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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12958979 No.12958979 [Reply] [Original]

prove me wrong (pic related)

>> No.12958984

>inb4 u cant

>> No.12958986

Any retard can make a pbj.

>> No.12958988

I'm not a chef I'm a faggot with a stove.
also cooking plant based anything will always lead to it being worse than their raw counterparts.

>> No.12958990

Prove yourself wrong
protip: you can't

>> No.12958995

>dead animals
Obvious bait

>> No.12958999

That's not cooking YOU RETARD

>> No.12959003

cows eat plants, so they're plant based as well.

>> No.12959011

>never had a toasted pbj
Poor soul

>> No.12959017
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>toasting bread is cooking

>> No.12959021

You just do the same things you do with meat but you do it with vegetables. It's not brain science.

>> No.12959022

Sorry your argument is bad.

>> No.12959026

no one here is a chef. there are 941600 individuals in the US employed as chefs, with a total us population of 327.2 million.

thats far less than one percent

nobody here is a chef. no chef has the time to shitpost on a low traffic section of a low tier imageboard

>> No.12959300

>nobody here is a chef
Speak for yourself and get the fuck off my board

>> No.12959306

If you run a kitchen you can call yourself a chef

>> No.12960303
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>another vegan thread

>> No.12961134


>> No.12961137

you aren't a chef, you're a line cook

>> No.12961161
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>when a literal esl tries to make a thread and can't into basic grammar

>> No.12961165

when do you seperate the line between a cook and a chef?

>> No.12961172

Holding the title of "chef" isn't really that impressive. I'm a sous chef and have gotten offers for chef positions at a few other (admittedly shittier but still legit) places, and I post here literally every night after I get home.

>> No.12961196

Liking animal based products doesn't make one an evolved human. Fact.

>> No.12961200

The sky is green prove me wrong
>any retard can make any claim

>> No.12961210

this is absolutely correct
if you can't make mashed potatoes you can't claim to be a chef, only a grill master

interestingly enough it's not as retarded a claim as it seems at a glance, many people around the world agree with you

>> No.12961231

i for one welcome our rapefugees from r/veganism

>> No.12961241

He's not wrong, nitpicking about the word "chef" aside. Making meat taste good is easy mode. Salt, brush with oil, cook, done. The fact that boomers can have hours-long arguments about grilling technique, and get confused and angry at the sight of a vegetable, says basically everything you need to know. Meat is for homer simpson tier idiots.