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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 778 KB, 1274x897, YouTuber cooking video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12953329 No.12953329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>A Chinese YouTuber has agreed to pay the families of two girls who tried to copy one of her viral cooking techniques after one of them died on September 5.

>> No.12953338
File: 100 KB, 620x809, 1548173608925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fox news

>> No.12953339

My posts aren't getting any replies. What can I include in my posts to create some buzz?

>> No.12953358

Eye candy for the coomers.

>> No.12953359

Say the "n-word", and wait for that one anon to say "go back to /pol/.

>> No.12953364

why did the girls have a fucking bucket of alcohol near open flames? how is cooking over an alcohol stove a "viral technique"?

>> No.12953367

>Ms Yeah said their accident occurred because the flame was lit when they attempted to pour alcohol in the cans, which helped to ignite a nearby 2-pound bucket of alcohol.

its not really her fault that the girls had a bucket there, many youtubers do more dangerous stunts on camera and they shouldnt be responsible for viewer's home environment

ive seen her videos (and they arent my thing)--its just lots of wacky cooking gimmicks like cooking food with office supplies etc. 99% of the people just watch for entertainment and not for replication

its for PR and probably her own sense of guilt that she paid money, I dont think theres an actual legal reason to do so.

>> No.12953373

More importantly, who leaves children like that unattended? If I had a 12 and 14 year old girl in the house I would watch them at all times.

>> No.12953375

>hui agreed to pay hospital bills
Wasn't free universal healthcare one of the big draws to communism?

>> No.12953384

Nah, in China if you maim another person you have to pay for their healthcare. That's why cars will accelerate and aim for you if they're afraid they might hit you, and sometimes back over you a few times.

>> No.12953387

china is actually as capitalistic or even more capitalistic as usa in many areas
it hasnt been 'communist' for decades
the only really communistic thing it has is the one party system, people earn money and pay bills like everywhere else

>> No.12953392

Last archived 5 minutes ago on the usual archive site, which is apparently blocked on 4chan now.
OP, you're a bit too eager to repost. Where did you get the link from?

>> No.12953403

maybe it's her way of clearing her conscience because she's going to leave the video up and monetize it even after direct proof it led to the death of a fan

>> No.12953418

how exactly is it really her fault though
imagine if you had a channel focusing on DIY, making wooden gadgets or whatever
some young fan follows you but because of inexperience or lack of supervision he saws his hand off

is that your fault?

>> No.12953427

Based responsibility-avoidant zoomer.

>> No.12953430

>china is actually as capitalistic or even more capitalistic as usa in many areas
>it hasnt been 'communist' for decades
the only really communistic thing it has is the one party system,
It's still communist (well, but one could argue that there actually hasn't ever been a true communist country, but that's beyond the scope of why China is considered to be a communist nation)
>people earn money and pay bills like everywhere else
Yes just like I communist Cuba, and the former communist USSR.

>> No.12953439

how is she responsible for what they keep in their house??

>> No.12953442

why did you even bother replying to that guy if you weren't going to say anything of substance at all, and make it obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.12953454 [DELETED] 

>copy cooking video
>burn yourself to death
Wow I didn't know one of us died

>> No.12953473

>burned to death trying to make some popcorn
imagine this as your obituary

>> No.12953478

it just had to be teenage girls. (of course)

truly the brightest of all demographics.

>> No.12953480

I thought chinks were supposed to be smart

>> No.12953504

They aren't see

>> No.12953510

You seem mentally retarded.

>> No.12953539

if they had not seen the video the girl would not be dead

>> No.12953560

And yet you faggots claim they're mature enough for sex.

>> No.12953565

not an argument

>> No.12953571

"china is communist"

walmart, kfc, macdonalds, ikea, apple etc etc have giant chains in china
so much for being communist

>> No.12953582

that is true for all media
if a kid watches Superman, thinks he can fly, jumps off a building and dies---thats DC comic's fault?

>> No.12953585

Based pedo

>> No.12953594

No, comics are too divorced from reality to emulate, but we as a society did decide it was the live action movie's fault back when that was actually happening.

>> No.12953601

Careful, OP. You're going to trigger that Chineseanon who goes nuclear when chinamen are disrespected.

>> No.12953604

well my point was, kids are going to do all sorts of retarded things and its not the job of the content creator to envision every single possible scenario

>> No.12953622

It's almost as if you don't understand the communism aspect, and policies.

>> No.12953634

you should really go back to your containment board though

>> No.12953635

you shouldnt use communism to describe china when its obviously not very communist at all
you can literally open a business in china right now and become a millionaire if you are good enough, its very open compared to cuba and russia

>> No.12953636

Thats fucked up, so basically chinese will purposely try to kill you if it looks like you might get injured cause of their reckless driving?

>> No.12953642

DC might pull the issue rather than keep it up and give a token donation. also one is a comic book that is clearly fantasy while the other is an instructional video

they don't need to envision anything. there is reality and what actually happened.

>> No.12953652

it's open compared to some euro countries

>> No.12953655

>if the man at the alcohol store had only carried small bottles she wouldnt be dead
>if the man at the bucket store hadnt sold her a big bucket she wouldnt be dead
>if her parents had raised her not to be a retard she wouldnt be dead

>> No.12953666

guess what
the girls didnt follow her instructions well enough
its on them

>> No.12953683

china's just the most well known, it's the case with a lot of shit countries
india and vietnam have had this problem as well

>> No.12953714

Yea. I could make a million, and so would the Chinese government who would be my direct business partner.

>> No.12953720

>posted in almost every thread about china

>> No.12953728

Now you're just wildly throwing around all the false equivalences you can think of. All because you, as an individual, lack the moral character to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions.

>> No.12953750

This anon is stupid.

>> No.12953775 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 337x337, mcmutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american
>watch video on how to make a peanut butter sandwich

>> No.12953784
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use a tripcode

>> No.12953812

not even a argument because the girls literally did not follow her example in the video exactly

>"Ms Yeah said the accident occurred because the flame was lit when they attempted to pour alcohol in the cans, which helped to ignite a nearby 2-pound bucket of alcohol."
>"I used only one tin can and an alcohol lamp, which is safer. In [their video] we could clearly see that they used two cans and not a lamp."

natural selection at work, the girls poured highly flammable fuel on a lit flame, what did they think was going to happen
if you are going to do something you've never done before and dont follow the steps and get hurt its your own fault

>> No.12953829

Nobody forced them to watch it and try to recreate what they saw. Stop being retarded, retard.

>> No.12953849

it's literally a tutorial video. you're the real retard retard

>> No.12953861

She claimed that it wasn't a tutorial video.

>> No.12953877


its a chinese cultural thing

you have an accident and somebody else gets hurt, you just pay them and/or their family for the whole affair.

its admittedly weird as fuck for a westerner to witness, but afaik its "normal" and accepted in china

>> No.12953892
File: 7 KB, 208x242, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a tutorial video

>no voiceover
>no text instructions
>done in a humorous setting to funky music with the other people in the video being "shocked" at all this meme cooking

what kind of tutorial is that?
next time I slice my finger off while attempting to filet a fish I should sue Gordon Ramsay because I once saw a video of him doing the exact same thing and its totally his fault I got injured

this is your argument right now
"Mr Ramsay, if you didnt post that fish filet video on Youtube, this poor anon wouldnt be hurt. Please take your video down too"

>> No.12953894

decent argument ngl

>> No.12953903

did he teach you something irresponsible? most likely not. if someone uses the hot seal canning method with meat they learned from a youtuber and they get botulism I'm definitely blaming the youtuber for giving poor instructions because they were acting irresponsibly

>> No.12953914

China is the same country where a kid drank gasoline because he thought it would super charge him or some shit because he saw it in Transformers or some other garbage.

>> No.12953921

its not a tutorial video and you have autism

>> No.12953953

at least I don't have burns over 95% of my body

>> No.12954055

Yeah, and the US is a country where kids were eating tide pods for the lulz and dying like flies.

>> No.12954061

>F(au)x News
Good goy!

>> No.12954072

there is a disclaimer at the very beginning that warns and tells the view that these are no instructional.

>> No.12954083


>> No.12954113

and google's marketing algorithm makes sure little kids see it. nothing nefarious going on at all goy just do what you're told

>> No.12954143
File: 47 KB, 1067x600, 1poi3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should at least admire the girl's burning passion and curiosity. The thought of her will always be alight in our minds, never going out like an eternal flame. Not a flittering candle but a fiery firecracker, luminous and ablaze in the night sky.

>> No.12954190 [DELETED] 

they deserved it

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 殺共匪夺回大陆!1911 will commence again. 1911年將再次發生。The Republic will rise again. 中華民國將復活!The mainland belongs to the republic. 大陸屬於中華民國!Winnie the Pooh 维尼熊 Xi Zedong 终身制Personality cult 个人崇拜Animal Farm动物庄园1984一九八四 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of Chyna 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.12954200

>fox news

>> No.12954203

China is fascist. Not even syndicalist, straight up fascist.

>> No.12954205

According to pre-1066 Anglo-Saxon law, yes.

>> No.12954229

See, hook line and sinker.

>> No.12954253
File: 845 KB, 1920x1080, 1528055685464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some high quality bait

>> No.12954276

the youtuber is clearly a murderer and should go to prison

>> No.12954291

at minimum they should recognize that they had a hand in a child's death

>> No.12954292

Haha chinks are dumb
One less yellow insect in the world. Hooray! Nothing of value was lost. Chinks have no soul or empathy, so they're not human.

>> No.12954299

Pretend to be a vegan and watch the /pol/dditors throw a tantrum.

>> No.12954307

Nobody here cares about being offensive. It's the shitty "hurr niggers n jews run da gobernment" conspiracy theories that cause people to ask you to fuck off.

>> No.12954316

All major news outlets are trash. This is coming from someone who has reporters in the family and both of my parents are news anchors for a local station (sports and lead).

The only news that I occasionally found to be unbiased has been One American News. Which still leans to the right.

Remember, news needs to have ratings. This is why positive stories are few and far between.

>> No.12954506

Local news reporters and anchors are literally retarded so I imagine you avoid introducing your friends to them.

>> No.12954527

Pretty much I don't speak with my parents. They are super Democrats and I am not.

>> No.12954575

Facism was literally big corporations with my main investor being the government. If it isn't a nation/community of workers, by workers for workers, all contributing to the common interest of the people, then it isn't communism.
Protip: Real communism only appeared once in the history of humanity and that was a case study.

>> No.12954822

but it is a fact

>> No.12954840

Even the dead ones still have more brain cells than you do though

>> No.12954851

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12955832

so if someone tries a stunt from Jackass and they die, they should sue the movie maker?

>> No.12955845

Yes, you should never do something dangerous out in the open lest you are seen and imitated and the imitator dies.

We are responsible of what other people do. We are but slaves of the community.

And people wonder why communism isn't liked lol.

>> No.12955851

There's also the practice of pedestrians purposefully getting into minor car accidents in order to jew the drivers who weren't cunts who would rather finiah the job. The online chink community even has a phrase for it. You can find dashcam videos of retards running towards cars that are stopped at traffic lights for a quick buck, thinking that the driver will be stupid enough to not use the horn

>> No.12955863

Beeping as you plow through them is considered more acceptable?

>> No.12955912

Gets you off the gook according to chink law.

>> No.12955915


i'm starting to understand why chinks avoid paying or helping people out if it's not their fault. she explicitly stated that she doesn't think this is her fault, and they must've copied some other person's tutorial, yet everyone reporting it and in this thread assumes she's guilty because she paid compensation. girls must've used a shittier alcohol lamp or something to screw up that badly.

>> No.12955934

>girls must've used a shittier alcohol lamp

I understood from OP's link that they didn't use an alcohol lamp, but burned alcohol in a separate can.

I wonder how the phrase "Don't try this at home" translates to Chinese.

>> No.12955953
File: 523 KB, 526x527, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been snooping around and seen this picture/video attributed to her as well in news reports for this. why is she paying compensation and being made the villain again?

>> No.12955972

If their parents never birthed them they would not be dead.
If their parents had killed them before they died they would not have killed themselves emulating the video
Clearly their parents should pay reparations to Schrodinger.

>> No.12956231

insects will seethe at this basedness

>> No.12956806

Who measures alcohol by the pound?
>2 pounds of alcohol, please. Yes, a bucket will be fine

>> No.12957039

Imagine surviving and living as a penniless quadriplegic in a country like India or Vietnam. You will phone the driver who ran you over and beg him to finish the job with a dull spoon.

>> No.12957046

Say some left winger belief and get everyone to call you an idiot

>> No.12957053
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, C60735B1-1163-40C3-BE18-7E4A89B39AEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets be real the worst people are black

>> No.12957058

>leans to the right
You're brainwashed.

>> No.12957069

STFU. Fox News is based

>> No.12957099

It's not, but I can understand why you'd think that when the closest competitors are shit like cnn and msnbc.

>> No.12957101

Isn't it your nap time gramps?

>> No.12957114

You low iq lefties seriously need to go the way of the dinosaur

>> No.12957130

I honestly don't understand if people actually think she's responsible for the two chinks blowing themselves up by being retarded or it's an elaborate shitpost

>> No.12957133

This is typical every day clown world have you been living under dwayne johnson?

>> No.12957151

I was referring at people itt

>> No.12957209


>> No.12957264

It sounds to me she simply didn't want to think bad things about this poor family's financial strains on her mind the rest of her life, or else just very empathetic. It could be that doing something charitable keeps her youtube channel subscriber rate from dropping or from being shut down/banned by Youtube for the misstep lack of disclaimers.

The parents are utterly responsible to monitor and supervise their chldren, esp their children's cooking. Even microwave cooking has the hazard of super heated steam and spillable hot liquids, etc. It's their fault entirely. These are not normal purchases, either: alcohol lamps? Only time people buy sterno and alternative cooking devices like that in the US is gimmicky fondue pots, camping, and catering chafing dishes, stuff like that.

Every single year people deep fry turkeys and catch themselves on fire with loose fitting attire,without gloves, improvised equipment, etc, just by overflowing the oil from the pot as they lower in the frozen bird too quickly. Alton's swing set pulley comes to mind.
Every single year, idiots who are cold operate gas powered heaters, power generators or BBQ grills inside their house and die from monoxide poisoning. People during power outages (like post storm) ignore directions not to refill generators with gasoline while actually on and operating, or hot. They catch on fire. People hold hot fireworks right in their hands. They light fireworks with short lighters or matches. Dumb people are everywhere. Children pull pot handles from the stove and get boiled by burns from water and oil both. Cats cause housefires walking on ironing boards with hot irons unattended. Kids step on oven doors that are open, on ovens not bolted to the ground. Kids climb shelves not bolted into the walls. Kids get into pools all the time unattended.. Idiots leave food unmonitored and leave the kitchen. It's Darwin awards. She's not responsible, in other words.

>> No.12957287

This is a nice point of view. In a good world the YouTuber would pay the family but would not have to

>> No.12957296

>why is she paying compensation and being made the villain again?

She's paying compensation because she's nice and feels bad, and probably thinks it's good for her image.

There's no reason to consider her a bad person because some tards set themselves on fire whether or not they were copying her videos or not.

>> No.12957300

Key word here: agrees

She didn’t offer it she forked it over

>> No.12957318

go back to /v/

>> No.12957347

Say something about /pol/, the users come mainly from reddit so they love reacting and getting angry.

>> No.12957358

/pol/ make you look stupid again or something? You think about asking them for rent pussy?

>> No.12957386

>dumb chinks blow themselves up with booze
>youtube lady somehow responsible
I'd tell those parents to fuck off. Where did they even get a bucket of alcohol?

>> No.12957414

smoother than antarctica

>> No.12957427

This is just tort law. We have that same thing in the US and Europe.

>> No.12957429

Why? Was it court-ordered? The girl died, not the family, why is the family getting money? If anything, donate the money to a charity in the girl's name.

>> No.12957446

because family spent money to raise that child
and will further spend money for the funeral

its compensation

>> No.12957460

It wasn't her fault that no one taught the kids not to put 2 pounds of alcohol next to an open flame. Can you imagine what would happen if every TV personality was liable for someone mimicking them in real life? The Ninja Turtles alone would have paid out billions. There's a reason these people aren't held legally responsible - even in videos that are instructional.

>> No.12957483

She probably agreed fearing a soy backlash like itt, can’t let the intolerant tolerants get ya

>> No.12957527

You can also says something like
"Why do white people do *anything that could be interpreted as a negative aspect* (saying that white people can't handle spices is a good start)
and you'll instantly get insecure white boys replying to you.

>> No.12957532

its just PR insulation + being nice + probably some guilt even if its not her fault

>> No.12957539

You don't even have to say something negative, you just need to say "white people" and they get pre-emptively defensive. It's like watching a dog reacting to itself in the mirror. You could ask "are they self aware" but you then have to agree upon a conception of "self awareness" that encompasses dog minds, if there is such a thing.

>> No.12957541

well written post

>> No.12957563

The real danger is setting a standard for liability. The more people that pay out when they don't have to, the more people (and the media) will expect it.

10 years from now, some little kid jumps your fence to get into your back yard to get a ball that went over, and then impales himself on a steak in your garden that was along the fence, and all the sudden you're getting lynched on Twitter and the 5-oclock-news for not paying """"" medical bills """"" for the completely insured kid who's face got impaled. You get fired from your job, your kids get beat up at school, your car gets egged, your online profiles get banned/deleted, your wife gets shunned from her friends, etc etc.

Because fuckers like this girl are setting a bullshit standard.

>> No.12957572
File: 35 KB, 584x389, 68e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impales himself on a steak

>> No.12957577

how the heck did an underage girl get alcohol? This is obviously the parents' fault.

>> No.12957587

It was a t-bone.

>> No.12957628

I'm not chinese but live in the USA and I don't get carded to buy camping fuel (alcohol with bitters added). I imagine they have similar products in china. It probably wasn't a bottle of pure grain alcohol.

>> No.12957846

nobody gonna link the video?

>> No.12957900

Sounds based

>> No.12957913

Alcohol+fire= explosion
Who knew?

>> No.12957922

Reminder that these are the people who think they are fighting racism

>> No.12957927

Only if you’re Chinese. Outsiders would be very stupid to do business in China with Chinese people. If they decide to fuck you there is literally nothing you can do. The Chinese government is going to side with them.

>> No.12957931

Not to mention they are the ones who are defensive over white people in the first place lmao. Leftism is such an impotent ideology.

>> No.12958002


>> No.12958016

>I'm not racist, y-you're the racist
How come you can call me by my race but I can't call you by your race?

>> No.12958102

Couldn't have anything to do with white people being the only race that it is ok to be openly racist against. Nope no reason at all to be defensive when the entire world is trying to tear down everything we built.

>> No.12958114

What the fuck does that even mean

>> No.12958126

That kind of logic suggests driving instructors should be charged with terrorism for teaching people how to drive trucks. Or shooting instructors should get murder charges for telling people how guns works.

>> No.12958168

if it's an 11 year old girl maybe they should be held accountable

>> No.12958176

While we’re at it we should probably ban nuclear physics text books, it’s just too dangerous for those who might read it and try at home!

>> No.12958196


>> No.12958232

I know right? It's a crazy world out there, hopefully one day the west wakes up before they are boiled alive.

>> No.12958343

>the entire world
>when most forms of anything in general still cater to white people

>English is a worldwide language, created by white people
>most forms of media still put white people in the front and spotlight
>races all over the world are trying to lighten their skill, to appear more "white"
>in interracial relationships, whites are the most sought after by a very large margin

Funny enough, on 4chan, the only race that you can't be racist against is white people. Stop being so insecure because some Jews are running a smear campaign and some whites are self-destructive. In the end, it's still greatly beneficial to be white than anything else.

>> No.12958356

Go setup two twitter profiles, make one of them obviously white and one of them obviously black. Start making racist tweets, see which one gets banned first.

>> No.12958367

racsim has nothing to do with right or left

>> No.12959004

Because thats how it works in china.

>> No.12959129

sounds retarded? what was the cooking attempt exactly?
my imagination tells me they tried to eat raw eggs after seeing a gook eat raw jap eggs which are made differently.

>> No.12959322

The difference is that the chinese have to cover all your expenses for treatment. If you end up needing lifelong support after getting hit by a car, the driver is literally economically fucked for life. That's why they'll rather make sure you're dead. Then it's a one time payment.

>> No.12959330

It's the same in the US, if you injure someone they can sue you. If you kill them, you can just go "they came out of nowhere" and it's all good

>> No.12959387

I'm not big on burger law, but I'm assuming you can only sue for a one time payment and in the unlikely event that treatment ends up costing more, then it's tough luck. The chinese have to cover their victims for life.
I'm saying unlikely because the absolutely retarded amounts you can sue for in burgerland would get your case dismissed with a scoff and an eyeroll pretty much everywhere else. You might even get fined for contempt for the court if you tried to sue like that.

>> No.12959435

This is the stupidest logic of all time.

>> No.12959447


ha. I thought it was gonna be one of them ate a centipede that was still alive or something

>> No.12960266

Do you mean nigger?

>> No.12960609

>The girl died, not the family, why is the family getting money? If anything, donate the money to a charity

Are you a genuine fucking retard? Blood money is ALWAYS paid to closest living relatives. They can't pay it to the fucking girl because the girl is fucking dead and dead people take no checks. Giving it to charity is the same as throwing it in the trash.

>> No.12960810

This is literally an american invention you fucking retarded animal.
>hurr durr I sue you, gib monies XEXEXEXEXE

>> No.12960832

>This is literally an american invention you fucking retarded animal.
>hurr durr I sue you, gib monies XEXEXEXEXE
Americans have auto insurance, and a justice system.

>> No.12960839

>blood money
In this case it's restitution you dumb Muslim retard.

>> No.12961357

>whoever can throw the most money at it wins, simply because the other part can't keep up with attorney fees
Nice "justice" system.

>> No.12961372

Most normal people can not make a "one time payment" of $1,000,000.

So yes, it's "for life".

>> No.12961387

That's still a set amount so it's not "for life" even if it seems like it. I'm assuming you could even Bankruptcy your way out of it, if shit really hits the fan.
The chinese are literally hooked on the medical bills for life, since there's no roof or expiry date.

>> No.12961391

Minor technicalities. The point is people are incentivized to kill rather than maim in the US, and they often do. The police are complicit because anyone who doesn't get around by motor vehicle is considered subhuman.

>> No.12961539

or you know, just dont do anything stupid like setting yourself on fire?

>> No.12961544


>> No.12961845

The people complaining about pol the loudest and most obnoxiously are from pol, it's a jew-tier psyop to make you think the people that hate pol are more annoying than the pol posters.

>> No.12962020

Literally every crowdfunding for legal defence.
Sony vs. Geohotz comes to mind, but I don't commit useless trivia like that to memory, so you'll have to google if you want more examples.

>> No.12962056

not at all. there are no property rights in china. everything belongs to the communist party.

>> No.12962081

That hasn't been true since 2004.

>> No.12962117

Most Chinese have health insurance.

>> No.12962142

>"I used only one tin can and an alcohol lamp, which is safer," she said in a post on Weibo. "In [their video] we could clearly see that they used two cans and not a lamp."
So who's got their video?

>> No.12962229

>burns on 96% of her body
holy shit that’s crispy

>> No.12962232

they're children

>> No.12962339