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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, clotted cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12951944 No.12951944 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here got any experience making clotted cream? I made some the other week because i just cant buy it easily where i live, and i noticed that i didnt have the watery milk stuff at the bottom of the cream after. instead what i had was a dish almost entirely of clotted cream, with a very small amount of cream with the consistency of single cream at the bottom. i used co-op double cream in leau of what the claps call heavy cream because i heard it was the closest thing i can find to it in britain. how come i got this particular result?

another thing im wondering is do i really have to let it sit for 12 hours in the fridge, especially given my different results to the methods im following?

>> No.12951950

I don't think double cream has enough fat. You want to use heavy whipping cream.

>> No.12951958

i thought UK double cream had a greater fat content than US heavy cream.

>> No.12951963

You aren't in the UK. You are using American double cream which doesn't have enough fat. You want the cream with the most fat, which is usually labeled heavy whipping cream in the US.

>> No.12951968
File: 345 KB, 1254x537, 1492427900001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw every shop here has clotted cream

>> No.12951976

How about you use fat percentages instead of these useless regional terms

>> No.12951977
File: 516 KB, 1080x1030, 1563540622868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a recipe that relies entirely on the chemistry of the ingredients
>change an ingredient
>wonder why it came out wrong

>> No.12952019
File: 35 KB, 600x600, co op double cream-ivsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i looked into fat contents before i gave it a shot and a few places suggested double cream, hence why i used it.


gee anon let me take a peek at the back of this particular brand of product for the breakdown of the exact fats contained in it and their percentages.

do i need to take a photo of the fucking cream im using?

>ideal for whipping

>> No.12952034

What's so hard about reading a packet lmao.

British double cream has even more fat than american heavy cream, so why are you surprised that even more fat resulted in even more clotted cream?

Moreover why are you trying to use a fuckin' american recipe for a british food while in britain

He tried to make clotted cream and he got clotted cream

>> No.12952065

>What's so hard about reading a packet lmao.
i know next to nothing about how clotted cream is actually made beyond what came up on my search results for how to make it, which were all american, so i wasnt sure if there was variation in the makeup of the product that would affect the result. given that it obviously did, i figured id ask people who might know better.

>Moreover why are you trying to use a fuckin' american recipe for a british food while in britain
i couldnt fucking find a good video on it from a british cook.

>> No.12952165

The longer you let it sit, the more it will "weep"... and while my quick search didn't tell me the fat content of co-op double cream, heavy cream is usually 18%-ish. If that particular double cream is more like 20-25% (and seeing as it's used for whipping, I'd guess as high as 30%), you'll get a creamier result with less whey.

I'm just curious that you have easy access to co-op double cream, but not clotted cream. Whereabouts are your whereabouts?

>> No.12952188

more like 51%

>Whereabouts are your whereabouts?
bumfuck nowhere in bongland UK. co-op has a lot of local branches in small towns and villages nobody else bothers with.

>> No.12952204

Jesus christ... that's butter! No wonder you didn't have much liquid.

>> No.12952222

Most whipped cream is 35-40% and Chef John used cream in that area. If you're using 51% then naturally you'll get more of the clotted cream and less of the milk. There's nothing wrong with the recipe and you got more of the good stuff so nothing to complain about.

>> No.12952249

51g of fat per 100ml, shits rather dense.

honestly my main surprise was that i got literally none of it. i got essentially clotted cream and fairly thickish single cream after 12 hours in the oven and 12 in the fridge.

given this, does it need 12 hours in the fridge or could i reduce the fridge hours?

>> No.12952282

Are you talking about chef John's recipe? I made it using single cream from Tesco and it turned out fine.

>> No.12952419
File: 2.81 MB, 640x360, clotted cream.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it's normal for it to turn fully into clotted cream. Rodda's just cooks it straight in the final packaging for example.