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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 800x1067, Stop-Thief-When-Colleagues-Steal-From-The-Office-Fridge-298333969-1446226834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12959906 No.12959906 [Reply] [Original]

>bought cupcakes for work potluck
>am first person to show up in the morning
>set the cupcakes on the counter for everyone to indulge
>girl who has had a stick up her ass about me from day 1 shows up right after me
>sees the cupcakes I brought in
>sets her stuff up right next to mine on the counter
>later that day at 12:30ish before I leave for my delivery area, I see two of the four cupcake packages I brought, unopened
>everyone had left the office for their delivery areas @12 noon
>I come back from my route at 3:45 and see that someone stole my one of my unopened packages of caramel cupcakes and left the other pumpkin flavoured one
>im pretty upset because people usually dont steal and also the pumpkin ones were shite
>the other old ladies say that some other stuff is missing
>one old lady starts texting people
>get a text later that night from the bitch that has it out for me
"I took some small cupcakes, the Caramel ones. One of our coworkers told me to. I thought the lady that told me to take them bought them"

Fuck yeah, im mad

How should I retaliate?

>> No.12959930

If you're white then just consider it reparations.

>> No.12959934

Problem was she isnt a nog, just a single mother roastie

>> No.12959935

I'd say act like an adult man but obviously that ship has sailed.

>> No.12959938

rape everyone in the office

>> No.12959945

Murder suicide

>> No.12959967

A million whites died to end slavery during the civil war. There are your reparations.

>> No.12959974

it's a potluck? isn't the whole point that other people take your shit?

>> No.12959975

Black girl detected

>> No.12959992

Pretty much this.

Or start being a dick and make red velvet ones with two having a spot of nothing but red food coloring. What is she going to do, complain that you didn't mix the batter good enough before she stole it and dyed her mouth? That doesn't count as food tampering as long as you don't admit to doing it on purpose.

>> No.12959995

Yeah but we have this rule that if it isnt yours, dont take it. It was a whole new unopened package of 12, while there was an open package with 5 left in it of the same flavour sitting on top.

>> No.12960006

mudshark tho?

>> No.12960014

eat her lunch for the next week

>> No.12960026

its a work potluck
what the fuck were you gonna do, go home and eat 12 cupcakes for yourself you fatass?

Once the money is spent, it's spent. Let it go.

>> No.12960032

the calamity

>> No.12960036

When I saw that there was going to be two unopened packages left I told my sister I was gonna bring the unopened packages to her kids birthday party later that day

>> No.12960047

Just a cunt who doesnt like me because I took her spot as top delivery person

>> No.12960050

okay then don't make promises you cant follow through on.
People do unpredictable shit.
Learn to expect the unexpected.
This is basic Adulting 101 stuff anon. Is this your first "real" job or something?

>> No.12960060

Don't retaliate. They're fucking cupcakes. Don't bring food to a potluck if you're going to complain when someone else eats it. Learn from this lesson, and bring shit in your own containers so stealing it isn't as easy as walking away with some prepacked cupcakes.

You can call her out, but she won't get in trouble, you'll seem mean, and at most some new rule will be added which won't matter because she won't do it again if she can get in trouble. Tell her you hope she enjoys them, be the bigger man and plan your shit out better in the future. Bring less food, bring your own containers and label what you care about.

>> No.12960067

stop posting

>> No.12960069

If you think the civil war was about slavery you're a fuckin brainlet

>> No.12960071

stop posting

>> No.12960072

have sex

>> No.12960076

You worthless piece of garbage human. It's a fucking potluck - that stupid rule doesn't apply to potluck where you brought in shit for people to take.

Also YOU didn't follow the rules - if you didn't wanted people to open packs without finishing first one you could have put a clearer note - obviously in a nicer words.

Your scumbag ass wanted to just show prepped that you like to share stuff but your plan was to reuse it for sisters kid party all along.

Also just to add I'm not saying that roastie bitch was in right - all I wanna say is fuck her & FUCK YOU TOO

>> No.12960078

oh my GOD
slavery wasn't the main reason for war, differences in values were, but slavery was a big fucking part of those different values

the north said no to slavery because their industrial economy didnt rely on it while the south said yes because they needed their slaves swiping up that cotton field. slavery is part of the reason the civil war happened u fucking retard

>> No.12960080

I would have been fine if anyone else had taken them, its just the fact that this specific cumslut had taken them because she KNEW it was the stuff I brought in. Really burns my bacon, brah.

>> No.12960096

>hi i came to the pot luck because i wanted to feed everybody
>everybody i like that is....
>Becky dont touch my food i dont like you because you think you're a better pizza delivery driver than i am

are you a woman or a faggot because I have never seen a man act more effeminate in my life. Man the fuck up and get over yourself.

>> No.12960101

it's obviously a woman getting mad over very petty mindgames played by her rival

>> No.12960107

>its just the fact that this specific cumslut had taken them because she KNEW it was the stuff I brought in.

i would steal from your bitch ass too

you have literally no idea if she took it because it was yours dumbass. u dont fucking know. not only that but ur being a whiney bitch about somebody taking something that you were planning on losing

you are god damn insufferable

>> No.12960121

Not really, you uneducated fucking retard

>> No.12960123

You dumb nigger, just because I called it a potluck doesnt mean anything, we brought in food because it was someones birthday and everyone forgot to bring shit in the day before and wish the lady a happy birthday. The birthday lady in question is the one that always makes sure everyone gets their leftover shit and that it doesnt get taken if it isnt theirs and she of all people enforces the shit out of that and was one of the old ladies that investigated who had taken the foods without permisson which resulted in cunt face texting about how she "didnt know". And instead of geting assmad, use reading comprehension to infer that I had not originally planned to take the leftover cupcakes to my sister UNTIL I had noticed that there were indeed two leftover packages to take over.

>> No.12960125

add this guy to the rape and kill list, OP

>> No.12960126

It's common courtesy that, even at a potluck, the person who brought something has the right to keep it afterwards if it's unopened. Have you never been to a social event before?

>> No.12960128

We deliver packages for a shipping company.

>> No.12960134

Be glad someone wanted to eat your shitty food at a company pitch-in, you ungrateful bitch. Everyone should have avoided your food entirely because it was brought in by the company's social leper.

>> No.12960141

>It's common courtesy that, even at a potluck, the person who brought something has the right to keep it afterwards if it's unopened

Absolutely false.
Every pot luck I've ever been to, all the people involved are begging to get rid of their food.
>PLEASE take these leftovers because I really don't want to bring them home.

>> No.12960144

How about you reading comprehension to yourself before switching your stories you insufferable faggot.

What kind of dumb retard calls someones birthday party treat potluck. I think you got what you deserve. Stay assmad over petty shit you worthless subhuman

>> No.12960146

leftovers are different than packaged shit you faggot.

>> No.12960151

Well by that logic potluck wasn't over and she took stuff during potluck. Your nigger ass is mad cause you were left with shitty cupcakes that you knew nobody would eat.

>> No.12960156


>> No.12960157

the basic understanding among normal, socially adjusted people, is when you bring food to a potluck, you got the food FOR the potluck and had no plans to reuse it and be a cheapskate for your nephew's birthday.

You thought you were slick, trying to get brownie points for looking super generous when the opposite was true.

I bet you went back to that break room and counted cupcakes every hour didn't you.

>> No.12960161

She knew what she was doing, especially with them being unopened.
She's a narcissist coward, just smile at her and look into her eyes when you see her, ittl burn her up inside just knowing that you're a normal human being. Those type of people are full of hatred and envy. Seriously look into her eyes for a like 30 seconds with a blank face when you pass by and just leave it at that, and it will drive her mad.

>> No.12960163

You should be flattered someone thought they were good enough to steal. No lets get angry at a woman taking free food when no one else was eating them

>> No.12960165

You too

>> No.12960166

>being this retarded

Dumb shits like you arent even worth educating

>> No.12960170

I'm on OP's side, he obviously mentioned that she's been consistently rude to him before, and that she knew that they were his.

>> No.12960171

>the person who brought something has the right to keep it afterwards
>if it's unopened
what the fuck are you talking about? if it is unopened? do i suddenly lose the right to what i bring if somebody opens it? you are a god damn retard.

i agree that generally the person who brought the food gets first dibs leaving with it but i would be damned finding any reasonable person bringing food to a potluck they aren't ready to not leave with

>> No.12960176

First reasonable post on the thread

>> No.12960193

Lol I'm happy to see you are assmad & irritated. You won't be able to do shit to that roastie. Lol best of luck seeing her go about her usual day tomorrow while you burn inside AND STAY ASSMAD FAGGOT

>> No.12960207


>> No.12960208

Here's how I imagine it went down
Narcissist roastie says
>"do you think anybody would mind if take these"

while pretending to not know that OP brought them

Then unsuspecting coworker says

>"go for it who cares"

Then narc roastie blames it on someone telling her to take them so she can cover her tracks and shift the blame.
Then if OP says anything she'll go into full hysteria victim mode, knowing full well she did it intentionally.
These are the type of people that throw rocks and hide their hands, no shame and no self awareness.

>> No.12960211

Even if it wasn't, white people freed the slaves. Blacks owe us for that. You would still be in chains if not for us.

>> No.12960216

no offense or anything but you seem to be projecting your own experiences onto somebody else.

all OP said was he doesn't like her because he think's hes a better pizza driver than her.

What a pathetic and petty competition to have in the first place.

>> No.12960218

I feel OP is of same kind. So both sort of got what they deserve

>> No.12960220
File: 46 KB, 493x597, 9F86CE28-DE83-4F0E-B39F-0EF80FF7A1ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I’m a law grad. This is theft. It doesn’t matter that you left them out for everyone; you only did so so that everyone could have them. Her taking them is therefore basic common law unlawful taking. If I were you, I would text her back and tell her to replace them with the exact same product and give it back to you. Tell her that if she doesn’t, you will raise a formal grievance procedure with your company for theft.

Best way to deal with this and I guarantee you you’ll get back a new pack. To help you, here is the text you can send:

Hi. Just to let you know, what you have done is theft. That is my property that I brought in for a specific reason, i.e. for everyone else to have. I never bought them for you, nor did I give you permission to take them. Please provide me with a full replacement by end of Monday. If you don’t, I will speak to the office about raising a formal grievance procedure for theft. I am also fine to make a police report, too.

That’s it. Send that. Sounds excessive but believe me, it is indeed theft.

>> No.12960221

None of this even matters because it was a pitch-in and no one expects to bring leftovers home unless your food is shit no one wants. It's not worth getting worked up over something so fucking petty.

>> No.12960223

>Pizza driver
my sides fucking top kek

>> No.12960227

>i am going to assume the worst of everyone around me
holy shit i HATE how normies have invaded this board

>> No.12960236

Nope. It’s theft. OP didn’t purchase them for her, nor did he give her permission to take them. It doesn’t matter if they cost a dollar or ten thousand dollars; it’s his property to dispose of as he sees fit, not hers.

>> No.12960242

do this but also shit on her front porch

>> No.12960252

>OP didn’t purchase them for her, nor did he give her permission to take them.
Permission is implied at a potluck.

>> No.12960256

how is that normie?

expecting the worst out of people isnt normalfaggotty

>> No.12960268

please shut the FUCK up
being a petty retard who thinks everyone is out to get u is super fucking normie
holy fucking shit. please get this board back to 2008

>> No.12960278

No, it’s not. The only permission he gave was for others to take his goods from that table as part of a potluck. He gave no permission for someone to take the whole pack, thereby negating what he had consented to, without his specific consent, nor can such consent be implied.

She’s fucked herself, anyway, by confirming in writing that she never sought nor received his consent, by the way. That text can indeed serve as proof she knew she needed some kind of permission but deliberately didn’t seek it from OP.

Slam dunk, I’m afraid.

>> No.12960289

>The only permission he gave was for others to take his goods from that table as part of a potluck.

OP didn't sign a fucking contract stating that, retard. A company pitch-in implies you're giving the food away to your coworkers/the company when you set it down in the communal break room for others to eat. Your bait it shit.

>> No.12960295

do poor people really potluck like this? When I show up to a potluck I don't bring shit back home whatever you don't eat is thrown out or taken home by the maids or something.

>> No.12960301

only petty women who want to make sure that the woman they don't like can't eat their food

OP are you on your period or something?

>> No.12960304

>thinking anything based on "implying" is worth half a shit


>> No.12960308

Overusing is curse words and pretending to be a 4chin oldfag is pathetic.
You have no self awareness and you're gay and stupid and smelly.

>> No.12960314

If it's not in writing it's not worth shit, retard. You failed law school.

>> No.12960319

oh boy imagine a person claiming the upheaval of the south's entire economic basis wasn't the cause of the civil war

>> No.12960320

She knew what she was doing and has probably been taking petty jabs at OP for a long time. This is spiritual warfare but you have to have discernment to realize that.

>> No.12960335

Haha. You have no idea what you’re talking about, dummy. He doesn’t need a contract. All he needs is to establish his property was taken without his permission. And it was. This is, in principle, the same as if someone leaves clothes in a bag outside a charity shop for the charity shop to have next day. If a person comes across that bag and takes it, that’s theft, because the only reason it was left was for that specific purpose. It doesn’t matter if it was left like that, it doesn’t matter even if it had no note attached to it. It’s common law unlawful taking (which is then defined as theft by various statutory mechanisms).

This is very distinct from throwing something out or abandoning it which is basically what you’re attempting to ‘argue’. OP only left those goods on that table for a specific purpose, none of which included letting anyone just take the whole pack and thereby negating that purpose without OP’s specific consent.

Want more help on understanding how the law actually works?

>> No.12960337

is there ANY reason you don't like her besides your petty little competition over who's the best pizza driver?

>> No.12960338

this is the mongolian rug weaving forum
you missed the bus to 'fingerbox memorial 2008' nine stops ago

>> No.12960343

when you bring food to a pot luck, the food becomes public property

>> No.12960348

Wrong. Common law contract only requires three things to be enforceable: 1) Offer, 2) Acceptance, 3) Consideration. That’s it. That’s why verbal contracts are enforceable in common law systems. Writing is helpful for judges to construct a contract, but not obligatory.

>> No.12960353

It's about the principle, she was too cowardly to ask OP for them because she knows she's a petty narcissist.
And then went and blamed it on another coworker telling her to take them, still never mentioning OP even though she saw him set them down.

>> No.12960354

this. those cupcakes stopped belonging to op the moment they were placed into the potluck and ANY court would throw out your fucking bullshit theft accusation

>> No.12960357

Except it doesn’t. It’s not a legal ‘public space’ anyway. Good job on not being able to rebut my obvious knowledge, too, by the way. Concede accepted, thank you.

>> No.12960358

here you go.
any food offered up at a potluck is legally considered a gift. the lawfag troll is proven to be full of shit. btfo.


>> No.12960363

Give up. It’s been proven you haven’t got a clue.

>> No.12960366

>All he needs is to establish his property was taken without his permission

This should have been done before bringing your food into a company pitch-in for others to eat. Doing it after the fact would be laughed out of court and this would be a civil case, anyway--not a criminal case. Usually you have to sign a waver/sign up for the pitch-in where the rules are plainly laid out that you're giving your food over to the company. OP could have made a "verbal contract" by announcing to the breakroom that he intended to take any uneaten food home with him while a supervisor was present--but he didn't. So he's shit out of luck and you're a fucking autist. If I left a box of pizza that I bought for the company to eat and someone took it home/threw it away after I left it unattended, you couldn't fucking prosecute someone over this lol. Tons of old food gets tossed daily at places that I've worked it.

>> No.12960368

Except that actually proves what I’ve said, seething troll.

>> No.12960369

yeah this is something that doesn't need to be a personal drama nor on this board.
get laid and grow up. your best revenge will not being a pathetic queer.

>> No.12960371

>That’s why verbal contracts are enforceable in common law systems.

Which OP never made, you absolute sub 70 IQ retard.

>> No.12960373

you're just spiraling now. its kind of sad really.

>> No.12960374

Pure nonsense. All common law theft has the same basic doctrine: unlawful taking with the intention to permanently deprive. Nothing ‘civil’ about this at all. It’s straight up criminal.

>> No.12960376

>Pure nonsense.

just stop fucking posting. Your bait is bad and anyone that took a 100 level business law course knows you're a retard.

>> No.12960377

Whatever you say, seething troll. Try get an education. It helps ;)

>> No.12960383

> business law course
My fucking sides.

>> No.12960388

>argues business law badly
>gets BTFO
>lel business law MIRITE


>> No.12960391

id say its spiraling
you keep saying the same words over and over again like they hurt worse the 5th time said

>> No.12960395

>proves you wrong
>"no you see that actually proves me RIGHT"
just stop dude

>> No.12960702

Fucking cup cakes. Stop being a little bitch.

>> No.12960709

is this what wagies do lmao
seething over cupcakes

>> No.12960717
File: 145 KB, 286x200, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12960730

roastie detected

>> No.12960733

White people put blacks in chains in the US.

>> No.12960741

Exactly, taking a whole package of something and saying "oh, it's a potluck, who cares?" is nigger behavior.

>> No.12960747 [DELETED] 

Blacks in Africa enslaved other blacks in Africa, sold them to Portegeuse and Dutch Jews who ran the Atlantic slave trade, and then sold them to the American colonies (and Brazil, and the Middle East, and mainland Europe). Whites were also the only race to EVER stop slavery voluntarily, in fact African nations today still take other Africans for slaves. Slavery is bad, and whites stopped it. You are welcome. Sit down, be humble.

>> No.12960750

Aha have sex

>> No.12960754

Look at all these old, tired overused white lies.

>> No.12960756

Sorry you can't accept the truth my black friend.

>> No.12960759

Wow you really owned the libs with this one, Cletus.

>> No.12960761

All these white knighting faggots in this thread

>> No.12960762

I'm just a fan of understanding history as to not repeat it.

>> No.12960775

>getting offended over actual facts

Checks out

>> No.12960780

I liked the whole joooz stuff it was a real eye opener

>> No.12960785

Would you rather still be in Africa? Or would you rather your great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave and get to live in America? Honest question.

Slavery was bad, but it's a price you never had to pay, your ancestor did, and you get to reap the benefit of living in America. That's a pretty good deal desu.

>> No.12960787

why did you assume he's black? talk about obsessed.

>> No.12960789

Yea, Jews have seemingly always dealt in human misery to turn a profit. A truly despicable people.

>> No.12960790

but if they're so evil, what's up with this post? >>12960785
sounds like they're really the good guys after all. hrmm.

>> No.12960791

Well he's black or a Liberal, either way he needed to be educated.

>> No.12960802

An act of greed and evil can still produce an unforeseen good. Blacks suffered through slavery, but now they enjoy American citizenship. equality, and a much better life than they would've had in Africa. Whites enjoyed profiting off slavery for awhile, but now have to deal with the crime, violence, and welfare the black population brought to America. The Jews really came out on top by profiting off the slave trade, never dealing with the consequences, and even to this day use blacks as political manipulation to boost votes for Liberal policies and candidates (which ultimately hurts black and white Americans alike).

>> No.12960806

This lady that you think has a stick in her ass about you. Are you sure you're not the one with the bad attitude?

>> No.12960814

>Whites enjoyed profiting off slavery for awhile
>The Jews really came out on top by profiting off the slave trade

So if they both profited off of slavery, why bother even making the white/Jew dichotomy? Seems kind of redundant to me and like an excuse to slip jooz in somewhere.

>> No.12960819


>> No.12960827

The Jews literally owned the transatlantic slave trade that supplied slaves to the world, including America. Jews are the entire reason black slavery was even a thing. Traditionally slavery always used to happen within a single racial group between the upper and lower classes (a.k.a white on white, asian on asian, black on black, etc). The Jews changed that when they went to Africa and traded with African war lords for their slaves, who they then shipped around the world. The fact that they are Jewish is just the truth, whether you choose to believe that part is important is up to you. I personally believe it is an important detail.

>> No.12960830

what do jews have to do with cupcakes?

>> No.12960831

This is what I’m trying to think, whenever I make shit for company events I expect it to be all eaten, if it wasn’t then sure I’ll dump it or take it home

If someone wants some to take I’m packing them some of it

Who the fuck acts soo stuck up about people taking leftovers they’re not stealing your god damn tupperware

>> No.12960840

Why hide it? It is factual history whether you like it or not. I find it very interesting that you think jews should never have been mentioned. Why? What are you attempting to conceal? What purpose does it serve? Do you even know or are these just preprogrammed responses that fall out of your mouth like shit from an ass?

>> No.12960841

shutup nigger

>> No.12960852

It's hilarious that you retards think this is some sort of huge revelation. No one cares that jooooooozzzz traded in slaves. They're white, anyway. Ashkenazi literally translate to "Jews of Germany" and they're German and Polish/Slavic converts. This has nothing to do with /ck/ and you're autistic for sperging about it in a thread about a cupcake heist lol.

>> No.12960860

>They're white, anyway.
According to Jews themselves, they are not.
>It's hilarious that you retards think this is some sort of huge revelation.
It's just the truth. I've found that the truth scares the Jew more than anything in the world.

>> No.12960862

>surely this shitpost and weak adhoms will divert attention from the original topic!

>> No.12960866

Hello, Juden.

>> No.12960875

There is nothing funnier than a couple of brainlets sperging on and on about Joooozzz like they made some sort of secret, grand discovery that no one knows about. Finally I truly see. Whites still put black people in chains and profited from it by your own admission. No one cares if some of them were white Jews LMFAO.

>> No.12960891

I am sorry you are not historically literate enough to recognize the importance of Jews part in slavery and oppression of blacks. Perhaps you will one day listen to reason and recognize the truth.

>> No.12960899

I understand it but I've read the same sperging from you retards for what--like at least a decade now? It's old hat. Everyone has read it a million fucking times and it has nothing to do with this thread but it doesn't really matter because the thread was shit, anyway. Just like all of your posts ITT.

>> No.12960900

If it was anyone else id let it go but this bitch shall burn. Either publicly shame the bitch/slap your own poster telling about her dirty lil secret or if shes alergic to something make sure the ingredient is there. Be sure to tell everyone its there tho.

>> No.12960902

I don't get it. You bought the cupcakes for a potluck and then got upset someone "stole" them? Weren't you going to give them away anyway?

>> No.12960906

You'd be surprised how few people know the extent of Jewish evil, actually.

>> No.12960913

> I don't get it. You put $10 on a tray taking donations at work and then got upset someone "stole" it? Weren't you going to give it away anyway?

>> No.12960923

She wasn't taking donations for her cupcakes. It was a company pitch in and that picture OP posted was obviously placed on the refrigerator for people that brought in a personal lunch.

>> No.12960928

its more like
>You put $10 on a tray labelled free money at work and then got upset someone took it? Weren't you going to give it away anyway?

>> No.12960936

It's about only taking your "fair share". If I brought a tin of caviar for a party, and some cunt took it home with her at some point during the middle of the party, I would be PISSED. It's no different with the cupcakes.

>> No.12960941

>sets her stuff up right next to mine on the counter
>later that day at 12:30ish before I leave for my delivery area, I see two of the four cupcake packages I brought, unopened
>everyone had left the office for their delivery areas @12 noon
>everyone had left the office

The pitch in was over and that was basically abandoned food. OP should have taken the box back after it was over instead of being salty someone decided to nab them hours later.

>> No.12960942

He was out on his deliveries. So she stole them while people were out doing their jobs, and then went home before OP could ask around where his cupcakes went. What she did was sneaky and underhanded. She didn't even wait until the end of the work day before she took them.

>> No.12960944

A whole unopened box is not a "fair share" you fat greedy piece of shit.

>> No.12960945

She (and I know it was a she) had 30 minutes to scoop those cupcakes back up if she intended to take them home. The pitch in was over at 12 and she left at 12:30.

>> No.12960948

So in your opinion since OP left them someplace for 30 minutes to long, that suddenly makes them "free". That's fucking stupid. You're stupid.

>> No.12960951

idf trying a bit hard if i'm being honest

>> No.12960952

Then you should have taken them home when you had the chance, retard. It's not the company's fault you're a fucking moron.

>> No.12960954

>the other old ladies say that some other stuff is missing
So how about the other food that cunt stole? Was that justified as well?

>> No.12960957

The fucking company pitch in made them free by default you utter fucking moron. But they were still available when it was over and her dumb ass still abandoned them when she went on her route.

>> No.12960959

No, it's the fat and greedy cunt who stole OP's cupcakes fault.

>> No.12960960

It wasn't stolen if it was free, retard. Do you even know what a voluntary company pitch in is? The morons should have taken it with them instead of leaving it in the break room after it was over. My old factory would have ditched everything then and there if it was sitting out.

>> No.12960961

First world problems right here

>> No.12960963

begging the question based on an assumption
damn, maybe you should get some books on tape for your rig senpai

>> No.12960964

Please sperg more about the Jews dude I learn so much.

>> No.12960966

If you steal someone's leftovers that they paid for (or made) and took the time and effort to bring to work so EVERYONE could enjoy, know that everyone thinks you're a thief and a FAT GREEDY CUNT.

>> No.12960971

bring cyanide cupcakes to the office

>> No.12960973

The pitch in was over, retard. It was abandoned food that OP was too stupid to take with her. You're dumb as fuck and I'd take your leftovers too just because you're a stupid fucking moron.

>> No.12960978

It wasn't the company that stole OP's cupcakes (or everyone elses food) it was one fat greedy cunt.

>> No.12960980

When you bring in food for a pitch in, it no longer becomes your food--it becomes EVERYONE'S food. And that includes that fat cunt that took the box because OP LEFT IT THERE.


>> No.12960981

OP came back after driving his route and it was gone. Meaning the cunt took it during the middle of the day before his shift was over. What are you even talking about?

>> No.12960985

>it becomes EVERYONE'S food
Not the whole unopened box you fat greedy prick. Maybe it would be acceptable to have a couple of an opened tray, but taking an entire unopened box home of someone elses food is a fat greedy cunt thing to do and thievery, plain and simple.

>> No.12960988

The pitch in was over at 12, retard. Learn to read: >>12960941
>everyone had left the office for their delivery areas @12 noon

OP left at 12:30 so she had 30 minutes to take the food with her but she left it. I know you're a NEET that has never worked a day in his life, but typically at company pitch ins, there is a designated eating time and then the pitch in ends. If OP didn't want her cupcakes nabbed later on, she should have either made it known during or shortly after the pitch in or--get this--taken the box with her before beginning her route. She had a full 30 minutes to do so but abandoned the food, anyway.

>> No.12960991

The food was either for everyone in the office during the party, or meant to be saved for whoever brought it in at the end of the work day. It isn't acceptable to take an entire unopened box of food after the party is already over for your own consumption at home. That is just straight up stealing someone's food.

>> No.12960994

Except it’s not. There was no sign ‘free food’. Everybody doing it and partaking understood that anything set out was conditional on it being a potluck - a reciprocal sharing of items but that did not abandon title to them. Exactly the same as if OP put a $10 note on a collection tray. Even though it’s in the open, even though he’s giving his money away. The crucial difference is his INTENT. He never intended to supply ‘free food’; he intended to engage in a reciprocal sharing of items, and also did so with the expectation that anything left unopened he could take him himself or give to someone else of his choice, etc. He retained title throughout.

>> No.12960998

OP left the food to do his route, and probably didn't care if some people snacked on it during the day. Coming back after his route at the end of the work day and seeing that someone stole an entire tray of unopened cupcakes and left work would be infuriating. It is poor form you fat greedy fuck.

>> No.12961002

How would you know anything about workplace etiquette, sped?

>> No.12961005

It's poor form but it's not stealing, you retard. Don't you know the difference? Don't use that word when you don't seem to know what it means. That food became property of the company's employees the moment she voluntarily brought in food for the pitch in. And she most likely signed up for it, too, so there is a paper trail.

>> No.12961007

>a synonym for "stole"
I'm glad you finally agree that OP's cupcakes were stolen.

>> No.12961008

It is theft. For the reasons outlined earlier. You may not think so in your personal opinion, but that’s not the law.

>> No.12961013


ITT: one dude attempts to explain the concept of a voluntary company pitch in to a board filled with jobless neets

>> No.12961015

>That food became property of the company's employees the moment she voluntarily brought in food for the pitch in.
What a surprise, the fat, greedy, selfish piece of shit also has Socialist tendencies. You disgust me. If you ever took a tray of my cupcakes I would break your jaw you fat worthless cunt.

>> No.12961017

>but that’s not the law.

I think you failed legal school, moron.

>> No.12961021

does momma know you use her laptop to role play online?

>> No.12961025

Not that anon, but bringing cupcakes to work doesn't suddenly make those cupcakes not your legal property. OP owns them legally.

>> No.12961029

How much do you weigh? Be honest.

>> No.12961037

post proof

>> No.12961039

damn that turn about nearly convinced me that you are in education and employment

>> No.12961040

> became property of the company's employees
No, that’s wrong. ‘Property’ has a legal definition: whomever holds title. There are only two way you can receive title: as a bona fide purchaser for value, or as a grantee (gifts and trust property). Even if you put a sign saying ‘free food’ or ‘this is my rubbish’, you still retain title. That’s why if your local council goes through your rubbish or recycles it, they can only do so under specific statute for that specific use. You can never pick up someone else’s property and claim you have title unless it’s specifically granted to you in only these two ways. This includes if you find something lost - you can claim it against the rest of the world, but not against the original owner. If they come looking for it, you have to hand it over.

>> No.12961041

>That food became property of the company's employees the moment she voluntarily brought in food for the pitch in.
One for Mary. One for Zach. One for Danielle. One for Michael. And a whole tray for fat greedy Cunt. Hmmm. That doesn't seem quite fair.

>> No.12961045

Entirely incorrect. Save your personal attacks and rebut with your own knowledge of the law.

>> No.12961056

>blah blah blah

She voluntarily gave her property to the company moron. That's the entire point of a voluntary pitch in. That's why you're required to sign up for them.

>> No.12961065

Except that’s also entirely incorrect, and you’re simply reaching. OP retains title to those goods. Taking those goods from him without his consent and with the intention of permanently depriving him of them (the mens rea element) is theft under the law.

>> No.12961066

People have the right to choose whether they want to offer their shit to people to take home or whether they want to keep it.
You don't decide to keep something that belongs to someone else just because you want it. If it isn't offered, it's not open for taking. People bring food to events to share with people AT THE EVENT, not to feed a broke ass greedy bitch at home.

fucking retard

>> No.12961071

>OP retains title to those goods.

Post proof lmfao. OP gave up the title when she gave her stupid fucking shartmart cupcakes over by signing a form volunteering to pitch in. I've never worked at a company that didn't have you sign a document outlining that you're giving the food away voluntarily.

>> No.12961074

>She voluntarily gave her property to the company moron.
No he didn't. The company doesn't own the fucking food just because the employees bring it in. I know this is hard for you, but think of it as employees bringing in big lunches and then sharing them. Would someone stealing your lunch out of the fridge and then bringing it home because "oh I didn't think it was a big deal or that you wanted it". Would that be okay? The company doesn't own the food just because you bring it in.

Here's a scenario that will put it straight for you. If someone brought in food tainted with poison and someone eats it an dies, would the company be liable or the person who brought in the food? That's right, the person who brought it in, because they own and offered the food, the company has no ownership of the food at all. they simply facilitated the potluck.

>> No.12961075


>> No.12961079

You don’t get a little certificate of title every time you buy something, stupid. It’s implied into the fact, as I say, that you are a bona fide purchaser for value - which OP became the minute he handed over the cash for them at the store. The title in the goods the store had passed to him when he exchanged money for them.

The more you know.

>> No.12961080

>Would someone stealing your lunch out of the fridge and then bringing it home because "oh I didn't think it was a big deal or that you wanted it". Would that be okay? The company doesn't own the food just because you bring it in.

This is a completely different scenario and you know it. You're just baiting for (you)s at this point.

>> No.12961084

>he thinks signing up for a potluck is the same as signing a legal document
You simplistic fat moron lmao

>> No.12961087

oh she wants it bad

>> No.12961088

lmfao shouldn't have signed up for the pitch in then, retard. you're just going in circles.

>> No.12961089

>Here's a scenario that will put it straight for you. If someone brought in food tainted with poison and someone eats it an dies, would the company be liable or the person who brought in the food? That's right, the person who brought it in, because they own and offered the food, the company has no ownership of the food at all. they simply facilitated the potluck.
Respond to that part. Since you keep implying that the company owns the food.

>> No.12961091

It is, retard.

>> No.12961092

>pitch in
Why do you keep calling it that? Are you a britcuck, or something?

>> No.12961094

>If someone brought in food tainted with poison and someone eats it an dies, would the company be liable or the person who brought in the food?

The company and the retard would be liable here, actually. lmfao you're dumb.

>> No.12961096

Hahaha oh my god dude. You are not very bright, eh? I've heard all I needed to. You are a bonafide moron.

>> No.12961098

All of theses (you)s and still 42 posters. You're obsessed, retard.

>> No.12961099

No, you are. There is simply no way OP could have signed a document giving up his common law rights including in goods that he retains common law title to. You keep relying on this same subversion as though it’s a given (even though you’ve supplied no proof of it) but I can assure you: a) no such document exists, and b) if it did exist, it would be unenforceable, anyway.

>> No.12961101

We don't pitch in England. That's a baseball term. We bowl to the batsman.

>> No.12961103

You have lost spectacularly. But, please, do continue making a complete fool of yourself.

>> No.12961108

Wrong. The company would be liable under the rules of vicarious liability for any civil claim - but the person bringing them in would come under either criminal law, or a claim in tort dependent on the circumstances. If deliberate: crime. If negligent: tort (which can also include imprisonment).

>> No.12961109

would donating food to a company's event not be granting it away though?
re: collection plate if you put your money in do you really have the ability to go back and take it out after the service is over because you decide you want to buy some gum?

>> No.12961110

lmfao at this bong sperging about cupcake law contracts for a fucking cupcake. things work different here in freedomland.

>> No.12961114

>still 42 posters

Why are you arguing with yourself?

>> No.12961130

So they're both liable then? lmfao argue with yourself some more, dude. it's entertaining.

>> No.12961133

>freedom land
Not even allowed real cheese.

>> No.12961139

In the case of the collection plate, yes, you retain title. This has come up in a lot of complex charity law cases because title rescinds only when they spend the money. This is why most charities are set up as trusts - the minute you hand the money over, you’re technically a settlor (someone who makes a trust) and so you grant the charity rights as a trustee (and which gives them title). But if it’s a collection plate, yes, you can take your money back under the same rule: they haven’t exercised the grant. Same rule applies to gifts - if, like Cobain’s daughter, you gift a rare guitar to your boyfriend, you transfer title to him immediately. His receipt is the exercise of grant. So, that’s important to understand: there’s a point where the recipient actually exercises their right in your gift. This is the same reason why you get rare cases where someone’s refused a settlement from a will. They need to exercise receipt.

So, no, it’s not possible to just relinquish title for a potluck. You also can’t be made to give up your rights in title via contract. Like I said earlier: contracts are, by definition, the offering and accepting of items for some type of value. If no value is exchanged, there’s no contract.

>> No.12961148

No, they don’t. America is part of the great common law system. But for statutory differences and case law, the same common law rules apply. U.K. and USA judgements are also persuasive between the two. We often got cases where the judge followed a US judge’s reasoning. A lot of them in the law of restitution as it’s America that has refined that area over the last century. Pretty spectacularly, too.

>> No.12961155

No. They’re not both liable. One is liable under one set of laws, the other another. You’re conflating them and the person you were replying to is still correct. The person bringing them in would still be liable individually, not as an employee.

>> No.12961158

US law is based on UK common law.
UK legal precedence always has taken place.

>> No.12961159

Expert opinion says America has superior cheese. We just need another Judgement of Paris type deal to btfo yurop yet again in the public eye.

>> No.12961166

They’re both common law systems. The US has its own stature and case law that takes precedence but it’s still a common law system. As I said.

>> No.12961168

good to know, while academic it seems OP actually is getting robbed. here I thought he was just salty about leftovers getting sniped

>> No.12961177

>No. They’re not both liable
>One is liable under one set of laws, the other another.

Which means they're both liable as you outlined here. >>12961108
>The company would be liable under the rules of vicarious liability for any civil claim - but the person bringing them in would come under either criminal law, or a claim in tort dependent on the circumstances. If deliberate: crime. If negligent: tort (which can also include imprisonment).

There are still the same amount of posters ITT and you have autism. It's the funny kind of autism, though.

>> No.12961181

this is a great thread.

>> No.12961183

>bring cupcakes for people to eat
>get mad when people eat then

>> No.12961189

>get mad when one person brings home an unopened box to eat them at their leisure
Fixed that for you, bud.

>> No.12961190

take it to /hr/ not /ck/ it'll be a lot more productive and possibly even get her dumb ass fired

>> No.12961191

never ever, ever bring cake food to a party again.
That is garbage food fit only for swine.
honestly I'd bring some winter squash and a pressure cooker. Peel it and dice it, and cook it right there. squash is delicious.

>> No.12961192

OP still has legal rights to the cupcakes under the pastry exclusion clause of 1966

>> No.12961198

Read the law Bong's posts carefully and you'll see that he's a masterful troll. There is no legal claim here.

>> No.12961201

Well at least no one would want to take that shit home at the end of the day besides you.

>> No.12961203

He is. This is definably theft. If it interests you, the term ‘theft’ usually applies to a statutory definition. In common law systems, the common law is judge-made law (precedent). The common law, however, is secondary to legislative law (made by whatever your legislature is). So, if your legislature makes law, that disapplies any common law in that area. This is why most legislatures have produced statutes dealing with stealing - and this is theft legislation (in the U.K. it all comes under the Theft Act, and you will have similar in the US).

But these statutes still require judicial interpretation: a) to apply the statute correctly on the facts of the case, and b) to ensure certain criteria are met to apply it. And one of these criteria is the mens rea element. This can either be defined in the statute or in case law. And with any stealing, there is only one common law rule: the taking of something without someone’s consent in order to permanently deprive them of it. That is known as common law unlawful taking. Same rule, across all common law systems. The only way it can be disapplied is if the legislature specifically makes law to disapply it.

So yes, she’s a thief. She meets the mens rea requirement for the common law offence. She took, without consent, with the intention to permanently deprive. That’s precisely what the court will look for. If she took them planning to return them later, then that’s the tort of conversion which, crucially, changes just that mental element. If the mens rea is met, she satisfies the conditions for the charge and conviction. The common law takes stealing very seriously. Not interested in value, either. It can be a rock on your property someone walks off with without your permission to keep for themselves, and that’s unlawful taking.

>> No.12961205

I’ve explained it twice now. I am sorry you’re too stupid to understand it, but that’s not my problem. I’m only really doing this for the enlightenment and interest of everyone else following.

>> No.12961222

You're being autistic about this. By "liable" I meant that both parties would be at risk of being in legal trouble which you admitted would be true. Whether either party would be liable under civil or criminal law wasn't what I was arguing. Obviously if someone fed someone poisoned food during company time, both the company and the person that brought it in would be liable. You admitted that the company would be liable from a civil standpoint and the person that brought it in would be liable from a criminal standpoint if it was intentional or a civil standpoint if it was negligence. I understand you perfectly. I'm not sure why you're being such sperg about it.

>> No.12961237

freshly cooked winter squahs? it tastes like sweet egg yolk. absolutely delicious and nutricious.
cup cakes are garbage food that belongs in a pig trough.

>> No.12961250
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>> No.12961265

of course not anything from a legal stand point, but if theres issues between co-workers and she has other notes on her file already it's entirely possible
it's a bitch move and this shit is really a common problem that stems from a lack of respect, whether it happened to op or not

>> No.12961269

Actually, I take that back--the Bong obviously knows his stuff and a case could be made here, but it just seems like it would not be worth the legal fees and the potential loss of a job if you end up losing the case over a 4 dollar box of cupcakes. I just think the entire thing is ridiculous.

>> No.12961272

yeah thats why I say HR
it gets them in about as much shit as it's worth

>> No.12961275

>pasteurized milk product
Not cheese.

>> No.12961276

Yeah, I'd definitely try and keep this within the company/try to get the bitch fired instead of seeking litigation over something that I believe is quite minor.

>> No.12961282
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it's probably enough to stop them from getting a raise easily since the managers will be forced to talk to them about their actions and remember them as 'the bitch who steals cupcakes' no matter how good they do at their actual job
it demonstrates either a lack of team play
or if they play dumb, a lack of critical thinking

both of which are absolutely required in the workplace

>> No.12961293

this thread should serve as a time capsule for the low point of the human species.

What kind of giant gaping vagina cries about a few cupcakes from a potluck, followed by amerifats and their civil war debate, the jdf conspiracy clowns and some random reddit first year law student trying to win his first debate.

>> No.12961306

>managers will be forced to...

lol you mean the spineless ineffectual lot? forced to do something? they just do what they want and don't do what they don't. they're entirely ineffective...

most of the time managers just skirt around the issue or get really passive aggressive. that's management for you. lacking in humanity and lacking in ability to effectively deal with actual human situations beyond trying fruitlessly to gain and maintain power and control

>> No.12961315

yeah and they'll be passive aggressive towards her
it doesn't matter how shit they are they're the ones in charge and if you don't like it go work somewhere else

go buy and eat a dozen cupcakes to drown your sorrows if you don't want to handle a shitty coworker like an adult, at least food still likes you right?

>> No.12961325

Eat her food the next time she brings it in.

>> No.12961329

>upheaval of the south's entire economic basis
You do understand that freeing slaves was something promised to get black people to fight on the side of the north because they were initially losing? That there were originally no plans to free slaves when the succession happened?

>> No.12961334

they'll be passive aggressive towards the one who brought the non-problem to their attention

>> No.12961339

It's not about the cupcakes, it's a matter of principle.

>> No.12961350

It doesn't matter who they're passive aggressive towards. Managers are cycled out every three or four years. Actual workers are retained much longer.

>> No.12961355

alright then they'll be passive aggressive against HR that's perfectly fine
take it to HR not directly, use the proper channels dipshit, it's an HR issue not a management issue until HR makes the managers get involved.

I'm honestly starting to wonder if this was an episode of the office and this thread is by Dwight

then take it to HR where it will be on her record long past the managers being there
if anything that's better for you because HR files are all new managers have to go off of

>> No.12961368


>> No.12961376

It's a good thread, dude. It's full of laughs.

>> No.12961444

There wouldn’t be legal fees for OP. If it’s a criminal charge, it’s the state that prosecutes. And again: value means fuck all for the law. In fact, if I give you $10 and ask you to buy something for me, and you take that $10 and spend it on something else, then the next day you buy my stuff with another $10 note, then that still comes under common law unlawful taking. It isn’t the value of the note - it’s the actual note itself. That note is my property. The VALUE of the note is distinct. This is why if you have $100 in a bank, you don’t have $100 in notes - you have $100 in a chose in action (i.e. the right to sue the bank for the VALUE of a $100). Two things: a physical thing, its value - not the same thing.

I agree with you, however, that going this route isn’t the most practical. We live in the real world and ultimately the goal is OP receives his goods back, or their replacement as soon as possible. Which is why I said right at the start he should text her in the first instance and outline the harm she’s caused him, then tell her to return the goods or an exact replacement. NOT their value (which is crucial). If she doesn’t, then he should raise a formal grievance via his company’s usual HR mechanisms. It might be cupcakes today and then someone’s purse or the company’s cash tomorrow. The only point beyond all this I wanted to make is that OP does have rights, as do we all, and the law protects those rights fiercely; so yes, he can also just go to the police if she refuses to return his goods and the company doesn’t help him, either. One other thing I’ll say, too, is people like her don’t operate in isolated incidents. She’s got a history of taking things that don’t belong to her because she feels she’s entitled to them. She can do that in all sorts of ways but that much is very clear to me.

>> No.12961453

>getting this caught up in office drama and being butthurt someone ate food you brought to a POTLUCK
this is woman-tier pettiness. act like a man for once in your life. youve provided no evidence of prior misconduct from this random lady. i bet youre the one that seethes over this woman and she doesnt even think of you at all

OP is clearly not a normal well adjusted person if theyre seething this much about someone they dont like eating his food at a pitch-in

far more likely that OP has warnings on file instead considering hes a huge fucking sperg

>> No.12961455


>> No.12961482

>The only point beyond all this I wanted to make is that OP does have rights, as do we all, and the law protects those rights fiercely; so yes, he can also just go to the police if she refuses to return his goods and the company doesn’t help him, either

Maybe it's a cultural gap here--me being a burger and all--but if OP was to explain what transpired to our police after a voluntary company potluck/pitch-in, OP would quite literally be laughed at and told to "suck it up" or the police would claim that it is a corporate issue. I'm not a law graduate and I'm sure that you will argue until you're blue in the face about how the police themselves are ignorant of the law, but from a practicality standpoint, this seems quite ridiculous to the layperson. I initially wrote you off as a troll but now I see that you're quite knowledgeable. But a lot of what you suggested doesn't seem realistic to me which is why I thought that this was a big ruse. The police here in the states would not prosecute this under any circumstance.

>> No.12961545

No, that’s fine. I get that but I’m arguing from first principles and you’re arguing from practicalities. So, actually, this is one of those rare instances where we are both right. You’re right to say it’s probably just not worth the hassle, but my view is even though I agree with you on that, this is a slippery slope approach. People like her get away with shit like this because it’s all about petty actions. She relies on others saying “oh well, I mean they’re just $3 cupcakes”. This is really what I’m trying to point out - people like this are corrosive. They chip away at your rights bit by bit and make you feel foolish and ridiculous for standing up for them. OP bought those cupcakes in good faith to do something for other people. She has responded in the exact reverse - by taking his choices and his dignity along with his goods. This is really what fucking pisses me off.

And yes, you’re right on the police. They would likely think it a small issue. The same would be true here, too. But I can assure you they would speak to her and suggest to her to at least replace the goods. This is again all about practicalities and that’s fine - but the law is still the same and OP can actually just file a report the police have to act on. Whether they refer it on to the state prosecutor is a different matter but she’ll have to be spoken to, even informally. And that, as far as I’m concerned, will deliver to her all the message she needs. But, as you say and which I agree with, it’s better to a) tell her directly to replace or return, and, failing that b) take up a formal grievance procedure and let the company deal with her.

You should protect your rights; that’s all I’m saying. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re being dumb or petty because that’s precisely what people like her rely on. They want you to think your rights are irrelevant, that you’re irrelevant. That’s what she’s actually stealing.

>> No.12961554

What is the meaningful difference between a fat cunt taking a tray of uneaten cupcakes versus a fat cunt taking the last cupcake, or the last few cupcakes, or ANY cupcake? What is the difference between that and someone that OP doesn't like taking any portion of any item that he contributed to a communal meal? Would be legally entitled to sue if he brought cheetos and this same fat cunt took one?

>> No.12961574

>going to a potluck with store bought food
kys you lazy faggot

>> No.12961579

All he wants is to hatefuck her and hatemarry her and raise hatechildren with her and hatedie in her arms at the end of a long life together. Stop being an asshole.

>> No.12961581

Alright, I understand your point of view now and I feel silly for shitposting/trolling for hours over it, but I can't shake the feeling that a lot of what you posted might be based on assumptions. We don't know that woman's history and we just have to assume on good faith that she has been psychologically tormenting OP; conversely, OP might have been misinterpreting benign behaviors as something malignant specifically directed toward OP. How do we know that she has a history of theft outside of this one dubious claim that OP has posted? It seems presumptuous to build an entire case upon a few neurotic posts without understanding the facts.

>> No.12961593

Well, it’s a good question. In theory, she could have just gone through a whole tray of cupcakes herself throughout the day. He’d have no grounds then because he’s set no specific condition she can’t have any. The condition he’s set (impliedly) is the goods are available in that place for any staff. The difference here, however, is that she’s removed them altogether. It’s also significant they were sealed when she did. So, she’s not only taken goods OP set out on the condition they were for everyone, she’s also deprived him of the opportunity to take them back for himself. Unless he’s made a specific agreement that anyone can take any amount of his goods regardless of any reasonable expectation he may have had otherwise (and such an agreement wouldn’t be enforceable anyway) then, because he retains title, he can withdraw or retain his goods as he sees fit. During the day while they’re being displayed, he can simply just take them back. That is basically what title is: freedom to do with your goods whatever you want. So, while they’re being displayed and she could simply just eat all of them if she wanted to, essentially she only could wish his permission - express or otherwise. If she removes his cupcakes altogether, then she’s nullified his permission and choices and so his title in the goods; i.e. stealing.

>> No.12961594
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>OP didn't even make the cupcakes
Just buy more you fucking Nancy. Judging by the fact that you came to your secret internet club to rant, you're not going to say shit to her about it anyway.

>> No.12961612

No, you’re right, I agree completely. I liked your posts. I know it’s a given but just to reiterate anyway, you should always challenge anything anyone says to you which is why I really like 4chan. Also, yeah, there may be some other history there, true. And yes, she may actually have acted innocently because perhaps OP gave her some indication she could take them he hasn’t told us about. All of that is entirely feasible. My position, though, is just to argue on the facts I have. If OP is bullshitting or failed to supply pertinent information then either he’ll not get his cupcakes back because he knows not to take it further, or he’ll get fucked in any grievance procedure that gets raised. It’ll all work out in the wash. But yeah, you’re right to challenge anything and I agree with you wholeheartedly that nothing said on the internet should ever be taken at face value. You argue well, it’s been a pleasure, seriously. All good lawyers know that it’s the opponent’s argument, not their own, that really matters.

>> No.12961613

wtf is the egghead babbling on about mens rears lmfao what a faggot

>> No.12961624

Take care, Anon. It was also a pleasure to shitpost with you for the last several hours.

>> No.12961639

You, too, my friend. You were right on the liability point, by the way. I meant to mention that in my last post. Conceded.

>> No.12961641
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Yall get it
It's personal because she's been mean to OP for a while and she knew they were his and she took them in a sneaky way and then tried to act innocent and unaware afterwards
Its greedy and cowardly and disrespectful

>> No.12961692

>The condition he’s set (impliedly) is the goods are available in that place for any staff.
Does she not fall under "any staff"?

>The difference here, however, is that she’s removed them altogether.
So did everyone else that ate one.

>It’s also significant they were sealed when she did. So, she’s not only taken goods OP set out on the condition they were for everyone, she’s also deprived him of the opportunity to take them back for himself.
I maintain that OP didn't have title at the point where the fat bitch stole them.

>Unless he’s made a specific agreement that anyone can take any amount of his goods regardless of any reasonable expectation he may have had otherwise (and such an agreement wouldn’t be enforceable anyway) then, because he retains title, he can withdraw or retain his goods as he sees fit.
What "reasonable expectation"? He set them in a public place with the explicit intent that they be consumed by all and sundry. This was not some case of OP leaving something lying around, it was as a contribution to a community meal. To go back to that example of the collection plate, as soon as someone - anyone - got into one of the cupcakes and OP raised no objection that was exercise of grant on the whole lot of them. The fact that some were still packaged is incidental; OP would have as little claim to eleven as a dozen.

>During the day while they’re being displayed, he can simply just take them back. That is basically what title is: freedom to do with your goods whatever you want.
And I argue that pursuant to my above assertion, he forfeited his title.

>So, while they’re being displayed and she could simply just eat all of them if she wanted to, essentially she only could wish his permission - express or otherwise. If she removes his cupcakes altogether, then she’s nullified his permission and choices and so his title in the goods; i.e. stealing.
I can agree with the line of reasoning but I don't think that OP is the injured party here.

>> No.12961696

>wants free shit
imagine that

>> No.12961735
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bring these to the next pot luck
I always do and I'm the hit of the party
and the guy who brings cupcakes from the grocery store is ridiculed by all my coworkers

>> No.12961741
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>> No.12961742
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cupcakes were originally called "jewcakes" by Catholic clergy to entice young Jewish boys to have sex with them

it's a fact

>> No.12961745
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>purchasing cupcakes for a potluck instead of making them yourself

>> No.12961751

> Does she not fall under "any staff"?
Yes, but so do all the other staff. By taking all of them at once, she’s fundamentally altered the entire agreement. And there isn’t an agreement, anyway. Like I say, OP could remove them any time and nobody could have a claim against him. Also, it’s about realities: she can certainly keep going to the table throughout the day to take them eventually resulting in her eating them all, but she’d do so as an equal participant with everyone else who could do the same. So, by taking them all, she’s also gained an advantage for herself that is not part of the conditions.

> So did everyone else that ate one.
No, with respect, she’s taken them all leaving nothing. This is very different from taking one or even three at a time but leaving the remainder. Doing so puts you still within the conditions of them being placed there. OP didn’t bring them in for just her; they’re for others including her.

> I maintain that OP didn't have title at the point where the fat bitch stole them.
You’ll have to elucidate why then. The common law rule is title only passes when you’ve received good value, or you’ve made a gift. OP made a conditional donation which is not the same as a gift for reasons outlined above. The only exercise of grant in these circumstances is dependent on the conditions. It’s quasi-contractual but not quite, and probably closest to a form of unjust enrichment (my area of special interest).

... cont/

>> No.12961754

> What "reasonable expectation"? He set them in a public place with the explicit intent that they be consumed by all and sundry. This was not some case of OP leaving something lying around, it was as a contribution to a community meal. To go back to that example of the collection plate, as soon as someone - anyone - got into one of the cupcakes and OP raised no objection that was exercise of grant on the whole lot of them. The fact that some were still packaged is incidental; OP would have as little claim to eleven as a dozen.
The reasonable expectation that his conditions, even if implied, would be met. And yes, that’s right - he set them out to be eaten by the staff; reasonably taken to be others other than, but including, her. Also, exercise of grant is by the donee (person receiving), not the donor (OP). OP retains title in all, and relinquishes title on those consumed as per his conditions.

> And I argue that pursuant to my above assertion, he forfeited his title.
Ok, that’s fine, but you haven’t explained why. Title is a legal term that has specific boundaries. I understand it looks as though by leaving them out and essentially ‘taking his chances’ that he gave up any control over them but he didn’t; as I say, he could remove them any time and not a single person would have a claim against him. That’s what title is - that nobody has a greater claim in the goods than you do.

> I can agree with the line of reasoning but I don't think that OP is the injured party here.
That’s fine, but we can only go on the information we have. We can’t speculate.

>> No.12961782

>But food for a potluck for people to eat
>They eat it
What the fuck man? The audacity of these people.

>> No.12961800

>t. Confederate apologist
The CSA were traitors who fought to keep people as property, nothing more nothing less.

>> No.12961816
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>OP complains to boss
>next day Memo issued "No more potlucks"
>"no more company parties"
>fucking autistic fuck fucks it up for everybody over some crummy day old Kroger cupcakes

quite funny when you think about it

>> No.12961825

Yeah okay Mr Acosta

>> No.12961832

OP, you do realize this wanker didnt take food away from the potluck right? She took food nobody wanted after the potluck ended, or she at least thought nobody wanted.

You are dumb. She took food that she believed would of gone to waste if she didn't take them. If you really want the cupcakes back, message her for gods sake you fucking dumbass.

>> No.12961873

The worst part is that OP came to 4chan afterwards to seek validation for someone taking food from a potluck. I've been disappointed that everyone ate my food before but to come crying to a Mongolian cave paintings forum for support because you didn't have any Kroger cupcakes left over? Jesus Christ OP just end it all.

>> No.12961905

No it really isnt since the north wasnt even going to abolish it at the start of the civil war. Crack a fuckin book moran

>> No.12961910

Ah yeah that's the only reason families were slaughtering each other. The ignorance surrounding the civil war is astounding

>> No.12961923

>Yes, but so do all the other staff. By taking all of them at once, she’s fundamentally altered the entire agreement.
Firstly, others also had access to the cupcakes. Secondly, she did not remove ALL of the cupcakes. The main reason that OP is butthurt is because she took the ones he liked, not because there are no cupcakes left. That hair can certainly be split but I feel that it is unnecessary in light of the other circumstances.

>And there isn’t an agreement, anyway.

>Like I say, OP could remove them any time and nobody could have a claim against him.
I disagree. OP clearly intended for those donated goods (the cupcakes) to be consumed and once that was confirmed his claim to them was no longer the most substantial. OP's caramel cupcakes are also not substantively distinct enough from his PSL cupcakes to warrant separate legal instances of donation; they are all "donated cupcakes".

>Also, it’s about realities: she can certainly keep going to the table throughout the day to take them eventually resulting in her eating them all, but she’d do so as an equal participant with everyone else who could do the same. So, by taking them all, she’s also gained an advantage for herself that is not part of the conditions.
I can see the point there, somewhat, but how is "equal participant" defined? If there were persons entitled to access to the cupcakes who did not have that chance because of her actions that's one thing, but from what we can tell that is not the case. They were sitting out all day (OP claims to have been the first in the office and about to leave work at the end of the day at the respective beginning and end of the story) and everyone had their fair shot at the cupcakes; to abscond with (if, in fact, she didn't just stand there stuffing her face, in which case new arguments are necessitated for both of us) more than one's "fair share" would seem to be a social faux pas, not a legal mishap.


>> No.12961929

>The reasonable expectation that his conditions, even if implied, would be met. And yes, that’s right - he set them out to be eaten by the staff; reasonably taken to be others other than, but including, her. Also, exercise of grant is by the donee (person receiving), not the donor (OP). OP retains title in all, and relinquishes title on those consumed as per his conditions.
My argument is that "those consumed" extends to all of the donated goods upon commencement of consumption.

>Ok, that’s fine, but you haven’t explained why. Title is a legal term that has specific boundaries. I understand it looks as though by leaving them out and essentially ‘taking his chances’ that he gave up any control over them but he didn’t; as I say, he could remove them any time and not a single person would have a claim against him. That’s what title is - that nobody has a greater claim in the goods than you do.
I would argue that whoever represents the interests of the workplace (ie the entity overseeing the potluck, to which OP donated all those cupcakes) would have a greater claim as soon as it was established by all concerned parties (namely OP and the entity in charge of the potluck) that the cupcakes were for general consumption and there were no conditions attached.

>That’s fine, but we can only go on the information we have. We can’t speculate.
I feel that I've done that. This is fun; I love playing with common law.

>> No.12961942

reparations for what?
last I checked no one in the western world is buying or selling africans.
dont get me wrong its STILL a trade in africa like is always has been long before and after the huwhite pipo came and left

>> No.12961984

Putting up signs like that always made me steal more shit

>> No.12961991
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next time bring real food.

>> No.12962001

>That there were originally no plans to free slaves when the succession happened?
Bleeding Kansas and the Missouri Compromise were LITERALLY evens and legislation regarding the legality of slavery you absolute fucking brainlet

>> No.12962004

Youre on 4channel sweaty

>> No.12962007

And the jews brought them over in ships

>> No.12962013
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she had nice breasts
I'd give both those cupcakes and the cupcake between her legs reparations in a heartbeat of you catch my meaning

>> No.12962037

> Firstly, others also had access to the cupcakes. Secondly, she did not remove ALL of the cupcakes. The main reason that OP is butthurt is because she took the ones he liked, not because there are no cupcakes left. That hair can certainly be split but I feel that it is unnecessary in light of the other circumstances.
But he still retains title to all of them. All of it. Each cupcake, the plastic wrapper, whatever: its his. He can choose to leave some, take others, gift them, anything he likes. His title, his to dispose of as he sees fit.

> I disagree. OP clearly intended for those donated goods (the cupcakes) to be consumed and once that was confirmed his claim to them was no longer the most substantial. OP's caramel cupcakes are also not substantively distinct enough from his PSL cupcakes to warrant separate legal instances of donation; they are all "donated cupcakes".
Ok, but there’s no quantification in possession. They are his or they are not. And the only way they can not be his is a) he sells them for value, or b) he gifts them. Those are the only ways you can legally relinquish title in the common law. So, nobody bought them, and he didn’t gift them. They were a conditional grant - similar to a trust or charity. Anyone taking one had to meet the conditions of grant. Donations are definitely not gifts. In order to actualise (exercise) the donation, you must meet the conditions.


>> No.12962042

> I can see the point there, somewhat, but how is "equal participant" defined? If there were persons entitled to access to the cupcakes who did not have that chance because of her actions that's one thing, but from what we can tell that is not the case. They were sitting out all day (OP claims to have been the first in the office and about to leave work at the end of the day at the respective beginning and end of the story) and everyone had their fair shot at the cupcakes; to abscond with (if, in fact, she didn't just stand there stuffing her face, in which case new arguments are necessitated for both of us) more than one's "fair share" would seem to be a social faux pas, not a legal mishap.
Ok, but that’s just obvious on the facts. Just because we’re told they were left out all day, that doesn’t mean someone couldn’t have seen them and thought to come back later. Or came along after they were taken and never ever got the chance. Or that OP might have seen them unopened and decide to gift them to someone. Or take them home for himself. These are all conditions and opportunities and entitlements she’s interfered with. To be clear, though, yes, she could’ve simply stood there and eaten them all or just kept returning until she ate them all. That all meets the condition of grant - what doesn’t is removing them altogether and especially that doing so would deprive OP of his entitlements to them, including his choice to simply leave them there altogether.

>> No.12962049
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sad, truly sad
potlucks and cupcakes
a deadly pairing

>> No.12962051

Anon... she was under 18 for most of that show's run...

>> No.12962052

Jesus christ what a faggot.

>> No.12962090
File: 121 KB, 300x359, F5E5EC2F-8FE0-4634-B0BD-25E61E69B902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> My argument is that "those consumed" extends to all of the donated goods upon commencement of consumption.
Ok, but then you need to define ‘commencement of consumption’. Is that when they put it in their mouths? Just before? While it’s on the plate? When? I would say consumption is to be taken in the “plain and ordinary meaning of the word” (common law rule of interpretation) and occurred literally when they were eaten. At that point, title is extinguished, but not before.

> I would argue that whoever represents the interests of the workplace (ie the entity overseeing the potluck, to which OP donated all those cupcakes) would have a greater claim as soon as it was established by all concerned parties (namely OP and the entity in charge of the potluck) that the cupcakes were for general consumption and there were no conditions attached.
And again, only two ways they can have a greater claim. OP sold them, or gifted them. Seems to me you want to attempt an argument that it was a gift after all. If you can succeed with that, then this argument works. And you need authority (case law) if you want to do this. The common law is stitched together, never cut. There is no innovating. You must have precedent to say that this is a gift, not a conditional grant. But, you know, as the great Lord Coke (pic related) said “the common law is the law of common right or reason” so you can also persuade a judge to break with precedent if your argument is good enough.

> I feel that I've done that. This is fun; I love playing with common law.
Yeah, well you’re relentless enough. It’s a great quality for a lawyer. You should consider it :)

>> No.12962102

>just because I called it a potluck doesnt mean anything
>it was actually a totally different scenario which recontextualizes the whole story
You're retarded lad

>> No.12962131

>How should I retaliate?
Make cupcakes with laxatives and leave them out, like you did with the previous cupcakes

>> No.12962148

>They were a conditional grant - similar to a trust or charity. Anyone taking one had to meet the conditions of grant. Donations are definitely not gifts.
I disagree with your assertion that a condition of the potluck is retention of title.

>Ok, but that’s just obvious on the facts. Just because we’re told they were left out all day, that doesn’t mean someone couldn’t have seen them and thought to come back later. Or came along after they were taken and never ever got the chance. Or that OP might have seen them unopened and decide to gift them to someone. Or take them home for himself.
That level of control over the product would seem to conflict with the essential nature of a potluck, wherein food is mutually contributed and freely self-distributed.

>To be clear, though, yes, she could’ve simply stood there and eaten them all or just kept returning until she ate them all. That all meets the condition of grant - what doesn’t is removing them altogether
Removal needs to be defined but I don't have the time, means or inclination to go pour through case law.

>and especially that doing so would deprive OP of his entitlements to them, including his choice to simply leave them there altogether.
So OP is entitled to tell everyone else to fuck off from his potluck contributions? That seems like a contradiction in terms, especially if it's a conditional grant.

>> No.12962152

>Ok, but then you need to define ‘commencement of consumption’. Is that when they put it in their mouths? Just before? While it’s on the plate? When? I would say consumption is to be taken in the “plain and ordinary meaning of the word” (common law rule of interpretation) and occurred literally when they were eaten. At that point, title is extinguished, but not before.

>Seems to me you want to attempt an argument that it was a gift after all.
Yeah, pretty much. I just phrased it poorly.

>The common law is stitched together, never cut. There is no innovating. You must have precedent to say that this is a gift, not a conditional grant. But, you know, as the great Lord Coke (pic related) said “the common law is the law of common right or reason” so you can also persuade a judge to break with precedent if your argument is good enough.
And that's why it's so much fun.

>You should consider it :)
I did, but then I looked at law school and said "fuck that".

>> No.12962182

>brought cupcakes for your coworkers to eat
>your coworker ate them
Sounds about right.
If you're anal retentive about only your favorite coworkers eating your garbage processed sugar I guess you can hand them out individually next time?

>> No.12962276

when you bring stuff into a potluck you shouldn't be expecting to bring anything back except for any container you brought food in. most people would rather everything get consumed than have to bring back leftovers anyway so this seems like a pretty autistic post

>> No.12962290

/ck/ has some real weirdos posting here huh

>> No.12962296

/ck/ - Tort Law and Food

>> No.12962354

TIL i can eat an entire box of food if i just stand over it but if i take one back to my desk it is theft

>> No.12962473

more like Torte Law

>> No.12962477

You saw that reddit thread too huh

>> No.12962486

More blacks are enslaving blacks at the moment we speak than Americans ever did.


>> No.12962499

894,000 died due to black on white crime.

>> No.12962500

i am pretty sure they drank water and ate corn and limes

he should of brought that

>> No.12962517

based and blackpilled

>> No.12962561

Slavery is pretty big in Africa even today.

>> No.12962563
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Get fucked.

>> No.12962846
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16 is the legal age in my state, Cupcake

>> No.12963040

>he doesnt know
read the entire post retard. she admits to it

>> No.12963062

at my potlucks people take leftover food all the time (and we make it to GIVE not to be a fag and regift it to my shitty slut sister) and no one gives 2 shits because it'd rot in the fridge then get thrown out. you should've taken it first faggot. also fuck you for bringing shitty store bought cupcakes when you browse /ck/, fucking fast food poster.

>> No.12963101

How did a thread about potluck cupcake drama blow up this hard? Can we reach the post limit? Has that ever happened before? Not counting deaths and special events.

>> No.12963193


>> No.12963286

Everyone likes a good thread where OP gets BTFO for being an idiot

>> No.12963296

Well shit looks like this one is dying out, oh well it was a good run.

>> No.12963666

/ck/ incel autists doing what they do.
>woman takes food op brought to a potluck
>op incel considers it an extreme personal assault on him when in fact, the fatass was just on her moon cycle uncontrollably desiring sweets and never even thought about faggot op
>op obsession and rage ensues and whiteknighters come to his defense
You can see repeat this scenario repeated in various degrees in almost every thread on this board except the fast food threads.

>> No.12963784

>you can see repeat this scenario
uhhhmm... can you try that again in english, spud?

>> No.12963901

By the way, do you have any recommended resources for learning more in depth about common law? I already know some of the basics but something like a common law equivalent of Black's would be great.

>> No.12964062

Sorry on the delay. I think we can settle the key issue is whether the cupcakes are a gift or grant. Could go either way. You don’t need express agreements for one to exist. If something like this ever got to court (OP decided to sue in recovery) then judges undertake a process known as ‘construction’: they look at all the context and even things like text messages, previous similar events, and so on, and basically ‘build’ what the agreement was (construct). So, it kind of in that space you’d need to argue it’s a gift but you do need to follow the basic principles even if you don’t have precedent. But it’s always best to rely on previous case law so that’s important to bear in mind.

On books, ideally you want to source American property law generally, and the philosophy of property law specifically. Don’t worry, it’s way more interesting than just mortgages or whatever (which is also interesting anyway). I say this as someone who hated the idea of it but landing up wanting to do it as a career. I would also say reading Baker’s history of law (it’s all common law) is obligatory. The common law was basically built on property disputes so getting a grounding in its history is imperative. It’s a big book and he writes very densely (you’re smart enough) but it’ll give a good base understanding of how it developed into what it is now. Very much still the ancient principles at work. For instance, common law prop is very much rooted in customary law (like sharing food for instance), and there’s no dominion (absolute right) like in Roman law (which is shit; all civilian legal systems are shit).

So, I would start there: 1) Baker history of law, 2) any intro to American property law (must be US as you’ll have different key cases), and 3) philosophy of property law. I’ll try look around for you. A good indicator of quality is look at university presses from Yale etc. They’ll be expensive but they’ll be best academics.

>> No.12964117

>Sorry on the delay. I think we can settle the key issue is whether the cupcakes are a gift or grant. Could go either way. You don’t need express agreements for one to exist. If something like this ever got to court (OP decided to sue in recovery) then judges undertake a process known as ‘construction’: they look at all the context and even things like text messages, previous similar events, and so on, and basically ‘build’ what the agreement was (construct). So, it kind of in that space you’d need to argue it’s a gift but you do need to follow the basic principles even if you don’t have precedent. But it’s always best to rely on previous case law so that’s important to bear in mind.
Yeah, I think the discussion has gone about as far as it can go without a research library. Thanks for you patience.

>On books, ideally you want to source American property law generally, and the philosophy of property law specifically. Don’t worry, it’s way more interesting than just mortgages or whatever (which is also interesting anyway). I say this as someone who hated the idea of it but landing up wanting to do it as a career. I would also say reading Baker’s history of law (it’s all common law) is obligatory. The common law was basically built on property disputes so getting a grounding in its history is imperative. It’s a big book and he writes very densely (you’re smart enough) but it’ll give a good base understanding of how it developed into what it is now. Very much still the ancient principles at work.

> all civilian legal systems are shit

>So, I would start there: 1) Baker history of law, 2) any intro to American property law (must be US as you’ll have different key cases), and 3) philosophy of property law. I’ll try look around for you. A good indicator of quality is look at university presses from Yale etc. They’ll be expensive but they’ll be best academics.
God bless libgen.

>> No.12964508

>white man dindu nuffin, it was da jooooos
holy fuck

>> No.12964521

don't try and understand the /pol/ brain

>> No.12964537

Yea man I know! It's crazy, but true. Weird how they don't teach that part in school. I guess history is "anti-Semitic" now, eh?

>> No.12964547

Why spell it like that? It's "Jews" or "Juden".

>> No.12964556

go back

>> No.12964560

Shouldn't you want to understand every point of view to make sense of an issue the best you can? Ignoring facts can lead to some pretty damaging trends like science or history denial...

>> No.12964567

I'll go back to /pol/ when you go back to R_eddit. Deal?

>> No.12964681

You fucking moron the whole point of a potluck is to eat other people's food. kys

>> No.12964757

>not distinguishing between "eating someone elses food meant for everyone" and taking home an entire unopened tray of food to eat at your leisure.
If its eaten at work fine, but taking an unopened tray of food home to eat later is literally theft. Read the thread next time as well before posting.

>> No.12964784

their point of view is just white supremacism, there isn't much more to understand.

>> No.12964794

>their point of view is just white supremacism
If all evidence and facts point to that being the solution, perhaps it might be time to entertain that idea and see if it makes the world a better place. .

>> No.12964799

either that or they could be muslims, for all the anti jew stuff i mean.
jews make muslims seethe like nothing else in the world.

>> No.12964812

So anyone who calls out Jews for their wrongdoing, historical or modern, is a white supremacist? That's an interesting perspective.

>> No.12964817

>perhaps it might be time to entertain that idea and see if it makes the world a better place
This. A rising tide raises all ships.

>> No.12964822

anyone who starts talking about how jews were responsible for american slavery and whites are innocent and are actually the heroes is yes.
but nice strawman

>> No.12964844

>how jews were responsible for american slavery
They literally owned and operated the transatlantic slave trade. This is not an opinion, it is a documented fact. Are whites at fault as well? Sure, they brought the slaves. So did American Indians, Chinese, Indians, Middle Easterners, and every country in South America. Africans are also at fault since they supplied the Jews with captured Africans to ship around the world. So everyone is at fault to different degrees.

That doesn't change the fact that the people who operated the slave trade were Jewish.

>> No.12964880

>they literally owned the transatlantic slave trade
patently false, some were involved sure, but to say they "owned the slave trade" or they were the reason behind it is just so intellectually dishonest. stop getting your information from /pol/ and white supremacist sites.
actually try reading some scholarly works on the subject for once in your life.

>> No.12964894

>actually try reading some scholarly works on the subject for once in your life
A suggestion I will redirect back at you my Jewish friend.

>> No.12964900

>if you don't agree with my ridiculous views you must be jewish
yep, it's /pol/

>> No.12964906

The Jews sold the slaves. They also were the largest perpetrators of human trafficking during the sugar boom in South America, truly the shittiest of slave work in a place that didn't even end up as good as the US. The sugar industry still utilizes slavery. It's not "redundant" to describe history accurately, Jewnon.

>> No.12964936

You have to understand that a group of Portuguese Jewish financiers master minded and financed the entire idea of sending specialized ships to the West coast of Africa to meet with war lords they had agreements with and pick up slaves captured during tribal warfare. The entire idea of taking slaves from one area and dispersing them around the world was literally a Jewish invention. Historically speaking, slavery had always occurred within a racial group (white on white, black on black, Asian on Asian, etc). Jews literally revolutionized the business of slavery by taking people en masse from Africa instead. The modern concept of slavery we know today was literally invented by Jews.

Is none of this getting through to you? What did you think? That whites went to Africa with big nets and captured an African at a time before bringing them back to America? lmao

>> No.12964941

You are either Jewish or a friend of Jews. You wouldn't defend them so vehemently otherwise.

>> No.12964957

I'm not even gonna argue with this one because the whole thing is just make believe.
Read a book on the subject, and not one endorsed by david duke.
I know you won't do this though, because you don't really care about the truth, you just want to built a fantasy world for yourself that conforms with all your views.

>> No.12964969

spoken like a true sociopath

>> No.12964977

>I'm not even gonna argue with this one because the whole thing is just make believe.
Yea, I've experienced that people who have no argument to make tend to take this route. Otherwise they would address each point I made with a specific and sourced rebuttal.

You have no rebuttal by the way because I'm historically accurate, and your argument is based on "feelings".

>> No.12964998

no, your argument is make believe, there's nothing to argue against.
I'm not gonna argue about fairy tales, as much as you'd like me to.

>> No.12965003

>your argument is based on "feelings"
He's actually refrained from making any argument at all except "Jews have never done anything wrong, goy!". Classic Jewish tactic. If you never address the argument, you can claim to win the argument by default (without making an argument all).