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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, 9 21 19 Burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12955575 No.12955575 [Reply] [Original]

>make burger at work
>kind of a slow night so get off early
>asian grocery store is still open so make a stop
>asian grocer is right next to taco bell
>phone died so can't order via mobile app and have to order like a basic bitch pleb at the speaker
>don't bother with modifications other than getting burritos grilled (obviously)
>pull up to window
>window opens
>someone in the back yells, "no onions!?"
>dude at window looks right at me and asks, "what's going on, anon? why not the onions and red sauce like usual?"
>explain that my phone died...
>comes back a minute later after paying while i'm taking a swig from the car flask
>"so, you want us to make your usual?"
I've been calling people autists for years for making threads thinking that being a regular at a restaurant and having a "usual", but I was completely taken off guard when I realized that I was a regular at a fast food place. It's only one of 3 locations that I main.

>> No.12955585

Not your blog.

>> No.12955600

How bad do you think you smell on a daily basis?

>> No.12955635
File: 2.46 MB, 3024x4032, Asian grocery store haul (i like green).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty happy with my Asian grocery store purchase (everything was on sale).
I shower on a daily basis, so if anything I probably just smell like spearmint, green tea, and vodka.

>> No.12955658

Don't worry anon, I liked your blog.

>> No.12955673

it's ok anon, they're just trying to be friendly

>> No.12955805

I hate your blog.

>> No.12955808

At least there's no cats.

>> No.12955815

How many times per week do you eat fast food, anon?

>> No.12955818

Worse, there's dumbass alcoholics.

>> No.12955828
File: 8 KB, 318x159, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta have my usual
hard to trigger me in real life, this always does though holy fuck it's always cringe to hear

>> No.12955842

>literally calls himself, "dickered cat fucker"
>not an alcoholic
Just because someone drinks shitty liquor doesn't not make them an alcoholic. But kudos to you for not being familiar with reddit lingo.

>> No.12955846

how fat are you anon?

>> No.12955910

I'll take alcoholic cat guy over drunk taco Bell guy that also drinks and drives. Seriously, if the TB poster wants to kill himself, he should do it at home, not put the lives of innocent bystanders at risk all because he chooses to self destruct with alcohol.

>> No.12955933

>I'm so special and unique I never eat the same thing twice because I do nothing all day except sit around on 4chins talking about how superior my gourmet interests are

Here's some facts of life for you. People are busy and want tasty convenient food, which is why the TGIMcfunster's of the world exist.

It's also good to build a rapport with these people because they will give you extra stuff if they like you and won't spit in your food if you don't.

As you get older you life gets more and more 'cringy' but you stop giving a fuck what other people think cause they don't matter and only zoomer dicklets give a shit worrying about some stranger posting about them on twitter like it means shit.

>> No.12956073
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, Burg, perfect mid-rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to get a little more minimalist with my burger, but realized that adding an extra slice of tomato and pickle makes a huge difference.

>> No.12956078

Why is everything raw, even the burger?

>> No.12956293

This desu

>> No.12956322
File: 30 KB, 267x400, B6B296EF-0AF5-4D4D-8A6E-BD91E8729873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you whining about this? You think you’re too special that ‘lowly’ drive-thru staff shouldn’t recognise you, OP? You’re actually complaining that hard-working people who probably earn shit and get treated like dirt throughout their working days took a moment to be interested in you and your food? It’s a problem for you for human beings to ever express interest in other human beings? Or is it just staff you’ve got a problem with? You seem to be under the woeful misapprehension, OP, that these people exist merely as quasi-human automatons that should keep their heads down and not even make eye contact with you. That’s pretty much the whole thrust of this - they’re your servants and should know their place. Why not just say that, faggot?

Now, I get it, OP; you ran your thread wanting to tap the whole ‘zomg guiz check how based hik I am lol’, but, objectively, you’re a rude, contemptuous, sneering, nasty cunt. I am quite sure IRL you are well known to your family and others that know you as someone who is unreliable, cruel, indifferent, and to be avoided as much as possible unless absolutely necessary for holidays and so on. I see your kind. You know it, too.

>> No.12956560
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks you can only drive badly if you're drunk
Not that anon, but haven't driven sober a day in my life. Also have never been in a car accident. I get pretty pissed at people that don't know how to drive though. Bet you're the guy sitting in the passing lane not passing anyone

>> No.12957200

I sincerely hope you get into a bad accident that prevents you from ever getting on the road ever again.

>> No.12957212

That's a medium rare burger. Medium rare is the most popular burger temp.

>> No.12957216

Then ignore it chump.

>> No.12957225

Ito En green tea is great. I prefer the Koicha myself.

>> No.12957239

Sweet overreaction bro. Looks to me like op had experienced some personal growth and expansion of self awareness, but hey indulge in your seemmingly cynical and jaded world view.

>> No.12957342

I've had like 5-6 different Ito En varieties and just keep coming back to the Oi Ocha.

>> No.12957575
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, burg money shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came up with this burger originally, and everything I try adding to the basic formula just takes away from it.

>> No.12957960

There's nothing wrong with having a usual. It doesn't mean you're literally eating tendies for every single meal.

>> No.12959480

Why did you feel the need to reply to that bait anon?

>> No.12959511

> Everyone who says I things I don’t like is ‘baiting’ me
You beta cuck. Fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.12959513


>> No.12959606

mobile ordering is fucking bullshit anyway, I go to Qdoba and one guy is helping the people standing in line while 2 fags rush their asses off to fill an online order for people who aren't even there. They literally walk right past my bowl 10x going back and forth to read their gay receipt

fuck mobile ordering, stand in line

>> No.12959623

I use mobile ordering because it makes me feel less vulnerable when asking for no pickles

>> No.12959691

i used to work at taco bell overnight and if u came through every weekend im obviously gonna remember you. would most of the regulars free drinks but you dont seem like the social type who woulda gotten anything free.

>> No.12959697

Sorry I don’t respect the opinions of people who were ever in minimum wage service work, those jobs are for literal underage and retards who don’t know there’s better unskilled work.

>> No.12959735

Taco Bell hasn’t been minimum wage for ages

>> No.12959809
File: 250 KB, 500x375, 1566706056965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while i'm taking a swig from the car flask

>> No.12960238

Lol try hard

Op, looks like a nice haul

>> No.12960672
File: 2.18 MB, 3024x4032, 9 22 19 haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if u came through every weekend
You don't seem to understand, anon; I get Taco Bell 5-6 nights a week, but go to this particular location at least 3 nights a week. I went to my second location tonight, which is close to work, but in a different county and they charge for onions and red sauce. That said, the guy at the window poured a strawberry icee by mistake and gave it to me, and then they were out of onions so he offered to put on pico instead, and I'd added onions to 4 items so it worked out really nice to accompany the Emmys, which I for some reason DVR'd.

>> No.12961003
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 9 21 19 Burg rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and for all you Ramsey wannabes, this is what a rare burger looks like. I got impatient and just wanted to close tonight, but also had you in mind for every time you've screeched, "rare!" at a medium-rare burger.

>> No.12961016

Get it right, cunt.

>> No.12961050

>Get it right, cunt
For what reason?

>> No.12961067

Those tomatoes look insipid

>> No.12961102

that mochi tastes like shit

>> No.12961217
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1566419460062s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shelf stable mochi
>tastes like shit
Yeah, that's not exactly a giant spoiler.

>> No.12961225
File: 71 KB, 968x670, meidumrare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not medium rare, that's a little more than medium leaning towards medium rare. Here is medium rare.

>> No.12961242
File: 639 KB, 720x960, BlueCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On this pic it looks quite perfectly medium. Here is a rare burger.

>> No.12961246

Meant to write, leaning towards meidum well, but from other pictures I would say meidum.

>> No.12961328

oh cool tip, will put this on my blog

>> No.12961340

its even worst at a bottle shop until they start giving u discounts to the alcoholic u are

>> No.12961349

>until they start giving u discounts to the alcoholic u are
I gave up caring what liquor store clerks think long ago, but have never been given a discount for being a regular. Having a 17 year old at the Taco Bell drive through recognize you and address you by name seems much worse.

>> No.12961450

This is literally raw.
This was cooked on too high heat, and was likely still cold when they threw it on the grill, so the outside has a thin hard sear while the middle is still raw.

>> No.12962672

No, it's medium rare. The center has just passed the completely raw point.

And yes, you are right that it was threw on the grill still cold on a very hot plate so that it would get a nice sear while retaining a delicious rare center.

OPs burger is perfectly medium. Medium is right between uncooked and cooked in colour. The perfect pink. If what i posted is raw, you are implying nothing exists between OPs medium burger and completely raw.

>> No.12963030

>the center has just passed the completely raw point
And at what point does that take place?

>> No.12963056

How was the taco bell?

>> No.12963312

nice duck:)

>> No.12963322

he shitest of the shite

>> No.12963637
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, dollar nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taco Bell almost rarely fails to please when you're drunk (unless they skimp on the fillings - they can be really inconsistent - or forget to grill your burritos, which is unforgivable). Most nights when I get into my car after work I whisper to myself (in a Norther Westerosi accent): "not today", but as soon as I get around a quarter way into my car flask I start to think, "hey, today sucked; I deserve to spend $4 on 1400 calories of the healthiest fast food!" It honestly took me awhile to even give the nachos a chance, since I hate their chips and dip you get with most $5 boxes, and usually just add the dip to other items and throw out the chips. But the dollar nachos is actually a pleasant surprise, especially when it's been steaming for half an hour so the chips are a little soggy and it's more like eating a "deconstructed" (I studied philosophy and literary theory and hate that term applied to food) been and cheese burrito, but you get a lot more bang for your buck. Adding onions takes it to the next level, but substituting pico is close to life changing.

>> No.12963841

Seagram's is the king of budget vodka.

>> No.12963945

My statement was inprecise. It's medium rare because the whole of it, even the center, has gone beyond being rare.

Rare is between room temperature and flesh temperature.

Medium rare about 50-53 C.

Between I would guess 37C and 47C it's hard to detect much changes that the meat has gone over flesh temperature. The meat is still rare at this point. But when it's start having visible cooking characteristics, it becomes medium rare. It's hard to say because meat that has been laid in sauce vide 42C for 24 hours probably will look more cooked than meat that you just let reach 48C.

>> No.12964221

OP I am so very tired of your threads, as well as you, and hope you die very soon of a heart attack, or perhaps a drunk driving accident.
Please start using a trip so I don't have to see your threads ever again.

>> No.12964226

You seem to have replied to the wrong thread. No problem, it's an honest mistake. Here you go:

>> No.12964230

do you eat taco bell with every meal?
also are you stoked for the new promotion next month? I hear they're doing another $5 box giveaway.

>> No.12964252
File: 519 KB, 720x720, 1552181355174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being set in my ways is super good
Not him but you're both colossal faggots
Going out of your way to make sure you're always trying something new is tryhard as shit but being a boring cunt who only eats the same thing is pathetic too
You both fucking suck

>> No.12964267

no but obvious bait is bait
that was obvious bait
take the L

>> No.12964283

Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between autism and hyperbole on the internet, anon. Most of us don't actually see the world in black and white (at least that's what I secretly hope).

>> No.12964286

>pieces of raw beef falling off the bottom bun

how much do you weigh anon

>> No.12964304
File: 1.19 MB, 1041x990, 1543518060170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pieces of raw beef falling off the bottom bun
That's clearly a tomato, anon.

>> No.12964311

that burger looks incredible

>> No.12964366

that burger looks like shit
way too much tomato and mayo

>> No.12964662
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, emmy burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tomatoes weren't the best batch (end of summer), and it's a lemon rosemary ailoi - so basically flavored mayo.
We're a little more upscale, but decided to put a burger on the menu just to give people options if they didn't know what they were getting into. It was my idea to offer a few burger variations on the menu to get more people to order them because they're easy to make and cost effective. We order in the pattys and buns, but people generally rave about our burgers, which is weird since they were kind of an afterthought.

>> No.12964679 [DELETED] 

No one cares

>> No.12964712

>Get pulled over because your taillight is out, or you're speeding and he needs to fill some ticket quota
>Cop smells tons of alcohol (if you drink lots of alcohol or even drink flasks in your car it will smell very pungent)
>Makes you take breathalyzer
>You fail immediately
>Get a DUI and get your license suspended
You're basically fucked if a cop pulls you over for any reason, you need to put more forethought into it. Getting a DUI is a massive ordeal too, it takes a shit ton of work to get your license back after getting a DUI.

>> No.12964742
File: 759 KB, 777x1048, 1558505834051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time ever getting pulled over
>30 mph over the speed limit in a 45 zone
>been doing coke in my car with my gf for the past 5 hours
>cutting it with my licence because dumb kid
>hand over licence to cop
>can literally see cocaine falling off licence in the light of the flashlight
>suddenly realize the entire car reeks of coke
>"you were going a little fast, anon, what are you doing out at this time of night?"
>"uh, yeah, i was hanging out with my girlfriend and lost track of time and my mom was expecting me home awhile ago and i didn't realize; sorry, it wont happen again"
>"okay anon, be more careful next time"
It's nice being cute.

>> No.12964833


>> No.12964849

your car didn't smell like it idiot, that was your nose.

even banging ass ether coke doesn't smell up a space bigger than the bag its in

>> No.12964851

OP you are the most BASED poster I have ever seen post on 4chan, and I've been here 10 years.

>> No.12964873

You can absolutely smell coke. I haven't touched the stuff in a decade but can still immediately recognize the scent. Shit, next time you're at an older friend's place and they have a crown royal bag laying around that looks like it isn't new give it a whiff and you'll most likely learn what it smells like.

>> No.12965109
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, Bean and Rice Burrito (ungrilled).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I've been here 10 years
Me too! ;_; Thanks for the support, based Taco Bell social media intern. I haven't eaten Taco Bell forever, and honestly only got into it with the double chalupa special awhile back, but I think I've more than earned my keep, and if you still have any of those fancy xbox's laying around I wouldn't complain (PM me for shipping details); though someone keeps saying you're doing another promotion soon and if it's a Playstation I'll also be happy with one of those (FFVII remake tie-in?). The new guy fucked up by not having onions, but made up for it by subbing pico, but when I nuked my bean and rice burrito for breakfast this morning I was very disappointed to find that it was ungrilled. This is not acceptable, and would be akin to going out on a second date at Ruth's Chris, ordering a mid-rare filet, and being served a well done hockey puck.

>> No.12965385

Stop eating your burgers raw, for fucks sake

>> No.12965394

Jesus fuck do you weigh 400 lbs

>> No.12965397

Coke smells like gasoline or chemicals.

>> No.12965416

You're definitely thinking of meth. Either that or crack (never tried it so don't really know). Coke has a very distinct aroma that isn't at all like chemicals or gasoline.

>> No.12965430

No I'm defintiely thinking of cocaine because I've never done meth or crack, only a lot of powder cocaine. It has a very distinct chemical smell. You know gasoline is used to process it, right?

>> No.12965446

I'm sorry that you've only ever had low quality cocaine, anon.

>> No.12965454

Me too :(

>> No.12965478

>What does cocaine smell like when it is powdered? When it is mostly pure, it should smell sweet with tones that are somewhat floral. The smell is quite natural, which can make it hard for people to recognize. It can easily be mistaken for perfume or incense. If the coke is not pure, it may have these scents mixed with chemical undertones.
This was the first thing that came up on google for, "what does cocaine smell like", and "perfume or incense" is probably the closest you can get to describing the smell. If I never see it again until I'm in my 80's I'm positive I'll still immediately recognize the scent.

>> No.12965689

Are there really people here who've never had a burger that wasn't from a fast food place?

>> No.12965839

Why does it seem like every Taco Bell thread devolves into a debate on the pros and cons of drunk driving? (And the nuances of what cocaine smells like??) And why has nobody mentioned that avocado ice cream is apparently a thing now?

>> No.12965851

Because Taco Bell eaters are degenerates.

>> No.12965977

>unironically still using "degenerate"

>> No.12965984

hawaii anon?

>> No.12965999
File: 2.20 MB, 3024x4032, Avocado Ice Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up there, but have been on the mainland for well over a decade. In an area with lots of transplants so there are plenty of Asian stores carrying the things they can get that we want. Avocado ice cream is really underwhelming, btw. I honestly thought it was a Hawaiian brand based on the flavors, but apparently it's Filipino...

>> No.12966040

Huh, Same here actually. Was from Oahu, north shore. Spent a couple years on the mainland and it's...different, i suppose. I miss a lot of the little conveniences of the island though, can't find calpico worth a damn

>> No.12966068

I grew up on Kauai and couldn't wait to leave. Then I left, and traveled a bit, and realized that there's nowhere more beautiful in the world, even though I hate most of the people who live there. There's so much I miss, though. I've been to dozens of "Hawaiian" restaurants and literally the only place you can find lau lau is fucking L&L, which I ever only went to for the li hing mui icees.

>> No.12966081

Gotta imagine it was pretty gnarly out there, the north shore was pretty bad with the...i dont know, everyone was so complacent, and lazy. No one wanted to do beter for themselves, it was oppressive how passive everyone was in accepting their shitty lives. Definitely miss a lot of the food, havin regular Lua's on the family farm was great- even if i hated interactin with the extended family

>> No.12966111

Kauai is a little slice of heaven compared to Oahu, though from what I hear it's basically turned into a shithole since I've been there.

>> No.12966306

You don't speak for everyone.

>> No.12966404

Jesus there needs to be a universal burger cook sign in every restaurant so we can stop people like you.

>> No.12967423

Cooks make mistakes from time to time, but 99% of the time when a burger is sent back it's the customer who ordered the wrong temp.