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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12950582 No.12950582 [Reply] [Original]

>cashier recognizes you and asks if you want to order the usual

>> No.12950596

You fuckers get so worked up and anxious over the most irrelevant things. You truly are the worst generation in human history. Neurotic, endlessly self-absorbed, constantly fussing over fuck all.

> oh noes the gasheer gnoes meee

Man the hell up.

>> No.12950612
File: 1.62 MB, 350x190, Sad Tiger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cashier of a grocer recognizes you
>making a liquor purchase
>says she should remember your birthday by now
I know it's on a holiday, but still.

>> No.12950624

>Not ordering something different every visit
Absolute boring pleb tier

>> No.12950634
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>pizza delivery guy starts recognizing you and makes small talk everytime
>change pizza place i order from
why am i like this

>> No.12950641

>Old pizza guy gets job at new place

>> No.12951117

i would feel bad if he found out, he's a legitimately nice guy

>> No.12951126

i started eating again, this costs a lot of money

>> No.12951136
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>cashier recognizes you and starts up your usual while you're in line but you wanted something different this time

>> No.12951181

>>cashier recognizes you and asks if you want to order the usual
>smile and make small talk
>success at not.being autistic

Seriously op.

>> No.12951184

Why is this a bad thing? I wish someone would notice me senpai

>> No.12951317

They do notice you. They just want to avoid you noticing them.

>> No.12951321

>Cashy recognises you
>You realise this is how trade fosters human relationships and understanding when they give you a random discount
You're all plebs.

>> No.12951326

I want lunch, not a relationship

>> No.12951438
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>711 cashier stops asking for your ID when buying beer despite having babyface

>> No.12951664

The pâtisserie down then street does that but it's okay because I'm not ashamed of eating strawberry tarts and pralinés pains au chocolat. It makes me feel included in the neighborhood and I like it

>> No.12951836

You know what is actually shit?
>live in small town next to gas station
>always fill tank there, get snacks there, get milk in emergencies there, get beer there so I know all the cashiers
>all are friendly and enjoy small talk
>except one bitchy woman who left like six months ago
>suddenly, she's back for some reason
>fuck well alright. Go to check out
>They must have had you at another station eh? Been a while since I saw you here.
>Haha, alright, I thought you must have gotten fed with the place and quit

And that's literally all. Autistic people do better than her.

>> No.12951990
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>cashier recognizes you and orders you the usual herself
>never go back there ever again
fuck you I wanted something different

>> No.12952004

>You truly are the worst generation in human history.
I have a chad friend who says this too, says zoomers are the creepiest and rapiest sex obsessed generation ever.

>> No.12952258

working retail is so soulscrushingly shitty that she's probably just depressed

>> No.12952261

i wanted something different this time but i just agree to THE USUAL

>> No.12952335

>go to Asia twice a year during uni years to visit family
>can't read native language because raised in states
>every time I go back I always get Mos Burger for some reason
>have to ask for English menu every time
>one time I go back, cashier recognizes me after asking for an English menu
>she spends an extra two minutes printing out information on when my Mos Burger points expire and explaining how points expire because "I don't come back often"

>> No.12952341

just tell them!

>> No.12952353

anon she sound like one of us, hates humanity and herself.
just let her be, she'll suicide sooner or later

>> No.12952358

anon wtf is wrong with you, let us share experiences with each other, its fun and healthy.

>> No.12952388
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>go to farmers market
>the cute english girl is working the stall again
>try to buy some mushrooms
>d-d-do you have some crimini?
>I just want some crim--

>> No.12952408

>cashier taking your order

>> No.12952423

As an autist sameness is the most delicious meal of all

>> No.12952429


I've only ever been confronted once about my order by an employee and it was at a Subway I frequented. I like meatball subs and that's what I'd always get. This girl brought up that I buy the same thing every time and told me in the snottiest way to get something else. I looked over at the more senior employee who knew I had been coming to that store for fucking years, gave him a shrug, and told him I'd see him at fucking Quiznos. I never went back to that fucking store and they closed it down a few years later when it under performed compared to other stores in the area.

Fuck people who ask stupid shit about my business and what I purchase. Just take the fucking order that's all I ask of you.

>> No.12952435

nah, thats gen Xers .

>> No.12952440
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>go to the store you always do groceries in
>some fat guy with just a drink or whatever behind me in the line
>let him in front of me, because I have more groceries
>he's very thankful
>turns out he's the new security guard
>day 2, he doesnt even bother to look at me coz he knows i'm legit
>start snatching stuff from the store for around a month
>day 32, a new security guard

>> No.12952465
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>cashier recognizes you
>have to change country

>> No.12952490

i love that shit, there is a mexican place i go to where i just sit down at a table and 10 minutes later they bring me the burrito i want without even talking to me. that shit is so fucking comfy

>> No.12952502

She saw your weakness and decided to strike. You should have pissed on her to assert dominance. Then get a meatball sub with tons of condiments and extra sauces, three chocolate chip cookies and buffalo chicken all on the sandwich.

>> No.12952503

There was one food stall that I was recognized in
Always got discounts and extra portions
No idea why you faggots get worked over something this small

>> No.12952511

That was Medieval Indians. So obsessed with sex they carved bas-reliefs of people fucking onto the sides of their temples. Men and women fucking, men and men fucking, women and women fucking, gangbangs, even people fucking animals.

>> No.12952690

>Cashiers recognize me
>Start getting on first names with them
>Extra food shows up in bag more often then not
>Do surveys using worker names and store number 10/10
>One of them workers gets promoted to manager
>Start getting double my orders
You are all fucking stupid. They just want you to help them out, they get money rewards for using their names on those surveys.

>> No.12952696
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>go to local convenience store
"No beer today boss?"

>> No.12952730

Just add some water. 1:1 is ok for normal strength run and 1:2 for the full fat rum. British Royal Navy had their rum this way for couple hundred years. Could try adding orange juice and water and make it long. Enjoy

>> No.12952746

>Have a rotation of 8 liquor stores to go to so the clerks won't think I'm an alcoholic
>all of the clerks at ever liquor store know me by name and have my order already queued up when I pull in to the parking lot
I quit drinking a year ago, and I'm certain all those guys probably think I'm dead. Sorry mike. Sorry Jerry. Sorry I'm not keeping your shitty liquor stores afloat anymore with my thousands of dollars of shitty vodka purchases every month

>> No.12952760

>cashier measures your quantum waveform
>get sent to a parallel universe

>> No.12952885

>Cashier recognizes me and greets me by name when I come to pick up my online order.
>Don't go back for a month.
>Go back there. She's still there, recognizing me and smiling at me.
>Get an incredible urge to axe-murder her and dump her body in a river.
>I tell coworker. He tells me to ask her out.
>Never go back there.

Another place, another time. Go to get my pita wraps three times a week.
>Cashier asks, "Are you vegetarian?"
>(With a dying voice) Me too...
I mouthed "okay" and moved down the line. I think she was interested in me, but I'm too introverted for that kind of stuff.

>> No.12953535

Someday, when it's too late, you'll realize the value of good customer service.

>> No.12953548

>won't think I'm an alcoholic
I guess if no one else thinks you're an alcoholic then you don't have to worry about admitting your addiction to yourself.

>I quit drinking a year ago
*thumbs up emoji*

>> No.12953576


I work in customer service and I fucking hate customer service. I won't be satisfied till everyone hates customer service too.

>> No.12953972

>but I'm too introverted
That's not introversion, that's just being socially awkward, and possibly autistic.

>> No.12953984

Filling out a fucking survey on some spyware riddled market analysis website is the last fucking thing I want to do with my time.

>> No.12954012


>> No.12954125

>Sad Tiger.gif
That's not a fucking tiger

>> No.12954159

As someone who doesn't get anxious you can go fuck yourself. You don't know their brain chemistry or how they really feel faggot.

>> No.12954168

take yourself out of the gene pool you damaged freak
oh wait, you're not getting laid in the first place. just do it for the sake of people who don't have "panic attacks" at the sight of other people.

>> No.12954188

You know Anon, a lack of empathy for you fellow human beans is a sign of sociopathy. Perhaps you should consider checking yourself into an insane asylum if, after all, anyone who has a mental illness ought to take themselves out of the gene pool as you imply.

>> No.12954204

seethe a bit harder faggot

>> No.12954208

>stand outside the store
>the cashier will both recognize you and not recognize you

>> No.12954406

It's introversion not to be interested in persuing a relationship.

>> No.12954412

>look at the store from afar
>The cashier is both dead and alive at the same time

>> No.12954418

>it’s a guy and he calls you “big dawg”

Fuck this shit

>> No.12954427

Pls go for it.

>> No.12954469

You sound like a complete whiny pussy
He says as he posts to 4chan
Shut up faggot youre enabling hoe ass behavior
Their reaction to minor social situation is murder suicide. Shut the fuck up

>> No.12954507
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>driving home from work
>realize I forgot my wallet at home
>wanted to get whiskey so need ID
>end up going home wasting an extra 10 minutes
>QT desi that I see every week doesn't even ask for my ID

>> No.12954953

>It's introversion not to be interested in persuing a relationship.

Except it's not. All introversion means is that you get easily tired from interacting with people, not whatever the stupid zoomers trying to be a unique snowflake latching onto the newest buzzword that "omg thats me!!" think it is.

>> No.12955128

>get easily tired from interacting with people
and that leads to being averse to relationships among other symptoms. Geesh.

>> No.12955182

Seriously. I get 20% off at my local pizza place because of this. They make pretty solid pies too.

>> No.12955226
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>cashier recognizes you and gives you free shit
Ride the wave boys

>> No.12955336

whats wrong with rape? i raped my sister once

>> No.12956390

>As someone who doesn't get anxious
yeah right

>> No.12956426
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favorite roast shop asian
>'medium pork!?'
>wanted small

>> No.12956467

I imagine the zoomers that aren’t incels are pretty fucking desperate to stay not incels

>> No.12956628
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>have to regularly go to Home Depot for work supplies
>use the same cashier every time, she and I get along, have small talk
>have spout of depression and other issues, started using the self checkout since I did not want her to see me depressed
>feel better a few weeks later but have spent the whole time dodging her aisle, got a haircut so she didn't recognize me, but pretty sure she's seen me by now though
>by now feel too awkward to approach her, actively dodge her aisle or use self checkout
>she has most definitely noticed by now
>am not allowed to use a different store
>have to play this game once a week

>> No.12956659
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>go to publix the same time for a sub every day
>they're already making it before I even get to the deli

>> No.12956667

coomer simpson.png

>> No.12956680


Sounds like a decent romantic sitcom pilot.

>> No.12957280
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>the liquor store employees greet me by name when I walk through the door

>> No.12957326

>cashier girl recognizes you and sneak in some extra stuff for you
>never see her again since she probably got fired or something
>didn't have her number
Anybody else know this feel?

>> No.12957840
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Sure! How's tricks _____? You stuck here all night?

>> No.12958123
