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File: 71 KB, 1280x720, douchebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12958199 No.12958199 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when California ruined wine?

>> No.12958206

How was wine ruined exactly?

>> No.12958205

I took a few wine classes at my school which is known really for wine.

Kids from France were sent over to study wine there and they were routinely the biggest douchebags.

>> No.12958212

Californian wines are among the best in the world. Keep seething yurocuck.

>> No.12958213

Anything California produces is ruined.

>> No.12958220

I'm not European

>> No.12958223


>> No.12958224

Californian wines suck cause they're made by wyts

>> No.12958238
File: 50 KB, 342x480, Gustavo_Goes_to_Washington_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Californians of all colors ruin wine

>> No.12958244

No need to import your wines though. The last 2 years have produced excellent vintages.

>> No.12958608

Cali ruins everything it touches are you even suprised?

>> No.12958628
File: 96 KB, 506x506, WINERYGUIDE-XL-santa-barbara-brewer-clifton[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they ARE the best. old world wines taste like trash and are over priced because muh import. sorry but California has the best soil on earth to grow wine and now the generational knowhow to continue to dominate. it's over frenchies

>> No.12958629

SJWs from California touched it and filled it with estrogen to turn you trans

>> No.12958760

His wines aren't very good. If you want really good wine produced by Mexican immigrants, try Delgadillo and anything made by Rolando Herrera - his personal label is Mi Sueño.

>> No.12959296
File: 19 KB, 425x282, Dn0RfXyXgAAGy_g.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fertile soil is good for wine
Spoken like a fatty fat McDonalds customer, enjoy your high octane swill
There are Mexicans everywhere, can't they make wine somewhere that doesn't suck, like Yamhill?

>> No.12959357

Why does he have such long and thick eyelashes?

>> No.12959449


you're a crybaby manchild, fuck off and die
t. northeast, don't even try to call me a "seething californian" like the fucking reddit tourist you are

>> No.12959479

men shouldn't be drinking wine anyway
>inb4 buttblasted euros

>> No.12959516

Nobody said "for me", that's your projection speaking, you dumb Meiomi fan

>> No.12959534

>california wine is bad
all wine is bad
this has been meticulously tested, wine tasting is for losers who insist that their weird grape juice is better than others

>oh but you can taste chocolate and oak and
fuc kin gross, if I wanted to taste those things, I'd spend money on those things

>but it's complex, you just don't underst-
half of the time when you say you can taste something, it's your brain tricking you into tasting it

there's a way to study all of the different ways wine can break down into flavorable compounds, and yet nobody does it because OOP--turns out wine tasting is bullshit

we ALL know that you really can't taste the difference between wines, even some tricky little food coloring would throw you off, so let me throw you off and out of my board

you can enjoy wine, but don't be a little bitch about it
just drink vodka instead

>> No.12959562

wine was never that good to begin with

>> No.12959568

It touched californians

>> No.12959574

What Adam Ragusea video is this from?

>> No.12959592

Boomers need to die and take their appetite for the flavors of wood with them

>> No.12959618

The amount of quality wine California produces is incomparable to any point in history.

>> No.12961107

please. the ukranians destroyed wine like 40 years ago. the japanese thrust another dagger in it.

>> No.12961143

I wasn't born yet because it was in 1976

France is still assmad about losing it's own wine tasting competition-


>Although Spurrier had invited many reporters to the original 1976 tasting, the only reporter to attend was George M. Taber from TIME magazine, who promptly revealed the results to the world.[13] The horrified and enraged leaders of the French wine industry then banned Spurrier from the nation's prestigious wine-tasting tour for a year, apparently as punishment for the damage his tasting had done to its former image of superiority.[2] The tasting was not covered by the French press, who almost ignored the story. After nearly three months, Le Figaro published an article titled "Did the war of the cru take place?" describing the results as "laughable," and said they "cannot be taken seriously."[3] Six months after the tasting, Le Monde wrote a similarly toned article.[3]

>The validity of the statistical breakdown of the scores was called into question, so they redid the tallying. American wines still won
>There was another tasting in 1978, America won again
>and Again in 1986
>and again in 2003

>> No.12961144

There's a new generation of boomlets, raised on Game of Thrones, which actually has a wine now. Mouth breathers will never stop liking vanilla extract in their fruit bombs.
>the only places that make wine are napa and france
Great, now that you got that off your back return to your Jollibee threads

>> No.12961145

French wine is overrated but new world piss is fucking awful.

>> No.12961147

>that femald judge that demanded her scorecard back so she could change the scores

Truly hilarious

>> No.12961149


>> No.12961154

Quantity. The word you want is quaNtity.

>> No.12961156

Anyone who hates complex alcohol flavours is in NO position to call anyone a 'bitch'. Barrel ageing contributes incredible amounts of flavour to wine and spirits.

>> No.12961162

Wow, it's almost as if centuries of complacency can lead to a worse product and a lack of good taste.

>> No.12961163

>"The results of a blind tasting cannot be predicted and will not even be reproduced the next day by the same panel tasting the same wines."[4] In one case it was reported that a "side-by-side chart of best-to-worst rankings of 18 wines by a roster of experienced tasters showed about as much consistency as a table of random numbers."
It's almost like wine experts are full of shit.

>> No.12961185

yeah that's the funniest part to me, they're outright admitting sommoliers are 100% bullshit hokum

>> No.12961207

It's a stretch to call it "barrel aging", what you think of as barrel aging is really oak chips chucked in a vat. Good wine doesn't taste like getting hit in the face with an oak 2x4.

>> No.12961216

>what you think of as barrel aging is really oak chips chucked in a vat
this is depressing to think about and makes me want to vomit

>> No.12961230

If you really want to vomit, pop the cork on some california ''''wine''''', pour a little taste, and take a sniff.

>> No.12961481

Which ones are the best then?

>> No.12961483

You can't afford the best.

>> No.12961486

i live in northern california and i always buy old world wines. i don't know wtf is wrong with me.

>> No.12961491

Okay but if french is overrated and new world is piss then where are the best ones coming from? Screw the cost for arguments sake.

>> No.12961502

I like Umbrian stuff.
Good climate for vineyards.

>> No.12961506

Realistically speaking you can make amazing wine practically anywhere, it's just going to be prohibitively expensive to make after a point (same concept as vat-grown meat or foie gras made without gavage). So looking at California for instance what do you think you're going to get if you try and grow grapes on land that is wildly expensive, in a state where doing business is wildly expensive, with no subsidies, and where "management" consists of some rich twat who made his fortune in hollywood or silicon valley and is doing this as a vanity project. You're going to get wildly expensive wine that tastes like less expensive wine, of course.

French wine is only overrated if you're a retard, they have the climate and conditions (political, economic, and geographic) to produce high quality wine at all price points. You can accuse them of cheating if you want (their industry is HEAVILY subsidized) but even after middleman fees and taxes French wine can compete with anyone, price to quality wise, in most countries. Just because Chinese businessmen drove up the cost of DRC monopoles doesn't mean you're getting a bad deal when you buy a bottle of no-name Rhone wines.

>> No.12961541

French wine is mostly additives. We shouldn't have saved their wine production since they ended up just ruining it on their own again.

>> No.12961550
File: 24 KB, 600x400, Mega-Purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California wine isn't even wine, it's the wine equivalent of Sunny D.

Also, the only reason "we" had to save their wine production is because "we" sent them a noxious disease. Also, the graftings "we" sent them didn't come from California, so don't try to take credit for this you west coast scum, whatever "we" was involved had nothing to do with you.

>> No.12961558

You aren't American, and the French aren't real people.

>> No.12961563
File: 61 KB, 344x347, LibertyEqualityorDeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You aren't American
People like me grew up being told that by people like you, if you think my feelings are going to be hurt by that you're delusional.
>the French aren't real people.
The French have better "American" values than most rah rah flag waving "Americans" these days. You people are trying to bring feudalism to America while the French are defending modernity as Europe burns.

>> No.12961569

>California wine isn't even wine, it's the wine equivalent of Sunny D.
Lul xd put me in the screencap
>Also, the only reason "we" had to save their wine production is because "we" sent them a noxious disease.
The French imported American grafts many times, before, and after the blight retard, because their dumb asses were always prone to diseases.
>Also, the graftings "we" sent them didn't come from California, so don't try to take credit for this you west coast scum, whatever "we" was involved had nothing to do with you.
>We didn't save them, but we saved them. Uh fuck you, you retarded French faggot.

>> No.12961578
File: 240 KB, 1500x1211, theaveragefrenchfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like me grew...
Literally coping. The post.
>The French have better "American" values than most rah
Bending over isn't a value to be proud of Muhammad bin lejean.

>> No.12961582

>look at this faggot who cried because his country was taken over by nazis
Yeah he should be celebrating like the MAGA crowd, rah rah ethnic cleansing!

>> No.12961583
File: 97 KB, 1000x541, 1066351650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French literally can't do anything right.

>> No.12961588

What a mess of a post, lern2 greentext

>> No.12961590

>Taken over
The how was important.

>> No.12961596

>focuses on the formatting, because she got btfoed
Why do you even still post here? You're stupid as fuck, your device trolling is boring, and you resort to doing the same thing everytime someone calls your dumb ass out.
Kys unironically you boring faggot.

>> No.12961620

how embarrassing