time

>> No.12968759

not even close.

>> No.12968764

I always get Pink Lady apples and ring them up as Gala and almonds as in-shell peanuts.

As much as I want to complain about checking out myself, I really don't miss those mouthbreathers throwing my stuff around and smashing it while bagging

>> No.12968766

I always sneak out fancy expensive cheeses.

>> No.12968775

I used to live in Washington and nearly every grocery store in my area (majority White) had those aisles where you could fill plastic bags of nuts, seeds, flours, etc. and when I ringed anything up at the self checkout I just used the cheapest code (oats or peanuts).
Now I live in the south and have literally never seen a single grocery store with those aisles and I suspect I know why.

>> No.12968778

I've walked out with entire carts full of groceries many times. My biggest pull was from target, where I stole a few hundred dollars worth of shit like curtains and blanets, pillows, rugs, shit like that.

The last time I tried at the grocery store with food and booze, this black woman security guard followed me out and called the police, I tried to leave it and escape but the cops cornered me. Ultimately I just got banned from the store and they told me to go home

>> No.12968804

Is that what CNN tells you?

>> No.12968813

In high school my friends and I used to go to Safeway at 1 AM to eat donuts without paying. We'd just go all the way to the back where the pastries were, grab some leftover donuts, put them in the small white bags, then just walk around the store pretending to be browsing while eating the donuts whenever there were no employees watching us.

>> No.12968818

I ring up honey crisp apples as cheaper ones

>> No.12968827

Probably because the south doesn’t eat anything unprocessed

>> No.12968837

Kek. Childhood innocence is so funny. When I was seven, my elementary school banned pokemon cards from campus so I traded a pokemon card in the bathroom after school with some other kid and felt so guilty about it afterwards that I burst into tears in front of my mom when I got home and told her what I did. She couldn't stop laughing.

>> No.12968843

i stole hella booze in high school, how did you get caught by the cops unless you actually waited for them?

>> No.12968846

CNN is more credible than your faux news.

>> No.12968847

I work in a grocery store and just stuff my pockets full of food before I leave every day.

>> No.12968851

Gonna be honest at the big walmart grocery store down the street I just pass my items over the scanner. If an item doesn't scan easily I just put it with my stuff instead of fighting with the stupid machine. I know walmart ain't going out of business because I didn't scan a bag of cereal.

>> No.12968857

Not that Anon but LP have police on speed dial, and at least where I live, they can legally detain you. Also, often a 2 person squad car will be patrolling shopping centers and strip malls of the very reason that theft is incredibly frequent.

>> No.12968866

The scanner at my grocery store knows when you haven’t scanned something

>> No.12968899

Same. It weighs everything that you put in the bag. You have to withhold whatever you're trying to steal until you've removed the bag. But then that makes it more conspicuous.

>> No.12968909

I worked the customer service desk when i was in high school and I would steal the damaged stuff people would drop off all the time.

>> No.12968926
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Stole small bullshit for the "thrill" like chocolate bars while in highschool with a white trash gf. Dumb kid shit that I'm glad I grew from. Was kinda fun though

>> No.12968928

kek, ringing up organic produce as normie

>> No.12968933

>this thread

I never steal anything because I was actually brought up correctly with morals and social values

>> No.12968935

this guy buys things for full sticker price like a sucker

>> No.12968940

The police station was directly next to the store, I didn't realize. They were there before I could even get out of the parking lot. I could hear the guard calling them

>> No.12968946

I was too, but I'm also poor

>> No.12968951

Sometimes on the self checkout machine I say I'm buying 3 plastic bags when I actually used 4

>> No.12968958
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>Muh values
Fucking christcuck, bet you can't even cook

>> No.12968985

You know by posting on 4chan you support the porn industry you were not raised right

>> No.12968987

Once I accidentally found a jar of something at the bottom of my shopping cart but I was in a hurry and had a screaming kid and just couldn't be bothered. I felt bad about it enough to remember 10 years later.

>> No.12969003

Do you ever feel bad for being a nigger?

>> No.12969013
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>> No.12969019

check out this bootlicking cuck

>> No.12969022
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I stole accidentally pistol from self check out once.

>> No.12969040

Those things do not belong in self checkout. Manually input the heavy items or ask for help; those fuckers double-scan, scan random shit from a distance, etc. There's nothing like the thing sitting on its stand scanning candy bars.

>> No.12969059

Never stole something food related, but I once stole a couple dozen of rechargeable batteries for my Wiimote

>> No.12969073

I regularly steal organic ground beef and chicken from Wal-Mart each and every night. Been doing it for 3 years now.

>> No.12969075

At what age did your dad leave your mom and why?

>> No.12969096

I can see both sides. On the one hand stealing is wrong. On the other hand stores replacing employees with robots and expecting me to do it for free is akin to theft on their part not to mention it adds to the increasing labor surplus problem in the West. At some point in the near future we will have to confront the fact that a certain amount of inefficiency is necessary if we want to continue to live in a stable society. So, in a way me making self checkouts less economically viable will probably lead to their discontinuation and save humanity as we know it.

>> No.12969102

They are good because they are shit. Maybe it scanned, maybe it missed, who knows? I tried.

>> No.12969114

anon don't be insensitive

its because he is black

>> No.12969136

A real one. Their are 2 levels of bravery.

Literally any and EVERY panera bread has free coffee/tea/ and iced tea/lemonade. Go to self service check out, tap it a bunch of times (if your feeling real paranoid hunch over it so cameras wont see you) and hell even pretend to swipe your debit card. Grab cup for coffee/ iced drinks and go to town. Get unlimited refills if your studying.

second level is one Ive never done, just literally walk up and steal a To-go meal bag, nobody checks you if its yours. If your feeling skeevy aboout it and you happen to be studying/chilling in panera bread I usuallly check the to go section every hour and if its past an hour I just take the bag and eat it.

Poor student strats

>> No.12969142

Ive done this at 3-4 different panera breads and I dont remember the last time I payed for coffee because I get it for free every other day.

>> No.12969145

I stole $40 worth of lamb by just putting it in my bag on the self checkout line as I walked out

>> No.12969164

I rolled about 30 different walmarts and targets for magic cards. Probably stole around $2000 worth. I got caught and was super polite and they didn’t charge me. I got an ordinance violation, though, but it was eventually just turned into disorderly conduct. Recently got a new job and was terrified about the background check. Everything was fine, though. In a year I can even get the ordinance violation sealed.

>> No.12969169

there used to be this walmart that for some reason disabled their alarms, so if you went to self check out and took an item or two you would be golden. it was all ended when one welfarefag tried stealing $1000s in electronics, now they are turned on with people standing by

>> No.12969197

>scanned an item too quick or some shit
>system bugs out
>registered a $10 box of hot chocolate packets as a $1 bottle of water
that's as close as stealing I guess, I'm no darkie that has to actually shoplift from grocery stores.

>> No.12969208

actually it's 6.5 and 50

>> No.12969219

You could save $20 at the risk of a life ruining criminal record or you could get a fucking job like a functioning adult and not be so financially retarded that +-$20 is enough to matter in the first place.

>> No.12969223

I like to grab a cold soda, drink it while I shop, and stuff the empty bottle in the back of a random shelf.

>> No.12969229

>On the one hand stealing is wrong.
I don't even consider it immoral so much as something you could only be trying to do in the first place if you're already living your life all sorts of incorrectly.
Normal people with decent jobs never even consider stealing groceries. That's like a step above dumpster diving honestly.

>> No.12969235

One time i was shopping at Walmart using the self checkout machine and my total was around 10 dollars and when I got my change I told the lady I had paid with a 20 and did not receive my change so she gave me it to me.

>> No.12969238

My dad did not raise a thieve.

>> No.12969251

>Those things do not belong in self checkout.
In my shithole it is weird. There is still a cashier, but this machine gives you a barcode.
Better than that "put shit on weights" bullshit, which never worked.
>; those fuckers double-scan, scan random shit from a distance, etc.
Depends on pistol I guess. Those have very nice narrow beam, much better than stationary thing that always does weird shit.

Still, somebody though that connecting thing via usb extension thing is a good idea. I realized I stole that thing, only when I got in the car, went, returned that shit, because I'm not nigger enough...

>> No.12969256

I stole bubblegum and yugioh cards from walmart once. Feels good man. Got a blue eyes.

>> No.12969271

I was drunk at the train station last week and I foraged for receipts in the food court garbage cans and found a $20 taco bell order from lunch. Told them my food was cold at lunch and they gave me everything on the receipt for free.

>> No.12969278

White girl that worked at Kroger with me used to scan steaks as lettuce every night. She had some nice tits, but was a lesbo.

>> No.12969291

Looks like he just raised a pussy.

>> No.12969302

>CNN is more credible than your faux news
That's why Hillary is president. :)

>> No.12969318

This was going to be my reply, character for character.

>> No.12969325

What was the post? It's deleted

>> No.12969333

That’s nothing, when I was a kid the neighbor kid had all these pokemon cards and I stole them and hid them outside and they all get wet and ruined, it was pretty shitty desu but I didn’t feel a thing."

>> No.12969338

I always get free crap at my local store. My bank issued me a card that doesn’t work so I always go to the self checkout and tap my card which doesn’t work and then walk out like I paid.

>> No.12969343

thanks anon